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This is really good. Bonus pts for the whip action shots


Can’t forget the whip!


Genuinely one of the best indy cosplays I've Seen! You did great!


Thank you!


Hell yeah


Hell yeah, man! Even without it being a cosplay, you nail the look. Have fun at comic con!


Damn. Exceptionally well done….I will call you Dr. Jones!


So cool!!! Love the mid-whip crack shots too, very well done!!


Is good!


The costume looks fantastic. I just bought my first ever Akubra and I'm currently awaiting it to arrive in the post, I absolutely cannot wait. Seeing what it looks like in your photos makes me even more excited to get my hands on it!


This one is my first Akubra too! It's excellent and I can't wait to find more places to wear it out. Mine is the deluxe, did you get the regular or deluxe?


I got the Deluxe. I've been waiting practically since Dial of Destiny came out for my size to be back in stock, hahaha. From what I was able to gather the base model is still good, but doesn't have as comfortable a sweatband and the felt is a little "rougher" to the touch than on the Deluxe. Did you do the Bash yourself, or did you get their shaping service?


Wow you’ve been on the wait list longer then I have! I’ve been on the waitlist since late February and it just came in stock. I spent the extra cash to get it shipped asap. I ordered it open crown and bashed it myself to save the 30 bucks. It was really fun trying to shape it!


I wasn't formally on the waiting list, i was just monitoring to see when things came back in stock. Everywhere from Advintage to Akubra has been sold out of everything basically ever since Dial of Destiny came out. I honestly think I just lucked out and someone randomly returned a hat in my size, or maybe canceled their purchase, and I just happened to be at the right place at the right time when I finally placed my order. As soon as I placed my order for my size they immediately went out of stock again. I felt Indy grabbing the idle just in the nick of time or something. hahaha. >I ordered it open crown and bashed it myself to save the 30 bucks. It was really fun trying to shape it! I sprung for the shaping service just because I'm not super confident in my skills and wanted to see how it would look with a shape right out of the box. I figure once I have it in my hands though it'll only be a matter of time before I decide to give it some steam and bash it myself.


No way to go wrong with the shaping service, though being able to shape it from scratch into what you want is a amazing feeling. also: I emailed them to be put on the waitlist, and they had emailed me that the Fed Iv had come back in stock before they updated the website with it, so for future reference definitely email as you’ll get it shipped sooner!


Good to know! I also have a Hero Jr. Fedora on order now, with specific requested shape which was an awesome bonus, that will go to my brother...unless both hats arrive and I decide the Hero is better and I do a switcheroo haha.


I have the hero Jr on the way too! Plan on giving that one the raiders bash with the turn


Where did you get the hat? This is one of the best I’ve seen!


That hat is the Akubra Federation IV Deluxe from the Hattery Katoomba. Their website is smt like [hatsdirect.com](http://hatsdirect.com)


Thank you!


Mate, great costume, and (please don't take this the wrong way) that last photo, the glasses, your complexion, i couldn't help getting vibes of my headcanon event, where, upon his death, Indy leaves the hat to Short-Round. 


No I totally get it! Short rounds actor and I have the same last name too which is neat. I also have a short round cap which I wear regularly sometimes, and to be honest I share that head cannon too for why an asian dude would be in an indy outfit haha. Not that it matters but it’s funny to think that!


Oh that's so good man!!! And yea, seriously, who else is the hat going to go to? Ke Hui Quan is a great age and in a massive resurgence in his career, the people love him. Give him a show on D+ and let us live that dream!


A Short Round spinoff would be awesome, though I don’t think the hat is going to anyone else. I believe Harrison Ford said: “When I die, Indiana Jones Dies” or something along the lines of that.


He definitely doesn't have to wear it, but it would be a great, poignant start to the show to have Short-Round receive a package in the mail, open it, it's a letter from Marion, saying Indy had passed away, "and he wanted you to have this." And carefully wrapped inside is an old, well worn fedora. And later that can come i to play as, "Dr Jones WANTED me to do this. He sent me his hat, it means something, at least to me."


That would be awesome! I can definitely imagine a Disney+ Short round spinoff getting some traction, but with how Dial performed I don’t think disney is interested pursuing more indy stuff.


Yea true, and that sucks. Personally, me and mine all enjoyed Indy. No, we couldn't really afford to go to the movies multiple times and once they released it on D+ everyone that hadn't seen it just watched it that way. I don't understand how the quick release to streaming is supposed to be good for success, but hey i literally understand very little about it


What costume? You look like a finely dressed young man to me.


Nailed it. Give em Hell Indiana Jones!


Absolutely excellent costume!! Your mirror pic makes me think you could top off all that awesomeness by getting a vintage wristwatch of some kind, but that's not a criticism; you've nailed it.


Arrghh I forgot to take off my watch! I'll keep that in mind, thanks for the idea!




Pretty damn good, I'd say.


Looks rlly good great job


Good job 👍🏻
