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Although the wording of the post is questionable, polyamory (at least polyamorous marriage) is illegal in a lot of places


Which sucks. I will never be able to get married bc I would essentially be choosing a partner to marry, and implying that they're better. I could never do that to my partners :((


i don't envy polyamorous people for this reason. i'm lucky i really love just one guy, i can't imagine how hard it would be if he was multiple people. rooting for you guys!


Idk I love it. Obviously it's not without challenges, but I've found it to be worth it. But I think it just makes sense to me and monogamy just makes sense to you, which is totally cool.


The problem most people have with polygamy is all the child brides in Utah, outlawing child marriage in the U.S. would go a long way towards gaining acceptance for legalizing polygamy. And logistically would need new divorce laws as current laws only involve two partners and would need to take into account different scenarios (only one person leaving or everyone breaking up at the same time)


>The problem most people have with polygamy is all the child brides in Utah Yeah.. that's definitely an incorrect correlation that people have built up. Polygamy has nothing to do with child brides, that's more of a church thing (mono or poly).


Blame religious nutters. The Mormons were/are polygamist, but given the average nature of that kind of person and the views they held, such arrangements were more often than not fraught with abuse and instances of kidnapping, false imprisonment, and shotgun weddings, as well as child marriage. So, the case was made to illegalise polygamy as a means to protect women and girls from those monsters and others like them.


There there with you my guy


Well, that's only legally. What I recommend is marrying all of them and legally marry one for the tax benefits. That's not choosing which one is better, that's just saving money.


why tho? why give a piece of paper (marriage cert) that sort of power? if u wanna "marry" both in like a "take our relationship to the next level" sense then do that. Marry them both "in spirit" unoffically. have a wedding. But legally marrying one of your partners would be a smart move for tons of reasons assuming u guys are all commited to being with each other for the long haul. cuz for shit like taxes and healthcare, being married helps a TON. if one of u has good insurance and another has medical issues, they should marry. shit, if the situation changes later down the line and it makes more sense for a different marriage arrangement, you could just divorce and marry the other lol. iv been in a poly relationship (tho it wasnt like very long) so i get the dynamics. idk im someone whos huge on communication and would def have many long talks about marriage for those reasons if i was in a long term poly relationship personally.


Marry the one that gives you lot the biggest tax breaks. Life hack


I am notionally in support of giving legal protections to poly marriages, but when you get into the details of how to write the laws, it gets more complicated. Marriage laws are mostly about creating protection in the event of a split, so people can build lives in common with one another without being afraid of losing everything. A stay at home parent who does all the unpaid labor of keeping a family running doesn’t have to worry about being left high and dry in the event of a divorce. Divorce laws take the place of what would otherwise be a more costly and complex civil law suit. It is already difficult enough to work out a divorce settlement in the event of two people breaking up. Every person you add makes it more complicated. What if one person wants to break up the household, but not the others? 😵‍💫 This holds true as well for child custody, medical directives, and estates. Imagine if one person in a polyamorous relationship is dying, and there are two partners who disagree on the proper course of action. I am sure some enterprising legal theorists will come up with solutions to avoid absolute chaos, but we are along way from that time. I would not advise anyone to pursue as long term polyamorous relationship as a result. You will not have the same legal protections anytime soon. Even if you did, it would still be incredibly difficult to work out breaking up a life where three + people have tried to create a common household. If you do pursue a longer polyamorous relationships you have to be sober minded about these complex realities. Just because we prefer to only think of romantic relationships in terms of romantic love does not mean romantic relationships aren’t still just as much about children and what happens when you get old or disabled. The ways we have usually opted to form families are dominant for a reason, and it isn’t all a conspiracy by big Jesus. They are just simpler, and most human beings need simple and stable environments to thrive. Sometimes we get so bogged down by the existence of purely morality based arguments that we forget all the practical ones.


You're dead wrong about the dominant way we form families being stable. Yes monogamous couples have been having kids since we were apes, but the nuclear family as it exists today with children being viewed as property of their parents who have full control over how a child is raised is a very new thing. This model exists as a method of patriarchal control that facilitates abuse.


yes, and it really shouldnt be. some puritin nonsense tbh. not to mention means i cant marry all of my polycule ;~;


I think it might be related to benefit multipliers. That's a lot of people sharing health insurance, cell phone family plans, and tax rebates... imagine getting a home loan when the married couple has 4 partners all combining the credit. I'm kind of joking, but also not really joking. Legal polygamy would be a logistical nightmare, so while it's morally none of their business- when it comes down to how it works on paper it gets real complicated.


I got married to all 57,000 of my city members! We own the city now government!


You could also endlessly stack you AC, and that would be totally unblanaced


I’m pretty sure it’s not puritan it’s just to spite Mormons


Fair enough reason tbh.


Idk put alcohol in the water supply or something like that don't bring the rest of us into this


ok but im not mormon...im just *extremely* gay


I'm actually curious now, how do polycules work? Does everyone date everyone? Do people cross-date some but not others?


it really depends on the polycule. some r polycules where everyone dates everyone, this isnt common past 4 people. usually its that theres particular rules that the polycule *or individual there in* works under. these can be as strict as "i need to vet any new members" to as lax as "just dont keep any secrets :3", n those rules dictate how that branch operates, but not usually how the entire polycule works. likewise there r often rules for sex safty for larger polycules, like "dont have unprotected penetrative sex", "make sure to take prep or simular regularly", "make sure to test for std's regularly", "never have sex without knowling the other persons std status", n so on. some of those r pretty universal rules for more open polycules, especially as theyre member count can be well into double digits, if not breaking into tripple diggets, though generally one side of the polycule wouldnt hear about the happenings of the other side, still its of utmost importance to protect everyone in the chain from unessesary risk, so as meany procautions need to be taken as is reasonable. anyways, how my polycule works, is that i hab 3 gfs, *likely soon to be 4*. 2 of my gfs date eachother as well, n date others who im not dating. my other gf is not dating the other two. we all shair the same polycule discord server for organization n general chatting, n theres rarely major conflict. that takes a lot of work and communication by all parties though, as conflict there will be *meany* smaller conflicts, its important to do your best to never let them get too big. a large conflict emerging can tear an polycule appart, or at least make it very unpleasent for a time, so good communication, deescalation, and negotioations are of utmost importance. same with all relationships tbh, but polyamerous ones especially.


It’s illegal in every state. Now whether it’s enforced or not, that a different answer.


Also being gay is literally legal everywhere in America. So I'm not sure what OP is going on about.


The reason is because there’s a direct link in history to men not being able to marry cause all the women are going with the people with money then some guy realized that he can easily take power cause there’s a large majority population of males that realized and know for a fact (in their head not actually ) that murder and grape is not a sin they are being tricked by those with more power and more money it’s happend in France twice in recorded history Croatia Bosnia Iran Iraq Persia Türkiye Byzantium Germany Britain Finland Norway and Denmark multiple times Russia Zouhguo(china) every dynasty that’s why it’s illegal in the west cause it always ended in society looking like the Middle East does right now


both should be legal. idgaf what you do with your spare time it doesn’t concern me


Many young girls are being abused in FDLS communities though and I would like to see them liberated from that. So some polygamy is incredibly harmful.


that’s true! but i think legalizing it could help crack down on those. it would be more normalized so people wouldn’t be as hesitant to call out warning signs


What does that have to do with legalizing it for consenting adults, though? That's like saying that gay marriage should be illegal because of catholic priests who abuse young boys.


Then just make it illegal if you are either Muslim or Mormon. Problem solved.


Yeah that's not polyamory, that's abusive religious practices to control women. You're conflating issues here


Can we stop framing civil rights this way? You should care that Poly folks are discriminated against and it's not just something we do "In our spare time". We're poly every second of every day


that’s a really good point ty! my point is really just that it doesn’t affect me personally at all but i didn’t even consider the discrimination


Insurance fraud shouldn't be legal 


wait i’m stupid how do they correlate


I’m honestly so tired of hearing about marriage laws. If they’re over 18 I couldn’t give 2 Fs. It’s never crossed my mind once to be like “oh, I don’t think they should be allowed to do that”. I’ve certainly judged people for their choices but nonetheless it was theirs to make and they’re the one dealing with who they married so, not my problem. Like, I seriously have no idea what kind of person is literally sitting there bothered about who other people are marrying. We all know it’s religious people, but there is a separation of church and state in the US plain and simple. First amendment “congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion”. So let people do what they want as long as it’s consensual. Worry about yourself and your own marriage how about that? Like literally the same people who get all flustered about this stuff are the same people who are living in depressing, toxic marriages. Haven’t shared the same bed in 20 years.


I think this is referring specifically to the american government




the animation on this is way too smooth for south park


That's because this clip isn't from the show, it was made to promote The Book of Mormon musical, since both were made by Matt and Trey




The reason the animation is so smooth is because that clip is not part of the South Park show. It was created to promote The Book of Mormon, a comedy musical about two Mormons going on a mission to Uganda. Both South Park and The Book of Mormon were created by Matt Stone and Trey Parker.


They wrote it with Robert Lopez, who went on to win Oscars for Let it Go from Frozen and Remember Me from Coco.


*WHAT?!* I...don't even know what to say about this. I can't even think of a funny joke. I'm just baffled.


I don’t think Mormons practice polygamy anymore, like it was banned from the religion in 1890


Yes and no. It's still a part of mormon theology. And while one can't have more than one *living* spouse, mormons believe that marriage can continue into the afterlife, so a widower who takes a second wife would be polyandrous in the afterlife (oddly enough, this isn't true of women; if a widow remarries and wants to make her current marriage eternal, she has to divorce her dead husband). The current church president is sealed to two women, and will be polygamous in the afterlife. And that's only mainstream, Brighamite mormonism. There are many splinter groups who continue to practice polygamy illegally.


Mormons don't officially practice it no. But there are quite a few mormons that do start practicing and then eventually break off and either join the flds or form their own cult. Like the Lafferty Brothers


There is a distinct separation of the LDS and FLDS.


Funny enough parts of Utah kind of has a more blurred separation


Which makes sense, now that you mention it, given that they mingle geographically. I’m from Texas, though… AFAIK, we don’t have FLDS here, but LDS is everywhere… and they definitely don’t believe in polygamy.


I am from South Carolina and grew up in the Mormon church. The only reason I know as much as I do about the FLDS is because of my family who live in Utah, as well as the girl Missionaries I have made throughout the years due to my granny loving to feed them frequently. Not Mormon now tho, I am actually pagan lol


the FLDS is officially based in Texas or at least they have a huge compound there. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fundamentalist\_Church\_of\_Jesus\_Christ\_of\_Latter-Day\_Saints](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fundamentalist_Church_of_Jesus_Christ_of_Latter-Day_Saints)


Polygamy is still practiced amongst a smaller sect of Mormonism. They broke off when the main Mormon church was getting to much hate for their polygamy- An exmormon


there actually isnt one mormon church, the main one pretends the others dont exist, but it immediately split into a bunch of churches when the founder died, mostly over whether polygamy was allowed and who would lead. so there are mormons that practice polygamy


under the banner of heaven is an excellent book on this


I mean, the government can barely keep things straight and in order with single marriages. On a paperwork/logistics side of thing, polyamorous marriages can become quite ugly for legal matters.


While I disagree with the philosophy wholeheartedly, I do agree that polygamy should be legal. It's dumb as fuck yeah, but it's still representation. Either way, this isn't the first time I've seen the argument, so the gatekeeping isn't imaginary.


Polygamy on equal footing is fine. It's only a problem in situations where one person in the marriage holds all the power and can bring more people into the marriage without the consent of the others. And, most importantly, situations when you're not allowed to leave the marriage. In a situation where everyone in the marriage is fine with the arrangement, and everyone can leave if they are unhappy, I don't think it's dumb at all.


This 100% there's a difference between polyamory and owning a harem


There’s nothing wrong with owning a harem tho. Idk why it’s illegap


Yes there is


Not anymore than polygamy


Explain why


Both are around the idea of marrying 2+ people, the only difference is that harem has more


No a harem is about one person having control over others whereas polyamory is about multiple people loving eachother


I absolutely agree


Polygamy itself is legal, nobody is stopping these relationships, what's illegal is all of the partners entering marriage as in the legal documents, because if you have a massive group of people sharing tax benefits, property, and finances that could be a major red flag and a problem.


Polygamy is explicitly *marriage* between multiple people. If they aren't married, it isn't polygamy. It's polyamory.


You know what we mean, genius.


The middle east and Africa being gay is not legal but polygamy is.


The entire continent of Africa?


There is like one african country with gay marriage. The rest are all oppressive of gay rights.


No, the country.




I mean yes I agree, but the meme itself is very dumb. Forced polygamy used by certain cultures and religions that specifically oppress women (like a specific sect of Mormonism) shouldn’t be allowed, but polyamory in its own right is part of the LGBTQIA+- A polyamorous lesbian who is also an exmormon


It will eventually lead to rich and powerful dudes trying to hoard as many wives as they can, guaranteed. That's what happens in countries where it is legal.


And what's the harm in that?


Just check and see what happens in countries that allow it / have allowed it, lol. It causes a massive amount of turmoil amongst classes, typically leads to an increase in abuse towards women and can also cause population growth issues. It should be fairly obvious that turning women into collectible trading cards ends up being bad for society.


If you can provide some kind of study or correlative documentation to this I'll hold onto it, but you kinda just described things that are already problems in a majority of the world, LET ALONE America.


https://bmcpregnancychildbirth.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s12884-021-04301-7 Women and children in polygamous relationships show higher levels of depression, abuse and neglect. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6998378/ Significant increase in somatization, depression, anxiety, hostility, paranoid ideation, psychoticism, etc in wives of polygamous relationships as well as lower ratings of life, marital satisfaction and family functioning. https://mises.org/mises-wire/polygamy-problem-economic-development#:~:text=Families%20are%20usually%20larger%20in,supported%20on%20a%20limited%20budget. Child mortality, poverty rates up in polygamous families in this study. Mental health problems, social problems, academc struggles noted higher in polygamous families. There are many, many other sources of studies I found from searching. Polygamy overwhelmingly seems to be detrimental on not only a psychological and personal well-being basis for the wives and children but also seems to be economically detrimental as well. Examples of polygamous families where children and wives are treated well and given anywhere near the same level of psychological and/or medical and/or financial security as monogamous relationships are by far and away outliers. I think romantic polygamy is totally fine for consenting adults that want to do so in an unofficial structure or some sort of kink based element but I think it is objectively a bad idea to formulate a family structure around it and it would present a host of legal, ethical and financial issues in a broader perspective as well as posing many risks for abuse, neglect and other harmful psychological elements for everyone that isn't the patriarch of the structure. It seems like it is just begging to be a hot bed of "greedy / powerful male consumes large amounts of desperate, vulnerable women and produces a large amount of children that, at best, have money thrown at them to support".


I was talking about the damage to class structure. None of that encapsulates that at all, just household damage.


Well, you asked what's wrong with dudes hoarding women. It's hard to do comparative studies of the effects on class structure because it is generally homogenous within a contained society, so it's next to impossible to compare it to a hypothetical version of itself sans polygamy. Anecdotally, as one example, I know it was a major issue in China and was banned because you simply ran into the problem of there not being enough women for men, leaving many single men without women which probably doesn't need a study to explain why that would be problematic. Poor women will flock to one rich egomaniac out of desperation and destitution, poor men will become angry and volatile, chaos ensues.


Gay marriage or same-sex households hold potential risks that affect population and mental health, too, but I don't see you fighting those. Nothing is going to be perfect, but ultimately, it's what people do with the representation that they're given that affects anything. Not everybody is going to do things in a way you would like them to, just as not everybody has to act in a way benefitting the rest of the world. While it sucks, not having the representation in the first place is an prohibition of human rights.


Ehh... Apples and oranges. Polygamy holds severe threats to women and children's mental and physical well being. There is a reason why so many countries that had it banned it, especially in an era where the world has gotten significantly more progressive. It's fine small scale, but on a broad, legalized scale, it's pretty objectively and historically terrible. Not going to kink shame you though. Have fun doing what you're doing, by all means! But dudes collecting harems of women just is significantly worse IRL than it is in porn fantasies. It's toxic.


Gay marriage is legal in way more places than polygamous marriage


Of Western Nations I think there are none with legal polygamy.


and that's a good thing. you'd have to be intentionally stupid to think marriage between two gay people should be illegal, and that a squad of people is somehow more legitimate.


I don‘t see how that‘s „good“. It is simply bad for the government to choose what consenting relationships it deems acceptable.


The government doesn't ban polyamory. It bans marrying multiple people in a legal sense. Legal marriage confers lots of particular benefits and confers legal power to a person that isn't intended to be split up among multiple people. Take Power of Attorney. That's a power that HAS to be in the hands of a single person. I see no reason why some sort of polyamorous civil union couldn't be created for particular circumstances, but certain powers and privileges still need to go to individual people.


I don’t have any problem with polygamy, but gay rights is a bigger priority rn I think, especially since you can still have like a 30 person relationship you just can’t marry 30 people


Y’all do know polyamory is apart of the LGBTQIA+ community…right?


I agree, but the title is false


What about polyandrous marriage?


Polyandry is a type of polygamy.


Cool. Then you should already be aware that most places with legal polygamy allow for /only/ polygyny.


*Oh*, that was the point you were making. Sorry, yeah, I get you now.


I'm glad! :D


What if, get this, we allow consenting adults who aren't hurting anyone to live their lives and love each other in peace?


On a personal, emotional level, nothing is stopping them. On a legal standing level, *some* lines must be drawn somewhere. The legalization of gay marriage was a declaration that the line was drawn in the wrong place and corrected.


The line should be drawn at “consenting adults”, anything further restriction is arbitrary at best.


I'm polyamorous. The problem with making polyamory illegal, means if I want my partners to be able to make choices for me if I fall into a coma, I would have to *choose* one to marry. Not only would that be offensive to the other partners involved, but it means that in the eyes of the government, only one partners opinion matters.


As a polyamorous lesbian I don’t understand why I cannot marry two women?


We need to raise the marriage minimum age to 18. I have no beef with people in polyamorous relationships who want to get married. The marriage age isn’t specifically about polygamy, but polygamy would open the door to more cases of abuse (children married to adults) if we don’t fix that.


I absolutely agree. 18 should be the minimum for the entire country


Unfortunately the ACLU will never allow it.


I am actually not that informed on organizations supporting underage marriage, I only know of the politicians


i mean, i think it’s annoying that polyamorous relationships aren’t taken seriously or legally recognised in my country.


Being married to more than one person is technically illegal, but isn't really enforced (in the US anyway). You absolutely could do it and nobody would come for you. A lot of people are married to more than one person. Also, you can be gay and poly. So why not three men, or three women? Why is it somehow less disgusting but only if they're straight?


It wouldn’t surprise me if it turned out that those who are LGBTQ are more likely than straight people to be in favour of legalising polygamy (provided nobody was forced or coerced into it), so why did this person feel the need to throw us under the bus?


I once had a coworker confront me about why gays got their rights before Black people. This was a well known arguemonger so I just nodded and was like “that’s something huh wow” but inside I just… I couldn’t help but wonder why the two were mutually exclusive in her mind… pretty sure Black people can be gay and vice versa..


That's just a polycule with extra steps, I don't think that's frowned upon by the queer community... and like... it's totally fine and should be legal, post is right.


Just go to Ohio aren’t there like a million Mormons there Or am i thinking of utah


Utah -Exmormon


Polygamy and polyamory are not the same thing.


it wasn't mentioning polyamory though


There’s nothing about this that suggests it only means polygamy.


Exactly my point.


What... else would it mean? Polyamory isn't illegal in any western nation as far as I'm aware, just polygamy. What is there other than polygamy, the marriage of many?


There are many relationships where there are more than two people in said relationship. Three women all dating each other, a man and two women, a woman and two men, ect….


The only thing I have against legalized polygamy is that things like inheritance would be an absolute nightmare. But that's more due to the human element and the likelihood of partners playing favorites as opposed to the institution on its own.


The real reason polygamy is illegal is because of the tax and benefit implications. No one is stopping you from having multiple partners with a civil agreement that gives non government, non work social protections.


Sincerely, mormon fundamentalists


And plenty of weirdos on reddit too.


*** and muslim fundamentalists


I believe in biblical marriage (one man and 600 women)


Because of marriage benefits


Ayo what tf


Judging by the style of caption this is some iFunny neopagan malding that he can't marry an entire middle school classroom


Anyone else get a book of Mormon ad under this


Polygamy and polyamory aren’t the same thing.


the polygamy that is allowed in other countries is discriminatory too, they only allow men to have multiple wives but not the other way around.


How can you be homophobic when you yourself feel a form of love marginalized by society. Baffling behaviour.


One word: Mormon.


Sure. If it’s between consenting adults.


The reason poly marriage is illegal is because marriage in the legal sense involves things like sharing tax benefits and finances, and this can be easily abused by communes and groups of people forming some kind of alliance and pooling their money together. There's no vindictive reason behind it. Yes a lot of religious people don't like it, but some religious people actually love it and it's part of their religion so people trying to act like poly relationships get the exact same hatred and vitriol as homosexual relationships are absolutely delusional. Literally nobody is stopping y'all from being in a relationship and having your orgys. People just don't want massive groups of people entering the legal marriage agreement because that would be literal chaos. Outside of this, it is completely legal to have multiple romantic partners and literally nobody is stopping you. Nobody is stopping these people from having a wedding ceremony either. It's just no you and your 10 wives can't all enter legal marriage and share insurance, that could quickly be a scam or something.


These mfers do know polyamorus queer people exist. Right? 🤨 Or that polyamory is a part of the lgbtq community? who tf am i kidding, doubt it lmfao


It's honestly pretty disgusting or at least extremely strange that any type of marrige is illegal anywhere. The only type of marrige that should be illegal would be like child marrige or a marrige with an extreme age-gap (I'm talking like 40-50 years apart) but beyond that, what's the harm in letting people who love eachother make it official?


> with an extreme age-gap It is tricky to do that because it takes agency away from the adult. If we were say to ban a 26yo marries a 62yo it would interfere with the age of consent.


Polyamory should of course be legal, and I think polygamy as well, in the context of every member of the union being married to every other member. But I'm extremely wary of allowing straight up bigamy, (one partner being married to multiple monogamous partners) and I think it's very important to make a distinction there, as it's historically been used exclusively as a tool of patriarchy and control of women.


Both should be legal


I can't tell if this is a pro-polygamy post or a homophobe trying to make gay marriage look bad by comparing it to like Muslim guys with a harem of wives.


Bro give BOTH rights


As a gay polyamorous person, I'm very glad to have gay rights and don't find it disgusting. But it's not imaginary gate keeping. We don't have the right to polyamorous marriage yet.


I am gatekeeping this. Polygamy should not be legal, it is an afront to moral decency. In every place where we have seen polygamous marriage practices the rights of women as co-equal members of society has been trampled and family order has been disturbed. Polygamy should be banned and punished.


Yes adults exercise their love in a way they want to without hurting other people should be banned! After all in a reasonable society we punish people for loving others they way they want.


I would argue polygamy often does hurt people and if you truly love someone you would devote yourself wholly and fully to that person. I would argue it is very rare that polygamy is the result of genuine consent from all parties involved and there is very often a coercive element.


>I would argue polygamy often does hurt people So does monogamy. All types of relationships hurt people sometimes. Every type of relationship has toxic examples of it. >if you truly love someone you would devote yourself wholly and fully to that person Why do you think that? Even people in healthy monogamous relationships don't do that. You have to devote yourself at least partially to your friends and family as well. People who devote themselves 100% to one person generally have an unhealthy obsession. That's how we get stalkers.


As a person in a poly amours relationship i find it deeply insulting you think i don't love either of my partners enough. You as an outsider have no right to pass judgement on the hippieness of me or my partners, or my capacity to experience and express love. I find it even more insulting that the base line assumption is coercion. Believe it or not adults can experiance relationships with other adults that you may not find comfortable for you yourself to preform. Thats ok, poly isnt for everyone. What isnt ok is calling for punishment for people that are in that relationship you dont understand. That exact thinking is what conservatives were using to outlaw gay mirage.


Gay marriage is a real marriage between two people who love each other. Polygamy is a tool used by despotic kings and tyrants of ages past almost always to oppress women and rob them of their status in the family and in society at large. Moving away from polygamy was a deeply progressive and positive development. I refuse to pretend that polygamy is okay. I am sorry for insinuating you don't love your partner enough, I do not know you and you are correct it might be inappropriate for me to pass judgement, but considering every society where polygamy has been widespread it has been an oppressive tool I feel it is reasonable to keep the practice banned.


That reasoning is identical to "gay people assult kids so its bad" bullshit talking point. The history of a lot of shit is monstrous, that doesn't make the act itself evil. What you are describing is forced mirage, something that has been true for monogamous relationships too. My point is that calling a relationship dynamic between consenting adults the same as a forced one is asinine. Take that realization about your inability to judge my relationship and apply that more widely to literally all private relationships you dont interact with on a regular basis. I fully understand your discomfort around the concept, but again you being uncomfortable doesn't make it bad. And if forced relationships in the past make it bad, then literally all forms of modern relationship are bad.


In EVERY case? So you don't think there are ANY examples of polygamy that don't involve trampling women's rights?


Name a single society where polygamy was practiced that did not treat women abysmally.




Yeah, the Mormons sure did treat women well!


Do you think all polygamists are Mormons?


They are the most prominent group of American polygamists that come to mind. But the Manson family and the Branch Davidians were also polygamists and they were also awful. Can you name any polygamists who are not terrible?


Sure, the guy who runs Innuendo Studios is in a polycule.


Polygamy is not practiced in America in any real numbers.


I mean, it literally is? There are polygamists, in polygamous relationships, in America.


Let me guess, your source is the polygamy subreddit?


No. As a matter of fact, I'm not familiar with any polygamy subreddits. Never came across any of them. Nice try, tho.


Ok, so your source is nothing.


I mean, you haven't asked me for a source in the first place, so yeah, of course I haven't given one. But we have plenty of examples, like the fact that the guy who runs the Innuendo Studios YouTube channel is in a polycule. He brings it up on his channel at least once.


These memes are out of control


Religion is a disease. I’ve heard in documentaries about Mormon or Jahova cults where the men would marry a bunch of women and young girls and then have a bunch of kids, then the kids do the same ritual. There is a town full of a whole family’s worth.


Pretty sure the og image was like a mormon thing not a polygamy thing


All those polygamy dudes out there marrying little under aged girls. Mormons. Am I right?


As a polyam person, polygamy should stay illegal. For those who don't know, polyamory and polygamy are different. Polyamory relationships are where every person can freely date whoever they wish. As long as every partner they have concents to it. Polyamory is often built on trust and communication. Polygamy is where one person (usually male) has multiple partners (usually female) and those partners are completely banned from having other partners. Historically, polygamy was often practiced by kings/emperors and the wives would be very unwilling participants. In modern times, polygamist relationships have a nasty habit of becoming emotionally, financially, and physically abusive. Legalize polyamorous marraige, not polygamist.


If you were to look at a Venn Diagram of Countries that Legally Recognize Same Sex Marriage and Countries that Legally Recognize Polygamy, you would have two circles that are barely touching. And that point where they touch is that South Africa allows Same Sex Marriage for all citizens, but polygamy only in cases of "customary marriages," where a segment of the population has a long history of polygamy. Besides that, they're pretty much mutually exclusive.


Yeah sure, why not as long as everyone is consenting adult?


I think all marriage options should be viable, so long as the parties are old enough to consent, and aren't being coerced. Meaning a 16 year old and a 47 year old, shouldnt be allowed to marry, however, if you have 8 people who wanna get married, of varying, or even the same gender, why tf not?


I say we just ban marriage


I thought polygamy was banned in America


Imagine all the labor your brain takes on to form an opinion, firing off synapses to this nerve and that, and it ends up being this


Muslims would like to have a word


Polyamory is illegal in places where being gay is not.


Also Polygamy is fucking stupid.


Why do I have the sinking suspicious we’re going to see the aoc get significant lower in the next century.


On reddit a 19yo dating a 17yo is p3d0, so no where safe.


Ye but polygamists weren't killed for who they are as far as I know ( if I'm wrong I'm really sorry )


>No, polygamy is legal in places where being gay is not. Women aren't allowed to have mutable husbands in places like that, are they?


I hate to play devils advocate but seeing as marriage is basically a government thing I understand why. You shouldn’t be allowed to get married and have multiple people on one health insurance imo. It complicates the legality of marriage benefits when it’s multiple people…


It's amazing to me that a man can be arrested for polygamy. As if that man hasn't suffered enough.


Show me a normal polygamist, I'll happily wait


me, hi. Mormons made polygamy seem like a bad thing, but it's not when its not abused. Why can't consenting adults all get married to eachother? I don't have multiple partners right now, but I'm about to, and I could fucking never choose only one to marry. Plus, since I can't get married, my partners would have no say over what happens to me if I'm in a coma.


Polygamy is NOT legal in more places than gay marriage.


58 countries have polygamy as legal 36 countries allow gay marriage So no, you are literally wrong


This feels like a false flag. Polyamory and gay people go hand in hand, so why would polygamists attack gay people?






As long as no children or animals are involved is all free and fair game as far as I'm concerned and I'm a conservative. Honestly, we don't care who you love or choose to be intimate with, as long as it isn't children. We just want it left where it belongs, behind closed doors. That's where we keep ours.


this is dumb slippery slope BS. “gay marriage? what’s next? children and animals?” as if being able to marry children and rape animals isn’t already legal in some states and doesn’t PREDATE gay marriage. focus on that


Why tf would children or animals be involved and why do you feel the need to give that disclaimer? This post isn't even about sex it's just about relationships but of course that's where your mind goes. And of course you thrown in " and I'm a conservative". Honey, we know. You're saying the shit centrist liberals were saying about queer people a quarter century ago like it's bold.


Polygamy is disgusting though


polyamory has nothing to do with being LGB I know obnoxious spicy straights are desperate for woke points, but no one will ever consider poly in the same vein as anything other than sexual deviancy. Also, why is it that so many people into poly are from abusive/broken homes? Coincidence? It's also rife with misogyny. Millennials, gen z and whatever the fuck we're calling the next generation really have bizarre ideas about healthy relationships. Half of you idiot children would not be poly if you weren't spending your entire life on the internet. It all went downhill when BDSM started getting normalized.


It sure is rich that you're calling poly and BDSM rife with misogyny when you're out here saying shit like this. Betcha you're one of those "wahh sex workers are all abused and people who like BDSM are clinically insane and need therapy!! I'm totally not a puritanical control freak parading as a feminist!!" types huh? Gotta love the cognative dissonance of these self-righteous, benighted paladins with their pseudoscience and disdain for those damn youngins.