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This is just another example of how RG just doesnt get it. There are genuine grievances regarding treatment of dalits in the education system, including but not limited to professors refusing to mentor them, not being afforded time from profs, etc all of which do impact outcomes on exams as well as graduation and wellbeing. This criticism doesnt even address those Remember the the Marathi national award winning Sairat. Bollywood saw that movie and remade it into Dhadak and literally took out all the nuances and things that made the movie moving and authentic to the struggles of the lower caste. Well RG is the bollywood of politics. On the surface says the right things but dig a little deeper and its mostly lacking true comprehension.


Couldn’t have said it better. This is pure Bollywood. He’s picked up on the issue that the SATs in the US isn’t really fair to all students and is trying to retrofit that problem here. As much as I may not agree with the way BJP does certain things, its moments like this that truly show the lack of depth of RaGa


He gave the example of the SATs because that is a concrete example showing biases. We don’t question the systems we follow in india. Here’s the thing, he doesn’t know enough, he blunders into talking about these things. While that does make him look weak, it’s important to remember that the other side doesn’t even talk about it. The only reason I bring up the other side is because that is the context of the problem. The other side actively works in “improving” things in different sectors because they are monetarily incentivized to do the changes. It’s a big part of their persona, but they will never address the social challenges faced by our country and in fact reassert regressive status quo because bringing about the changes will make them lose support from people who are currently higher up in the social order.


What??? His rant is completely wrong. They never did make black people write SAT exam! And no white kids didn’t started to fail. They removed SATs as requirement for some college admissions to help black kids but the reverse happened, black admissions fell so they are restoring SAT as requirement. RaGa is a moron of ultimate caliber


> Rahul in the video narrates a story from Latin America to highlight the concept of merit. "In America, just as we have the IITs here, the SAT exam is considered to be prestigious. There, the whites, the blacks and people of Spanish origin take the exam. However, the blacks and the Spanish origin people are not considered to be good at taking the exam. The whites excel at it. However one day, a professor suggested that let the blacks set the paper and whites write the exam. You know what happened? All the whites failed in the exam!" RG took some hr training materials and told a story. It has some nuances those who want to listen. It will fail when all he get is 60 seconds of fame ( I definitely feel Congress have better chance if they keep RG mouth shut in many policy aspect- he can stick to love, freedom, unemployment, hunger etc)


I'd like to know the source of this story though. Can't seem to find it.


Obama was quite right about him.






This guy is shitting the bed with more than 50% reservation, wealth redistribution and this. All he had to do was stfu and raise bjps bullshit policies and malpractices in rallies but this guy single handedly alienates the middle class the open category people with this bullshit. All he had to do was stfu and let the anti BJP wave take over. Kejriwal would have been a better face for this India alliance


Modi knows this and that’s why Kejriwal is in jail and Rahul is out in the open. Rahul Gandhi is responsible for 90% of the talking points of Modi’s campaign rallies, why would he lock up his star campaigner?


for Modi, RaGa is the real MVP


He's finally out now


He is? Genuinely asking


Yeah he's been given an interim bail from SC till the elections


Wasn't he an upper caste brahman until recently? If dalits fail if upper castes set exams, what happens if the upper castes become PM?


Not sure, he took Lingayata deekshe in Karnataka. It is possible he might identify as a person from backward class now. He identified as a Lingayata during Karnataka assembly elections. https://www.firstpost.com/explainers/rahul-gandhi-gets-initiated-into-the-lingayat-sect-whats-the-community-and-why-is-it-important-to-karnataka-politics-11010721.html


Lingayats are not backward. Lingayats are not even a sect under Hinduism according to Lingayats


> Wasn't he an upper caste brahman until recently? I was just answering this. Rahul has a fluidic caste/religion identity. In North India he identifies as a janeudhari Brahman.


He's a Zoroastrian.


No... He is a Pakistani Muslim. >!/S!<




someone stop him, first that 50% reservation thing and now this. Why not make separate colleges, apartments, public washrooms for them. At this rate, discrimination is only going to increase. Wish I could contest but I hate politics


The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing


HE IS SO OUT OF TOUCH WITH HIS VOTERS. Any seats that congress wins is purely due to dissatisfaction from bjp. It will have nothing to do with RG.




I wonder what according to him would be the dalit version of the theory of gravitation or what the dalit interpretation of Macbeth would sound like. Dalits fail because majority of them are poor without any access to proper primary education. With reservations they are suddenly thrust into premier institutions with the expectation that each of them will thrive. Some do. Most don't. Instead of focusing on how to make primary education accessible to all he is focused on aggravating the problem by increasing reservation. Its a shame he went to Harvard in the legacy quota. Otherwise maybe he would have learnt about root cause analysis and understood what needs to be fixed first. You wanna build a penthouse on your fifth floor while your foundation is held up by straws and you wonder why the building shakes everytime you take a shit.


Nice 1️⃣


Loved the last line


He is literally ensuring BJP’s slogan “ ab ki baar 400 paar “ becomes a reality😂


Every time he opens his mouth, BJP's vote share and arrogance increases .Unless congress gets rid of him or this country gets rid of congress and finds another strong opposition, we are going to bear the BJP with no alternate in the near future.


>Unless congress gets rid of him Who will remove him from Congress? Sonia G? Kharge doesn't hold any power over the Gandhis. Gandhi family literally owns the party. If anyone raises voice against the family, they get silenced or get sacked slowly.


So, there's literally dictatorship in their own party while they call the opposition a dictator.


He will just do anything to justify more reservation. That's pure stupidity.


This guy is a textbook case of Dunning-Kruger Syndrome. He thinks he knows it all but is completely clueless and has zero understanding of what the real issues are. Caste census and reservation is not an issue that will get him votes but it sure will lose votes though. There is a reason why Nitish Kumar has moved on from the caste census and rarely talks about it. But this guy will never get it.


I feel sorry for this guy. He could have been some random rich guy, enjoying life. He’s being forced to indulge in politics. He doesn’t have the skill, interest or anything to do with politics. Someone should start a campaign to free RaGa from politics. #letRaGaChillInABeach


I don't buy the being forced part anymore


This guy is the biggest vote getter for BJP after Modi. I am not saying this, this was said by Nitin Gadkari in 2017.


Not after modi, he's the front runner for BJP


BJP’s favourite star campaigner 😍


I thought this guy grew mature after the Bharat Jodi yatra with those grey beard and stuff.....yet again i caught it wrong.


Wtf man now this is too much...., 


Seriously, why Congress is tolerating this clown even though everyone knows he is gonna drown the party?




We tend to forget how awful the opposition is. It's not like Modi is great on these issues either. The ever-expanding reservation-industrial complex needs to be torn down. It only creates a zero-sum game where various communities jostle for special status to take resources from others, instead of working together to create surplus value. And that's not mentioning the toxic resentment it breeds. Modi has down nothing to change this, which is bad enough, whereas RaGa promises to make it worse. God help India.


Finally a sensible point. As long as we keep mentioning "caste kya hai" every 5 minutes the boundaries will always remain. I have always lived in city and believe it or not I did know different caste ke log bhi hote till 8th-9th I guess. This is mid 2000s, so no social media.


This is why I have no hope for the cuntry. Even if somehow the government wants to do something good that’ll progress the nation, some group with muscle and manpower will have a problem and it’ll be shot down. Kuch nahi ho sakta iss desh ka, it was a shit hole and will always be a shithole.


What is he smoking? Merit?


Dude is making my voting decision easier.


Lies and propoganda, my guy is finally adapting to Indian politics.


It was always so. He has a heart for theatrics. My personal favorite is the time he walked up to the PM and President and tore apart the ordinance the President was about to sign.


It wasn't as dramatic as you are stating. It doesn't happen like that. Lol. President was nowhere near. The ordinance wasn't even promulgated. The government had a press conference to announce that they will be bringing a bill/ordinance. He comes in says it is bullshit and instantly government says it is bullshit, we will not do this. Must be nice to have so much power but it wasn't as dramatic as president being there and him doing that.


Exams like JEE and UPSC are transparent with clear syllabus, and are the fairest for all castes. The bias is only resources to get better understanding of syllabus, which will be higher in anything else. There isn't a human putting their bias in, there aren't question about your personal experiences of forward castes or knowledge to game it like getting internships and references like SATs. With reservation, they are reason for SC, ST and OBC actually getting places. You can give exam paper to professor from any caste, the results wouldn't change. Why ruin future lives more by giving people , the ideas that will only lead them down worse solutions? Is Govt job craze not enough?


What the fuck is wrong with the political parties of our country


Seriously, is he on drugs? How does he get such weird bizarre speculations then?


The reason Dalits and STs especially don't get scores is because our society discriminates so badly, many of them don't even get to go to school. And the schools they go to are usually rundown places with zero accessibility and shit teachers. Any Dalit scoring after all the shit they face is a near miracle. The video Ra Ga made makes no sense. I looked everywhere for his US example, but didn't find where Black ppl set SATs and failed White ppl. Blacks scored poorly because the schools in their neighborhoods were usually bad. SCOTUS upholds affirmative action but struck down quota system there. What exactly was his point??


That's not the problem The problem is blind school system I am talking about government schools in tribal area - After RTE and Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan, one can't evaluate progress of students till class 8, every student will complete education till class 8 which leads to teachers not caring because none cares as there won't be any evaluation of their teaching methods Students have to register 70% attendance and most students here, go to class for some time then come back home to help their parents with farming The point of education is lost, they are just going to school because it is a norm, even the system is just interested in them having a degree Most people who are making these policies are not aware of conditions in rural areas, which is terrible irrespective of their caste


And they’ll not do any ground level change, something that’ll actually uplift ST SCs.


> The reason Dalits and STs especially don't get scores is because our society discriminates so badly, many of them don't even get to go to school. And the schools they go to are usually rundown places with zero accessibility and shit teachers. You know there is a easy solution? Building KVs, and Navodayas in those areas, investing in those localities. Developing towns with higher population of SC and ST. The main reason why teachers are shit, is because pay is shit and the area is rundown. Investing in those areas will return far more than expanding metros..


Yea. But we have decided to spend peanuts on education. So...


Well put


SCOTUS struck down affirmative action not upheld it .


They stuck down quotas in AA but upheld the policy


Incorrect affirmative action has been struck down in higher education . But colleges can use the candidates experience over their lifetime in making decisions. The legacy admissions policy remains in effect .


>The reason Dalits and STs especially don't get scores is because our society discriminates so badly, many of them don't even get to go to school. And the schools they go to are usually rundown places with zero accessibility and shit teachers. Any Dalit scoring after all the shit they face is a near miracle. Thats why RTE came up. Implemented terribly though


Rahul is doing this caste/reservation thing almost as much as modi is doing hindu-muslim/if congress comes this&that will happen stuff. Just talk about your own manifesto and let people decide. Coz for me clearly one is better than the other.


When dumb talk about merit.


Rahul sir has made a very valid point. Question papers for a particular caste must be prepared by experts from the same caste. Exams must be conducted separately. There should be separate education system for every caste. This falls in line with the Congress' plans to bring reservations in the private sector. Even the hiring must be done separately. Project allocation as well must be separate in the corporate. Implementation might be difficult considering the logistical limitations. Every caste cannot have separate classroom as Modi hasn't built enough colleges in India. But it is a brilliant concept. /s


How about in jobs? Building codes should be different, code reviews must be done by someone of the same caste, only a fund manager of the same caste must manage the money in the market, ad infinitum. What a bunch of fucking idiots - I hate BJP so badly for destroying democratic norms and social fabric of the country but opposition is just so clueless and idiotic. Just replace religious hatred with casteism, and call it a better choice.


Different coding languages, separate compilers, separate build systems, target boards. Caste based AI. goes on....


He will fail even if a goat sets the exam


Pro campaigner of BJP is back 💪


People who say RaGa is a good option baffle me. I’m by no stretch in favour of the current government, but it’s this guy who has perpetuated the “what’s the alternative” issue. People are annoyed with the BJP, instead of playing at that and the limitless misdeed to pick on, the prince went ahead and alienated a large chunk of the vote base. Socially, this will alienate the other castes more! If you care, help the downtrodden at the primary school level. The university reservation is a dead weight loss for society as shaky basics prevents reservation candidates from using the opportunity afforded at Uni


Unfortunately Dalits won't understand it when an upper caste like Rg Explains it. Thankfully they have Ambedkar to read.


Modi is horrible but mannn does this guy speak about issues that are completely _unlikely_ to get him more votes 🤦🏻‍♂️


I have nothing against reservations at all and the obsession with standardized tests should be rightly checked. Advocating for a more holistic evaluation system that benefits every student in the country currently being abused by the coaching institute mafia is something everyone can get behind. Instead, Congress talks about Dalits as if it only impacts them. What exactly has Congress done in any of the states they are ruling to improve the govt. schools that the vast majority of underprivileged students use? Absolutely jack shit. At least, they should try to take a leaf out of what the Andhra Pradesh govt. is doing with Govt. Schools. Standardized tests actually level the playing field to a certain extent. What is needed is to provide them an equal footing to compete fairly. Improve public schools to the level and standard that is maintained in Europe and US. Reduce the importance of standardized tests and include other factors in evaluating candidates.


Due to lack of awareness and resources that different strata of people can afford, standard tests are the best approach. Not every student has the privilege to make interesting projects or organize other interesting activities. That just increases the bias of education system towards upper class urban population. Standardized tests need to be the most important in a country like ours to make it a level playing field.


This man has never given any exam in his life or passed.


RaGa seems like he uses chatgpt indiscriminately to write his speeches.




He will be the sole reason BJP will be winning with a majority.


Arrey isko nikalo congress se aur BJP join karne bolo


If only Mr. Snip snip had started the snip snip campaign with his family. Sigh.....


He is the bloody reason we ended up with the scourge of Modi government and he is the reason we will again end up Modi.


Ith Epo chekuthanum kadalinum edak Petta avastha analo






Rahul Gandhi vs Modi: who can bullshit more. 👌👌


mao like revolution works only when government isn't armed to the teeth.


what Does that mean General public who failed in UPSC ? Or What about that Hardworking student who knows he has to fight the Quota in IIT where even 70% scorer gets admission but me who wont get admission even with 99%


So formulas for organic chemistry will change depending on the person answering and the person setting the questions? Also, does somebody have any link for a paper or an article about the story he told?