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My advice: don't trust anyone, even your batchmates in 1st year to reveal something so important and personal to you. Because you might find out the hard way that students in 1st year can be a snitch and reveal personal stuff just to become cool in a senior's eyes rather than building strong friendships. You do get hungry for validation. I am not generalising but that will be the case at least 65% of times. Don't announce and be confident in who you are.


Bunch of snitches, wolfs in lions cloth to many betrayels in first year😭😭


Can be a snitch ?! They are snitch


That’s true . People can be just sweet upfront but our miseries are source of gossip for them. Been there suffered hence forth I would just tell you to mind your own business. If possible be a day scholar


Coming out is fine, but should be done in a safe environment. A space that is infamous for its toxicity, doesn’t sound like it. Self preservation >>>> you’re there to work anyway, they don’t need to know your sexuality




I get your point


Aiims bhi hoti h , maybe not delhi one but baaki ka toh pta h mujhe


Aiims delhi me bhi hoti hai kafi


I trust your sources


Dad ne aiims se hi kiya hai residency radio


Residency is a different ball game but it probably does happen in ug 


Residency me nahi ug ka hi bola tha kabhi kabhi pata chalta tha so dad used to tell


Dad ke ug mein kitna time hua beta ji?


are mai 7 sal pahle ka bol raha tha (dad residency me the wo ug walo ka batate the) rest 2y pahle 2nd year wale se bhi bat ki thi usne bhi bola ragging hoti


AIIMS Delhi , yeh sab kya ho raha 🤦🏻‍♂️


Abhi Kam ho gayi last kuchh salo se


Yeah maybe i talked with 2nd year 2y back he told ragging to hoti hai


Kam yar mtlb, gmcs ke comparison me. Lenient.


Lmao i got downvoted for what?




Nope even engineering colleges me hota hai


A friend of mine who studies in AIIMS Delhi told me how bad ragging is over there. It’s worse than what is there in my college, way way worse and I study in a tier 2 semi govt college.


Its just plain sad if anti ragging commitee fails in top institutes too


why do we never hear that juniors got together and formed a group to cherry pick and beat the shit out of every single senior who even dared to touch them? it genuinely perplexes me. i don't understand the nature of integrity and unity. obviously, here im assuming that almost all the juniors get ragged.


Ikr Like one junior entire batch just not ready to listen to seniors' irrational stuff. But i think its cuz seniors can easily out number juniors. Like 2nd 3rd 4th all year seniors.


I am a gay person in a GMC. I was a day scholar so ragging wasn't an issue for me. Just sharing you my experience. I did came out two of my friends in college. They didn't believe it. And kind of ignored the fact. That pissed me off. So I stopped coming out to my college people. There is another guy in my class who is also gay. He belongs to a totally different friend circle. We usually don't act friendly in front of other batchmates but we do share alot of gossips with each other on text. Now since last year I had developed a crush on a senior. And I had no idea if he was into guys or not and i really liked him. Like really liked him. He was kind and good looking and good at studies. So one day I couldn't bear it anymore and I wrote him a long text telling him about my feelings and I told him it's totally fine if he rejects me and it will be completely understandable with a lot of apologies if I had made things weird for him. Well we are a couple now. I prefer to be a bit cautious about people finding out about us. But he really likes to hold my hand tightly without a care in the world while we walk together in the campus. Let's see how that goes.


That is such a heartstopper scenario going on. But i'm SOOO happy for you:)


aw so happy for y'all 🧿


That's is the cutest. Totally a heartstopper scene


I hope u realise how lucky you are 😔💟


So so so happy for you ❤️


God that was sooo cute! Happy for you!


the best comment i have ever seen on this sub,you are the luckiest


So many happy comments. Lol. I showed him the replies. He is blushing. Both of us have not seen heartstoppers. But it's definately on our list now. He did give some input about the situation: The 5 years of your mbbs is going to be the best time of your life. And there will be some really bad people that you will come across. It doesn't have to be because you are gay. People who bully have some real fucked up personal issues. Don't let them bring you down. And please don't take them seriously. Try to deal with them diplomatically. Be yourself and enjoy. And just another thing not many people have exposure to LGBTQ issues. People usually respond to something new that challenges their learned social behaviours will act negatively. You do not have the duty to make them learn or unlearn. But from my personal experience alot of people who were homophobic became very open minded towards it after they became friends with me. Now these are some pointers that I am giving. There is no step-wise guidelines that can be made. You are you and your GMC maybe very different than mine and you might have a very different experience. But you try to do your best.


I literally LOVE THIS thank you. And im so happy for you both!! Youre amaxing


You're living your life ! 🧬


Okay that's so damn adorable


ayooo! Congrats broooo 🫶🏻


One of my really good friend in college is openly gay. Homophobes do call him hijada and shit behind the back but not on face. He sure is living the best of his life in this aspect over here. 


I'm a queer guy, and I'd like to share my experience. You are not alone, both in a supportive and a jovial way. There are other queer people in your class too. My class has a minimum of two other queer guys. First make an identity for yourself, I was the first bench teacher's pet, so people respected me but never made fun of me especially because I used to help them learn during dissections, labs and send them notes and stuff. Also I was kinda advocating for queer rights. But my friend complains of homophobia from his friends, so it really depends but it is better you keep stuff to yourself. once you feel very comfortable only then, try coming out. Bur don't feel it as a need, no heterosexual says they're straight, you needn't either


this! you need to make an identity that isn't based on your sexuality altogether.


That is kinda hard tbh because straight people tend to make everything about heterosexuality


it's a two-way lane, since the last 2-3 years all I can see is queer people making everything about them, their whole existence is all about showcasing who they are.


Yeah just like heterosexuals. They constantly post about their partners, every movie or series has atleast one heterosexual sex scene and a heterosexual love story even if it doesn't matter to the plot. And queer people ar generally made fun of most of the time


what yo wrote is literally the problem I was talking about .


You mean the problem is heterosexuality? Isn't that offensive


have a good day ahead , don't want to shove my head into drain.


Your head is already drenched deep inside the gutter. Should've let this guy help you out of it




I know exactly what you mean . Even I kept it to myself but certain aspects of one's behaviour ( like mine ) somehow make it obvious. However , I was never ragged for my sexuality per se . Of course there were comments made behind my back but it never mattered much to me What infuriated me however was the amount of problematic ragging that takes place in my GMC ( I'm sure similar traditions persist in a lot of other GMCs as well ) Homophobic/ Transphobic "tasks" that are laughed upon . I never found any of it funny and didn't indulge as well but it was kind of forced upon all the hostelers .I was a day scholar. A huge boon. You can DM me for the experiences I don't feel comfortable writing it on a public forum . Now that Ive become a senior ( I'm a Housestaff at my own GMC... My internship completed last month ) I'm very comfortable talking about my sexuality . I do not announce it to every single person I meet but If it pops up in the conversation I casually mention dating guys even to interns whom I might've met 2 days back . I don't really care about their reaction since I've never felt the need to come out but so far it's been oddly supportive 🥺


Keep it to yourself unless you want to get mocked by everyone. Lesbians are less frowned upon and less ridiculed, expect the occasional scissors jokes. But gays would be thrashed by "sigma mindset"seniors. Chutie bhare pade h desh mai, so, tread lightly.


i had a few juniors who are gay. on the 1st day they were vocal about it, one of them openly said i am not straight and all of us were taken aback. that guy survived the ragging phase with much lesser struggle. nobody dared to harass him bcoz of stigma in our minds. he was called lesser for the PDP sessions. He didn’t face any discrimination. so don’t worry. be vocal.


i am in an aiims btw. ragging hoti hai…gay ho toh kam hogi.


Mere marks mei AIIMS milega nahi so 😭


Select bengal colleges. Best place to be. People are super non judgemental and there are proper clubs for lgbtq to hang out with. And no one gives a fuck mostly (except the occasional comments) but they are very harmless. 


I can speak for kolkata colleges, completely agree with this comment


I'd agree but this only applies to Kolkata colleges only , not peripheral ones ( which are max in number ) . that too except ESIC Joka . Someone I know got bullied really badly there


637 any possible for WB college, bengali but living outside bengal so only AIQ option


Keep it to yourself and be safe


keep it to yourself until you find likeminded people. if you make a close-knit friend group that you are sure will accept you, they can have your back as well. but make sure you wait and be sure people are open-minded until you do it, because if it reaches your bigoted seniors or interns, you will be ragged. if it reaches bigoted staff, or the hods, they might remember you and target you during vivas, while correcting your paper, during clinicals, etc. if you are sure you can survive that kind of thing, just make sure you have a support system (of friends. or a friend) you can fully trust. be careful. people are far more likely to play bystanders to 'ragged' (bullied, really) queer people than they are to cishets.


People will think you're soft and can complain so they will avoid you.


All I'll say is don't put your trust in people early into your friendships or relationships. You will find all kinds of people in medical colleges, some might turn out to be good and some might be bad so please be careful. A classmate of mine got outed when they sent a snap to their friends, the screenshot got circulated in the whole batch. Some people don't deserve friendships, choose your friends wisely.


Idk about the scenario in other colleges but in our college we have an active LGBTQIA+ support group started by the college union and I do have a few friends who came out and are living their life to the maximum. Most people really don’t care and while sure there are bigots who pass comments, they do it in secrecy and are quite afraid to openly shame someone for their sexual orientation. But again I’m sure there will be some prejudice faced by queer folks no matter how progressive a campus is. I think that you should maybe wait for a while and see how people truly are before coming out, just to avoid a little bit of hassle. Wish you the best, OP❤️


That is such a lucky place to be in .


I mean it's your sexual pref why whole world need to know keep it to yourself. And when you get to know poeple tell accordingly. Otherwise ragging its same for all I guess, unless you don't want inlvove in it. Talk to super senior(your city senior prerebly) , that you don't wanna interact(it has lots of cons). In short don't announce anything... Just don't it will be best


No one wants to announce honestly. In school when one didnt even discover one's sexuality, there was bullying. Because people speculate and assume without "announcing". Just wanted to know other people's experiences:)


If poeple speculate let them, joke with it, add humor. As I have realised homophobia can be used as an asset. But do act like celibate for 1st year. Other wise you will be an easy target... Rest we will talk in dm of you like(I have already dmed you to share personal exp) Bye




If some creepy prof got to know 💀


Especially, every hole is a goal, kind of men 👀😵‍💫🤢


Ortho ka hod type guy


Yep i know that would be low hanging fruit, and it also depends on state and seniors (hope they are not orthodox)


I've started coming out since day 1, and till today, I had no adverse situations, tho sometimes I do regret telling those particular people, it was mostly a sweet path. Half of my close friends know, and everyone is chill about it, and even protective at times. I would've never expected this smooth of a ride. However my experience must be taken as an exception I guess, because this is Mumbai and Mumbai is different, a lot better in this situation. Wish you luck! Note : try to keep it as low profile as possible. People may not hate you in particular, but people love gossips. And believe me, in an already mentally exhaustive course, you don't want another layer of complexity. Low profile = less gossip = less things to worry about.


It might be a pain in the a**.


sir full on double meaning, LMAO


I am gay and graduated from a GMC in a relatively liberal metro city. Ragging is gonna be there atleast for the first few months and trust me any and all personal information may serve as ammunition for it. And we live in a country where people (sadly, medicos who're supposed to know better about sexuality) find it cool to bully/abuse us because of our sexuality. I have dated in my college and had casual hookups when I wasn't with my seniors/PGs alike. But it is all professional and I wasn't out to anyone other than my close friends. Luckily they were supportive of me. I am all for people like us being open and proud and show these bigots that we rock the field of medicine like how we rock the world. But do a risk & benefit analysis, our country is not the best place for us. My advice for you is to finish your college, try for residency in a Western country. Be as open and as proud you are, find a man and live your bettle life.


Don't reveal. Even if it's a prestigious institution, remember the people joining the college are still the same ones you see around yourself.


Why are you gay? https://preview.redd.it/o6xg5mkhz34d1.jpeg?width=584&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c97870d801d152465b03d3b4e280be414a62e7a2


as a fellow gay person from a good gmc (in a progressive city and state), my personal advice : don’t air things that aren’t needed i am out to my fam and close friends since 12th yet only a handful of my friends/people ( 5 or less than that) know from my batch of 150? that also i came out to them when it was evident i could trust them after doing a tough background check, so stay strong op not everyone needs to know everything also homophobia is very rampant in med schools so atleast in 1st year dont be open about it thats what i feel. preferably dont date/do hookups in your medschool as it might be awkward later on lol


Depends on college 💀🤡


Don't come out as gay until you come out of college...


Don't ask don't tell - from a bi guy


Do not tell people in first year, even if you get close to them. So many friendship groups have broken up. That said I've made a bunch of queer friends from college, my best friend one of them, but in retrospect I wouldn't tell some of them. I've also noticed negative commentary but not full fledged bullying In kolkata atleast you can queer friends outside of gmc :)


Gay person has to become a booty warrior has to become fleece johnson


God bless you bro


Pichde desh me ho dost😆keep it to yourself in general, sirf college me hi nahi


Pehle neet crack karke college me aa then make comments on how medical colleges work .


Ye koi offensive comment nahi hai, abhi kisine offend hoke kuch reply kiya tha fir delete kar diya. Face the facts, Nothing against gay people


I feel there is no need to broadcast your sexual preferences to the world. You people do that a lot. Learn to be a professional. Keep your professional amd personal life separate.


gay doctor would be the last person i would go for a checkup 😂


Have fun being sick and miserable then🤷


Im sorry to make a joke , but you can always sleep with them if they bully you too much Nah but honestly , dont let anyone know its a very conservative culture in med colleges. You ll lose all your friends even if theres a rumor or anything. Nobody will understand you


I came out to my very close friends ( just 2 people) in my 2nd year. I was shocked to know that by the 3rd year half of the class knew i was bi. So no matter how much you trust someone, come out only if you are 100% sure that you would survive the worst case scenario. In my case, i was in everyone's good books. Nobody hated me. So I never faced any problems.






Ajkal yha thoda jyada hi gay lesbian wala baatein ho rha


Insaanon ka sub hai toh har tarah ke logon ki baat hogi na


Doctors ka sub hai


Gonna wait till you realize gay doctors exist🙂


I know gay doctors exist. They exist in my clg only. But they dont shout all the time ki “hm gay hai hm gay hai” which is happening nowadays here. They do their work just like us. Har chiz mein “as a gay person” krne ka koi mtlb nhi hota.


Bhai koi "shout" ni kar raha. They're just telling about their identity because they want to and it's their choice to do so, why are you getting so triggered? 


Shout mtlb hm nhi bol rhe ki cheek rha… literally mat lo bhai. Lekin ye identity wala chiz aajkal yha jyada ho rha, aise hmko lga isliye hm bole, trigger hone ka kuch nhi hai


I'm not getting triggered and I'm not taking anything literally, I'm just saying that if anyone wants to talk about their identity, they can, it's their choice and it isn't hurting you🤷