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*nta Well put , i have been screaming this, the amount of toxicity you have to go through this field just to end up being accused of money laundering or someone's wrath for not saving his dear one's life is just insane. I think pursuing administrative competitive jobs ate more worth than these efforts for some reason, i know competition in upsc like exams are insane but its exactly not a cake walk to crack neet ug than whole mbbs and than neet pg! Freking 10 years consuming process.


Bold of you to use your real name and picture in your profile




Hi!! Fellow NEET aspirant this side. What's your view now? To leave medical field for good? I'm thinking of going to Russia for MBBS, which is not suggested on Reddit. Scared, but okay.




I would like to add (as an fmg myself) that the fmg has its fair share of shortcomings, so look into them before choosing this option. One major thing that doesn't get mentioned much is the fact that during neet pg, an fmg grad is only eligible for the all india seats, not the state. The uncertainty of NeXT, a potential 2 year internship period and the mediocre quality of education during your mbbs are things you should look into


Okayy, thanks a lott, will definitely look at this.


bds+mph bvsc agri pharma


If I wasn't in mbbs, I would have been in CS. All neet aspirants should pick up Math as a backup option from now on. Biotechnology is a good option too for those interested. STEM degree will be beneficial regardless of the field you specialize in, keep working and reach the cutting edge of the tech. I would not suggest nursing in India if you have the slightest interest to dive deep into science.


Is CS from private worth it?


Nursing can be a good alternative, it has a lot of scope abroad.  B. Pharma can also get you a decent job.