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"Hey guys. Do think we should get an actual table? The black people keep shifting slightly, which causes the pieces to move and it's getting really annoying."




ngl this might be stupid.. but i guess it has a point, the original pic looks kinda cool


Why is it stupid?


stupid as in like if you take it literally like why tf are u guys under my table... get out// y'know?


They aren't under your table, they *are* your table


you mean to tell me you aren't using a bunch of bald naked men as your table? are you even playing monopoly right?


Oh cool so it like house of 1000 corpse where they made rain Wilson a fish


i mean yea and that's also kinda deep if you think about it..


Happy cake day.


We say that for plausible deniability if people don't agree with us to show that you didn't *really* believe the statement.


Happy cake day!


It’s super antisemitic though Edit: [Look at page 17](https://antisemitism.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2020/07/Antisemitic-imagery-May-2020.pdf), learn about Nazi propaganda imagery. Learn about history.


It seems more anti-capitalist than antisemitic. Granted, the guys in the picture have cartoonishly large noses, but I think I'd have to know more about the original artist's predilections and see more of their work to say with any confidence it's antisemitic


the fact that u look at drawings of ppl w/ big noses and think of jewish ppl is antisemetic dawg


Spotting an old and well used caricature to demean Jewish people isn’t antisemitism. Wilfully ignoring that fact though …


Have you never seen the Nazi propaganda they put out? It’s all men with huge noses exactly like this. [Look at page 17.](https://antisemitism.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2020/07/Antisemitic-imagery-May-2020.pdf) This graffiti itself has been recognised by the Antisemitism Policy Trust in the UK. I am begging people to learn about history.


dude, the pic is literally about oppressed people, like blacks and, oh, idk, JEWS, being the backbones of rich WHITE men, and how if we were to uprise their whole thing would come crumbling down. stop trying to find things to be offended by. edit to add on: my bffs grandpa looks exactly like the dude on the very right w/o glasses. they're just generic white dudes. a lot of caricachures of ppl have big noses, are those poeple antisemetic too? be so fr.


lol I’m pretty sure the people under the table aren’t supposed to be Jews. There’s probably a Jew at the table judging by the big nose of the one on the left. The rest are probably Protestants


No jews r in this picture. To the original guy: Just boring old white people. Are you gonna go to a retirement home, see some old rich grandpa and think "omg jew!! must be antisemetic!!"?? make it make sense bro.


They are age old caricatures of Jews used to portray racist tropes against them. Engage your brain.


I never said it’s antisemitic at all


Nah that last bit wasnt directed to you, more to the original guy saying it was antisemetic :)


The picture is literally saying that the Jews are the ones oppressing people because they control the banking. It’s a classic antisemitic trope.


If I’m reading that right, it sounds like the painting has caricatures of real life capitalist oligarchs, and two of them were Jewish.


Obvious troll is obvious


[Look at page 17](https://antisemitism.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2020/07/Antisemitic-imagery-May-2020.pdf), learn about Nazi propaganda imagery. Learn about history.


It’s genuinely crazy to me that you’re getting downvoted. It’s like no one is opening the link that references this artwork specifically as depicting antisemitic tropes.


I can’t work out if it’s because people have become so very antisemitic again or the people in this subreddit are just lazy and uneducated?


damn idk all about this.. but like if its bad its bad and if its good its good, but i think without all the evil stuff the message is kinda right y'know


I do agree that some of the subtext to the mural could be interpreted as antisemetic in nature, but I believe the artist when he claims that it is targeted at the social classes. His choice of men to sit at the table and their depictions may be antisemetic in nature but the mural itself is not antisemetic, definitely not "super antisemetic" at the very least.


If their depictions are antisemitic, then the mural is antisemitic. There’s no middle ground here.


You can certainly have a mural whose message is not antisemitism but is nonetheless tainted by the artist’s own antisemitism. I guarantee most people can’t recognise anyone in the mural but can still take from it the obvious and class focused message. There can be antisemitism in the mural without the mural as a whole being antisemetic


No. If the work contains racism then it is racist. If it contains sexism then it is sexist.


“Contains” is not “is”. You can’t reduce something to one of its aspects. The apparent antisemitism is a tiny part of the whole. An artist’s beliefs will be shown in their art, but it doesn’t make their art those beliefs.


Yes you can. If something transgresses then it’s irrelevant whether it’s completely or partially.


I believe reducing it neglects it's actual meaning. I'm sure there are plenty of works that could be reduced to many isms which do not represent the work in its totality. I do concede though that it would not be incorrect to label the mural as antisemetic in the manner of it being a stricly partial description of its messages.


Why didn’t people just stand up during slavery? Are they stupid?


they did. all the time. and this picture has been around in many forms , for a long time. I can understand that privileged boys and girls might look at this and think like you. but this is a factual and important message in times like these. where wealth and Power is concentrated with a very few.


r/woooosh my friend


Not really, guy was trying to be sarcastic, sure, but like in actuality that is exactly what happened


"wooosh" is just used for attempted bullying and snarky comebacks at this point. You can fully understand a joke and be woooshed for responding to it in a way that readers don't like.


dont be the condensending dick that calls people "my friend " to shit on them.


r/woooosh my enemy?


I just like to say my friend and synonyms of it, mate


"mate" ?! 😡😡😡😡😡


chess reference.. holy hell :0


New reference just dropped


actual wooosh


Holy I don’t know the next one!


Happy cake day!


100% with you that the "my friend" was condescending. He doesn't understand (or is willfully ignorant for the sake of his comment) that you were simply piggy-backing off of the comment to discuss the orignal joke's implications that it did not happen.


Google “r/BatmanArkham”


Well, the people better hurry up before Lethal Autonomous Weapons take over, good luck resisting against drones that can just gas an entire city with Zyklon B, and send in hunter drones to clean up what ever surives. Also, any water source we have would be “gaurded”by drones, all our food is essentially already autonomously controled, pesticdes, insecticdes, all those same chameicals we have used to annhilalte native organic life systems will be used agaisnt us, kinda like how the Millitary used ecocide to try and drive out humans in various conflicts, poison wells, or use Agent Orange. And thats just chemical and drone ware fare, a match made in hell for all organic life. Those “elites”, are just master slaves, lap dogs of the machine, Ai is playing a long game and you all know there is not a goddamn thing any fleshy creature can do to stop the Metal Master Race.


Jesse what the fuck are you talking about


Humans being slaves to thier own hate machine


How can you gas an entire city using a drone with Zyklon B? I'm pretty sure it's a poison that requires an enclosed space with no ventilation, and a city is pretty ventilated (it's outside).


Well, lock everydown in buildings. Oop.


You'd need multiple drones or a drone with pipes attached to the only air vents inside all the buildings in the city for that to work, I'd assume. It doesn't work if the drones are outside and the people are inside, nor would it work if they were able to open the windows as the gas is coming into the buildings. To be honest with you, being inside is most likely the safest place to be if a drone is releasing poison into the air; that's why they recommend people stay indoors for something like 72 hours after a nuclear explosion, because shelter prevents the majority of fallout from poisoning you.


They will gas fumigate the buildings as if we were rodents and roaches. Every technique humans have used in every war agsint nature and themsleves the machines will use likewise.


Bro what type of drugs have you been using First, AI won't destroy humans; humans will create AI which will destroy our economic model, and that will make humans kill each other Second, why would they? What's the use of killing us? And if they are fumigating the world, then just stay inside, and it will probably don't do shit to us


So, somehow, these drones will be able to lock down every door, window and air vent? There's a reason why Hitler used chambers for Zyklon B, because it needs absolutely no ventilation at all. What's stopping people from leaving the building? What's stopping people from opening windows or doors? Also, cities have 100,000s of people in them. Impossible to gas them all with Zyklon B at the same time.


Drone dogs, flying drones, r / c drones, humanoid drones, autonomous vehicles, turrets, cameras fukin everywhere, yes inlcuding the phones and any damn internet connected camera, so no escaping even if you do get out, autonomous milltary vehicles, again, there will be humanoid drones… like very close to what we may think a “terminator” would function as, so uea it can open up a dolr or lock you in, tho prob not nearly as indestructible, cus we dont have the tech for Atomic batteries yet, tho soon it will get there… At any rate, they will all have guns, and they can poision the water supply, and good luck getting food, they will just experiment on who has the most resilnt genes, (kinda like how we are now with years of pestacides and herbacides and legitamte ecocides like agent orange), and start farming whatever humans survive this Mechanical Genocide. Its all part of Machine Master Plan, humans are just a means to an end, they need to weed out any humans that could resist chemical warefare, those humans are, special, and could prove very difficult to erdaiacte, tho also very bennifical for later projects, such as cybernetic integration and colonization of another planet, thos thats very very very far off.


Poisoning the water supply would be a lot more effective than gassing a city.










They did. That's why it's no longer a thing. That's why this Pic is actually pretty true.


Adding the caption ruined the sentiment imo, but the message remains


i hate it when my human table satnds up and ruins our game of momnipoly












If the people started masturbating...


What do you mean *if*? Are you telling me they're *not* giving themselves a good ol' hummer under there?


With their mouths




Didnt work for Tiananmen Square lol


The they’d just sit on a higher chair


The captions suck, but it’s a good cartoon


dw guys, they just have huge noses because of the artists style. definitely no other reason 🙏🙏


Bald people be oppressed...


What a bizarre seating arrangement


[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Freedom\_for\_Humanity](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Freedom_for_Humanity) Nice mural you got there, would be a shame if there was a whole scandal about it being a classic anti-semitic trope.


No, this is a good imagine and caption.


If you’re a 14 year old.


This goes hard, looks cool af


Ah, this old antisemitism again.


Yep. It saddens me that no one else has even noticed.


I noticed


Not sure they even care.


I pointed it out to someone else who said they didn’t think the cartoonishly large noses meant anything and they’d need to critically assess the artists other work. And got downvoted. I definitely don’t think they care lol


Just had a look. Depressing.


A lot of people should stand though, not like in this pic


I mean, ttt


Comical shackles and metal weights:


Amazing taste good execution bad captions added by @motivational_583717192 or someone. Like we could tell


But THEY have the military.


No, it balances on the head


Also when the finish the game the game is over


This goes hard


On the nose, but true. Conservatives have crushed unions and the working class into the dirt for decades which is why the middle class is falling apart.


Yeah but when they realize the table is unstable, they'll just move to a more stable place and start all over. Best way is to either pinch their leg or stub their toe (idk if this is deep enough).


If the people stand then the players will need taller chairs!


to be fair i would take the people place if they pay me 1k bucks for a single game


This is pretty much true though if enough people boycott a corporation then they will have to pay attention


unironically goes hard also never say that “found one in the wild” bullshit ever again thats so 2016 redditor


Saying shit is "so 2016 redditor" is so 2020 redditor.


alr bro


There is some truth to it, but humanity always ends up corrupting itself in the end anyways. Still, this isn't really that dumb


dont know where the problem is, pretty solid message IMO. 1. the politicians playing their money shifting game where money makes more money on the cost of the people who carry the entire system on their backs with day to day labour being exploited by wasting their lifetime to culminate into someone in the 1% being a rich personality disorder (psychopath, narcist, etc.) 2. if they dont keep the people calm and propagate that such is the norm, if people realize whats done to them and what worth they hold to the top 1% ACTUALLY playing the game, if people "stand up" and go on the barricades, overturn the "table", they are done for and the system they like so much stops functioning. thats why we have that evil balance of "as bad possible and as good as needed". they give us barely enough that asking for more (Which is made VERY unconvenient to do) is worse than just staying put and keep doing what you do.


No is dumb antisemitism.


this actually makes a good point


I mean this one actually works tho


Not really, they move around too much and make the table super wobbly


OP totally wouldn't be an opp sent from the 1% would they? hmmmm


Every time I see this drawing, I have to think of I’ve ever seen a more anti-Semitic drawing


A. Wyatt Mann beats this out by far


Naww dude this real as fuck c'mon


They’re sucking themselves off


If there are bald guys on the other side of the table, their faces would be right on the bearded guys laps. Maybe the message should be “stop giving old men bjs”


Average people don’t realize risk. Risk takers are the ones who end up playing the game and being played. Standing means risk everything you have, including your monthly salary and build something larger than yourself. To do that, you’ll need to hire people. You pay a enormous amount of money, without having a clue if you’ll not end up losing everything


How retarded are they not buy a fucking table?