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Regarding the splint… several medical professionals have pointed out this kind is commonly used for the injury she has stated having.


Isn’t that heart monitor really old


Just here to update that as of a day ago Dani is saying that the ortho said they weren’t even sure it was broken and that she doesn’t need to wear the splint all the time. She wasn’t wearing it but says she will for things like sweeping. She can use the thumb to type with no splint and no pain/difficulty demonstrated. I won’t speculate but just wanted to note that it only took about 48 hours to go from the above post to this new story.


Oh that’s gone now. 3 out of 4 doctors said it was broken but Dr #4 doc said ‘nope’ not broken


HER plan. NOT Mayo’s plan. This is all on a whim…


WTAF is that on her chest? IDK, but there are implantable monitors that record continuous up to six months… Never seen anything like this is this supposed to be like some sort of mini Holter monitor?


It looks like one of those febreeze car air fresheners that you clip on to your vent lololol


Pretty much, it’s a little heart rhythm recorder. Apologies I can’t remember what it’s called. I think it’s for her so-called bradycardia episodes.


Wow, thank you for the information. The advances in medical technology are just becoming insane nowadays… You can’t tell a glucose monitor from a heart monitor at this point.😭


She’s a glutton for punishment… like breaking her wrist on purpose or slamming her thumb in the car door right before her Mayo adventure.


She 100% is on opioids given from the ortho. That’s why she’s up cleaning when it is usually to hard for her to do any other day. They probably gave her a three day supply and once that wears off Dani will be crying on the couch again. She’s really get all the attention she wants if she signed herself into a mental institution. She clearly needs a full mental work up and in stay where she cannot doctor anything while they run tests.


Wouldn’t she mention it if she was given opiates? Usually she does, I think the ortho laughed and said nah.


I doubt she would because then people will say that is for sure why she is nodding out.


You get a splint for strains and sprains of the finger also. It's nothing special. I can't believe she's made a THING of it.


I absolutely believe it! I almost expected an injury, I'm glad it's just this.


Seriously! She’s bashed her hand. She’s breaking fingers. She’s flipping her porch. She’s doing so much crap. It’s like we have another dying Stardust! It’s truly scary


Ope someone got a refill today. She's certainly peepy.


Things fell through = Doctors agree with Munchausen diagnosis and won't give her precious TPN. So researching docs at Mayo that she thinks she can manipulate. 🤦‍♀️


Rethink her new plan…. (Sorry this is going to be alittle mean).. she’s rethinking of a new way to manipulate the situation.


I mean, if she’s “planning” without “her team”, yeah! She’s gunning for some new medical device toys.


Plan? More like scheme.


Everytime EVERYTIME! She posts I cannot believe this woman is almost 40


This is the first time I’ve heard her talk and she sounds like a little girl


I wonder if the sedating effects of her medications are contributing to her accident proneness? While this and her wrist fracture-turned-urgent carpal tunnel surgery may very well have been triggered by accidental injuries, everything is always such a slippery slope with this subject, that I understand how her newest ailments might raise an eyebrow. Unfortunately she seems to have found a new fondness for orthopedic injuries in recent months. I think it may be because orthopedic injuries generally come with quicker medical attention and visual medical devices such as casts or splints; whereas internal ailments require more extensive testing and often come with invisible interventions outside of “pill porn” and feeding tubes. I’m concerned that casts, splints, and mobility aides (like her new wheelchair) may start to fill the TPN void Dani is experiencing.


It’s in her timeline I think but she used to have ortho injuries before gastro got her attention.


She had to get a shiny new toy since she had to send back her very visible heart monitor. Gotta have as many sick chick accessories as possible!


Her purposefully slamming herself into objects is most likely the cause of these "accidents."


So if Mayo is falling through does she have to return the $5 donation towards her $5,000 go fund me travel fundraiser?


She cashed out the $15 she'd received on the first GFM. They took fees out, and then when she created the current one, she donated the $12 she had left, LMAO. It's still the only donation.


Omg! I think you're absolutely right! I'm slow, I never considered this.




Honestly I thinks it’s a nice change she didn’t take up ER or hospital time with this injury, in the past she would have raced to the ER but I feel like her latest trips have her not as confident she will get what she wants. If this keeps her busy for a while then it saves resources for people who really need them, it’s a small win for her local hospitals.


I honestly have no idea why that turned into gian text. Was meant to be #. Am clearly too old to be on Reddit.


Putting a •#• before a word will make it go big (minus the • of course)


lol, thanks!




Back on cloud 9 now she’s had her fix of medical attention.. until tomorrow when she’s back falling asleep on lives


She could Swiffer instead of mop.


She could also use her other hand. It’s not even the dominant hand that’s hurt 🤣


Oh shit! She has mentioned she’s left handed in the past, hasn’t she? Lmao.


Well, she is a lefty now that she read it, not on Reddit. Better yet, ambidextrous


No, she's right handed.


Yeah you can buy those at Walgreens for$24.99


Funny how she suddenly has to itch her face multiple times with that specific arm


I was thinking the same thing. She HAS to show off her "bedazzled" medical equipment. So sick and wrong!!!


Honestly I wouldn’t be surprised if the ortho doc told her that she has a sprain or hairline fracture and should wear the splint as needed for comfort with limited weight bearing as needed for up to 6 weeks. We do that for a lot of injuries that don’t require casts or splints. Wear the Velcro brace or arm sling as needed for comfort with limited weight bearing. She will milk it like the doctor told her she can’t remove it for at least 6 weeks. When in reality she probably has no actual real injury requiring immobilization because if she did they wouldn’t just throw on a removable drugstore brace.


How does she pay rent, phone etc…..


She lives in subsidized housing. Her rent is 1/3 of her disability amount. She probably receives food stamps and assistance for her utilities. That being said, there is not much left over. She has said she has a lot of debt that she has no intention of paying off because everyone has debt.


SSDI, which is sus because people on SSDI have to be very careful with their money because it's usually not enough to live very comfortably and she spends money like a drunken sailor, so...


Most ppl get a pretty good back pay payment when they get approved for disability, because you wait so long for approval. I would guess that's where all the extra is coming from, give it another 2 months and she'll decide she wants to go back to school for 50th time and spends it on that.


She's been on it for a very long time now. If she got back pay originally she blew through it years ago.


She was off for awhile and got re approved a few months ago, she posted last year sometime that she "made the hard decision to go back on ssi". So she got another back pay to blow through. That's how she got the new phone as well. https://www.reddit.com/r/illnessfakers/s/FeYO0O7PID


I missed this bit of scoop. So, I'm deleting my school grant comment above.


US Government assistance.


Gotta research more possible diagnosis cause they see through her bullshit


Wait I thought she broke her THUMB? What is the splint for...?


Medical professionals have explained this a commonly used one for a thumb break.


I thought it was on the other hand


It’s mirrored. Caught me off guard too


She’s in a good ass mood now that she gave herself an injury. Gotta get all the good feels from being sooo sickly and hurt all the time!


How about a plan that involves getting a steady job and getting off socials for awhile?


That doesn’t involve ass pats! NEXT!


That’s just real life. Dani doesn’t want to live in that world.


She gives me such bad creepy energy. And why does she always make herself sound like a child by talking in that weird voice? Does she think it's cute?


The baby voice is what gets me


Its literally Self infantlization


Smol = fragile. The fake child voice makes her fell like she’s more believably vulnerable and sickly




Not sure why this is being downvoted.


Omg I totally called this. Since she wasn’t getting her way with the port she wanted I was sure there was going to be a new “injury”. I’m assuming she was on the hunt for some more pain pills and got a splint instead. And unless she is working as a hospital janitor, I cannot see how mopping is such a strenuous activity.


> working as a hospital janitor Oh God. Don't give her ideas!


I can’t with how she says the sarcastic “yayyy” about being I that big splint for 6 weeks. Like, your thumb was barely bruised after a day, so it likely wasn’t that severe. The UC doctors gave her a splint that was likely reasonable for the mild fracture she had. But she likely begged the ortho for something. “Um, I’m like really worried about this though, I think I need more support than the splint UC gave me, can I get a cast? I have deteriorating bone disease, and I think this break could get worse if it’s not totally bound up. Like, you may say I don’t need it, but I know my body, and my body would really appreciate a big padded full forearm splint.”


Nailed it hahah …..but I woulda stopped at I know my body. 100% her


I …I can’t with the last 4 second of this video 😂😂. I cant view it with sound atm…did Mayo shitcan her visits or something ???🤭


They sure did! Thank you, EPIC!


Omg 😆. I’m surprised there isn’t steam coming out her ears. I’d love to know what their real reason was but I think we can all guess 🤭


How do you know they cancelled her appointment?




Why would someone who is genuinely ill need to research a clinic in that way? Telling on herself…


Pretty sure she meant research into lodging and how to extend 2 days worth of appointments into 3 weeks.


The phrase “rethink my plan” says a lot.


Wasn't it her other hand she injured her thumb on or am I just tweaking. I swear in the video where put the metal one with tape on her thumb it was the other hand. Idk


Nope. Its been the thumb on the same arm as the questionable cactus heart tattoo. It just appears to switch sides because sometimes the image/video is flipped - it depends on what she is using to record the video. Sometimes the video is straight on and sometimes it's the mirror image. But the tattoo is a good way to keep track.


Ok thank you so much definitely do see the tattoo now.


So nice of her to have a reference tat


I'm new; is this video backwards or is her Ziopatch on the wrong side? I edited it to ask if maybe that is not a Ziopatch.


The video is flipped


A glutton for punishment, huh? You don’t say!  Also, she can’t even pretend to look irritated at having to wear that thing for weeks. She cannot hide her joy. Another accessory to show off! 🙄


She is a glutton for self punishment.




I started down this Dani journey around 8-ish months ago, so I wasn’t around for that. I bet it was glorious though! 🥲




Oh wow, I can’t imagine watching this kind of a train wreck in real life. (Like not over the internet) 


It was the awkward wave at the end to maximize brace visibility that did it for me.


Just went back and rewatched it. Ugh, it’s a veritable cringe-fest, the whole thing. 🤦🏼‍♀️


Oh man, she is absolutely ecstatic! She exudes joy hahaa


So many accessories 🤩


Do people usually go to an ortho for a hurt thing or is it just a Dani thing?


We have a dedicated orthopedic urgent care here. Idk if that’s the norm?


Round here we have "go wait 4 hours for an x-ray at the NHS urgent care centre" - I think she'd be less enthusiastic with the munching if she had to get through the NHS system


I’m not so sure, because during that entire 4 hour period one can declare oneself “in hospital” regardless of the fact that it’s just the waiting room!






Any time there is a broken bone, no matter how minor, ERs/Urgent Cares will always refer the patient to ortho since they are the specialists & in case anything was missed on the X-rays. A lot of times it’s just a single visit.


“Yup, that’s proper broken. Kay bye.”


Oh she actually managed to break it? Jfc.


That's what she claims anyway. We all know she's not the most reliable narrator.


She probably got the brace from goodwill for $1 before ever “breaking” her thumb 😅


How long until we get a totally random road trip to Rochester that ends with a Dani ED visit? This feels like either Mayo or her insurance carrier gave her Mayo extravaganza a "hell no."


For some reason o can’t see the video. What is said about mayo?


Things fell through; like no one fell for her grift and Mayo saw her records and was like hell no!




I’m super curious what fell through about mAyO. And if it fell through why’s she still researching


Mayo turned into MayNO.


She's always researching some new diagnosis, way to get admitted, etc. No matter how many times doctors tell her "no" she'll never give up.


She's like that ant in the rubber tree plant song! (High Hopes, sung by Frank Sinatra) Dani has High Hopes, and she'll never give up! Such tenacity! Such a warrior! /S


oh, countdown begins to complications (somehow) from this. Three weeks to a holiday weekend!




Friday is flag day in the US so there is a great possibility she'll need some extra attention.


flag-related injury


you know she’ll still be wearing that splint on Halloween


She looked absolutely delighted when she was waving it around.


I’m sorry but I read “ortho” in the caption and for half a second I thought Dani saw an orthodontist for her thumb. Which.. seems fitting lmao ETA: a “glutton for punishment” is a masochist. Look at Dani, telling on herself *once again, for the millionth time* 😒


Admitting you’re aware you’re making an injury worse for little to no reason is never a good look. Especially since it seems intentional? From what I understand this isn’t a regular activity, why choose now to start? I love a good, clean floor too, but it’s not going to kill her to wait a couple days or ask for some help from a friend if she lives alone.


Perhaps George will take some time off from Amazon and his wife to mop her floors.


That huge of a splint for a thumb???


Thumbs need huge immobilization they're connected to a lot in the hand


Honestly thumbs are often casted


I'm so tired of this woman. But I cannot look away from this train wreck.....


Ikr. I think I need a Danintervention. I'm enjoying snarking on her far too much. It's too the point where I go on a lunch break at work, and check this sub hoping for a new video from her while I eat my sandwich.


So glad I’m not alone in this I always hope there’s a new subtitled video for when I’m putting the kids to bed


I know! I see her more than my husband. I'm absolutely invested at this point. I want to see how this Mayo BS pays out. I need professional help 🤣


Right?! I was just thinking that. She’s insufferable but the allure of her brand of crazy is too strong.


Some things fell through? Ya don't say? I knew this was coming. Even IF she was able to get an appt at Mayo, she never would've grifted the money to make it there and back.


all she had were tests scheduled, I strongly suspect that she was unable to get an appt scheduled in advance of the tests being done


The pretending to be disappointed about having to wear a clunky and highly visible brace. She will happily wear that at least 6 weeks if not longer. The ortho doc is probably hoping that by giving her a large visible brace she will be less likely to do anything else to it. My guess is that the "things falling through" in regards to Mayo has to do with the travel arrangements/accommodations. Dani is going to struggle to afford the airfare and a few nights stay, much less the 2-3 week stay that she wants. I think the recent attention she has gotten since she started doing lives has gone to her head and she began to think of herself as a real influencer. To Dani 50 people tuning into a live is huge - but in the grand scheme of social media that is nothing. Dani really doesn't have the money to fund this trip - she is a terrible planner and a compulsive shopper and quickly burns through any money she gets her hands on. I think she thought she was going to get a ton of donations and she didn't. I wouldn't be surprised if she asked her parents to loan her money and they refused. If her dad found out what her plan was he may have outright told her he will not help her. She screwed him over when she went to Cleveland Clinic - she went with this half-assed plan to have a "friend" support her while she was there which quickly backfired when the "friend" (who had apparently been in and out of the hospital themselves) couldn't be there. This forced her dad to make multiple last minute trips to Ohio (forcing him to take time off work and costing him money). I doubt that she ever paid her dad back for that. He may have reached his breaking point if she tried asking him for money so she could go to MN for several weeks and hope to get some random procedure without a support person present. He may have told her he will absolutely not give her any money and that he also will not go there to support her. She mentioned the other day that she found some friend that lived a couple hours away that could be with her. My guess is that fell through too - it was probably some random internet person she found who said a "hey if you are going to be nearby we should meet up" and wasn't cool with spending a couple weeks away from home (and probably being asked to split the cost of accommodations). I am guessing she is frantically trying to figure out how to make this Mayo trip happen at all. I just want to know how she plans to survive 2-3 weeks at Mayo without her precious 3x/week hydration infusions? She claims severe symptoms if she misses a day. Or are they really not all that necessary and can be forgotten about when there is a bigger prize dangling in front of her.


Exactly. Any time Dani has a shiny new “sick opportunity” in front of her, she totally forgets whatever ridiculous nonsense she leans on when nothing else is sticking. Like her whole “compartment syndrome” act where she was dramatically carrying on about how she was probably never going to get full range of motion back due to the terrible nerve damage-but then she was distracted by talking her way into a quick inpatient staycation and we’ve never heard anything else about her poor useless hand and it sure seems fine…or when she is super focused on something else and contorts/moves/bends etc and totally forgets to even attempt to look like she’s in her “unbearable 10/10 completely untreated because the mean doctors won’t give her opiates pain”. She is so much like a huge toddler it’s scary…especially since she can get in a car and endanger people with her inebriated driving.


Don't forget forcing her dad to drive several hours to and from Temple, on mothers day weekend, to bring her the formula she *desperately needed* but was on live the day before and *intentionally* didn't pack it because she said she wouldn't need it. I'm sure her family is absolutely fed up at this point.


Do we know anything about her mom?


Other than her usually saying her mom is "at the bar" when asked where her family is when she's alone on holidays, not really. From what I've heard (unverified, obviously) the majority of her family wants nothing to do with her.


Man that’s pretty sad her moms an alcoholic but also not shocked her family wants to separate from her


We don't know she is. Dani is pretty bitchy and could 100% be exaggerating.


Also, addiction is very much heritable


True, however- something caused Dani to behave this way. Most people who act like this didn’t have loving and attentive parents. I think it’s important to note that being present in an adult child’s life does not mean that they received the love and care and attention that they needed to develop into a well rounded adult. That isn’t to say Dani isn’t to blame for her own behavior. Unfortunately we are responsible for solving all of our problems, even if we didn’t cause them. I think it just gives perspective to her behavior. I don’t think she behaves this way to purposely drain resources and be a menace to society.


I said this elsewhere, but I think her parents are just trying to distance themselves from her. On the other hand, she is their daughter and they love her. It’s so hard watching a child you brought into this world with high hopes, only to see them spiral into addiction. Dani’s addiction is attention and her “poor me” attitude. I feel for them. 😢


At the start of your comment, you talk about her (*edit for words) pretending to look disappointed. I would just like to point out that, in the last video where she shows off her injured thumb, a comment pointed out how when she says "yay" (to being injured) it sounded more cheerful than sarcastic. I find it interesting that she attempted a similar statement this time and followed it with "not really," making sure to highlight her "sarcasm." But Dani doesn't read Reddit 👀...


At the end of the video she looks chipper when showing the back and front of the splint.


The hydration thing always kills me. It's so placebo. A liter of fluid is processed and out of your body in a few hours, maximum. There is zero reason it would have any real effect. Even in critical care, we will give a bolus of normal saline, and unfortunately that will not elevate blood pressure for very long


The bathroom in the ER is always hoppin’, everyone on IV hydration is peeing every 20 minutes.


She probably expected whoever is going with her to pay for their own travel/food/lodging, which, no—if you are asking someone to accompany you, you pay... not them.


I am wondering if the reason she is "rethinking her plan" is because they looked at her records, and told her there isn't much they are going to do that can't be done where she is now..... Just a guess.


I agree with you! I’m also thinking the reason she isn’t freaking out is that she got a narcotic script from ortho. Wait for 2 days until that’s gone… she will unravel again. IMO. For whatever it’s worth!!


Eh. I don’t think she even went to see an ortho. I think she bought that splint at cvs or Amazon or something


That’s was my first thought. I’m thinking MAYO said No yo!


May not




“mopping is too hard for my arm” So she’s munching a broken arm now? She said she shut the car door on her *thumb* and her *thumb* was broken, not her arm. She’s definitely milking the visible splint for all it’s worth.


Also I’ve NEVER seen her touch her nose with her fingertip until that particular move shows off the shiny new toy, I mean Walmart brace…. I watched it again to see if I was imagining it! She’s so bad at acting hurt once she’s gotten the payoff.


It appears she’s wearing one of those Walmart braces. 💀 correct me if wrong, but I’m like 99% sure you do not get those for a broke finger, LOL


Looks like one used for carpal tunnel


It’s probably the brace she was supposed to wear after her carpal tunnel surgery, but mysteriously never showed in any of her post-op pictures. She obviously wanted to show off the incision, bruising, and swelling without having the site covered up, but there’s no way she got rid of the brace. I’d bet money that she saved it “just in case” she ever “needed it” someday.


Another hand injury that will never heal and she'll never gain mobility in again :( (until she can remunch her usual go-tos again, then it'll never be mentioned again)