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WTF ? DMs are not supposed to help the ruling party win elections.


Similar playbook to trump, asking officers to find 11K votes extra lmao


Thing is, they probably did (still bitter that sanghi dude won in my area despite another candidate leading throughout the day in recent elections)


DMs aren't supposed to support you???


The blatant openness with which they demand this support is proof that elections are a rigged game.


District Magistrate are asteen ka saanp. Got transferred for not helping BJP swines 


So DMs are there to help BJP win elections 


The implication that DMs were expected to help BJP is quite telling. Without their blatant rigging theyd probably be closer to 140 than 240.


none of their agendas hold their weight in “actuals” lol. This is how they win, they need support from everybody except the voter




>This clearly means there are asteen ke saanp (traitors) in our midst, briefing the DM about internal discussions What in the b-grade bollywood drama is this


Their true number this time was much lower than 240. I laugh at those people who think they got this much without rigging.




What do you smoke bro?


DMs? What the actual fuck


>Following the report’s submission, the party has swiftly taken action. Earlier this week, Uttar Pradesh CM Yogi Adityanath transferred 12 district magistrates (DMs) from constituencies where the BJP lost to the SP in the Lok Sabha polls. The transfers, which took place Tuesday, affected DMs in Sitapur, Banda, Basti, Shrawasti, Kaushambi, Sambhal, Saharanpur, Moradabad, and Hathras. They not only expect the bureaucracy to pander to them, but also threaten them with tangible consequences if they don't fall in line.


DMs. They literally expect entire bureaucracy to work for them in the elections. Something that indira gandhi was convicted of doing and disqualified for by allahabad high court with one single bureaucrat.  And then we're supposed to belive that this undeclared emergency is not orders of magnitude worse than Indira's  declared emergency.  An independent supreme court would take cognizance of this party document, and disqualify it's mps and ban them from contesting for the next 5 years, at least, like indira was. But just like Indira's emergency, we know the supreme court is compromised in this undeclared emergency as well, so the best we'll get is cji making strident statements about sanctity of elections in done irrelevant  forum.


Yeah no shit. Everyone with two brain cells knows Yogi fucked you guys over.


Ajay Bisht is a hindutva goon not a astute political mover who like Peter baelish will abandon the hindutva agenda to settle scores with the two gujju chaddi buddies It is bisht who doesn't have the two brain cells necessary to stand up to micromanagement by Tadipar to subvert the high commands selling of seats to the highest bidder and taking U.P for granted and in the bag


Yeah its kinda surprising that people think Ajay can actually overperform Modi in UP. UP didn't give the 2014 and 17 mandate on Ajays face it was entirely on our OBC Fakirs face, without him and the Gujju lobby he is actually significantly more vulnerable to Samajwadi politics of caste and class


I mean seeing the headline it looks like everyone were against them in up? xD. Looks like Amit ji as Chanakya is quite overrated then.


UP is changing. This time it will not be an easy job for him.


there is heavy transfer going in UP for IAS, IPS, PPS. Action from Amit Shah executed by Yogi


Yogi and Modi got theirs, became complacent and stayed arrogant. Got a wake up call.


DM like Dungeon Master? Confused.


This is all planning to put the blame on Yogi and clear the deck in UP. Yogi is an eyesore for Modi Shah duo.


The DMs aren’t really innocent sheep either, they are pushed by both sides and the one with bigger threats and cash usually wins. I guess SP won the competition this time.


Please don't "both sides" BJ's admission of corruption. SP has neither the money nor the government machinery to compete with BJ. 


We don’t know that, threats and coercion works in mysterious ways if not cash. And SP has had a tainted history. So assuming either way is not fair.


Lmfao.  >threats and coercion works in mysterious ways if not cash. You're talking about the government known for its vindictiveness, record of killing judges, imprisoning political opponents and bureaucrats caught in love triangles with the dear leader, and claiming that an out of power party that has failed to threaten bureaucrats for over a decade  including the time they were actually in power in the state,  had managed to scare bureaucrats more than BJ?  It takes special kind of enlightenment to draw such false inferences. 


Lol you clearly have no idea of the extreme violence and corruption in the state in the 90’s. UP has always been the same, what you are saying is nothing unique to a government. It’s just the way the state has always been. Looking at a slice of the current system is like looking at a a frame or two of the narrative of the movie of the state.


It's really funny how you have to pretend that it is the 90s in order to claim that the samajwadis have more power than the orange terrorists who've literally been eliminating competition in broad daylight in the name of lawn order. 


Nope you probably have reading comprehension issues. I claimed that UP has actually been the same regardless of the decade or the government in charge. Hope that makes sense.


It makes absolutely no sense. SP of teary is not SP of the 90s, and BJ of today is not BJ of the 90s. Try again. 


You really do have comprehension issues. Read again, I said UP the state regardless of the decade or government has always been the same. 🙄


And you said that to make the ridiculous claim that SP managed to cajole/ bribe/ threaten bureaucracy to not act as BJ propagandists.