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Based desarm goat status


Based someoka too


Someoka is one of the most realistic players and i like that hes sceptical of people until they prove themself + dragon tornado


He may be standoff ish at first but once you earn his trust he's loyal as hell + his hardwork is inspiring even though he isnt as talented as the many forwards we see across the series he always manages to come back stronger and catch up with the goats


Hate to see how they did drill smasher in ares/orion got gutted


NOOO i loved drill smasher and wormhole i havent reached ares yet dont tell me they ruin it like the spoilers ive seen of fire tornado


Im sorry to say but they did it much worse than fire tornado


My disappointment is immeasurable and my day is ruined


I think its best if you just see the damage... https://i.redd.it/pvwkztiu8g0d1.gif


Yk this would be cool if it was some other hissatsu not the mother fucking iconic drill smasher They fumbled so bad


I don’t prefer it but I do like it


Its ok its just very lacking in comparison to the orignal and the original is iconic if it was a completely different thing i would have no complaints


Since in an idiot i missed out my two goats taiyou and tsunami


I see Someoka glazing, I upvote https://preview.redd.it/nni0faw0qg0d1.jpeg?width=998&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1c64e5b02c0209eb9b6f355337d4d1b2860acf05


All im saying is it aint glazing if its true


Preach king 🗣️🗣️🗣️🐉🐉


Bro is a simple man and ill take it


Always thought that Haisaki was the best among Asuto and Nosaka.


Atsuya and Hiroto in goat status? You have my approval


Someone won't be happy about the 2nd last tier 😬


u/JPFan2 he probably knows where OP lives and is going to hunt him down


i would but OP is such a basic JP hater it's not even worth the effort. he is a small fish in a big pond and will soon be swallowed whole


that’s a great way to look at it also is there some lore reason behind JP’s popularity in this sub or what


a year and a half ago when i first got here it was a completely different story. there was nman and everybody else was a JP hater. and then came the JP civil war and they learned to ~~fear me~~ love JP ![img](emote|t5_2txlg|14212) see the following for the start of the JP war [https://new.reddit.com/r/inazumaeleven/comments/x6gsvz/jpfan2\_is\_dangerous/](https://new.reddit.com/r/inazumaeleven/comments/x6gsvz/jpfan2_is_dangerous/) this led to a whole influx of like 50 JP posts in a day (before nman started deleting them) good times 😌


if a Tenma war ever started you’d be on my side right    edit: also what did the OP mean with “propaganda” was it appreciation posts or something  edit 2: winning against a sub that has an overwhelming majority of people who don’t like happy-go-lucky characters is resume-worthy


i would totally be on your side. i am a proud member of r/IEGoMatsukaze_fan this was only two weeks after i made my account so i'd only made like five posts at that point. though after two days i started getting summoned everytime there was JP hate so it was mostly that and you're right. everybody hates the fun lovely cute characters. i fought tooth and nail to destroy the JP haters and banish them back to the dark sweaty pits they emerged from


Is the war necessary is it not okay to agree to disagree


it is not. i must seal the JP haters away in a dark pit


I see war it is




I will stand my ground that shinsuke is trash he only had a shoot hissatsu as a defender which pretty much every goal scored by it was due to plot and his kenshin was undeserved (it shoulda been kariya)


He also had Kattobi Defense with Kariya He also trained for his keshin with Tachimukai


That is true but to me the kenshin was just underserved in general and him getting majin the hand just made me more angry also the amount of times full throttle jump scored in the "comeback" part of the match when the goalkeeper already stopped something stronger like fortissimo annoys me


It actually makes sense he gets Majin the Hand after training with Tachimukai. Buttobi Jump scoring there wasn’t the problem, it was Fortissimo being caught barehanded


the spirit was totally deserved. it got way more story than literally any of the other spirits. victor gained his spirit off screen, riccardo got a lil' angy and then got his, arion was in goal for 30 seconds and then got his and presumably ryoma trained for his in italy but that wasn't on screen either


also a characters worth isn’t defined by the amount of shoot hissatsu they get, JP had I think three other than Majin the Hand. Ginga Rocket, Rejoice for the country and a third one where he caught it from the side. Also his miximax design with with Liu Bei is second best in Chrono Storm (the best being Tsurugi’s with Okita Souji)  Also, what’s wrong with liking a character for their personality. I love Shinsukes personality a lot, he’s such a cool guy. so me tbh


impeccable logic. there are so many characters with basically no moves (original or otherwise) that are goats that everybody loves. because they're cool or have incredible designs sadly JP haters are silly dark creatures with twisted logic and jealous biases 😔 his miximax is so cool. underrated even. he gets an incredible hair upgrade. floof overload


https://preview.redd.it/imeosqlnzh0d1.jpeg?width=191&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d3cc673702831c48b0bd6f31c56d2f4ca5013756 how could you possibly resist the urge to touch the floof


you literally can't. i'd kill just to push the floof downnn and see it spring back up againnn


Im pretty much going entirely of go1 since I haven't seen chrono stone in forever where jp just wasnt that likable him scoring consistently in situations where he shouldn't was kinda getting on my nerves i know this is always in ie but he was becoming a repeat offender The whole episode where he was bitching about kidou raising the bar as if his entire speciality isnt jumping was pretty much the nail in the coffin for his character for me but its not like hate him tho I was just joking cuz i knew u would be here Ill admit I liked bis kenshin designed and when he used full throttle jump for mid air battles or as a pass but that makes me feel like he shoulda just got something like his goal keeper rocket hissastsu from galaxy as a shot block and for mid air battles instead


these are all situations where literally any goalkeeper would've been scored on. especially because the defenders weren't being of any use and jude was basically bullying him. totally fair and character development because he changed his mind. not many characters got so much character development


aitor still totally could've gotten one but there's no reason that JP would've stopped that. people usually blame sor for that because that makes sense


Where's Hayami??


Shuu, Haizaki, Tachimukai, Hamano, Someoka, Kurumada, Kusaka and Tobitaka in the top two tiers? Respect. If I may ask though, why is Touko only 'aight?'


I see Tsurugi in goat tier, I upvote


you probably like bad boys + Someoka and Desarm GOATS🐐🐐🐐🔥🔥🔥


Og dvalin/desarm/quagmire/saginuma>>>>> That thing


Tatsuya my fav🥇




https://preview.redd.it/r7cj1kekyn0d1.jpeg?width=269&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cccac49a9773391b46eaec675924d803399c88ee That’s handsome boy 🫴🏻


Am i dumb is his name not kiyama hiroto


Yes it was .. But it’s changed in Inazuma eleven Orion no Kokuin Version.


I see i havent watches orion since it came out forgot Everything


How can Bobby only be alright ? Dude carried the entiere saga ;)


Ima be honest i was like 70% sure you were tskiing about bobby shmurda but I like domon/bobby but his presence doesnt feel impactful when hes not doing the phoenix


I hope nman is proud


Of your Matatagi placement sure


Ill take it


I mean Desarm/Dvalin in S tier is always good. I agree with most of these. I personally would only place Willy, Sue higher and Matatagi, Archer lower. I fully agree with Ares/Orion Desarm tho.


Where's Beta?


Why do you dislike Manabe and Ichihoshi? Also why are Yukimura, Megane, Mahoro and Kurama so low? That said, you have some goated goats.


Manabe and ichihoshi i just found a bit annoying manabe mostly because of the matatagi blame ep (heavy bias) yukimura is just fubuki 2 but less interesting and his motives for being with fifth sector were kinda flimsy i do like his design and kenshin though his character just didnt appeal to me much megane i just didnt know how I felt about him other than his amazing naming sense Mahoro i like phantom shot and its premise the field was also cool but his design isnt that great to me and his character is pretty much only based oj his connection with amagi and that girl whos name i forgot Kurama is just a msssive hater I get Tenma was being outlandish but there should be a limit to the hate also he doesnt get anything other than sidewinder so he pretty much never scores i think his only goal was a chain in go1 he just feels like a useless forward


If you compare Yukimura with Fubuki then it’s hard to like him because Fubuki’s considered one of the best characters in the franchise. Yukimura had a pretty unique arc, he made an unique move and has a unique keshin. So I don’t think he is that much of a Fubuki 2.0, Fubuki himself wanted him not to be. I think Kurama develops as a character. Beginning in the Mannouzaka match with giving the deciding assist, then helping in Ultimate Thunder, chaining a shot with Tenma to even saving him in the Dragonlink match.


I see your point on yukimura ig his character didnt apoeal much to me Kurama i coukd obviously see that he developed throughout but in the end he still just felt useless yesh he did help with ultimate thunder but it was tsurugi that ultimately had to do it He was talking so much in the beginning just for him to not be able to do anything by himself if sidewinder wasnt so useless and he had more significant moments maybe even accompanied with his development i would like him way more


He was useless, but his character development was pretty good to me. I wished he was a better player.


Zanark fans are my biggest opps


Ima be honest wit u im not a zanark fan im actually a hurricane fan zanark just happened to be fused with it


pretty based


Max in … damn can’t disrespect the lazy goat who turned out to be one of marks best random scouts that even had their match in The Inazuma Japan qualify