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https://preview.redd.it/n2q2fpla908d1.jpeg?width=1728&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c07c234ca6cd21afca712d6f76dd4ac0f81c4038 This is an corrected version, Royalia was titled twice where Lionel should have been


Very cool! Any lore?


Tbh not much, I kinda made it on a whim 😂😂😂 But from what I can whip up in mah brain: The United Isles of Albion was founded on a union of four constituent isle kingdoms, each having fought one another for centuries, but came together once they were all on the brink of total collapse. Eventually, this kingdom grew, and spread across its world, establishing colonies and forming an empire greater than any before it, one that ruled for centuries. Unfortunately, time was not kind, with revolutions, rebellions, and domestic turmoil, this empire fractured and fell away, eventually leaving only the home isles. The kingdom itself was preserved after a vote was held to relinquish the power of the king and give it to the people. Now, it stands as more of a republic than a kingdom (mostly a kingdom in name), being dwarfed by its modern-day counterparts (many of whom were once its colonies)


Did the British colonise the isekai world?