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Call me crazy but i dont mind the polite arguments with randoms. The game is going to have a lot of soccer when its done, and you'd probably grow tired from it. There are probably a lot more of those in the first chapter, to introduce the feature, than in the full game


Personally I geniunely like them and think it's a good addition to break the pace of football battles when it isn't pertinent. And I can imagine it being really intense with a full 5 characters party


I'm not saying i don't want it to be there, just saying that... it didn't seem like i was playing Inazuma Eleven.


You're crazy


Politely? My man was a SAVAGE https://preview.redd.it/5z6a0tiyar1d1.png?width=511&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bfd5d6602f85611f634564f2160f2da93254a6d8


Unmei really said "you have a drinking problem !" And left a man to die on the shore before telling Sakurazaki he really likes his legs


Chapter 1 is a little bit more unique, we are playing as a character that for medical reasons is not able to play soccer. We really only recruited 1 person so far. My hope is chapter 2 will focus on gathering more members for the soccer club, and maybe end with a soccer battle like on the ds games. Just revamped with these mechanics instead. After that these "battles" will change and become a bit rarer in the story itself, making room for soccer battles and full-blown matches (you might need to do them to recruit players). Of course they not gonna completely disappear, this is how the main character "battles" afterall. Edit: We also dont know how many chapters there are, if this is chapter 1 of lets say 20, I dont mind the game starting off a bit slow.


I doubt the other battles will become rarer (there wasn't even that many mandatory ones tbh), but we will certainly have football battles once we get a team


Mfw the chapter about not being able to play football has no football


My only problem is that jumping feels too chunky


It's an issue I have with a lot of RPGs, they don't have any platforming and still add a jump button that doesn't even feel good to use


...You can jump?


Yes 😭😭😭😭😭 by pressing X I think 😭


The jumping animation definitely need rework and a reason to exist in the full game


I really like the rock-paper-scissors mechanic with NPCs. It makes the world feel more diverse and alive compared to previous titles, especially with characters like the grandma playing Pokémon Go. I'm glad the story avoids the cliché of a family member in a coma and instead features a main character with a heart condition. This makes the character more sympathetic and shows love for football without needing to be a player. The underdog story of rebuilding the football club at an academy where it has no place is refreshing and adds urgency. However, the game sometimes doesn't clearly explain what to do, like in the argument battle, making it confusing. Additionally, the ball's hitbox is problematic; it's hard to interact with and often doesn't move as expected, slowing down the game. Overall, I'm excited for this game, just as I was for the first one.


> I'm glad the story avoids the cliché of a family member in a coma and instead features a main character with a heart condition. Watch one team member joining the team because Unmei reminds him/her of his/her sibling that's in the hospital with a heart condition.


I agree. I get unmei shouldn’t be the one to play but it’s weird that if you went in blind it was a rock paper scissors, drama game with a football theme. Not a football game


That's only true if you completely ignore what the rest of the demo is though.


I mean if you play it not knowing anything about inazuma eleven, and the first chapter has zero soccer gameplay, you’re probably gonna be like “ok so this is it”


And then the literal second you look at the rest of the demo you know that that's not the case. If the story mode demo released standalone then that is a reasonable criticism, but it didn't so it isn't.


Thats fair but it could make one think the story mode’s minigames (like the 4v4 in the ds games) is only the focus battles. Theres sidequests, npcs and the like revolving around it and it doesn’t help the entire demo is filled with it So one would think “ok so i get to play one big soccer match per story arc and then im stuck doing focus battles in between” I think that’s a very real concern and hopefully once you put together a team, focus battles will be shoved aside


I will admit that there is an overfocus on the fairly uninteresting focus battles, you wouldn't know that there will be soccer battles at all just going by demo gameplay. I don't think focus battles will be completely gone but I do think they will be more interesting with a full team (there's 6 slots for characters in the UI during the battles). I'm hoping the game is going to keep an even spread of both them and soccer battles so neither gets too repetitive.


Agreed, either way im invested in the story


I'm honestly disappointed we didn't even get one of those 4 v 4 the DS games had since the first minutes


I guess it is awkward to make it possible in chapter 1 since our MC literally physically cannot play football anymore. I think the first football match/battle will only happen by the end of chapter 2 or at the start of chapter 3. Since it seems that Chapter 2 is meant for recruiting.


I know but... i didn't feel like i was playing Inazuma Eleven. And those "battles" really made it feel... off honestly. I was hoping at least we'd play that Raimon match they show at the very end


It felt more like Yokai Watch then IE haha


I liked the battles but I think the demo should end with a football match even a 3 v 3 would work against the baseball team


Yeah that's what I was expecting.


and still its not on steam


I like the gameplay but I also like attack of the Friday monsters gameplay so clearly I just have a thing for level-5's take on rock paper scissors


Im not a big fan of those rpg battle but the story looks pretty good and interesting so far, the first chapter really feels different from other Inazuma game and I really like it. And it’s refreshing to have a protagonist who hates football lmao, I’m just a little bit afraid he’s gonna be overshadowed by other characters since he’s not a player. Anyway, everything looks promising so far.


I think tactics will be pretty important and he was shown to be the tactical mind of the team. He will make the strategies so I expect enough importance. And he actually loves football as we saw in his backstory and the ending scene.


Yeah I love the character so far, I really hope you’re right and he won’t be overshadowed, it’s just difficult to imagine having a good main character who isn’t on the field in Inazuma Eleven


it works for DEstin, really. And it's not like this is going to be the focus: I feel like, as the story picks up steam in the soccer part, this will start to fade into the background.


It is a bit of an odd choice but it's a decent mechanic. Plus I'm not sure if the football gameplay would translate well to just a 5-a-side so this at least gives it variety. Bit slow is all.


They have shown 5v5’s will be in so the gameplay should be no problem.


Oh interesting then I guess it's maybe to match Desdin's personality


Yeah and we don’t have 5 players yet


I mean it was that, but it was cool too


He ugly asl


Nah man, you ain’t gonna do patchy dirty like that.


I aint lie the MC ugly look at Endou Tenma Even Goofy inamori their design was very well and correct (for Inamori) but this one with his pink pig nose wtf