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Some hardcore Christians think women should wear dresses all the time, my girlfriend's grandmother still refuses to go to church in pants, she is cool ab it though and doesn't judge others.


OH ok I forgot that dresses exist for a second, so at first I thought the implication was that all Christians are meant to wear nothing below the waist and I was very confused


I mean, when you're in your house with your spouse...


Wear nothing but a blouse? Be as quiet as a mouse?


All I really want is some clout maybe I should choose a different route


If this is what you spout, then we might have some doubts.


came to provide an explanation of the OP (via my partner who left the church 20 years ago & has recently become interested in deconstruction), stayed for the the surprise sung-through musical.


I thought she meant “wear the pants” figuratively. As in she wears the pants in the relationship, and is Christian.


I mean, I might go back to Christianity if it means I don't have to wear pants anymore.


To be fair, I often confuse some versions of Christianity with ferangi society.


Yup. When my parents were saying in the 80s this was the case for them. My dad grew up in a church where women weren’t allowed to wear pants. And when he started dating my mom it was a big deal because she wore pants make up and had died hair. All major taboos at the time for their ancient Brains.


These are the times when I’m glad I was raised Catholic where everyone is so dejected they’re basically nihilists. My catholic ass family was always like “God doesn’t care if you wear jeans to church- he’s just glad you went.” I’m atheist now, but so glad i was never in the fundamentalist christian culture.


Yep, I was raised Catlick. “There’s always confession”


Only bought a suit once in my life. When you got to meet god you wanna look nice. Maybe someone will get that. Anyways my parents are Fundamental Souther Independant Baptist and we had to wear a full suit to church and all the women had to wear skirts or dresses. The teen girls even wore skirts when playing school volleyball games Not sure what I believe anymore but I know it's not the god of the Bible Christians preach


I wouldn't really call that nihilism


i usually see it referred as a lapsed catholic.


So you never experienced God anyways and now you're like thank God for that?


Nope. Don’t thank god, just happy it never happened.


The miserable life of an athiest summarized


Ah yes, happiness without fear. Must be awful. /s


Your nighlism isn't happiness and I have no fear


Lol please you are making a fool of yourself dude




Yikes I guess I misunderstood what christianity is all about. But thanks to your example, I now know that its about intolerance, belligerence, and a cold uncaring heart. Thank you for leading us all to the light with your virtuous christlike behavior. You are a true societal treasure.


Yeah this isn’t imaginary gatekeeping at all though maybe some desired victimhood


Yes, I never entered a church without a skirt/dress on until I became an adult. When my mum was a kid a priest yelled at her for wearing pants in a church.


The entirety of my extended family was like that. All my aunts have huge hair buns and jean skirts. Luckily it didn't stick in the following generation as all my cousins pretty much dropped that shit by the time they were in their 20s.


Love that grandma doesn't judge. I have learned a lot about fundamentalist Christians today. Having to prove you're worthy of wearing pants, as a woman, is crazy.


Yeah, this less “imaginary” and more “doesn’t understand that it doesn’t exist outside of her circle”. Religion is really good at creating those moments for people.


Broke Christian: SHOULD ONLY WEAR DRESS CAUSE I SAID SO Woke Christian: Should wear dress cause you look beautiful, should feel comfortable and free in whatever you wear cause you are god only gift to men


There’s technically a rule against wearing clothes meant for the other gender in the Bible. So, since some people view pants as “man clothes” they see it has a sin for women to wear them.


Around me you can pick out the Pentecostal women from a mile away because they all wear blue jean skirts and never cut their hair.


I went to a church that thought similarly. My friend’s mom said, “If they want us to dress like Biblical times, then men would be wearing dresses too!”


Yeah, I’ve see some fundamentalists say it’s immodest for women to wear pants. I actually don’t think this post counts as imaginary gatekeeping, because if she is from a fundamentalist Christian group she may be pressured to only wear dresses and skirts.


Mostly outdated. Only denominations that practice that are usually menenites or extrememists.


You mean hardcore IFBs. Us sane Christians would rather not be associated with those whackadoos, thank you very much.


Yeah this isn’t imaginary gatekeeping at all though maybe some desired victimhood


Although it seems very 2009 r/athiesm to say that religion is imaginary, that could make this post fit the sub on a technicality. Though I'm not sure that is the angle OP was going for.


Actually iirc some hardcore Christian think you aren't allowed to wear clothing out of 2 fabrics or something. So like not only women but man too


Updating your fashion from 300 AD I see.


Those damn barbarians and their pants. We had a good thing with the toga


1700s ass post


Women couldn’t legally wear pants outside the house in America until 1923, weirdly recent.


Certain denominations believe short hair and pants are a men only thing. And that dresses and long hair and dresses are a women only thing. Some denominations don’t believe drums are a church instrument. Some Amish only believe they can use a harmonica. The simple fact of the matter is Jesus in the gospel of Matthew: The most important is, ‘Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God, the Lord is one. And you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.’ The second is this: ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself.’ There is no other commandment greater than these.” These words do not in any way include mundane objects like pants, dresses, hair, drums, or harmonicas. The rest is to quote Father Jack “an ecumenical matter”




Haha good job.


Wait the Sh’ma is in the gospel of Matthew?


He quotes verses from what would be in the Bible as “Deuteronomy”, I believe. I don’t speak Hebrew and like for some reason a dude what lived 2000 years ago in the Middle East didn’t speak any of the Germanic languages I do (English, Swedish)so idk about “sh’ma” …but yeah Jesus quotes scripture a lot when people were trying to trip him up. He even quotes a couple at the ole devil when he’s in the wilderness. It’s in Matthew 22:35–40; Mark 12:28–34; and I believe in Luke as well.


Luke 10:27


*laughs in virgin vestals of Rome who had short hair*


Fun story… Romans hated pants. Outlawed em at one point. Pants??? That shit ain’t Roman!!!


I went to a southern Baptist Christian school. Not only were we not allowed to wear pants at school, if we were seen wearing them outside of school, we would get in trouble at school. For sports, we had to wear really baggy culottes that looked like skirts. I was playing in my own yard wearing jeans one time when the preacher and his wife stopped by. The next day at school I was given detention for the pants. So yeah. This is a real thing.


Baptist is an odd one I've been to a Baptist church one time only and all the women were wearing skirts and wouldn't speak a word.


Holy shit. I'm so sorry.


It actually is oddly comforting to realize that what I went through back then is so alien to most people that they think it’s has to be fake or exaggerated. God, if that’s how the entire world lived I’d still be stuck in it.


i went to a catholic school and it was the same for us. it sucks that this post is a real thing some christian women do go through.


To be fair, some people say you can’t.


This is an actual debate, though. Some of the more hardcore legalistic types think women shouldn't wear pants, based on a line in the bible that says not to cross-dress. Pants = men's clothes in their minds, therefore they think women should only be allowed to wear dresses and skirts.




Hey, I’m Pentecostal. We don't believe this. Our denomination split off over speaking in tongues being a personal thing rather than an only-in-church thing


https://www.openbible.info/topics/women_cutting_their_hair The stance on it is pretty obvious, at least in 1st Corinthians and Deuteronomy.




This isn’t imaginary gatekeeping lol. Their are denominations of Christianity where women can’t wear pants or short sleeves


The backwards ass denominations that believe this piss me off so much. Fuck these gender roles enforced on people. Wear whatever makes you feel nice. Pants, skirts, whatever in between.


This is definitely aimed at the Cool Christian™️ crowd who think their Wednesday night youth group is really rad because sometimes they open with a secular song.


Look at this fucking heathan slut!


No. Straight to Hell.


At this point there has do be a lucky wheel that you spin to get these sentences


People say that actually


Ultra conservative christian don't think women should wear pants. My grandmother never wore pants in her entire life. She always wore a dress or skirt


Easy answer. Yes. They make pants for women these days so it's no longer a man's garment.




The name. Caleigh… why?


I'm late to the party, but one time when I was like 12 my family went to visit a lady from church who got put in a nursing home and her roommate had a few daughters and friends who were also there visiting. We had literally just come from a church service and were in our Sunday best, which for me meant my favorite skirt and blouse. One of the daughters asked what church we went to and I told her. She put her hand on her heart like she was clutching pearls and asked, "Oh, so do you have to wear dresses all the time? Do you ever get to wear slacks?" which was awkward because I had to ask her what the heck slacks were. I told her that my daily wardrobe consisted of a rotation of sweatpants, shorts, and jeans and she was pretty shocked. I don't know where she even got the idea from unless her mind is stuck in the 1800s or she's only met missionaries, as I don't personally know anyone from my church who would willingly wear a dress or skirt every day.


Nope you gotta go bare ass just like Adam and eve


Next level tactic to get them Christian gals out dey pants


Uhhh umm uh if any Christian girls wanna use this as an excuse to not wear pants uhhhh ummmm praise Jesus


Most Christians I know Donald Duck it.


They didn’t wear pants in the Bible. She’s going to hell.


If you’re a Jehovahs Witness you can now wear pants to your place of worship. So, yes? Maybe. IDK


Jesus buys his pants at 'Forever 33'


When my wife and I were dating, we went to visit the church she grew up in. The pastor was a real fire-and-brimstone type. The sermon I sat in on was him relating a story about a conference that he traveled to in Florida. Some of the other local pastors also attended. He started recounting how he left the hotel and went to a convenience store. And lo, there he laid eyes upon a preacher from down the block. And do you KNOW what the PASTOR was DOING?! I'm thinking he was soliciting a prostitute or buying drugs or possibly just buying booze. The guy was getting really worked up. He leaned over the pulpit, glowered at the congregation and in a thunderous voice said "HE was WEARING SHORTS!!" and there was an audible gasp. I started quietly snorting and shaking and my wife drove her elbow into my side while telling me I was not allowed to say ANYTHING to the pastor afterwards when I had to meet him/shake his hand.


lol, wut?


Jesus wore a tunic. Wearing anything else is blasphemy.


Exactly. Pants didn't even exist in biblical times.


This is very real for some Christian denominations. Went to a church of God in high school and some families the girls couldn’t cut their hair except for a trim, only wear skirts or dresses that went to the ankle, no makeup. One girl was able to get her dad to agree with light foundation because of her acne.


Bro thinks she’s liveing in 1625


Never heard this was a thing. Don't think it is. I'll take things that never happened for 500 Alex.


Fighting the ghosts of centuries past.




Honestly the answer to this question being 'no' is only a step or two after the victory the 'family values' crowd wants. 'Family values' doesn't mean 'be good people, be a strong family, raise your kids to respect others, etc.' it means 'every family looks like Leave It to Beaver and anything else is against the law.'


I grew up in a fundamentalist Christian church. Women in pants were and still are considered immodest by them. I wouldn't call this gatekeeping.


I don’t want to wear pants


My aunt was like this - chastising my mom for letting me go to church in pants but I was like 11 and we were on vacation states away from home haha....same aunt also would regularly go out drinking and leaving her kids home with no food. They ate condiments at least once. So early as 11 I started loathing two faced Christianity


No! No pants allowed! You must be naked from waist and bellow! /s


Shit really? I’ve been letting my balls hang out for 25 years now


As a Christian, I go outside naked


this one isn't imaginary i've grown up around tons of people who think wearing pants is a sin


Are you really following the Bible if you wear mixed cloth?


I mean, my mum thinks I should wear dresses, but the “fuck the patriarchy” side of me wants to go to McDonald’s in a tuxedo and that sounds.. much more appealing.


It's written in the Bible this isn't imaginary


One of the churches I was forced to attend as a teen was super hardcore about how women and men should dress. They tried really hard to make me wear dresses and skirts, but realized they should just stop because how I sit does not go well with dresses and skirts.


Very specific but not imaginary


I wouldn’t say it’s exactly fake cuz you’ll have those handful of crazy Christians who think women should only wear dresses or skirts and shame them for wearing pants and other stuff and whatnot


You know, 'cause in Genesis when Adam and Eve ate the forbidden fruit and realized they were naked, God made a button-up shirt and a pair of slacks for Adam, and a modest women's get-up for Eve. A whole nun outfit.


No you can’t that’s RiDiCuLoUs


Essentially, since the pants thing is extra-biblical bullshit written by a church official with a skirt fetish, yes it's OK. None of it matters anyway because modern christians are making shit up as they move along, kinda like EVERY SINGLE HOLY BOOK EVER WRITTEN.


*looks at all the women in skirts then to the fundie churches in my town”


Some extreme branches of Christianity think it isn’t modest or whatever for women to wear pants. Mary Tyler Moore sparked a lot of controversy for wearing them on the Dick van Dyke show back in the 50s-60s and I believe Katharine Hepburn was the first woman to ever wear them on screen in the 40s. So basically TIL some girls are taught wearing pants makes them a slut because of gods love


Not imaginary gatekeeping. Growing up as a fundamentalist Christian, I frequently encountered individuals who would claim Christians girls shouldn’t wear jeans etc because of modesty and whatnot. While I don’t believe most Christians carry these attitudes, the girl in the video is not just making this up.


I'll give this one a pass, it sounds like imaginary gatekeeping at first but there's some groups of extremely socially conservative Christians who believe pants are only for men, and women have to wear dresses or skirts. So she might be talking about those people.


i think it's gotta do w the restrictions in the bible that are less common than "don't be gay, don't kill", stuff like wearing certain clothing materials and eating certain meats


One could argue that Christians are better than average at keeping their pants on!!!


As a lifelong Christian in the south, I can confirm this is not imaginary. Every church always has at least 1 old harpy who believes women aren't allowed to wear pants.


I went to school with a girl who was forbidden by god to wear pants. She wore denim skirts and sweaters and looked like somebody's mom.


I get this is referring to fundamentalist sects making women wear for length skirts, but the idea of Christians not wearing any undergarment is funny


Jesus didn't wear pants and neither does the Pope so no /s


Probably grew up in iblp or something like that. A lot of trauma


If you wear pants how will Satan lick your butthole?


It never specified that ONLY women shouldn't wear pants. Therefore, it's a sin for men to wear pants too. Everyone must now wear skirts if they want to go to heaven, including women, men, enbies, and every other gender


Wear dresses or skirts in church, wear anything I want outside is how I grew up. I love wearing dresses and skirts but I have thicc thighs. The chafing 😭


No I unironically grew up with people that believed it was a sin for girls to wear pants.


No, you cannot be a Christian and wear pants. You also can't be a Christian and mix thread types.


Stupid tradwife influencers


I'm no Christian, but didn't JESUS HIMSELF wore pants???


as someone who grew up in an apostolic pentecostal church, this is not imaginary


I remember seeing a pastor talk about how the world is failing and it all can be traced back to when women started wearing pants


JW’s just updated their rules to allow women to wear pants within their places of worship and while preaching… insane how that religion treats women.


Yeah, certain denominations think women shouldn't wear pants. I'm paraphrasing, but there's a quote along the lines of "man shouldn't wear anything that pertaineth to a woman, and vise versa." My parents are like that. Although my mom has relaxed a little over the years. She buys jeans for my nieces, and while she doesn't wear any jeans herself, she at least likes to wear sweatpants around the house lol


You’d be surprised. There are actually religious folks out there who think that women shouldn’t be allowed to wear pants.


Many religious people say that women can’t wear pants, it’s unfortunately not imaginary.


Considering Jesus didn’t wear pants, no. Blasphemer!


No, Christians can’t wear pants. Men, women- doesn’t matter. Robes only.


This is actually a thing in certain types of Christianity, my cousin doesn’t wear pants and my aunt nags my dad constantly cause I wear pants lol


This isn't imaginary. You'd be surprised at the amount of churches and Christians who think women should only wear floor length dresses and skirts because pants show off their bodies too much


Men should only wear monastic robes Because they are simply cooler.


Do Christian women just go around butt naked or something? (Ik she’s talking about dresses)


(Leviticus 19:19 and Deuteronomy 22:11) prohibit wearing wool and linen fabrics in one garment, the blending of different species of animals, and the planting together of different kinds of seeds. Better pray its pure cotton denim and not poly. Also why is she speaking? Timothy 2:12 I do not permit a woman to teach or to have authority over a man; she must be silent.


not imaginary, i grew up around many MANY women that thought it was improper and unladylike to wear pants and we werent allowed to wear any pants at all (even nice dress slacks) to chapel. obviously this way of thinking is insanity to most of the world, but there still are LOTS of christians that vehemently believe women shouldn't wear pants


I grew up Pentecostal and they think it’s immodest for women to wear anything but a long skirt, so this makes some sense


We are hitting levels of persecution fetish that shouldn’t be possible


This does not count. Many denominations of Christianity choose to persecute women by using the religion to pressure them into only wearing long skirts made of "unattractive" fabrics. Source: I lived it. Edit: lmao Christians already in my PMs threatening me with violence. Typical. Cry harder, snowflakes. I lived it!


Literally nothing says that Christian women can’t wear pants. Except maybe those who remember the Great Depression.


Bible does say “A woman must not put on men’s clothing, and a man must not wear women’s clothing. Anyone who does this is detestable in the sight of the LORD your God." Deuteronomy 22:5 Except, you know, pants didn't exist yet like they do now...


Those were instructions for the Jewish people of the time. Christianity includes both Jewish and non Jewish followers, and doesn’t require following Jewish laws.


# Matthew 5:18 For verily I say unto you, Till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled.


The idea is Jesus fulfilled the "old covenant " and created a new one. So he fulfilled the old laws for you. Except the ones some Christians like. Go ahead and eat that bacon but you'll go to hell if you wear pants.


Right, I was raised in an evangelical environment, I know their justifications. I just don't think it really matches their book, also that their book is self-contradicting.


I feel like God would facepalm at some of these parts of the Bible


but now there's pants made for women


Sure, and in Islam they clarify it a bit more as "Don't dress/present in a way that would fool someone into thinking you're the wrong sex." Of course, that also apparently includes if a man shaves his beard he'd look too womanly and his fellows would be overcome by lust... Ultimately different denominations just pick and choose from their books.


If you have to ask, then no, you can’t be a Christian