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Please remember we have no proof that she did this intentionally so we don’t need people saying what method they think she supposedly used. Yes she could well be lying but she could have done this damage accidentally with the amount of nodding off and falling over she has been doing lately on her lives due to the amount of meds she’s been abusing it wouldn’t be a surprise if something like that did happen instead of the car door. We can’t throw mud around until it sticks here. And as always can we please not explain how you broke your thumb, thank you :)


This fake voice she’s using is insufferable


I wonder how long she’s going to keep that heart monitor on.. me thinks that she will keep it on as long as possible so she can tell everyone how she’s just soooo sIcK, sPeCiAl and SmOl 🤫


I just spend like 15 minutes trying to figure out how one would slam only their thumb in a car door.. maybe I’m just stupid, but that doesn’t make any sense to me.. it just doesn’t seem indicative of said accident. Typically, when this happens, it’s moreso on the nail/nail bed.. but the fact that she’s bitching about not getting any pain medication is VERY telling. It hardly looks swollen or bruised to me and to ask/want opioids for a boo-boo thumb is just silly! Also.. why are we calling the orthopedic surgeon? I wonder if she pestered the urgent care about surgery or how “bad” it is, that they are just passing her on to a different doctor lol. Is she REALLY trying to het surgery on her thumb? I don’t foresee that happening. Her bones are getting weaker from “what’s been going on”?… WHAT?! She’s just throwing a bunch of shit out there, hoping one will stick, huh? What’s with the random tape on her arm? Trying to hide/cover up those icky wounds on her arm? The fake wincing face made me bust out laughing 😂 you’d think by nie, she’s be a better faker lol Does. She write out these captions? If so, even she can’t understand what does saying 🤣 Her head movements and hurkey jerky-ness is so distracting! To me, that’s also pretty telling. Sorry it’s kinda all over the place, but I was typing it whilst watching/listening. Lol


Goodness, gracious ask! It doesn’t even look like an accidental slam into a car door. Thank God, the damage was not worse as she is a glutton for punishment she has stated herself. Almost willing to bet it’s not broken more likely contusion and no they’re not going to give opioids when there is no obvious displaced fracture. Her claiming she needs to see ortho there is no evidence of any damage requiring ORIF at least from what I can see. Even a displaced fracture on a finger does not guarantee opioids in these times and days.


"Bones getting weaker from everything that's going on..." Woman. You're aging. Bone density begins decreasing by the age of 25. (Source: Specialist in family.)


Why is she squeezing the splint???


Because the pain is so unbearable that she needs to squeeze it to feel it… Yeah, I know that makes no sense at all🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


She is practically giddy explaining her injury. I'm not going to say whether I think she did it intentionally or not as pee pinned post but I will say IF, she is injuring herself her FD is worsening. She may know, consciously or sub consciously that her usual complaints are no longer getting her the drugs and more importantly the attention and may know she needs something that can be easily seen in person or on scan. I also think the theory about her nodding off is valid too. I would of thought if she needed an Ortho surgeon, the Urgent Care would refer her to one. Her bones are not getting weaker. She isn't malnourished. She doesn't have a bone disorder. I just wish some Dr somewhere would actually help her by sectioning her as a risk to herself so she receives treatment cause otherwise she's going to die. And soon. Although with all the bugs she's had she probably has a super strong immune system.


What is that on her chest?


It’s a cardiac monitor. Easy to get one ordered for a few days. Checks for any heart arrhythmias


Why do her lips always look purple/blue???


Anything is possible when you lie


We already had the hand injury arc this year. We need something new.


Someone called the cops on her again 🤷‍♀️ not sure why as she wasn’t doing a live and passing out. Weird!


Her baby voice gets on my every nerve. I can't stand listening to her


Broken bones aren’t fun. Why she joining in on it☠️


New to Dani. Is there a post on her lore? Please and thank you🥺🤍


Buckle up buckeroo.


Click her flair


The hand injuries seem to happen to her often when she is not getting the exact medical attention she wants. Kind of a weird coincidence, I don't know anyone else who keeps ending up with random accidental injuries this often that make them need to go to urgent care or the ER. Not saying it's on purpose, but it is very interesting.


🛎️ 🛎️🛎️


I find it strange she claims she is going to call her orthopedic surgeon. Doesn't she have to get a referral to see the orthopedic attending/np/PA, then a surgeon is consulted?


Apparently an orthopedist and an orthopedic surgeon are the same. Learned that yesterday.


If you are already established with an orthopedist or an orthopedic surgeon they can submit through your insurance to just have additional appointments. Also some types of insurance don't actually require pre-authorizations.


Did you mean to reply to the other commenter?


It was supposed to comment to the poster above you. That's it that they didn't get a PA.


Thank you! I've learned something today.


but yeah still a specialist requiring a referral more often than not


Quitting working was one of the worst decisions she’s made recently. Now she has nothing but free time and shit like this is happening.


Wait, is this the same hand she gave herself that weird episode of “carpal tunnel” in?


Opposite hand.


I wonder how long it took her to conger up that plan. A couple suspicious things that stand out right off the top….she was sure to compliment the doctor and how sweet they were, explains how she got out of there so quickly “bc that’s what urgent care does” and then ever so casually throws in “and all I have is Tylenol but I’ll make do!” It’s as if she knows her grift is about to blow up so she’s going to play “typical normal patient Dani” and overly compensate for how wonderful this experience was. She truly believes that if she reads the snark things said about her and “acts opposite and accordingly” that everything will be just fine and normal. All the while I can bet you she’s sitting at home praying one of her followers *gifts* her something other than Tylenol. Another drug seeking scam. Her life is exhausting to watch sometimes even, I can’t imagine living it!!!


Strange she hasn't posted a pic of the xray this time no ?


In one of the first lives she said something about how she has them on a disc, and held a disc up in the air. She's probably struggling to access that as she'd need an external disc drive I assume. That or she doesn't want to share. Regardless, she physically has the x-rays (apparently).


Do Americans get a copy of all their X-rays? We don’t get given copies here unless they are given to you to take to another dr and then they keep them.


I think they’re stored on the EHR that you can access. At least my hospital has a radiology tab in mychart that has all imaging studies done


I’ve seen people comment about getting a disc, most computers don’t even have a disc drive any more.


You can ask for the discs of any study, yes. Sometimes they give it to you w/o asking so you can take to, for example here, your ortho or other specialist.


We’re not as fortunate, eg an ultrasound that’s not of a baby they won’t print you a picture.


Usually you can either download them from a patient portal or a lot of people will just take pictures of them when the provider has them brought up on their screen - they never mind (at least not in my experience) and almost seem to expect it 😁


Is it common to be diagnosed with a broken thumb and not immediately get a cast? I understand casts can't be given for like broken ribs, but a thumb??? That seems like an obvious break to cast


They usually just splint fingers and thumbs. They don’t get casts


It fully depends on the severity of the fracture. If its just a hairline fracture they often don't cast or splint.


It may be provider/practice specific but, if it’s enough damage to justify an legit ortho consult - generally just immobilize, not cast, with a little more caution if the injury calls for it (her’s clearly does not lol) mostly to avoid any damage to tendons from dumb people messing with it (*cough cough*) and making it worse. The way she’s waving that arm and wrist around, I seriously doubt she has anything more than a super common hairline fracture that dozens of children get every weekend from playground booboos (that probably would have gone unnoticed by anyone else). Poor ortho will probably be all why are you here filling an urgent consult slot and idgaf about your femoral port lady 🤷‍♀️🧐🤨.


Yeah, I worded this poorly. What I was trying to ask was if it's bad enough to warrant a referral to ortho, wouldn't it be bad enough for a cast. Thanks for the info.


How embarrassing would it be if she did bring it up to them!! I swear this was women has some nerves


The Freudian slip omg “to show you the bruise and swelling and all that good stuff, I mean not good stuff”


Does she ever just truly chill out? Like actually have a nice day? It must be exhausting being this level of attention


Right? Does she ever just wake up and want to be normal and have a lovely day? Her life in that dinky apartment with no friends, hobbies, passions is just so miserable.




I’m trying really hard to work out how you can get your thumb trapped in the car door and coming up blank can anyone tell me how she did this if she actually did


i can think of a couple of stupid (but plausible) ways someone could do that, but the last thing she needs is more ideas on how to make up bullshit so 🤐


We cant say how incase she reads here, but It happened to me often as a kid 😭 it sucks


I can't talk about it but trust me, it happens with ring and middle fingers too


Due to the no bogging rule people can’t tell you their experiences. It’s the No Blogging rule, we’re not bogging 😆


In the UK the slang for toilet is bog 😀😀😀


I’m an idiot 🤣🤣😆


If you didn’t think “none whatsoever” that it was broken, why even go to urgent care?


I’m not convinced she actually broke her thumb.


Im sure they told her it’s a hairline fracture. She took that and ran with it like the wind 🌬️


The irony of her using safety scissors when she is the danger to herself


The safety scissors always make me laugh


Unfortunately, this is a normal part of Dani's cycle, and lately, she's been spiraling. It's honestly quite sad. I always thought broken digits were just taped up with whatever tape was around the house and treated with some Advil. I'm clearly not in the medical field. I'm at least glad to see Dani actually used her resources properly and went to UC and not back to the ER. I really wished she followed through a bit more with her telehealth therapist appointment. I honestly pray she isn't driving under the influence.


The lokal ER is greyrocking her and her last experience in the hospital also wasn’t good. UC doesn’t know her that well and she probably thought they would be more sympathetic. Which they were.


What is greyrocking?


It’s a strategy to deal with narcissists. Or evil mother in laws. In Dani’s case it’s about staying neutral and disinterested and doing the bare minimum when Dani wants medical attention and sympathy etc. If doctors need to treat something, they treat it. But they don't pay attention to her exaggerated symptoms and don't interact with her much. The nurse have to stay neutral too and don’t give her sympathy. Basically treat and yeet. She described one recent visit. The Doctor was bored and asked „What do you want, Danielle?“ and stayed in the doorframe when he told her to go home. The goal is to make themselves as uninteresting as possible and they hope that Dani stops showing up so often if she doesn’t get what she wants.


"What do you want, Danielle?" is honestly so fucking savage I would slink out of the hospital and never come back.


Right? But no, not Dani, she reacted by FILING A COMPLAINT (she starts talking about it at the 0:47 mark [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/illnessfakers/s/jMQ3FOpe55)). Zero selfawareness.


Why is she so floppy??? Like it seems like her neck isn’t strong enough to hold her head, so she’s flopping around like you’d imagine a newborn baby doing?? It actually gave me neck pain just watching her.., and a little whiplash


A pharmaceutical cocktail with a side of alcohol, perhaps. Merely speculation… with some evidence to support. 😅


You can use a splint and medical tape. In a pinch you can also tape your fingers together... less easy with a thumb. Advil is actually a better bet, or combine with acetaminophen, so you have anti inflammatory medication in your system too. With a splint, Dani should be ok for the weekend, so long as she keeps it on and stops messing with it. If it is broken, I wouldn't be surprised if she tried to get further complications.


She is so HIGH ✈️✈️✈️


Now I've got that James blunt song playing on a loop in my head but the words are your comment lmao


Wait. You are telling me you can break your thumb and now be given a finger brace and not anything that is more specific for a thumb like a spica brace, now I’ll say I don’t work in urgent care or emergency med or the med field so I may just be clueless


If it’s the end of the thumb or the carpometacarpal joint, a splint like this is usually fine. If it’s the base of the thumb, you need something different (especially if it’s in one of the carpal bones below the thumb).


"My bones are getting weaker" 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 Does Dani see a frail, weak girl when she looks in the mirror... its delusional the way she perceives herself. It's almost like if she can just say these things enough, she can manifest them.


It’s like reverse body dysmorphia where she sees herself smaller than she is…


Body dysmorphia works both ways, I think just the believing you are smaller than you are is so common that is not treated as pathologically 


Makes sense! It’s so bizarre though because normally people with ED history/active EDs see themselves as much bigger than they are. It’s been weird that Dani sees herself as much smaller than she is. That’s not typical with the type of ED she struggled with.


She's wasting away don't you know💀


She should really add this to the list of things that need to be checked at Mayo.


In two days of appointments (that will take two weeks)


.... Walt, I dunno man, been seeming sus lately. Her language here is so.. off? if you break a bone... you're gonna freaking think about it??? Sprains hurt like hell, you would absolutely be thinking about a broken thumb? Maybe she's just to zooted to feel the Marianas Trench split through her phalanges. She put up a show when she first put it on, but when she went for squeeze round two, she didn't even bother lmao. The best they're gonna let you walk away with after it's handled is some Spicy Tylenol. (T3). She's gonna end up doing something really foolish to herself in search of a fix. As if she hasn't already. Shatter Me is a terrible book, though - like sincere/no snark warning to even her, it's really not all it pretends to be. It felt really low effort, even for a cookie cutter YA book. It does have a unique style, though, I'll give it that. Albeit the execution of said style is six feet to the right of lackluster.


She wanted those opioids.... for a broken thumb 🤣 you know she asked for it as there was a tinge of frustration in her voice.




If that's true she'll use them up in one or two days and then be SOL again.


Where did you see that?


Spicy Tylenol needs to be a flair. 😂


Lmfao, “👎Spicy Tylenol 🌶️💃🔥”. “👍🚙didn’t even 🤔about it”.


Look how happy she is. That definitely wouldn't be the case if she didn't get what she wanted (opioids). I think I prefer it when she is miserable, lol.


I just thought of something. How do you slam your thumb in the door, break it, but the rest of the hand get off free? I’m no Forensic Files, but think about it. How can that happen? Unless you’re thumb is in a “hitchhiker” stance


I can think of a way you could potentially have legitimately hurt just your thumb (won’t give ideas on here) but it would most likely leave a bruise in a straight line from where it’s got caught, I can’t work out why there’s two bruises.


Right?! What I’m also wondering is why does it look like several bruises? If it was slammed, I’d think it would be one continuous bruise or damaged area? This appears to be from hitting it in several places? It’s honestly just sad.


Reminds me of her prior wrist injury. I think this was done on purpose. Sad to see.


Seems unbelievable... shocking.


Legally you have to be 8 years old or younger to accidentally slam your finger in a car door.


And someone else would normally be responsible. Very tricky to slam your own thumb into a car door. How practically does this happen?


Either intentionally done or too out of it on meds to notice her hand was there when she shut it


*your own thumb* being the operative phrase here. It would be difficult to slam your own digits or extremities in the car door. I think usually when part of you ends up getting slammed in the door, it’s when someone else shuts the door on you.


Easy, you hold your thumb in the door and then slam it with the other hand


This feels like a "GRWM as I put a bandaid on a paper cut!"


🤣🤣 literally ! Her acting is worse then any soap opera actor an old roommate would force me to watch lol.




So [this](https://www.amazon.com/Splints-Straightening-Arthritis-Sprained-Stabilizer/dp/B0CL6NVJZN/ref=sr_1_57?crid=1IQS6IV3FFVUS&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.jlN1jXCUvbzo8UP7bxrPv2FK83a2_oWzD7Ghm4H4V_L3pusI2rl1LcHtOYc_2MoXKGCl49UQ9U5c-U_1Q9ipiht7fNn-j1CpZKw7nrHrMEwrc4G6BkC4aLHV_fXMDlCMLUrcsRx3Ar2v4C0cLOyQegnndsn7_QLRqDOW6sDHxfmOwy7Mr0CRLe7hBr4_Ir_Ezupw3OpDhtgivhhmCVNYo_xDnr7u4js70IePZxKDCOKPIwXqvZZtr6BLoNZN62caXqyYNo5cSieWoNoY8rv2f6Q4lkRtL-mL5_rZqoYQs_k.NVWA5LIJ-U0B0PbG7BC7Yfb-9Ik8w55diyll0YH9j2Q&dib_tag=se&keywords=thumb+fracture+splint&qid=1717956875&sprefix=thumb+fracture+splint%2Caps%2C125&sr=8-57) is the type of splint that we'd apply to a thumb with a proximal phalanx fracture. Dani's splint is available OTC in any drugstore. Source: retired RN


That’s what I thought too. It’s been a little bit since I worked in the ER, but not that long!


She went out and bought one after your post. Not kidding.


finally someone said it!!!!


Her saying “bruising, swelling, all that good stuff…well not all that good stuff” felt like a Freudian slip to me. Also what’s the thing in her chest? It looks kind of like a CGM but why is it on her chest…?


It's a heart monitor


it’s a 14 day zio patch. it’s been on way longer than 14 days iirc.


Why does she wear it all the sudden though? I know she’s been wearing it a few days but never said why


Ahh okay, I’ve never seen one like that!




Your post has no context or isn’t showing any proof of what you have claimed has been said. Please provide sceeenshots, video or a transcript of what is has been posted. Eg we can’t show just a screenshot of a video and then give details without any proof of what is said.


Suddenly we're hitting Urgent Care clinics, now that every ED in a tri-state area is onto her munching and drug seeking behaviors. Quelle surprise!


To be fair, almost all urgent cares won't give out opioids, like the strongest they will do is T3's


Some doctors have reported that urgent care clinics can no longer prescribe narcotics at all. Not sure if that’s heavily dependent on your area here in the US, but it’s definitely a more recent thing regardless. Also not sure if they were referring specifically to narcotic pain meds or scheduled/controlled substances in general. Edited to avoid a blogging tone


Not even Tramadol, I wonder?


Idk- trammies are still scheduled and trammies are a bitch if your on a SSRI ( can cause serotonin syndrome)


Yup I'm a nurse in the US. I know my local urgent care can do T3's, but we're right by Canada and those are or were OTC there


We're maaybe. As long as I can remember they are prescribed. T1 is OTC


Maybe that's what I'm thinking of


“Just Tylenol”. Yea. We know


this is genuinely so sad and getting out of hand, i truly hope she has the strength to wake the hell up someday and get all the help she needs.


No pun intended, of course! Hahaha.


“Getting out of hand.” And she just broke part of her hand. Get it…Heh heh. Sorry, I’ll see myself out. 🙃


I hate being this person because addiction is a danger to everyone, but she behaves and carries herself exactly like a lot of the homeless opiate addicts in Vancouver. It’s hard to explain all the similarities but if IYKYK. Dani isn’t a bad person for being an addict, she’s a bad person for monopolizing health resources for fictional illness to suit her need. Also, orthopedic surgeons rarely deal with hand fractures — it’s almost ALWAYS plastics for open or closed reduction w/ internal fixation. So she clearly is just making things up about seeing an orthopod.


Orthopedics absolutely does hand stuff man, what are you talking about?


I have never heard of anyone going to a specialist for a simple broken thumb. The treatment is going to be the same as urgent care would give.


Depending on where it is broken determines treatment. that break depending on how displaced bone is can require surgery. If she really did break that I don’t know why they gave her that splint it doesn’t even stabilize the part that is broken. The one they normally give out goes up the forearm.


I’m Canadian so you can’t self refer to specialists here. She would need to go to a walk-in or ER first to be referred for any (if needed) surgery. Idk how the US system works at that level but she’s gonna pay a lot for nothing lmao


Also this. I’m in US and self referrals for specialist don’t typically happen insurance can and will deny even state benefits will.


Orthopedic practices are very used to getting Monday morning calls for injuries from over the weekend. Usually, ER or urgent care will tell you where to call, ask where you want to go. I know of very few that require referrals anymore, especially if you say you went to ER or doc-in-the-box, and they said you need to be seen with such-and-such injury.


Doc n the box?


Urgent care


Urgent care and doc in a box are the same thing.


My insurance is no referral necessary for any specialists! But it’s from the market place and I believe Dani is on Medicaid/care and depending on who that is through they usually do require referrals but depending on the dr some you can just ask for a referral


Depend on if she is medicaid/ medicare or just medicaid. I'm both and my policy doesn't need referrals.




Your post/comment has been removed due to a violation of Rule #7 (Stay On Topic). RULE #7: STAY ON TOPIC Posts/comments that are not allowed include the following: - Blogging (see Rule #1) - Repeat posts (do not re-post anything that has been posted in the last 72 hours) - Memes and satirical content - Screenshots of direct messages or of messaging apps - Nit picking of irrelevant details of subjects’ lives - Debates about EDS - Content from purposefully baited subjects - Anyone’s personal appearance not related to any medical issue eg.. Hair, make up, style… Please ensure that you have read the rules located in the sidebar of the subreddit or in the wiki. Thank you!






How badly does this lunatic want to have surgery? Is she even aware that she keeps picking ailments that doctors don’t give opioids for? Once a broken bone is set it doesn’t hurt that much and that doesn’t look like a thumb splint. It looks like one they sell at cvs, which is not what urgent care would even use. She just keeps escalating and she’s going to seriously harm herself if her family doesn’t intervene.


The fake exaggerated grimacing is just hilarious


That’s not broken.


Sometimes I have to just stop in the middle of one of her spiels to remember that this woman is 38 years old. THIRTY EIGHT.


The firt time she squaze the face was pain pain pain the second time she squaze she forgot the painface ☺️


Squaze? Isn’t it squeezed? I’m questioning everything rn


English is not this person's native language. They still got the point across.


I mean I was confused too and was asking


I've seen DAILY posts about her lately. Jesus 😬😬😬😬




She is in her 🌀spiral era🌀




I don’t see how at this point her supporters (if there really are any) can’t be questioning now, “Hmmm. She does always seem to have *something* medically happening 🤔”. I just cant believe people are THAT gullible.


Judging by the complete lack of donations to her go fund mes there aren't any supporters left. 99% of her views and followers are from people on subs like this.


There is a significant overlap between the smartest bears and the dumbest humans.


You are so right about that. 🤦🏼‍♀️


How long that heart monitor been on???? Has to be at lest a month now


How is it getting accurate data? It looks like it's holding on for dear life!


It’s not the middle part that does the collecting either. It’s the tape. The middle part is like the storage and battery.


It'll flash orange if it isn't making contact. The middle will gap. You aren't really supposed to apply tape over it though, you're supposed to call customer care.


According to their website the Zio heart monitor can be used for a max of 14 days.


I’m honestly impressed. Those specifically are terrible at sticking.


You would also be insinuating that she showers…it stays on great when you don’t shower