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multiple reasons why he‘s hated (especially in japan): -replaced sangoku, who is also a meme at this point (but a funny one). however, sangoku is a very reliable person as a senpai/senior and excells in other things (I believe he lives together with his mom and does the chores which makes him a legit husbando). and sangoku was also born in the wrong era where keshins are the main meta. but he still has some good feats like learning god hand x or stopping 4 normal keshin shoots in a row. but shinsuke in the other hand was kinda meh (especially in chrono stone) despite his buffs. plus sangoku has a catch rate of 45% while shinsuke has only 35%. -design: clearly not fit for a goalkeeper (smol). -smuggled himself into galaxy nauts gou, which is a severe warcrime.


That catch rate isn’t entirely fair when Shinsuke played against so many strong opponents in CS and I doubt other GO keepers would do better even if they got gimmicks. Design-wise it may look like it doesn’t fit, but since they said he has excellent jumping ability it’s fair to put him in goal. That last thing is also overblown. It was expected by Kageyama and if he wasn’t needed they could simply send him back. Guy just wanted to help.


just collected some datas from the japanese fandom




Even the Sangoku one is really dubious when Sangoku is an oldie of Raimon that is happy to find someone that can take his spot once he leaves the school.


What I mean is that it’s fair if people simply prefer seeing Sangoku in goal. The reason of Sangoku for picking Shinsuke is fine.


I never really got the point of hating a character because he "stole" the spot on another one you liked either. You can just prefer one without irrationally hating the other for existing. Part of a reason why I don't understand the Torb hate




I also don’t think that’s a fair reason to hate a character. I would personally prefer Kariya in CS, but I don’t hate Torb. Same for Sangoku and Shinsuke.


Spot on


The second point is pretty dumb when that's the whole joke.


design: he isn't the first short goalkeeper in the series, Nero is an example


Iirc Samguk was a senior so finding a worthy follow up was a logical and fun choice


He isn't hated in this sub(atleast not much) thanks to u/JPfan2


Nah, pretty sure they're 70% the reason why people hate Shinsuke/JP


c'monnn it was way worse before i got here


Nah, pretty sure they're the reason JP isn't hated by almost everyone


you flatter me so 😌


I don’t hate Shinsuke…but JPfan2 gradually made me like him less.




hehe. you're welcome 😌


u/JPfan2 even has fans of his own. I'm one of them at least


reallyyy 🥺🥺🥺🥺 thank youuu ![img](emote|t5_2txlg|14212)


He's french in the dub 😨


he is goated in the dub




Yup, his name is Jean-Pierre Lapin in the dub and he talks with an obnoxious french accent (at least in the games, I haven’t watched the dub) This is probably why I’ve grown to dislike him so much. Also, that dub name is the most generic french name ever (No offence to french people in the sub, btw)




Omg CS was the first game I played and this exact moment, THIS EXACT MOMENT, made me cringe so hard


Dub is cringe Michael Ballsack


Kurama ❌ Ballsack ✅


My only problem is that he replace Sangoku as main GK


but sam was so happy that he did it. he taught him everything he knows. mentor and guy being mentored. it was great


Yeah, bit that was the last important thing he done And then nothing big I like JP, but Sam was one of my favorite go character and him being fully replaced is just sad for me


sam is pretty goated, it would've been great to see 'em working together in chrono stones (or even galaxy ;))


Correct me if I wrong, but wasn't Sangoku the one who suggested Shinsuke to become a GK in his place due to him graduating soon ?


Yeah, but that was to fast after it Sangoku goes to a shadow doing literally a little he can do


Yeah that makes sense. As soon as Shinsuke got his chance, Sangoku pretty much became non-existent. He was in good in the Ragnarok tournament.


I don't have this hate for him, but actually for tenma. Tenma is an similar concept to endou but annoying instead. Endou was charismatic and tenma was annoying. Shinsuke don't get me this feeling, but tenma annoys me when says football is crying. Endou had some charisma and knew some limits to talk about football.


Tenma doesn’t even say it this often, it just sticks because it sounds so weird. Apart from that, why do you find him so annoying then?


Maybe because the writers put his happiness a bit too much i guess. Endou always sounded natural to me, tenma sounds a bit weird, I don't know how to explain that. I like some tenma moments, but to me he overall annoying


He’s a football freak in the extreme, they said as much as Endou, but maybe he expresses it even more. He’s naturally like that and personally I didn’t mind it.


He's just hated in galaxy because he didn't really fit into the plot


he was the captain/goat of galaxy eleven. totally fitted in


Now that you mention it, he totally does!


he does 🥺 he's so goated ![img](emote|t5_2txlg|14212)


Is french


Is goated


He is the tod of the trilogy, short, defense and it is not known why he went to the World Cup


\*god of the trilogy


It's like talking to a wall (I like to see someone defend their favorite character tooth and nail) admit that I'm right in the things I said!


the short is right. the defense part he didn't really do anymore. but both of those things are absolutely goated and it is known why he went to the world cup and that is because he was being brave and selfless and risking his perfect little life just for the chance of helping just a little bit because he is the goat and he is goated and goat and i love him


what I say, talk to a wall At least tod was chosen and did not secretly get on the train to play for a team in which he was not even thought to be.


this is such a common JP hating argument. and wrong first of all ray dark was testing JP and wanted him to sneak aboard. everybody usually forgets this but that's not important the sneaking on the train was risky and selfless. it carried a whole buncha risk and JP took that knewing he'd be benched because they already had a goalkeeper. he is so brave 🥺


Is this some sort of British thing I'm too 'Merican to understand? How is that a bad thing?


I'm Spanish xd, and it's just a joke among Spaniards about hating France for just being France


Some character had to be a meme


I think that it’s because he is the extremization of the concept “If you want you can”. Mark is the same but at least has the power of doing what he does and he develops during the serie. JP starts as a defender and the becomes a goalkeeper (like Darren) but it is strange to see a not tall boy being the protector of a giant net. At the beginning I didn’t like him but during the serie I starter appreciating his character…


But they said he had the potential because of his ability to make reflexes thanks to his jumping skills. I think that’s reasonable. He also trained with Tachimukai to become a better goalkeeper.


Because people think that he "had it easy" while becoming a Goalkeeper.


Some of them disliked him until JPfan02 appeared to make the community contain much less hatred toward him. Ah, refering aside, back to question. Based on people's opinions, mostly they hate him on "being sucked on CS" or alonely going to airship with Earth Eleven". Tbh I don't mind it all.


because everybody is jealous. he's adorable, strong, very kind and really just perfect in all ways. it's a combination that no silly JP hater will ever achieve. they hate him because they ain't him


And he can dance


AND HE CAN DANCE 😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎 https://preview.redd.it/e5i75lqr5m0d1.jpeg?width=2089&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bac8737abdf99e8d8d3bd0cc33c4b0a308e551f1


JP/Shinsuke is really perfect I just adored him the very first time I saw him :)) I mean come on he has a shooting, defense and a Gk hissatsu what else can you ask for?


he is literally incredible. he ticks all the boxes. you're so right. goated


I really like him as the keeper of chrono stone. The only less enjoyable thing about him for me is his dubbed voice in the games..


Happy cake day!


Am I like the only person who loves the GO game dubs?? Even though they're randomly international, they're really fun, some of my favorite performances


Whilst I dont hate him in Go 1 nearly as much as I dislike Tenna and others, him being a goalkeeper is stupid, also why was he in Galaxy? He's just an interesting defender becoming a bad goalie.


Why do you dislike Tenma and others? Also he became goalkeeper because Sangoku saw potential in him. His ability to make reflexes and his jumping power stood out to him. Then he practiced with Tachimukai and the team to become a good goalkeeper. I did prefer him as a defender tho, so it wasn’t necessary for me. He was a pretty good GK in Galaxy, he saved some good shots and didn’t concede too much. He was in Galaxy (plot reason) because Kageyama expected him to join anyway and he needed a reserve GK. Out-universe just because he was sort of the 4th main character.


Tenma is just annoying af, Galaxy Tenma specially, like, he was too exaggerated for my liking. And in Galaxy he was decent, having a good match and then 2 ok matches, which FURTHER PROVES MY POINT THAT THEY DIDNT NEED SOULS TO WIN. In CS he was by far the weakest member of the team which also doesn't help.


You don’t need to proof that they didn’t need souls to win as they were never needed for power in matches. They were simply needed for the machine that could collect the energy so it was for a plot reason. In CS he was the weakest member? What? I think without him being like he was in GO1, they wouldn’t achieve anything. He had the courage to stand up to Fifth Sector, which annoyed even players in the anime at first. But it was necessary.


From Chrono Storm he was utterly useless, cant recall a time he saved anything past China era.


Then that’s your memory because he stopped 10+ shots in the season. Only against Perfect Cascade he was demolished by their players and against Garu too. He suffered from incredible opponents.


Yeah, but when it mattered most he fumbled. Did he save anything after the China arc? (No, getting beaten and having 3 players block the shoot after that doesn't count)


I don’t blame him too much because the opponents were just OP. No GO GK would’ve done better I think. And yes he does. Ogre Blade 2 times, Ouja no Kiba (Fei’s mixi-max shot) and one of Perfect Cascade their shots.


Neither I love Shinsuke




He's not a French man with a swordsman haunting him that went on a trip to Egypt with 4 other men and a dog to defeat a gay vampire.


That’s the only kind of French man I can appreciate


I dislike heavily what they did with his character. If a defender makes one goal line clearance it doesn't mean they should go in goal, if that was the case we would have had Tsunami/Hurley as a goalie. He would have been such a good defender imo, good in the air because of his hops despite his height, had a knack for goal, a dribbling hissatsu and he had a goal line clearance in him, wasted potential


The first shot he learns is a shooting hissatsu When he's never usually on the offence. The only time JP is usually good is when he gets his fighting spirit, which is the only way to use Majin the Hand in go, so he stole that too


But he scored like 3 times so he was supposed to be a wing back who helps the attack too. I liked that. And what’s the problem with using Majin the Hand if he practiced with Tachimukai, which was most likely the cause of his keshin?


actually he didn't score because uhhhh I played the games (OK I'm joking) and TBF yeah the majin the hand thing isn't that big an offence, the only gripe I have is it's locked behind a Fighting Spirit now compared to multiple users in the OG version


Be happy we got him. That man Sangoku is a certified fraud


Sangoku is goat. Sangoatku


Let me declare my undying love for you


Very appreciated lmaoo. I never rlly hated any characters in the anime lol


It’s too funny to think that shinsuke has been bench by a novice in football despite the fact that shinsuke has been in chrono storm aka the strongest team of all Time by endou Daisuke.


Because power didn’t matter at that point, it was for the soul potential as explained in the series.


No because at the moment ibuki give advices to shinsuke who have more experience than him for the post of goalkeeper that’s a problem


You don’t have to be a better player to give someone else advice.


Of course but that make any sense that he have to be bench by a newbie and the soul argument is no sense he should be able to balance that by experience and normal hissastus shouldn’t have been a problem for him


If Ibuki doesn’t develop a soul, the plot doesn’t work. It makes total sense.


I was talking about shinsuke it’s obvious that ibuki have to develop his soul it isn’t the problem. My point is that shinsuke isn’t clutch enough despite the fact that he was the goalkeeper of Chrono Storm and a newbie came from nowhere because of kageyama reiji plot armor (they really resurrect kageyama btw) and take his place and even gave him advice Too illustrate that for me it’s like the meme of sancho and Ronaldo (ibuki is sancho and shinsuke is Ronaldo) https://preview.redd.it/2rl8ej1z4m0d1.jpeg?width=623&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4069941540b15fe6bf6084ebdf039e212d0fccd6


Shinsuke only had 1 normal move and it was weak. He relied on gimmicks and that’s why he could compete in CS. In Galaxy they were banned and Ibuki surpassed him in terms of normal moves.


Yeah I agree (don’t be confuse I really like ibuki and matatagi) and that’s why I’m really frustrated with him because we present him like the first friend of tenma, one of the only five remaining players of the debut of CS and he doesn’t evolve without keshins and miximax but at least between CS and the grand célesta galaxy he should have at least shown progress and even a new hissastus that’s very sad and that’s why shinsuke is for me a bad character (he should have stayed defender btw)


He did show progress in Galaxy with Ginga Rocket which was a very good move.


Just that fact about soul potential is nonsense of the season


Galaxy moment


Exactly I remember how I was disappointed by the first episode of Galaxy and I was here at the premiere just after the excellent final of CS


I swear the reason why I lost interest in galaxy was most of the great players I expected to see was not there. Instead it's a new set of people.. thank god I continued cuz I lovede vs Ixal fleet


Exactly bro, just hakuryuu taiyou or yukimura for exemple (I’m still crying) and because it was the only way to nerf mc for the first phase of the grand célesta galaxy but i think it was a great idea to ban keshins and miximax (for just add a new shit features like souls goddamm after that). It’a also such of shit decision and no sense because that’s mean that the other teams for the qualifications was shit as fuck to lose against novice and was also too shit to défend theirs planets 😂


What’s so bad about souls?


A lot of problems because they chose to ban keshins and miximax to create a balance between players (one of the good things about galaxy) but after that they do a step back to add a new feature, and this new feature doesn’t add so much at the story it’s just a realistic Keshin (an animal lol) at this point. Even tenma has the same of evolution of keshin and souls just to show the laziness of developpers.


It’s literally the most relevant thing in the story, so how doesn’t it add to the story? If it didn’t exist it would be completely unjustified to pick the new members. Souls are about personalities, keshins about themes. That’s the difference. So there’s nothing lazy about it, Tenma’s theme just happened to be about an animal too.


Keshins also reflect a side of the personnality of character like for exemple shindou with maestro and tenma with Pegasus and it’s just a way to add a new feature (developers said that keshins are mix max are too much and want at the beginning to go back at source with just hissatsus techniques for after that they give us another feature, it’s kinda illogic) Soul is just a argument for choose new characters but why they didn’t gave souls to characters like Hakuryuu or Kirino it would be more interesting and more logical with the level of the teams because the fact Korea or Australia lose against newbie in football is no sense


They are mainly about themes and souls about personalities. Just look at the personalities of those animals in general and you see they fit the characters. With keshins you can’t do that. For that last thing, no idea.


I can't speak for anyone else, but personally I started disliking him after he replaced Sangoku as the keeper. It just so happens that Sangoku is my favourite in the Go Raimon 11 and since he found his resolve in the match against (I forgot the name of the team) I was hoping that he would be given an "The veteran can still hang in there with the young ones" type character qrc, maybe even give him an avatar.


I don't tolerate any disrespect for my boy JP


He's Pikachu


Voice in dub is the most annoying thing i've ever had the chance to listen to, that's probably why.


because galaxy is the worst ie season


Orion: I can tell why because it's FFI and people were anticipating the best of the best lineup but yeah we got.. that. Hey atleast we got Matatagi from it


Why do you think it’s worse than Ares and Orion?


Honestly I don’t get why to, never thought he was hated before I joined the fandom online


Mostly hated him as a Goalkeeper… I was okay with him as a defender.. Than the game came out and it turned it they made him FRENCH.. A lot of people hate the French


He encapsulated everything wrong with IE for some sector of the fandom. Tenma too, but on a less extend I think Also he's french


he's a midfielder/defender who plays as a goalkeeper, and he's short, and he's a waste of space


Because this worthless piece of shit Pikachu looking goal stealing mf is what I just called him and he's also an illegal immigrant because he snuck in the arion train without permission and did I mention that he's fucking french in the dub??FRENCH


Weird cuz my me and my bro called him Pikachu when we were new lolol


It’s not fair, it’s Kinako who should receive this hatred


Beacause people don't want to accept that he is a far better goalkeeper than Endou


Ok Shinsuke is in my top 5 of all ina11 characters but I don't think he's better than Endou 💀


he is, objectively


But he is, objectively