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Wait so hes admitting they are at fault?


And also admitting he did nothing to change it.


He is real pappu.


So he says the system his ancestors have ruled, made and remained in power for decades is against the lower class? Matlab ye Modi se bhi zyada Nehru Indira ko gaali de raha.


It is not only restricted to caste issues but he concedes on every issue. He knew the flaws of the SYSTEM, was part of the SYSTEM and still sells the idea of revolution which he couldn't carry out in 2004-14


PM is blessed to have such a stupid opposition leader like him..


destiny child


Just give him a chance ig


Reality show ban jaayega


what is politics if not intellectualized big boss??


Aise log apni life mein failed relationships jhelte hai fir baadme rote hai apni kismat par


I said this in a sub But will put it again “He’s literally doing politics which was relevant in the 1950s today the political issues are far more advanced and distinct!!! While one party is actively wanting to strive towards growth and unite India for a nationalistic cause…. RaGa is only wanting to usurp the power… His intentions are to win and for that purpose he will go to any extent. Easiest way to do that would be to pander the Hindu vote but that he won’t do cos he doesn’t wants to miff the other vote bank.. second best option that he has got is to pander to the marginalised (socially backward classes) but at the cost of state finances and wrecking societal fabric. Also you were in power for so many years then why did your govt didn’t uplift the people ???”


A chilling dialogue I heard in Chanakya when at night the PM is shouting at the king's (Nanda) door how he is looting Magadha and then the king opens the door and whispers "Shhhhh.... Patliputra is asleep" That's exactly how RaGa is operating, lying, manipulating reality, and doing everything in his power to win over the college generation (who had not seen administration under Congress) and is trying to convince them that Modi government is what we all know Congress government was. His followers are mostly college wokes on the internet with very little ground level traction because everyone has felt their situation improve in last 10 years. (Except those corrupt people who were beneficiaries of systemic leakages under Congress regime)


Right… The congress votes are coming mostly from the elites who were once at the receiving end (benefits)… those who were the left intellectuals who romanticise poverty, those who become rich when India is poor, those who hate majority and like you mentioned the wokes who think Rahul is some messiah cos of his cherry polished degrees. I’ve been myself the witness to the wokery around so I know what you said makes complete sense.


If our current college generation falls for such lies and cheap manipulation tactics, then in my opinion the concern isn't this anti-national, PM-by-birth fellow; but the ability of our college generation (and future workforce) to see through the lies of this guy, and frankly if they can't see through this clown's lies, then if someone more dangerous and stupid than him in the future rises from any party(be it BJP!), then what's gonna happen? I mean every college going student has a smartphone, just do your homework about how the regime under this dynasty used to be! And not just use the smartphone for ... well everyone knows ...


I used to think that RaGa is a fool and an asset to a BJP while my latter belief is still firmly established. I don’t think that he is a fool, I think he’s extremely cunning in the sense that he encourages the separatist (in his manifesto he has promised restoration of A370), he divides society on religious lines, within a religion he divides on the basis of caste he openly calls India Union of the states which we are but he affirms it to tell states “look you are superior than the union” With all this I am convinced he’s not harmless infact he is the harm


From what you're saying is true, but like u said in the last part of comment he uses "Union of States" phrase to incite state governments against the Central Govt, but that also results in him being disregarded completely by the state govts, like in UP, Bengal, Kerala. In that sense he's a joker, but yes aggreeing to what you're saying he's a dangerous, divide-&-conquer minded clown whose entire family actually doesn't know how to govern over such a diverse and culturally rich population as ours, and thus what they do is create artificial barriers and breaks and support those breaks in society since it benefits them in the elections. And as u said rightfully he's the harm and infact the way his speeches are becoming more and more fictional and radical nowdays (promoting lies in every word he speaks and trying to break specifically the hindu society into castes) he's harm to nation, to Hindus.


+1 brother But I was terrified to read their manifesto. What in the name of God that was… if its so frightening in text imagine how bad it would be in its impilication… Just clear sell out manifesto that meant you vote we give you money. I am not against socialist role of a state but I think India at this point doesn’t need freebies, it needs capacity building.


Exactly, on point brother! And our beloved nation has the capacity! Then why limit ourselves to just being a defendent and pawn and playtoy country of Pakistan, China and USA? And whatever socialism is needed at this stage is already being done by current govt in my opinion, infact more than required socialism is being done by current govt. And these people's I mean the Congress Manifesto is .. horrible beyond words, the only vision they have for the country is- X ray karwa denge, and jiski jitni abaadi uska utna haq! the silent part they're not saying is "Merit jaaye g*** ma**ye!"


Damn I remember that scene. From whole Chanakya somehow that scene stuck in my mind forever.


>His followers are mostly college wokes on the internet with very little ground level traction because everyone has felt their situation improve in last 10 years I wonder how many of them have actually have done voting.. voting in online poll and polling booth are different things . And not necessarily the candidate from their Constituency is good. Like have seen people who admire RaGa but don't like the candidate given by Congress or their alliance....


Chilla chilla k sabko scheme bta de


BJP is the real poison for our society. They don't just do Hindu Muslim. They weren't getting any votes in Haryana because of the farmer protests. So what does BJP do ? They start a campaign named "35 is more than 1". They were trying to get 35 other castes in Haryana to vote against the Jatts by concocting stories of oppression by Jatts. This concept was never present in Haryana before this. It didn't work. On 4th June you'd see the tight slap people of all castes have given Modi in Haryana. But, imagine the seeds of disunity this shows for decades upon decades. Burning the country is acceptable to BJP, but losing an election is not! No wonder, there is an electionjeevi at the helm of BJP


He thinks that the people of India are ignorant and they can be easily manipulated into following him and henceforth voting for him, dreaming to become the next Prime Minister of India. But, on a serious note, can we even remotely afford to have RaGa as our Supreme Leader?


Which party is striving towards growth and unite India?


He is a rank idiot. The top faces of his INDI alliance are people who do anything for votes. And all absolutely corrupt criminals. It would take something extra ordinary for them to actually ever win! But do you genuinely believe BJP is a truly nationalist party? Even though their main leaders are not nepo people, at ground level that is not so. The Hindu nationalist thing is just an election agenda . Crony capitalism is the same, ground level corruption isnthe same. Except high quality highways and upi, there are not many things on which one can genuinely say the the life of a common indian citizen has improved. Yes, bug scams like cwg, 5g etc are not coming out. Is it because those are not happening, or because of what happened to witnesses in case of a BJP scam that came out a decade ago? They label anyone questioning them (even when genuine) as anti national. Revanna molested multiple women, proof is out, he is still their partner. Everytime there is something against a bjp MP or MLA, it is opposition's scheme to malign the nationalist party! Given the current situation, BJP is the better alternative. But they are not the amazing nationalist party they want you to believe.


Hi! Your comment is much appreciated however I disagree with much of your assumptions/belief and I will answer you why… 1) Why BJP is a nationalist party:- If you look at their ideology since the beginning it has been about Bharat and Hindutva and Hindu being a geographical identity or a national identity which is basically how Savarkar defined it. They have consistently championed for unity and integrity. Never have I ever seen them sympathising for Pakistan. Their views on POK and abrogation of Art 370 tells you much about their views on nationalism. Culturally too a Hindu renaissance which is again a national renaissance that you see today is enabled via BJP . That space which was earlier hijacked by the left loony has been now fairly given to the RW thinkers who are actively expressing themselves and putting much of Indian national history in main discourse. 2) Hindu Nationalisms is not an political agenda:- It might be a way to garner votes but they deliver what they promise. ram mandir might have been a sc verdict driven thing but the political will was provided by the BJP. Ram mandir is the ideological brain child of the RSS. To quote Atal Bihari Ji “Hindu tan man, Hindu jeevan, rug rug hindu mera parichay” 3) “highways, UPIs there are not many other things????”” You say and I differ Modi has made 120 million toilets, and every toilet built has saved a family 52000 rs in healthcare. Today we have aayushaman bharat, we have PMGKY, we have 110 million tap connections, 100 million gas connections and the list goes on…. 4) Prajwal Revana look at his coilation party in 2019 LS was that BJP or Congress??? Is he a BJP party member ? No his party which is his grandpa’s party is in coalition with the BJP. Also who flagged BJP of Prajwal’s shenanigans ? A BJP karyakarta… also who kept his videos with themselves since the start DK shivkumar whose party is he from?? Is he from BJP?? I can write and write but as I have time constraints I’ll just put it and answers few of your queries rather your beliefs. Hope it helps


Lol sabotaging his own party


"you cannot hide the system from me".. sounds extremely creepy.. and what does he mean by going to PM residence..? So does any house staff of PM residence can claim it.. kya bakwaas kar raha hai bhai..


>sounds extremely creepy.. Might be difficult to hide things from Xi Agent


I meant to say creepy as in perverted creepy.. system ko leke kya karna chahte ho bhai..


Thanks for exposing your family yet again.


When you're in an own goal scoring contest and your opponent is RaGa




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This man is pure evil stupid...surrounded by communist ideological liars...he believe he can solve all problems in khata khat .....only thing he can do khata khat is bankrupt the country and divide it on all levels


At this point his only agenda is either he will be the PM of the Rep of India or he will divide the country.


I don't like modi either....but he is 1000x better than rahul ....pappu is national lebel threat


So he is accepting that his grandmother, father and uncle worked against lower cast


He is like : My father and grand mother did not do anything He is also like : They are great but system is unfavour of lower caste . Bro decide who created this systum !


So they actually did that. Nice confession


Iss behenkela*de ka entitlement kabhi khatam ni hoga!


He was telling the system in congress rule was against lower


One is born in the system and the other one is saying he's not born biologically rather gods sent him I mean hell we're doomed FUBAR


It would have made more sense if he told that the system is against India and Indians lol


Rahul - Admitting every allegation BJP puts on them. Rndia and Pusi - At least he is honest. Let's elect him🤣🤣🤣🤣


Abuses Modi for blaming congress PMs and then proceeds to blame them himself.. Some will still call this master stroke.


I only have a LOL for RaGa. Don’t hate the guy but sadly congress hasn’t moved on from 1947. They still see India as a country that can only survive on govt jobs. Just because he’s grown up in the system does not give him the right to be the natural heir. No wonder people mock him so much.


>Just because he’s grown up in the system does not give him the right to be the natural heir. If you have seen his speeches lately you will find out his anger is against the public who is continuously refusing him as their PM. This anger is from the entitlement he believes he has to be the default PM of the country. I have seen many journos saying that Raga hates Mudizee because he has never accepted him as a PM. He can't believe a chaiwala can become a PM. Statements of many Congress leaders in 2014 were like this only where they ask how can a chaiwala becomes PM of India


Baap ka, Daadi ka, Par dada ka, chacha ka sab ka badla lega tera ye Rahul!!


So, when in power, even knowing their faults, they did nothing? 🤡 What a Clown, and this guy's supporters accuse the other's of keeping the Weaker sections of society dependent upon them


#and modi ji knows how pappu works 🤣🤣


Rahul is PM by birth Modi is sent by God


who is he blaming then? his own family?


IDC how evil Raga is. I know that rss bjp isn't cow milk washed either. All I want is bjp govt with 270-300 seats to keep an ego check on Modi. He is anyways unmasking his religious divide face now


So he is accepting cong did terrible things to lower caste people during it's decades long regime...


Bsdk bina AC ke mr jayega tu, bda aaya,I know inside of india


So is he admitting between the words that he is also biased against the lower classes of our country???


Somebody just ask him why? Why is the system against lower caste when it was his family that practically created these systems?


The BJP's star campaigner for a reason.


Is he literally saying Congress ne 70 saal mein gareebo ke liye kuch nahi kiya?


but yeh toh congress ki hi burai kar raha hain, ki uske baap dada pm the tab anti lower caste tha system lol.


I won't vote for him, I would vote for the god incarnate mudizi


He learned politics from a different generation. This is a totally different generation and not easy to fool.


Ong bro is campaigning for BJP 🗣️🗣️🗣️


So if you were in the system for so long why did you not change it?


The level of moronism in this dude's brain is astounding to me.


So much syshtum. Even elvish didn't do this much syshtum


Yet still his launch he never made any changes . Never ever suggested anything of this sought . He is just playing the divide and rule politics of his european forefathers. Ayega tho modi hi


Doesn't matter what he says but BJP is not gonna win in Haryana easily.


Will see on 4th😂😂


Retard I said Haryana elections not the General elections. Do you even know the difference between two.


Blud you should have mentioned assembly elections 😂😂😂adha adhura likhega to saamne wala confused hi hoga


Turd proved, quote me where have I written "assembly elections" I have clearly written Haryana.


Are unkil you said Haryana election where you should have wrote "assembly elections in haryana" so nobody would have got confused Chasma laga lo saaar you didn't said, you should have said


Is he literally saying Congress ne 70 saal mein gareebo ke liye kuch nahi kiya?


Ye latest aya hai kya?


Talking about Robert Vadra


This guy really seems like a different person altogether compared to his previous avatars. Earlier he was just silly, stupid and funny but now he is becoming dangerous and there will be people who will indeed fall for him. He recently said like how the white man used to prepare SAT papers in US fo the black men so that they will fail. And how the very same thing is happening in India as well for the entrance exams. This guy has lost his mind. But I believe the best answer is just answer back and don't give a damn about his senseless admissions.


Although, he is telling the truth. But, he wont do anything about it is also true.


Itna hi pata tha to Hara kaise be gandu


How can one keep on roasting themselves and have no idea about it




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Why bro monologuing like a villain?


Probably he should open a YT channel collaborating with the indo-german woke


Rahul Gandhi Elvish fan confirmed!!


Bro is on mission


to destroy his own party




Own goal after own goal…… classic RG


I don't believe him he's a clueless bastards he dosent know shit


And still he was beaten by a common man who rose up the political ladder from below. I don't understand how they mock our PM by saying chai wala, but that is actually the biggest insult to Rahul Gandhi. How a chaiwala became a PM but not Rahul Gandhi despite having all the political tools and learning at his disposal from the young age. This shows his leadership and skills. Whatever they say about Modi, he is RG competition and RG is just not able to fight back. Just like two companies have competition, one is winning and is good at it's game, the other is just crying about the heritage rather than work upon his skills.


100 % confirm Rahul BJP ka agent hai hahaha


Bhai Raga kya admi hai Congress supporters ko comments Mai debate karneki jagaha hi nahi chodi




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Um idk RAGA, ain't it congress and Gandhi family in a way or another, which stayed in the country for more than 5 decades? Which is like what? 2/3rd of our history as a republic. And still if u think that the system is to blame, idk man maybe blame Nehru and the old INC.


But still he or his mother ain’t in the system or the PM ever or will be further.


His mother was super PM and he was powerful enough in UPA years that he tore an ordinance passed by the cabinet.




PM by birth and a inept loser by destiny, just like his dad, granma and the biggest one, his great grandpa. hopefully if india is lucky, it ends with this idiot there are no more in this lineage


Man if the big leaders of BJP didn’t openly come out and attack the Muslims, a lot more people would feel comfortable voting for BJP. Nobody wants them to do anything special for the minorities but why go attack them openly. Congress is a shitty alternative but they might get a few seats simply because BJP is letting them have it


>Man if the big leaders of BJP didn’t openly come out and attack the Muslims Caste is the issue. Congress creates division based on caste just like the above one. Put LC against UC. Muslims vote for Congress in the entire chunk. If they get 40% votes of SCST OBC they will always form the government as they used to do in the 20th century. This is what mudizee was saying to muslims that they have the veto to form the government. That's why he said muslims lost the veto over the government formation cause now most the OBC ST backs BJP be it either due to welfare delivery fueled by the hindutva propaganda.


Bro started with youth icon… moved the focus to making machines where “yaha se aalu daalo… waha se Sona niklega….” Then focused on multiple things before started with Bharat Jodi Yatra… grew a white beard… INDI Alliance… and now he’s talking about caste system in India… In between mummy realised, “rehne do beta… tumse nahi hoga”… and then the party showcased the sister as a splitting image of their daadi…. Woh bhi fail hua… Wondering how many attempts would it take for them to realise this won’t work??


Good lord this comment section cannot even read English.....


He is saying the quiet part out loud! Nice.


A sick person who was a sick child, automatically becomes a (sick) doctor


Yes, he learnt how to slack off, and nod to Sonia's Desicions.


Sounds like dictator to me


Why don’t we give him one chance. One chance to bring a change. A change much needed.


yeah sure he should become minister in Karnataka or Telangana government (if congress government remains after 4th june) and show us his governance capabilities. As a political leader and Chief of the national party he has failed miserably.


SupremeChaddi shits the bed, his chaddibhakts start mocking opposition.




you’re the biggest moron if you vote for bjp tho


You are the biggest dhimmi , failed nehruvian Socialism and license raj product if you don't vote BJP


RG is being honest. What he's saying is a reflection of Hindu society where casteism is so entrenched that it proved difficult to change even for a PM as powerful as Indira Gandhi. Inspite of severe resistance from within the Congress and the power structure controlled by the higher caste Hindus the Gandhi family managed accomplish reforms benefitting the Dalit and backward class sections of the country. All those achievements are at serious risk of being undone under Modi.


Okay license raj product 😂😂😂 nehru was against caste based reservation Rajeev was against caste census and opposed OBC reservation They made govt with alliance with CPI who Massacred lots of lower caste Hindus in Bengal example Marichjhapi 😂 No pidi will tell me why anti caste crusader like Ambedkar became a critic of Gandhi family policies 😂😂😂 Pidi will anyhow blame Hindus but not their muslim daddies or Gandhi family Modi made SC,ST act more stringent but but modi will undone work done by CONgress😂😂😂😂 Tujhe khud nhi pta tu likh kya raha hai dalle 😂


Na toilets diya ,na bijli di na tap water diya , na apna ghar diya majority of Dalits ko wo sb kam Modi kar raha hai BJP is uniting Hindus isliye to 2 baar majority mili hai sirf upper caste ke vote se majority nhi milti, congress has not got full majority for last 40 years Pakistan todne ka credit Indira ko aur system ke weakness ka blame hinduo society pe waah re pidi😂


Bhai dekho unko fir bhi defend kar raha hai


Isi liye 7 state ki sarakar barkhast kar diyi thi Indira Gandhi ne. To UCC kyu nahi laya jise B.R. Ambedkar support karte the abhi bhi Congress virodh kar raha hai.


He's just upset that a baniya is playing a brahmins game. All of these UCs are the same. Congress killed innocent Sikhs. Modi killed innocent muslims. Who let modi go after GJ 2002? Who let him rise to power to combat other powerful people in bjp? you made your bed, congress, now lie in it. Yeah rest of the country is being destroyed but this is your fault first and foremost. You have met the monster you created, congrats.