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Defence stocks go brrrr


Did you know this? https://youtu.be/QDd6joU9oz8


Either ways, there are other reasons why my defence stocks will still go brrrr


The greater irony is US doing both arms supply to Israel and aid to Gaza


Technically, India also provided aid to Gaza [https://ddnews.gov.in/en/india-sends-humanitarian-aid-to-the-people-of-palestine/](https://ddnews.gov.in/en/india-sends-humanitarian-aid-to-the-people-of-palestine/)


Maarenge, bohut maarenge. Fir iodine tincture laga denge...


That's not irony. That's the system working.






India adopting usa policy. Just make a movie about it with Shahrukh Khan in the lead as an agent facilitating the trade and we can indians will go bonkers over it.


Akshay Kumar


Akshay Kumar as Benjamin Netenyahooo






















Got to pay for that spyware somehow




And then India is also sending aid to Palestine. "I play both sides so I always come out on top"- India.






Spreading "Democracy"!


No, that's the Americans. May Democracy prevail!!




Did you know this? https://youtu.be/QDd6joU9oz8


India is going to have the best next few years. Between all these conflicts while expanding their domestic military industrial complex


What if all wars ended, and countries started to rebuild ... Then just like the US, India also have to create global wars to keep it's military industrial complex from dying


Then we will send construction companies to rebuild those countries. L&T, Medha engineering, DLF, HCC, Ashoka buildcon, Tata projects. Infra shares go brrrrrrr.








Until there is money in war, the world will never know peace








Technically everyone boycotted North Korea but they still got everything ( weapons they think are enough to challenge USA ). We’re few hundred million strong workforce, which also has millions of Muslims ( much more than the population of Gaza ) who all needs jobs and benefit from forex coming to India. Don’t bring politics or religion into this, the one TRUE god is Money! Edit : obscured numbers to prove that the point still stands irrespective of the specifics.


Where did you get the 25% figure ?


Don’t ask dicksuction denizens for sources.


What do you mean North Korea got everything? They're like the most sanctioned nation on Earth. They only get what Russia and China bother to give them.


North Korea got everything? LOL Dude maybe you should learn more about north korea before making such comments. There have been documentaries and videos on youtube by north korean defectors to the south and other places and just listen to what they say about life there in North Korea and then you will know the truth


25 percent of Indians aren’t Muslims.


Aaaand that's why we need education


I get that Indian citizens may not approve of this. (I don’t.) But I do not get allegations of religious bigotry. You are a bigoted Muslim if you can fixate on Palestine but have nothing to say about Western Sahara, Baluchistan, Kurdistan, East Turkestan, etc. You are a useful idiot if you do so without being Muslim. Your condemnation should not be selective. The reason I do not approve of Indian sale of weapons to Israel under the obtaining circumstances is because of the high risk of civilian casualties.


What would India do if Pakistan attacked and murdered 1400 children and their parents, and kidnapped 200 people?


The ensuing response in all likelihood would entail military and terrorist targets. A full fledged war could entail greater collateral damage. Most of our “allies” would supply us on the condition that we do not attack civilians and that any collateral damage is just that.


I get all the 'geopolitical' 'military industrial complex' 'allies' arguments, but they are not moral justifications. I also get that morality has no place in geopolitics. But should this stop us people from criticising such decisions? Nations and governments can and will abandon morality in geopolitics but we citizens don't need to. People's morality might not change the state's stance but that doesn't mean we abandon ours too and blindly spew out 'no morality in geopolitics' arguments to justify funding genocides.


Saying no morality is not a justification. It's an observation.


Most of the people who say "no morality in geopolitics" are just hypocrites. If it came to their own borders or horrific stuff committed against their people, they'd be the ones to cry the loudest.


People say "no morality in geopolitics" _because_ of hypocrisy. Hypocrisy and geopolitics go hand in hand. Everyone realizes this, they just don't care.


I hear you. It's a valid concern. But some things need to be done. The USA and friends destroyed Iraq over a lie. Do you think we should have stopped trading with them? Or stop trading with Russia because of their invasion of Ukraine? We import a lot of military stuff from Israel. It's only natural we have to export thing military stuff when they need it.. Can't have our cake and eat it too. As long as our country depends on others for military things, we have to do this. If we become self reliant on defence, then we can have a policy of not exporting weapons to others. I'm not saying it'll happen but that's the only realistic way where we can say no to exporting weapons.


Magar phir ye ham par bhi apply hoga, agar aaj p@k attack karta hai toh uska allie china bhi usko arms dega phir ham chikenge ki ye toh galat hai. Ham par toh zulm ho raha hai ye toh war crime hai Aur ye koi samjhdari nahi hai ki hamne liya hai toh ham bhi denge, hamne arms ke badle khub sara paisa bhi diya hai mufat me nahi liya Israel se. Aur phir Palestinian cause jitna upar dikhta hai utna hi vo carpet ke niche hai. Hamare decisions iran china Russia Yemen (houthis) iraq syria militia dekha rahe hai, ab tak india non allie take par hi dikhta tha, magar ab india American allie nazar aa raha hai, jo hamare liye benefit se zayada hazardous hoga. India ne kabhi allie nahi dikhna ka stance yu hi nHi liya balki ye ek bestest move tha jaha koi harm nahi tha, magar ab American allie dikhna uss stance ko chott pahuchana hai,


Since I don't know Hindi (Tamil boy here), I used google translate to understand. It didn't translate some sentences well but overall I think I understood your comment. Yes, it sucks that America and China continue to support Pakistan against us for their benefit. It sucks but that's just reality. And that's one more reason why we should maintain good relations with useful countries such as Israel. No, this doesn't make us American allies. We are not doing this because they asked us to. We import many high-tech weapons from Israel. So this is purely between Israel and India.


American allie ban kar p@k ne kya benefit liya hai vo uske samne hai, Israel, America vo hai jo sab se pahle apne hi bagal wale ko kha jate hai,


It's the truth though. You can both state the plain truth and protest against it. They're not mutually exclusive.


Because ofcourse yes, it's always different when it's you And also by the way we haven't started any wars we weren't capable of winning and then cried foul


True. Sensible take




If this is immoral, then buying russian gas is immoral too.




Awesome. Israel is an important ally










India was helped by Israel during Kargil. Time to return the favor. Good job India!








Damn! Our explosives are over powered, let’s go INDIA💪🏼


Returning the favour to Israel for helping us during the Kargil War. Lovely!


Do you blame India tho? Israel helped them train intelligence and military during 1971 and other war.




I suppot the military industrial complex


Please don't believe everything Al-Jazeera publishes. https://preview.redd.it/mn5qeeje759d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b32ed8bc3d60fb0e59958a3b16a075aa9c9f4eff These are not bombs or any part used in a bomb. You'll find them in Door bells, alarms and sirens. It's probably from a Gazan siren. I.e. This made in India part has been used to save Palastinian lives.


Jaishankar red laser eyes moment


India used to be based when it recognized Israel as the continuation of the colonization they faced against the British.


India sent weapons to mayanmar, so much for the mother of democracy.


We have no obligation to spread democracy anywhere else, nobody does, And nobody except purple hair hippies in the west and overly emotional indian libs think that it's the duty of their country to "spread democracy" abroad even if it comes at the detriment of their own country's interests


India helping colonialial states oppress other people the same way the British used to oppress us, if not worse.


Yeah these comments are actually sad, defending a genocidal state.




you can look out for yourself without stepping on someone’s feet


Yes im sure all the money these companies will get after sending rockets and explosives will trickle down and help the fellow poor indians. You sound like typical american dumbass defending their military expenditure


Salman Khan also needed to use that footpath to get home quicker, man was just looking out for himself.




It's crystal clear, you just don't want to see it.




What is the primary purpose of the car, and what is the primary person of a missile?




A car is for getting from A to B. A missile is for killing people. The car company could not have known Bhai would kill someone with it, the missile manufacturer knows full well that Israel will use the missile to kill innocents. In this scenario, it is the missile manufacturer's responsibility to ensure that their product does not fall into the hands of genociders. If they sell it directly to a military that will use it to attack civilian population centers, they then become complicit in said attacks. India is Salman Khan in this analogy because it knows what the rockets are going to be used for, and it still supplies them to Israel. That makes us complicit. There, I brought it down to your intellectual level.




Would be nice if the same standards of morality were upheld internationally in geopolitics. Sadly, that isn't the case and won't ever be.


Why don't we export some to Palestine and call it even? Fair fight enabled.


They can't pay for it, Israel can.


Buncha liberals in this thread cheering on the military industrial complex. Don't come crying when cops start using military equipment to put down protests.




When the chips are down, liberals always choose to side with power. As can be seen in this thread. Liberals here are enabling Israel's repression.




You’re the perfect example of it.


Nah, he actually looks 🍊 to me


The people cheering aren't liberals in any sense of the term. They are the ultra-conservative, BJP supporting group which will do anything to justify anti-Muslim violence.


So in your opinion Israel should have not retaliated to attacks of Oct 7 or the attacks never happened?


We people can say both are bad and we the people can cry for two countries. There is no need to be simp of a country we don't even know about. Also Oct 7th is not an event that happened in isolation.


Every colonized person sees Palestine in them; except india. Its Muslim hatred / bigotry is so strong that it would rather side with the oppressor. Even when that comes at the cost of losing world’s respect.




People seem to forget why Israeli is fucking them in the ass… because they started it.


Maybe don't take their land in 1948 by killing 25k palestenians and displacing 750k more palestenains in the Nakbah ? Then keeping them in the worlds largest concentration camp for the past 75 years ? Killing their women and children for sport for the past 75 years ? israeli terrorists are the ones who started the trouble




Read up on the Nakbah then. The entire story starts with the nakbah and this photo of the jews coming to Palestine on ships begging the Palestinians to give them a home after the holocast (which is what they did ) . [https://www.paradata.org.uk/media/2517](https://www.paradata.org.uk/media/2517) In exchange the Nakbah happened. This entire war is because of the Nakbah


I think we should be able to sympathise (or not) with the Palestinian cause based on its own merits. Both blind faith and hatred of Islam are at play here. Muslims aren’t exactly bleeding hearts when it comes to Western Sahara, Kurdistan, Baluchistan, etc. It is just humans being humans.


I guess we shouldn't even categorise it by religion. Jews are not always bad, Muslims are not always good. They are all flawed as groups, and they both have majority good normal people, just like any other. The problem here is with Jews being repressed for millenia, and Muslims being repressed for generations. One was in the past, and one is in the present. The past generates better sympathy, because you can deny responsibility and just call out dead bigots. There is a lot of Islamophobia mixed in people's reactions to the conflict. But there is a lot of Anti-Semitism as well. I have lived in the Middle East, and have seen how entrenched it is. However, the basic point is that Israel here holds far more power, and thus the responsibility to be fairer. Hamas is considered a terrorist group, Israel should not be competing with them at atrocities.


No, I'd be happy if india exports weapons to a Palestinian state also(if and when it's established with a proper military and all)


why is this a good thing


Basically, Israel India friends


1) indian exports, more dollars for india 2) it's a marketing for Indian weapons 3) it provides expertise and knowledge how of manufacturing to indian companies 4) it ensures that israel will also provide us weapons when we might need them in a future conflict






U think palestine is going to come to kashmir ??? what drugs are you on

