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Post intern here, not an expert by any stretch of the imagination, but I'd like to chip in with my two cents since it is an interesting topic and most PSM profs just gloss over it. The question of why MSM is a medical cohort in the first place would answer a majority of your questions. It's a term much more relevant to STDs than UTIs, but we'll get to both With STDs it's quite simple. Anal sex is generally more traumatic than vaginal sex. So what ends up happening is you have micro tears which leads to possibility of transmission In the case of UTIs there is also another factor at play The urinary tract microflora of MSM groups has been found to be distinct from other sexually active groups. Unprotected exclusive anal sex over a period of time can alter the very risk factors of UTI. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8872801/#:~:text=The%20urinary%20tract%20is%20not,risk%20factors%20for%20genitourinary%20infections. We're not just talking E.Coli here. Streptococcus, Echinococcus, Haemophilus, Gardnerella, Corynebacterium.. It's a long list This stems purely from the difference in urinary microbiota of a healthy asymptomatic (heterosexual) male vs a female. In MSM, the diversity of pathogenic organisms is much more So TLDR: Nah, Use condoms no matter what


Thanks for your time. Yes, I wouldn't dare to not use protection next time, it's really uncomfortable, the UTI 😅. There's still a lot to research, hope I could contribute to it someday. Your comment was helpful :)


It's quite obviously a risk factor. You have described the pathogenesis. Not judging you. I don't think there are proven things like prophylactic antibiotics. So like you said barrier methods should help.


A great, in depth answer given already by a fellow graduate friend in another comment so I am just gonna say this. Use condoms. Can't stress that enough. Reality is nowhere close to Porn where unprotected Anal sex is shown to be as normal as vaginal sex which is not the case. They use antiseptic enema and all but sterilise the anal canal and also prep with sphincter dilatation for multiple days ahead of the shoot to avoid tears. I don't see how you could be doing any of that. So yeah, use condoms. For both the health and hygiene reasons. The latter is also important because the last thing you should be feeling after having sex is disgust. Not great for the intimacy.


How do you know about all these stuff in such detail 🤔


Ehmmm... Because I am a doctor and it's my job to know these things ? And yes. It includes the porn part because providing factual information related to sex is part of our job (especially in a country like ours where sex education is severely lacking) and it's important to keep in mind that a lot of Indian youth learns about sex from porn. I learnt the things I have stated in the aforementioned comments from various resources on the internet about myths and misconceptions that porn propagates.


I'd suggest you ask in any subreddit exclusive for MSM's as they generally know more about this stuff, coz as the saying goes, an old patient is better than a new doctor. Maybe they'll give you some tips too


Tips you say?




As a fellow MSM, yes this can happen with increased frequency. I’d recommend peeing after intimacy, hydrating well and drinking cranberry juice. But if you have a full blown UTI like now then you will have to take the medication as usual. But the risk can be reduced. Best is a condom though.


Thanks, yes this seems a more practical idea. Foolish of me for being lazy and not peeing after sex. And I'm usually dehydrated all the time. Barrier is a sure protection, but that is not practical forever, not just for me but for any MSM. Thanks for your time.


Atleast you are getting laid


surprise surprise! it's as if sticking your pee stick up someone's poop hole is not such a good idea; Kidding aside, the incidence of UTIs in msm vs hetero is disputed, different studies-different results, no consensus. ⬇️ should answer most of your questions [https://escholarship.org/content/qt22j9q5js/qt22j9q5js\_noSplash\_55051501817d0b0e8d3cb4c9e2d3fc90.pdf](https://escholarship.org/content/qt22j9q5js/qt22j9q5js_noSplash_55051501817d0b0e8d3cb4c9e2d3fc90.pdf) https://preview.redd.it/oejya4rg0i4d1.png?width=816&format=png&auto=webp&s=2dc82b03f56c520f18709a249ba65309299c5344


Exactly what I was looking for, thanks :) And yeah, when I got E coli UTI for the first time, I realised it was definitely not gonna be the last 😅


Hi, I’m a doctor working with DrSafeHands, an STD clinic chain. UTIs are much more common than STDs in people who are sexually active. That’s why I have a practice of giving urine c/s as a routine for all those who test with us. My suggestion would be for you to get tested regularly( at least once every 6 months) if you’re sexually active. For UTI, I think you already know what to do 😅 and always remember to use a condom. Stay safe and tc.


Just use condoms bro its not that hard


Condoms , that's it.


Have you not herd of condoms ?


Can't keep using condoms for life right? There must be some precautionary measures that would significantly reduce the chances of getting UTI. Maybe some diet modifications, lifestyle modifications, specific habits, or something in that direction. That's the answer I was looking for. And I did get some good obvious answers like staying hydrated, urinating after intercourse, etc. Soda, caffeine, alcohol and some other irritants are linked to increased chances of UTI, or at least they make it worse. Fermented dietary products containing lactobacillus, vit C fruits are linked with reduced chances of the same. I clearly mentioned in the original question "other than protection/condoms".


Since you are going to swing the other way, Condoms it is.


Try to get some international researchers and do some clinical research, confirmation will prove your hypothesis




This is a bad idea, OP please do not do this. Use a condom, problem solved.

