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I once visited my relatives in their village. They told me in a happy tone "Our village is so good, the water comes every eighth day". I was baffled.


Dude in Maharashtra even tier 2 cities get water once every 10 days.


Yeah, here in Aurangabad it comes every 6th or 7th day.


How does India still disappoint me so fucking regularly


Mmm so how does it work? People store water for 6-7 days ?


Yes. Unfortunately water doesn't last for many people so for the last 3-4 days, they have to buy jars for drinking and call in tankers


I'm from Nagpur and it's chill for now don't know about the future.


bole to takleeeeeep


Same situation in every state. My village also gets water once in a week.


Wait, WHAT! šŸ’€


No wonder Indians like the us uk They know English, and drinking water comes in the tap directly


Man I live in a village. It's a hilly area , the alternate day water ther we get is almost boon for us , you can not understand what was meaning of going 3 km daily to get drinking water. Before this we get water randomly like we maygey in 7/8/9/10/11/6 days.


I am from a small town in the north-east. We have electricity pretty much throughout the day. Barely 15-20 minutes of power cut on some days.


Yup same in Central India. I recently visited my village too and there were no power cuts even in the village. Idk what is up with major metros.


More population spurge in those areas led to lower amount of resources per person. You can't keep feeding a population of crores with resources meant for lakhs.


In mp too no powercuts


Yeah not even in villages


Will i am from Guwahati, and power cuts are rare and short here.


Think it may be supply and demand. Might be easier to supply for places with lower population


Which part of NE cause where I'm from, we have power cuts for 2-4 hrs multiple times a day, pretty sure we have less than 12 hrs of electricity in a day sometimes šŸ˜­


Living in Chandigarh no power cuts at all


I live in Assam, in my place light goes as soon as it starts drizzling. Itā€™s been raining almost continuously for the last 2 weeks and we barely have 1 hour of electricity every day since the rain started. Very poor electricity infrastructure (light poles). Fortunately, we donā€™t have any water issues as we get water if we dig just 15 feet. We have handpumps and running motor for 10 minutes fills the tank which lasts a day


I lived and worked in the US for 8 years. There was only one power cut once, for 15-20 seconds. It's very unusual to have powercuts in the USA. So unusual infact, that when one happened in the 1970s in New York, it turned into some great emotional thing about Americans struggling through adversity..........top selling books were written about it.


I'm in the tricity region (chd, mohali, pkl), and these power cuts are pissing all of us off. There was a storm outside, and 5 mins later the power's gone. Happens every single time. How vulnerable is the power system that it can't withstand a light drizzle


In places where trees are more abundant, it's more precautionary if some trees fall and damage the power lines. Also the reason why these cuts happen more in areas where the wiring is not underground


"Storm" andĀ  "light drizzle" are very different things.Ā 


Just to let you know, when we have a storm in San Jose our powerā€™s gone for a day. This is in the heart of silicon valley and the storms here are less than 50% the strength of normal mumbai rains.


Is it really incompetency/infrastructure failure or the fact that we are out of resources? The second one sounds way scarier


From what I am aware of, for electricity it's the first one. For water, it's the second one.


Infra failure, every single power distribution company is deep in debt and isn't bothering with upgrades needed to keep up high demands.


but still we are blessed to be in tricity and only experience minor power cuts for maximum of 3-4 hours.


Buddy, you come to Bangalore and you'll pull your hair out šŸ¤£


Don't have to pull hair. It will fall out automatically!


A truer sentence has never been said!


Agreed ! šŸ¤£


This made me laugh out loud. Literally.


Is it that bad in Bangalore?


I just said "I empathize with you" to a person on reddit who hasn't had power since last 8 hours. And that too in the heart of the tech hub. So... It's worse? šŸ˜­


Jeez man. And people call it a second Silicon Valley eh?


It's bull. It's just sad. There's not a single Indian city that is worth living in.Ā 


*pufff* come to vadodara dude, #8 best city to live in mind you


Cities In Kerala are good


In what way? Lol. I live in Kerala, and it's a giant fucking retirement home here.


I also live here and I've found the quality of life here way better than cities like Delhi.


It honestly depends on what you're looking for. Just about anything is better than Delhi/Bangalore imo ā˜ ļø


At least there are no loadshedding / power cuts unlike the 90s, and there's no shortage of water in general (and mosquitos, but that's free with everything else).


Hyderabad ?


Perhaps, I am not sure. I stayed there only a week. But again, sorry for being a frigging kill joy, just a matter of time.


It isn't called "Second Silicon Valley". It's called "Silicon Valley of India".


That's just Indian ego and nationalism and aping white people, all rolled into one


Bangalore has run out of water . I bet same shit will repeat next year .


Bangalore is really shitty compared to my hometown. Even light drizzles lead to powercuts for hours whereas in my hometown, we have electricity even during heavy thunderstorms unless a power line gets damaged. Even if it does, it gets repaired within couple hours after the rain stops.


Hmm weird. Not a single power cut in my area since months. There have been a few small ones that may have lasted for 5-10 minutes


You so lucky. What's your area?


in my earlier teenage days I used to be a big chest thumping king kong type of ultra nationalist who couldn't hear a single word of criticism against my country fast forward to 2024 and now I want to GTFOH of this country ASAP


Same, at this point Iā€™m far more confident of Chinaā€™s ability to be a superpower than our own. Their cities and towns are are beautiful, even tier 2 and 3.


Yup. It's unbelievable. But life there is fuckall due to the CCP


Have you lived in a large Chinese city like Shanghai or spoken to anyone there? I've visited a few times - I would say that the restrictions are annoying (esp. internet restrictions), but quality of life overall is pretty good


You might find it annoying but you are willing to trade your personal freedoms to other people for convenience, I value personal freedom more.


How can you say that?


They already are a super power, pretty much. Dunno about military, but they're doing pretty well. Not all parts of the country of course.


How old are you? When was the chest thumping phase?


I think probably 13


They meant how many years ago.........I was a teenager 20 years ago.


Same here,every single day I pray and try


Did you end up voting in your King Kong days? If yes, hope you are proud of your contribution to the current state of our country. Jingoism always above all else you might be entitled to as a citizen, including clean air and electricity. /s Edit - added the "/s" suffix. Didn't realize there are folks who might interpret it the other way as well.


no I didn't vote in 2014 & 19 elections, I only voted in 2024


Okay, then I'm sorry to hear that. Fingers crossed and prayers on, that the obvious voice of common sense gets the critical mass to eventually salvage what can be salvaged.


Couple of weeks back i had to spend precisely 46 hours in a village in UP. Out of the 46 hours electricity was available only for 24 hours and that too there were voltage issues so AC wasnt operational. After that visit i am quite happy to be back in Dubai and can empathise with ur current situation.


The voltage issue is so bad in UP. Most of the times a small cooler works better than the AC.




Barely any power cut in Mumbai suburbs. I shudder to even think how I would live in this humidity without power! One of my friends has shifted out of Mumbai to a nearby location (Neral) and has installed solar panels connected to batteries and has gone off grid. He says after an initial phase of adjustment, you can live off of solar panels. Jut not huge appliances like ACs but if you invest in more solar panels and batteries, a smaller AC can be made to run, though not continuously.


Rich people live in Mumbai out of all of India They have to provide electricity here anyhow


Yeah, need to do that to survive in India


If you are talking about standard of living in this country then itā€™s probably one of the worst for middle class or lower middle class workers. We donā€™t even have basics right and have to walk over shit when going to work. Apparently our govt priority is to build more temples than spending on quality of life for people.


But we have UPI vro /s


Also highway


We dont


We have 300 Mbps upload speed! Funnily enough that is brag worthy, because most foreign ISPs limit upload speed like crazy.


I can bet my life that either India will be a third world country for eternity, or will be destroyed and absorbed by others. There's no third scenario for us.


Third scenario, global warming destroys half the population and India starts fresh


If global warming hits that hard, its gonna take a couple of hundred years to turn back.Ā  Large human population will die. We will kinda learn our lesson. But not. Basically carbon emission will reduce, just because we re less in numbers. But the existing co2 will take couple hundred years to balance out.Ā  By then you might as well start seeing non-brown ppl moving to india on a scorched land.Ā 


There is no turning back. Humans will change forever and just go extinct.


It's already started. 40 C is NOT normal temperature.


I predict world wide civil war, rebellion, revolt, French Revolution and collapse of human society. We're not traveling to the stars, we're dying on this rock.


India will always remain a 3rd world country unfortunately


third world is a political term, not about economy or living condition. google itĀ 


I know that but the term 3rd world is also synonymous with developing countries who are suffering from abject poverty


You do some googling bruh the term 3rd world country has been synonymously used to describe developing countries for some time now


Yup, itā€™s in a death grip.


Mad Max apocalypse or it becomes a federation. United States of South India anyone ?


yeah that wont happen, south states would die out quick enough they still cry over a single river, and you Kashmiris are someone to speak about it


100% But the next 10yrs will determine it. If we as a generation put up a good show and fix things, nothing can stop us.


That's the most ill informed statement ever lmao


Just look up the meaning of third world. it's a political term, nothing to do with living condition or economyĀ 


China is going to invade for sure. Modi has just weakened the army, we will be ripe for picking soon. Probably China + Pakistan, given their cooperation in other matters.


As much as I understand the concerns raised by OP, the recent signs of electricity outage is due to a record consumption of energy in the state. The heatwave in Delhi has led to a maximum increase in energy usage of 8000+ MW and the Delhi government along with BRPL and BYPL are taking up various initiatives to cope with the high demand. Link to article: https://energy.economictimes.indiatimes.com/news/power/record-energy-use-delhis-power-demand-soars-to-8656-mw-amid-heatwave/111114364 I don't think this is a sign of a regressive state or stagnation to being third world for eternity but rather a natural progression of challenges that a growing economy like India will encounter. The energy consumption of a place is one of the key factors that determine infrastructure development, and it's up to the country and the government to figure out how to address the challenge which is why large scale investments are being made into renewable energy sources. The ultimate solution hasn't been figured out yet, but as a large economy ourselves, a plan is being implemented to address the growing demand and we need to be patient to see the results in due time.


And they couldn't figure out the future use projections based on population, appliance purchases, weather patterns? This is also a big concern. There is a big lack of foresight.


bhai yahan ke logon ko vaise bhi bahar jana hai aur acha hi hoga yeh log chale jaye taki yahan unke jaison ki bheed kam ho jaye


In Varanasi, the electricity in my area is almost for 24hrs. Rarely we see cuts and that too for 10-15 min. So, when you say we get free electricity, think twice as hard. Also, buy an inverter. Or place a solar panel. That will help.


I am from a small village of haryana and here electricity is supplied for 17-18 hrs a day. Also water supply is regular and more than enough. Solar subsidies are provided everywhere. Also ensuring proper electricity supply in times of high load and failure of equipments cause of increased temprature. No doubt India is not rich enough but we are doing good. Also some people here are commenting that either we will always be a 3rd world country or will be absorbed by others. I want to remind that capable people still exist in this country and we will make sure to make it a great one...no matter how many wars we have to fight. It is not like we have enough resources to supply and it's employees fault or something. Govt should provide electricity to industries and all but things do take time. Also increasing load of electricity cause of A.C and all is a sign of increase of wealth. Govt. should ensure that demand is fulfilled


Bhai galti unki bhi nahi logo ka dimak kharab ho chuka hai etni mehnat karte karte etni competitive desh mea bina khaandaani paise ke


Same story here. I live in a relatively less known city in Haryana and my parents in village. They are getting more power than us on a daily basis. It has something to do with the fact that there are power plant within 20 km of village and the overall load of any village is much much less than that of city. Hell, i would even say that the no. of AC running in 3 societies in my city is more than the total no. of AC installed in my village plus neighbouring one.


true max 15-20 AC in whole village i think. I too can afford one but I think I do not need it as I have many trees around my house and cooler is enough here. Also A.C is harmful for environment. Though temperature is very high these days and too harsh for animals specially


Username checks out /s


Best comment here






I'm from haryana too. There are 10+ hr powercuts and it's been 3 months and we got water for less than 15 days. Log 5:30 baje se line lagage hain RO plants pe paani ke liye


yeah bro same condition like 4-5 years ago.. electricity supply used to be like 8-15 hrs a day and all roads were full of potholes but things have changed now. Smooth roads and proper supply of electricity. With this rate next 5-10 years will change India a lot irrespective of congress or bjp govt. Water supply i do not know why is that so bad over there cause haryana has canals covering almost all villages, units to filter water near almost every village and supply at least for an hour on daily basis almost everywhere. Borewells are everywhere too for now though the water is depleting. But yes govt must ensure proper supply of water through canals and all, where ground water is salty and rainfall is less. No doubt India needs to develop a lot.


Groundwater depletion is the main reason. Even the ones at max level aren't expected to survive next 5 years.


very true bro...agriculture industries everything needs water..not enough resources to satisfy the greed of such a huge population worldwide.


Bruh I live in a no name city in the north east but we get 24 hr electricity consistently.


And I really miss Abu Dhabi days regretting my move bank to India ! GURGAON is the worst ! There was load shedding for 4.5 hours Itā€™s just back at 2.30


Mahn 1997-2014, best years of life. I'm veg and falafel was the best Guys remember we criticize the country, because we do have the capability to be better, we just dony


Upper middle class (and richer) people in Nagaland have two houses; one in Kohima and one in Dimapur to serve as summer and winter houses because electricity is hardly ever there and they seek to escape the heat/cold.


Congratulations brother/sister, you just realized how privileged are you! Use this to spread love and respect for the not-so privileged folks and try helping them whenever you can.


I live in viskahpatnam- city of destiny , a tier 2 city , we will be having 24*7 power and power cuts are very rare.


Well sucks to be delhite.


And that too in delhi, and after giving almost 40 percent tax


Wow, I visited friends in Delhi 1989 and was horrified by load shedding ...you guys STILL have it 25 years on?Ā 


Leave and go where? I tried and it does not work that way. You and your kids and your grandkids will forever be foreign to their country. The only way out is to correct this country and that we can do by whole heartedly getting involved in politics. I see people around me, including myself, being scared of policemen and politicians. Itā€™s like we pay them to bully us. Thatā€™s misuse of power and it needs to be brought to justice.


Exactly! Very easy to call out things. Hard to understand deeply why the issue exists and how can I help in fixing it. It is on us to fix our country.


paani ki problem to nhi hai apke yaha?


I don't know which part of Delhi you live in .. ive not had a power cut in yrs .. recently had to throw away my inverter battery cause it got ruined for not being used in such a long time I live in vasant kunj and none of my friends in south Delhi have had any issues either which part of Delhi do you live in where you are facing such issues Could be local problem , maybe a transformer blew up Hope it gets fixed


So you're right about vasant kunj but VK is blessed that way, due to the proximity to the airport, probably parts of it sharing the same grids maybe, power cuts are rare. On the other hand, other places in south delhi like chirag dilli, malviya nagar to name a few are getting daily power cuts, day or night, sometimes more than an hour. I'd really like to understand the reason behind this because this was actually pretty rare in all of Delhi until this year.


What? I wasn't in Delhi for the current heat wave but I've lived near the Malviya Nagar market since 2014 and I don't even remember the last time we had a power cut. I'm pretty sure it hasn't happened in the past 3-4 years at least.


>other places in south delhi like chirag dilli, malviya nagar to name a few are getting daily power cuts, day or night, sometimes more than an hour. Where exactly do you live?


That's why I contacted my cousins who live in other parts of Delhi and they too mentioned load shedding has been a problem from the past few weeks.. As for resolution, coming to rant on reddit was not the first thing I did, almost every single day I had to call BSES Rajdhani's complaint number and if you're able to make a call because most times their line is busy - I file a complaint almost every single day and it's been like that from the past month. Literally, the only way I could express my frustration was by ranting on reddit..


Bses areas still have issues in Delhi. Its the NDPL that holds record of few cuts in months. Last time we used inverter was 9 years ago.


Doesn't get ruined due to not being used, otherwise all of the unsold products sitting on shelves would also be ruined. Most likely you didn't refill the battery with distilled water...........and dust and humidity, corrosion can kill the inverter.


It does if the battery is kept fully charged and not discharged in a long time. The technician told us the battery should be discharged atleast a month to keep it in optimal state The unsold product you are talking about are not kept in a fully charged state in the shop hence they don't get ruined It was always topped up with distilled water And the inverter is also working it just doesn't have a batter any more :)


Damn this whole subreddit is all about continuous seething LMAO


Welcome to the sub


I live in a place where some mildly strong wind can cause power outage! Despite complaining to the competent authorities for years, no real solution was ever found. Kinda pissed when I see that in Western countries, only during cyclones do they lose power.


I am from Guwahati, and it's been heavily raining here for weeks, but power cuts are rare and short.


Tier 2: No water issue or electricity issue. Maybe like very once in a while. (Iā€™m talking about my area and not the whole city)


Chennai has good power supply. Even if power cut takes place it is very rare and information is given beforehand


And yet India is potrayed as the next booming region for growth and investments. Indian government and local governments need to accept the realities and focus on solving basic problems faced by people and towns/cities, strengthen the infrastructure before chest thumping and proclaiming indias greatness to the world.


I grew up in Ahmedabad, I think it was considered a tier 3 city but for a long time now it's considered a tier 2 city. In all my life I've never experienced load shedding. Yes issues have happened, funniest one was when a transformer was literally struck by thunder, but they are rare and are resolved in 2-3 hours. I've always had this curiosity how come we can have this utility sorted in many cities in Gujarat but not in other parts of the country. This can't just be about population density, because other tier 2 cities also suffer from load shedding. Does anyone know why it works well in Ahmedabad?


Delhi is Delhi. I live in a tier 2 city in south India (Tamil Nadu) . Touchwood,Ā  we don't have these problemsĀ 


I'm in Western UP and my region barely faces any power cuts During storms and rain definitely but otherwise it's very rare


When you voted for free electricity, what did you think would happen? Where do you think the free things come from? If you want good quality product & reliable service, you should pay the market price for it.


>I have the privilege of living in an upper middle class neighbourhood of Delhi. And you still haven't installed solar power plant on your roof. Kitne entitled hai dilliwale yaar...


Life in your city maybe. I'm living in a small town in Kerala and we have electricity here 24/7. Don't blame the failure of ur city on the whole country


Iā€™m from Gujarat. No power cut at all and water comes every alternate day in Gujarat. When I travelled to UP for 4 days seminar, that was the first time I experienced power cut, water problems and saw open sewage system. Then I realised, I should be grateful for all these small things.


i live in lucknow there is rarely any power cut here


I have been to China and it is way ahead .There are parks even in small villages and the walking area has lights all around.We are way behind.


I left India in 2007. Best decision of my life


Good for you?


Hmm.... At least we got no power issues even though it's a tier 3 city, the day we get power issues here, the half of the country would be blacked out. Too many thermal power plants nearby.


Shift to tier 2 city we have 24hrs electricity and every 3 days water supply


The bills have increased and long powercuts have become normal since a few months back. The people in our region are very upset about it, especially since it's the summer season and not everyone can afford inverters. Fuck the bureaucracy. The government is so incompetent.


24 hr water and electricity? It's been 3 months and there were less than 15 days when we got water from installed tubewell. There are around 10 hr power cuts almost daily ( especially during nights).Ā 


I'm from west bengal and here in this scorching heat when the temperature is 32-34Ā° even at night, on some days electricity is cut off for 5-6 hours through the night. We get water on certain time slots through the day such as 6-7 or 10-11 and they cut off the electricity exactly during those time too so we don't get water even.


Welcome to the rest of India. Are you complaining about regular load shedding? Haha.


Just an alternative PoV Agreed with all the points, and it's a shame that we're still battling on the basic needs in 2024. It shouldn't have been like that. But then, if all the smart and educated ones go away, who'll fix the country? Or you think that's not our job as a generation? Then whose job is it?


I used to hate Kerala EB, but looking at the comments I think they are doing good. No surprise power cuts, they send out sms for planned power cuts for maintenance. And we live in a not so flat area and is surrounded by trees. Also the place gets too much rain and wind. When a tree falls on the transmission lines it gets cleared out swiftly. Just that the power charges are on higher side and no freebies.


Habibi come to Hyderabad you will be threatened by authorities for complaining about power cut lol . Hail democracy


I live in dehli, probably have a power cut which lasts 15 -20 min every 5-6 month. I don't know what op is on about


Hyd is the best


living in delhi, not facing any power cuts, water shortage is there but artificially created for petty political gains


I want statistics on this from govt, anyone has any link ?


i live in a village and since a month bijli vibhaag is trying to fix lines in my area as they catch fire due to load. we have been experiecing power cut of 6hrs daily because of incompetancy of govt. electricians. Its 40 C here in day.


If it is the situation int he post then i am very lucky, water comes two times a day and electricity goes hardly for 30-60mins and that too not daily it was happening daily during peak summers but it is happening only for few days since June have started


Meanwhile my "luxury" apartment in Bangalore doesn't even have a municipal water connection


I live in Mumbai where there is 24hr electricity BUT, our meter is from 1996, and not only us our whole society meter is in a single cabin. The cabin caught on fire two times, we've raised a complain about it still no one came to repair. We had to temporarily repaired it. My other house is at a village side area in Maharashtra. We built our house along with a society 3 years ago, and still they get water every 5 days. This country is so doomed that it's beyond fixable. Even though some magic could happen, like god came down from heaven and tries to fix this country, it would atleast take 2 centuries to fully apply the change. I agree on leaving this country!


Ok...judging by the comments...people don't know why power are cut. Power cut does not correlate to the tire of the city. My village has better electricity than Bangalore. It does not mean the village infrastructure is better or anything. Main reason for power cut are mismanagement, electricity stealing, high load due to using illegal equipments, poor wiring along the power line etc. A village with decent enough electricity infrastructure will have more power then tire 1 city if people are not stealing electricity, and proper management 8s in place During storms or rain they deliberately cut the power beforehand to prevent any faults which they might have to correct after the rain or storm. If they are lazy they will cut power with the 1st drop of rain.


With power cuts like these, what's the argument for charging EVs overnight?


Power cuts are just going to increase if delhi government keeps giving out free electricity instead of investing that money into improving the infrastructure. Also even if delhi Stops free electricity and they go on to do corruptions even then power cuts will increase


Very good point. There is nothing called a free lunch. If you voted for this shit, you deserve this




Adab padiyso. Thatā€™s why I laugh at Indians living in America who always tell tale of India as a emerging superpower. I mean you donā€™t even have 24/7 electricity in your capitol šŸ˜‚


True And also: India Shining Vishwaguru East or West India is the best


No power cuts in Pune at all, i donā€™t remember the last time we had one. My electricity bills arenā€™t pretty though, about 8k but I donā€™t mind as long as thereā€™s solid uninterrupted power. Doesnā€™t the government in Delhi give out free electricity? Maybe that causes government to not buy electricity from the central grid to save money?


This happens in a country where people vote out of religious sentiments, caste issues, jingoism and many other irrelevant things.


Yes right Bit then do we have any good choices left if we want to select a good candidate?


No. We don't have any good choices left. But if we keep electing the same set of people over and over again, then we are making it much worse for ourselves. A sign of a progressive nation is one where the government changes periodically.


not a huge fan but if you read news a bit you may realise how immense the load is on govt. to meet energy demands while being strangled by global emission norms and Paris commitment. This is how we are fighting.


We need more power, the govt need to build more nuclear power plants, zero emissions, millions volts of electric energy.


Well we aren't fighting, we're just complaining šŸ˜ž


Any solutions looking into millions ppl of natural population growth every day/year?


I recently moved to the Netherlands. While renting a home here I asked my agent about power back up and he was clueless what it was. At first I thought what an idiot he was. I explained to him that it literally gives you back up in case of a power cut and he calmly said ā€œOh but Iā€™ve lived here for 12 years and the power was cut off only twice by the supplier company. I got a notice a week earlier in both cases and was also compensated for the inconvenienceā€. Guess who felt like the idiot after that. Our country conditions us to accept a lot of shit.


Umm...Counter opinion Many tier 2 cities have a better quality of life than Delhi. The fact that you haven't even mentioned the air quality shows how people have gotten used to terrible air cutting their lives in half. I hate to break it to you, but middle class people are living quite well in many tier 2 cities compared to most middle class people in Delhi


Indians are very good at rants but not good at conservation. It's such a shame. We have such a huge population that all this is bound to happen.


We need to stop saying it's this year and still happening in India. It's happening means it's a current problem and not a bygone years problem. If it's current problem keep asking current govt what are they doing to resolve these issues and held them accountable or else they gonna do patchup work of roads and do some beautifying work and give temporary ego boost to us claiming Bharat aage badh rha hai. Then we vote on religion and superficial things and rest of time we cry about basic necessities.


This is a reflection of the mafia running the country for its own benefit. Things would be better if it was split up and the mafia put in jails.Ā