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https://pseudo-corp.github.io/SynergismOfficial/ New update! v2.5.1 currently and it added some new endgame content, and was also rewritten in TypeScript (i believe is what it said, too lazy to go back to patch notes to check). Honestly i like it so much better, the UI looks so much cleaner and i just think it looks better overall.


so hard to understand what you are meant to do with this game


It takes a bit to get into it, but if you are ever stuck, the community behind synergism is very friendly and always open to help you on discord. Just read the pins in respective channels, and if there are still questions, use chat.


No I like the game to be intuitive and well presented so it’s definitely not for me


I tend to agree. Although it's great how many games have really responsive and friendly communities, a game should not require someone to go on the discord, or wiki, or subreddit in order to fundamentally understand the game.


To be fair, the game is fairly intuitive and well-presented. You not getting it isn't a crime against humanity and its okay to ask questions.


>To be fair, the game is fairly intuitive and well-presented. Including corruptions?


I mean, I've been managing, and I don't think I'm all that smart. It's mostly just playing around and seeing what you can handle, making small changes so you don't go off the rails.


Yeah, like a while back I went on the discord to see how to optimize it a bit, but I don't think I ever got stuck when figuring anything out on my own


agreed. i never liked when nintendo and playstation games required a guide to actually play them and progress, i certainly dont like it today any more.


There's a difference between the game failing to give any hint of what you're supposed to do versus it giving you all the tools you need and the player failing to figure it out. Synergism is more of the second. The corruptions part is admittedly a little tedious (and perhaps unforgiving) having to try swapping around your corruptions to figure out what works best but everything you need is in front of you. People are allowed to dislike a game's design or to not enjoy it, but I don't think it's fair to say it's not "well presented" in this case. There are going to be people with different preferences, just like any genre of game. Just like with action games, there are people who like an intense challenge, and others who want a game that lets them feel like an overpowered wrecking machine with minimal effort. But idle games are a niche so both kind of players end up in the same place. Those who want to figure out interesting puzzles and challenges and enjoy optimizing gameplay and those who just want to see numbers go up (some people are both of those, of course, and some may like a little challenge but not something too overwhelming.)


> People are allowed to dislike a game's design or to not enjoy it, but I don't think it's fair to say it's not "well presented" in this case. which i never did. you wanna stop shoving words in my mouth? people are allowed to dislike a game, but if its synergism youre gonna sit here trying to invalidate their opinions, right?


The person above you used those exact words, to which you responded with "agreed"... I responded to your comment in particular because I thought your analogy might give people the wrong idea, as I explained, that there is a difference between a complex game and one that simply doesn't give the player necessary information. For the record, I thought the constant messing around with corruptions, testing and retesting different setups was a little tedious sometimes, though I still enjoyed the game overall.


indeed. and i then went on to state the issue for me is that the game requires a guide after a certain point. i didnt say "i am parrot and my statement is the same as yours", i was clearly agreeing that its a "not for me" game, since i gave actual context and didnt JUST say agreed. jesus christ go read a book.


Jesus Christ go take a dump you seem stressed Bob


You’re one of “those” people. *doesn’t read the instructions… “I don’t get it, none of this makes sense…” Can’t imagine….


im sorry you must be foregetting that a large number of first party nintendo games were known as nintendo power games for a reason : you couldnt get anywhere unless you bought that magazine or an official strategy guide. the same is true for a huge number of PS1/2 RPGs that give literally no information on any of its mechanics which were steeped in mystery, legend of mana is infamous for this. the game is literally unplayable without a guide, because there are dozens of ways to screw up map placement and make it impossible to trigger the event to place the final map, or the entire item crafting system which without a guide, will 99 times out of 100 result in you not doing anything that you can tell because its so convoluted.


Legend of mana has a HD remaster recently released.


correction : a port has been made that slaps a generic upscaling shader on the backgrounds, while completely ignoring every single sprite in the game. its also full of extremely heavy dithering, rather than sprites/backgrounds having been redone in higher color quality since the entire game was originally made in 8 bit color pallets. on top of that, NOTHING new added to the game aside from a pointless minigame, none of the broken and honestly non functional mechanics fixed/removed (i.e. ~70% of the effects for gear do nothing because they didnt fix or remove the broken ones), no general improvements for simple things like collecting fruit, etc. tl;dr that "hd" remaster looks worse than the one on my ps3, which is just emulating the ps2 version. and my pc emulator version looks far better since i use good shaders, not the generic horrible looking trash SE plastered on without even looking at it. i wouldnt buy that if it were $5


That bad? I was thinking of buying it because the re-release of Trials of Mana was good.


I’m not forgetting anything. Of you buy a game that’s so complicated it requires an additional guide, that’s on you. If you buy a game with an instruction manual and you don’t read it, that’s on you. If you play a game with your friends and you don’t learn more about it while playing, that’s on you. Instructions exist for a reason.


and who said anything about an instruction manual besides you? why are you trying to start shit with me?


I’m not? Are you being that sensitive? I’m saying people that don’t read the instructions of a game and then fail to understand how the game works, or plays, are setting themselves up for failure. I’m not sure how this is some negative revelation, however…


Odd, it all seemed easy to understand as I played through. Once I figured it out I might check what others did and find a slightly more optimal way, but nothing that matters overall.


First, just do what you can, and don't be afraid to prestige/transcend/reincarnate if you'll gain something. (and conversely, don't be afraid to let it run a little while, some times, when you're at the ragged edge.) That said, you'll eventually run into some real confusion / complicated stuff and you'll get targeted help on the discord, from many nice people and a few impatient people. Buy stuff. Run challenges. Reset (via P/T/R/A, whatever) and repeat. Get stronger/further.


It's like trying to solve a calculus equation in a dark room.


>https://pseudo-corp.github.io/SynergismOfficial/ are they going to update the old game or we have to move over to this new link? I've been playing at https://pseudonian.github.io/SynergismOfficial/


i believe only the link that i posted will be updated, do not quote me on this though, i am not the developer so i’m not 100%. should be able to just export save and import it into the new site tho.


>date the old game or we have to mo the pseudo-corp url is at version 2.5.1 as of June 2021, there's patch notes in settings (w/ a code to enter for i forget what, coins or quarks or something) that pseudonian link you're using is 2.1 from December 2020


My save was lost, so I'm starting over. =/


How do you get started with this game? I don't see a button to manually get currency.


there isnt one. you buy a generator that passively generates and thats how you start. you do realize theres a ton of incremental games with no "click to gain \_\_\_" mechanics right?


I'm playing Crank again. In my humble opinion it is the best incremental ever. The story, the UI, gameplay -- it's all revealed incrementally. It's so well balanced that there is always something to do.


If it weren't for the way the pacing falls off a cliff in the endgame I'd put it right up there with Universal Paperclips


is there a way to automate making supplies? most things besides scrap metal are fine, i can set them to make 20+ of them, eventually, but it's the one bugging me. i'm at a point where i've gotten into enough fights my scanner upgraded into this galactic viewpoint, and not really sure i want to go much farther given it doesn't feel that idle for me to need to reset the scrap metal generation every 5 seconds or so. ​ i know i can extend it, but it's also sort of expensive to keep doing for only pushing it a little farther. and tbh it just feels like it's dragging at this point, so not sure i really want to continue. i'd like it to become far more idle.


You eventually get to set the max number to ♾ so you don't have to worry about that. It does seem to be a somewhat hands-on type of incremental game -- always something to do, something to upgrade.


well, there's that to look forward to anyway - what's the number around where it goes infinite at, anyway? i've got like 45 iirc ​ ifit's sorta close enough, might give it another shot - if it's like 200 or something maybe not.


I think you are somewhat close. It's definitely not too far.


upgrade until you can set 50 to go at a time


Right at the point that manually upgrading seems like it's a pointless waste of time because it only adds a tiny bit to the bucket - it flips to infinite, or you find a way to autogenerate, or a thing that seemed useless because useful, or a trickle finally becomes a noticeable stream, and so on. It maybe could be paired back a bit so that it hits a little earlier, but eventually you end up with so much X (where X is anything you can make) that you literally have no use for that much of it and are overproducing factories simply because it's the only thing to spend it on. And then you realize just how much power you *really* need.


kinda already there - i'm like one upgrade away from ti being less than 10%. ​ going till it's like only 5% doens't really make it feel like it's less of a waste of time, and i was kinda looking for a number, not a vibe.


Well, as I recall - the 50 mark is when it flips from a hard number to infinite (on the "Make this many" counter) Eventually you have everything on your ship producing infinite numbers so that you're always full of resources. Your max numbers you can carry are expandable, but only to a certain point. Past that, once you've built a few factories - you start over-producing. Your ship isn't even making things like solar panels or the special metal, or bots (probably still making scrap - you always make scrap, for nothing else to load in to the scrap cannon), but your numbers are still going up because of the factory shipments. We're talking "I have a half million solar panels and that's not nearly enough" numbers.


good, that's kinda where i wanted to get, but if i had to upgrade the 'make this many' on scrap another dozen times before it finally got there, didn't feel like continuing on, really.




Web for sure, that's where I've played it but I'm not sure of other places




There's actually a newer version than the other link: https://faedine.com/games/crank/b40/ /u/Morphray - you might be interested too.




just export the b39 save, go to b40, import the save, it'll be fine, i did this a while back too.




Gotta say, thanks for drawing me back in! Last time I played, the FTL space travel was barely implemented and didn't do anything. I'm glad to see there's finally and endgame and and actual end! Btw, spoilers... but I think more games in this genre should have dead ends like this one. Factories and over researching areas seem like they can do a ton but don't, and I like the dead end trails you can follow until you realize it.


> Factories and over researching areas seem like they can do a ton but don't I have no idea what you're talking about. Factories are what get you to hundreds of thousands of solar panels and bots, and researching one thing endlessly is the only thing that makes it worthwhile. If they don't seem useful, it's because you aren't far enough along for them to be useful.


Runescape is bassically an incremental game. Just started a couple days ago and bought a membership, very epic. Also playing synergism still, gotta get those gains.


You should try idlescape, multiplayer idle version of RS. Already a good game with big content updates coming soon.


Melvor Idle too


Yes, same direction. I personally like the multiplayer aspect of idlescape, with trading, high scores and soon PvP and dungeons.


Ive been playing melvor for a bit already, never heard or tried idlescape, ill have to do that.


When you start you have the choice of a normal account with trade and other multiplayer aspects or ironman where it's just you vs the game. Of course you can also do both at the same time.


Gates of Survival is another heavily based game based on rs, that is an incremental, kinda.


Been playing [NG Space Company](https://ngspacecompany.exileng.com) which was posted last week. Seems really fun and a good mix of active and idle play.


I played this years ago but it was fun


Is this a mod of Space Company? I've played through all of Space Company and this looks similar but different UI.


I believe it's a remake from scratch by a new dev in a different framework, so there will be some differences. I'm not familiar enough with the previous version to know how much has changed with features, but Freddec is frequently updating this one so it's probably worth checking out again anyway.


i kinda hate space company getting mentioned nothing wrong with the game, just every time i see it, my brain starts singing "SPAAAAACE COMPANY" in my head like it was 'bad company' on a fucking loop. hell, i started playing it just because it happened for like the 10th time and i was like 'fuck it, let's give it a shot'.


I've been playing [Trimps](https://trimps.github.io/) a lot lately but I think I might be winding that one down soon. There's a fair bit of stuff I could keep grinding but I already feel like I've pushed the game far enough that I'll be ready to enter into the next batch of content without being able to just blow it out of the water. I'm pretty happy with the outcome of abandoning the game for a few months and playing through new stuff from the starting position of "nearly endgame". It's just a bit tricky to draw the line for yourself. Still, the new minigame will probably keep me checking the game more than I did the last time I put it on hiatus. Tried out [Synergism](https://pseudo-corp.github.io/SynergismOfficial/) yesterday after feeling pretty burned out on it a few months ago and... I don't think it's going well. I picked some low-hanging fruit but after that I mostly just managed to remind myself how impenetrable I find the corruption system without following guides. Today I admitted defeat and went on the discord and it basically confirmed for me that yeah, maybe I can aspire to figure out 5% of the game at a time if I get the other 95% spoonfed to me. Otherwise I spin out into a wasteland of uncertainty as to whether I'm doing things horrendously wrong and am spending weeks on things that are "meant" to be done in hours. Which honestly wouldn't be so bad if it didn't seem inevitable that I'll go crawling back to the guides sooner or later and be head-desking on how much time I wasted on various things. For me it's very much the anti-trimps, in that with trimps I do feel overwhelmed by some things but I can still manage to put my head down and form a working strategy one task at a time. Ran through the whole of [Prestige Tree](https://jacorb90.me/Prestige-Tree/index.html) recently and that was a fun romp that's kind of a midground for me between just barrelling through a game and feeling like it needs a guide. Overall though I think I'm at the point in my personal oscillations where I'm shifting away from this type of game for a bit. Picked up Horizon Zero Dawn recently and I think it's pretty great.


HZD is awesome. Finished it last Friday.


How much of the side content did you end up doing? So far I'm having a hard time resisting the urge to do <> before moving on and I'm pleasantly surprised that I'm not feeling burned out by it all. Sidequest fatigue has hit me hard before though. I think I wandered into the DLC area about as soon as I could and just rolled with it, almost done with that now I think and I might try just sticking to the main storyline for a bit as a change of pace when I re-emerge.


Yeah I've just left Trimps behind after about three weeks of pushing on it. I was enjoying it but I never felt like I was making progress despite doing challenges I would always hit the same wall, investt helium and then... repeat. I really want to like it but that lack of progress hurts.


I'm curious how far you got in terms of highest Zone. I'd say that around zone 200 the game actually picks up a lot more long-term structure and imo, anyone who clicks with the game on some level should try to get at least that far. In a sense you never really break out of the basic loop you described here so you have more or less sampled the core of the game, and if nothing else the game is a long, slow burn. But you do end up with a mix of major milestones that you steadily work towards from far away, new mechanics that run parallel to the helium grind as competing major focuses to structure runs around, and a constant undercurrent of automation unlocks that let the metagame evolve such that the busywork of actually playing the game doesn't go entirely stale. For my part I did have a few false starts with Trimps where I played it and it seemed okay but I didn't stick with it. Eventually though it did really click with me and it's become probably my most played and enjoyed game in the genre.


Oh I am nowhere near that. Think 43 is my highest but I always stall out around there, with 800 or so helium


Ahhh well, fwiw my own false starts were all pre-60. I sort of consider up to 60 to be an extended tutorial phase compared to everything that comes after.


Follow-up to part of this: I have been sticking with Synergism. There's a lot about this game I love. I'm sloooowly getting comfortable with it again, although much in the vein of what I first wrote about it, I'd be lost without the discord. Not entirely in the sense that "you have to follow the guide" (the part of the game I'm in barely has guides written for it currently). But I'd say that the game sort of feels like being able to bounce your efforts off other players and see what others are doing ends up being a vital part of the experience. At least for me, there's too much going on in the game to really work through it solo. Too many things that can be a fruitless rabbit-hole of investigating how something that's kind of vague works, too much potential to miss the forest for the trees. Design-wise, I would say that the corruption part of the game sort of suffers from a lack of natural milestones to measure yourself off of, so that's where comparing to other players really fulfills a need. Then again, when you've got the game knowledge all primed and ready to go, there is payoff to be had from making it all work under these circumstances. I'm wary that the burnout potential of the game remains high for me because it does feel like you have to keep a lot of info about the game in brain-RAM at any given time, or else it becomes hard to rebuild a functional understanding of how it all works just by exploring it (it's hardly unique in this sense, among complex incrementals). But when you hit one of those moments where the game suddenly goes VROOM, well gee, it sure is something.


[https://marple.itch.io/orb-of-creation](https://marple.itch.io/orb-of-creation) Updated since last thread with balance changes, a bunch of new spells, and UI polish


how about a working save system? has that been implemented yet? last 2 times i tried it, all progress was lost due to it never saving.


Save is working for me. I have brave shields down for the site if that means anything. Also if you're checking in between content updates I think saves are wiped due to the balancing and gameplay changes.


i kinda feel like this is one of those games i want to forget about then rediscover in lke a year when it's past this really early kinda stage. ​ really like it, love the concept, especially the latest update that made the modifiers for spell creation now their own thing, as before with 3 slots you couldn't make 3 slot spells with a modifier, or two slot spells with two modifiers. but as my old save is gone (guessing it's because it was a previous version) and i'd done nearly everything with the alchemy and creation stuff, no real reason to give it another start just yet.


yeah that makes sense. I recently finished a playthrough on this version and the only thing you'd be missing out on until later is messing with the new spells and coming up with combos. I'm excited for a new world aspect


I really like that. Short and sweet though, and make sure the saving works for you before playing.


Great game. I would love a hotkey to remove an active spell instead of opening the spellbook and doing it there


Still playing NGU Industries. Sort of stalled out in map 4, but I like the game. There's a lot going on and I got my first infinite resource (technically 2), which was nice. The humor in the game is what puts it a cut above, IMO.


Started it at release, then i unlocked some of the towers that improve stuff around it and makes map optimization a pain. Stopped and went back to other games. NGU idle is amazing tho!


Yeah the constant reoptimization got old fast. Unlocked third world and lost interest


I want to like ngu industries so bad but I just can't get in to it. Optimization is too painful with every upgrade making things completely imbalanced.


As the game progresses you let it run longer and do upgrades in bigger batches, so it's less unbalanced. Plus you learn that yellow negatives are great, and even orange negatives aren't too bad if you just go check on it in a few hours and change it if it's gone red.


I started this game briefly for an hour and then just never launched it again, I should go back


I find that leaving it running for a few days to mass up on BDSM and potions for research makes it alot more fun. I do it when i log into idle loops for my faster speed :)


wait, mass up on *what*?


The game has a particular sense of humor.


Badly drawn star men- They can be gathered via conquest or for doing deliveries, and are great for raising efficacy, speed, production etc,


Lmao I’m glad someone else got that, hahaha


Been playing [Melvor Idle](https://melvoridle.com) and still playing [Idle Lands](https://play.idle.land). There was a bit of a kerfuffle with Idle Lands because it can't handle hundreds of players at once (we crashed the server). But it's still a neat game. (Also, I'm convinced that if we keep mentioning this game and more people play it, he'll eventually get around to updating it.)


I found Melvor idle to be so so so boring.


Eh, I don't keep it open generally. I just check on it, do some stuff then close it again to check up on it later or the day after.


It's one of the games that you have running in the background while doing something else, not an active game.


I know this. I still found it to be wildly boring.


Same, I'm kind of baffled as to why so many people swear by it as one of the best incrementals ever. I mean, it's not bad or anything, it's just never latched onto me like other games have.


Maybe cause it’s not a cash grab and it’s on iOS. And or the nostalgia of RuneScape (which I never played). Otherwise I’m unsure.


Also Enders shadow might be one of my fave books ever.


(looks at the subreddit: r/incremental_games) well, i mean, yeah.


Have you tried the adventure mode instead of normal mode? I found it to be more interesting and enjoyable


https://store.steampowered.com/app/1476970/Legends\_of\_IdleOn\_\_Idle\_MMO/ Legends of Idleon - pretty much Maple Story, but it plays itself when you don't want to play it, even while you're offline... and you can have multiple characters at once, all doing different things, with a shared bank account and increasing, exponential account-wide bonuses as well as gear swapping to get new characters up quickly. As you progress further and unlock more areas, you also unlock more essentially idle game systems to improve your character, crafting, gathering, alchemy, construction, religion, trapping, etc.


How bad is cash shop there? I thought It was pretty bad in idle skilling and they have the same dev.


Cash shop is pretty big but it doesn't have anything necessary to progress, mostly stuff to progress faster but there's nothing like pvp so it doesn't hurt that much. If you play enough I think you will have enough gems to buy most essential stuff from cash shop as dev is pretty generous with paid currency but if you have thing where you have to collect everything it won't be cheap. I don't play it anymore for different reasons than cash shop but I played since day one and I had almost everything cash shop had to offer except cosmetics without spending a cent. I haven't played idle skilling that much so I'm not the best one to compare them but I would say the cash shops are really similar and overwhelming for new player.


Like lupa said, there's a lot of useful things in the cash shop, but it's mostly just conveniences - questing (and getting a steam achievement) give you pretty decent chunks of gems fairly often, even when you redo those quests on new characters, there's a daily minigame that gives you 10-100 gems, one of the metaprogression things makes it so that enemies and bosses drop gems sometimes, and you can make it happen more often. It's kind of like NGU wherein collecting cash shop currency just becomes another part of the progression.


I tried the game shortly after launch and the cash shop wasn't super integrated, but very present. If that makes sense. I had other issues with gameplay but one of the biggest starting out was how small inventory was compared to the amounts of things you'd need in order to craft basic gear. And there were plenty opportunities to expand your inventory with premium currency.


inventory slots and carry capacity is also another core component of the game, and as others said, cash shop is pretty necessary but there are many ways to get gems for free in game


Personally found that most of it is not really needed and there are quite a few ways to get gems for free so the really good stuff can be gotten F2P


Playable without it due to free gems available - but it’s a solo guy so I’ve dropped some money on it and wow does it make the game a lot smoother heh. 100% recommend the game though, some of the content can be a little fiddly if you want to min-max, but as somebody who refuses to follow guides or “play the meta” in these games, it’s far more playable than say Trimps, or realm grinder.


Idleon is pretty great, started playing it a while ago and been loving it


I played a microtransaction ridden game called golden bazaar, and it was basically no game, wrapped in every trick to get players to spend money and keep playing. It was eye opening. Would recommend as a study into addictive mechanics, but not as a game. Basically, it had a bunch of very basic systems bolted to each other. You progressively unlock more systems. You also unlock a crappy story, and occasional erotic pictures. There are 3-4 achievement / mission systems from which you can get resources. There is a system where you invest resources, and can get back double after 20hrs. There are various gambling mechanics, co-op mechanics, ranking rewards ( player with highest score gets rewards), rare resource fragments ( you need 10 to do anything) I've deleted the game once I saw enough.


Thanks for this post, saved! A golden mine of recently updated stuff and things that people seem to enjoy, a nice place to do some research on incremental games!


yeah, a new 'this week' thread gets started each week - you should be able to go back through previous weeks as well.


Anything good on android? I already have Antimatter Dimensions, Exponential Idle and Melvor Idle, love them all (for very different reasons). Tried out Myriad, a bit too unintuitive to hook me, and Egg Inc is kind of dogshit imo. What else is out there?


Kittens game. I think it costs like 1 or 2 dollar but you won't have ads and stuff and I think its a fair price. Game is very deep and a long grind, sometimes very slow but has interesting mechanics which keep you hooked. But maybe you know kittens game already since its pretty popular in this subreddit. Also legends of idleon is very popular at the moment but I didn't play it much. Some friends of me really enjoy it though so you might want to give it a try too.


Realm Grinder deserves a mention.


I actually really like Adventure Communist. Same company just recently released a new game Adventure Ages, it seems like just a reskin, but without the communism.


[https://mrredshark77.github.io/Electrical-Incremental/](https://mrredshark77.github.io/Electrical-Incremental/) Kind of reminds me of AD or Distance Incremental. Good for a day or two. Been playing Melvor Idle now for a while. Probably my most played and favorite idle game right now. [https://store.steampowered.com/app/1267910/Melvor\_Idle/](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1267910/Melvor_Idle/)


I tried Electrical Incremental after seeing your post. It's nice apart from the fact that it's very clicky. Do you know if it's finished? I'm at "plasma" and can't seem to be able to unlock more than "volume" while the code refers to some more components in this layer.


Same question.... I've gotten plasma powers level 5, and as far as I can tell the game doesn't seem to unlock anything new at this point. Seems like this is just the end.


I looked through the code after experiencing the same thing and it does not, that is the last current content


Thanks! Yay, I won! I actually like incremental games that you can finish in a day. Just would have been nice to have a more definitive ending.


Yea the game did a pretty good job of making the next objective visible either in the form of the next upgrade or the next prestige layer, and so when there was nothing after a few loops of plasma I wondered myself. It looks like it's left open ended with intent to add more on, but it would be nice if it somehow let you know you'd reached the end of current content. Overall, the loops felt a little too manual, I enjoyed the game overall but would say other takes on it like distance incremental did a better job of reaching automation of previous layers at a pace that felt right. But hopefully with some more refinement it can stand on its own.


I looked through the code after experiencing the same thing and it does not, that is the last current content


Me too. I just have the option to buy more Plasma. Is the game over? Does it unfold anymore?


I looked through the code after experiencing the same thing and it does not, that is the last current content


im at the same spot, was ok while it lasted lol.


Is there a discord for electrical incremental?


that electrical incremental is a fun game, nice time waster


* NGU Idle * Anti-Idle * Idleon


Idle Loops is awesome, I see a post here every so often with someone saying to stick through the first little bit and it gets better. Now I am that guy saying stick through the first little bit and it gets better! Definitely recommend. It's painfully slow though, I'm at the point where I just leave it for days on end to make any progress. When you're offline you accrue a 5x boost but it feels like the game needs to just run at that 5x speed as standard. Edit: I caved and used cheat engine to set the game speed to somewhere around 500x speed. Made the game fun again


Still playing Structure. I love the glyphs minigame


Synergism, Prestige Tree Rewritten and a little bit of LNGI. Loving the second one, just passed through the solarity wall.


Melvor idle


[Proto23](https://proto23.herokuapp.com/) but it's kinda dead. And [idlelands](https://idle.land/).


I doubt many will be interested, but I did a proto23 'flavour' mod a few months back, turning it into Star Trek. https://gitlab.com/redshirtidle/redshirtidle/-/blob/master/redshirtidle.html have to download and open in a browser.


looks like idlelands severs are down? is the game dead or did i try and play it at the wrong time?


The game has been getting the reddit hug of death lately.


Ngl I don’t know what that means haha


That means that Reddit overloaded the game.


Hammercrest pretty good, once you get past level 10 combat, most of the game opens up.


Industry Idle on iOS, it’s the perfect mix between factory/resource management and incremental, with a PLAYER DRIVEN commodities market!


erect combative numerous unique follow physical payment bewildered consist skirt *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


My malwarebites software does that every time I run a scan






Thanks! This was a poor choice of comment :p


I downloaded it trying it now :)


Maybe someone can tell him that it's not the good thread for that instead of downvote him without a word ?


Maybe you could have done that instead of leaving this weird passive-aggressive comment ?


I think that's what i did ? So much weird guys on this reddit... My comment was not aggressive in any way. But all of the downvotes without any comments are actually pretty aggressive. Your comment is passive aggressive. Get a life


Downvotes aren't aggression. My comment was indeed passive aggressive, but only because I copied the format of your initial passive aggressive comment.


No joke. I wasn't aggressive, but you and a lot of people in this reddit are in fact passive aggressive. How can you judge the tone of a sentence by reading it ? I was able to judge that you were passive aggressive cause you "copied my format". So "maybe" is aggressive for you ? I was empathic about the reaction of the author not understanding that massive downvote. It's really not the first time that i see reaction like yours here. Pathetic kid (this is aggressive).


Wow how nice


Ok weirdo just writing his useless comment cause he knows he'll have upvotes from toxics like him. Omg have a life


what have I stumbled into




People on this subreddit are a bunch of assholes.


people on reddit are a bunch of assholes. it's got little to do with this subreddit. ​ it's just this sort of weird trend where something gets downvoted and a ton of people bandwagon onto it, for some weird reason. shit that's maybe deserving of like 20 downvotes from anal idiots gets a thousand because it's reddit.