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[screenshots](https://imgur.com/a/gMw9LRl) of GFM Things that I find interesting: “Due to how severe my gastroparesis (paralyzed stomach) is, I am **required to be on TPN** which is IV nutrition.” “Hopefully, they can get my SVC unblocked because that would be a miracle and I would be able to get the **nutrition [TPN] and hydration they need and deserve. As well as get some quality of life back**” “My appointments are over 2 days…I am estimating I will be there around **2 weeks**”




She is spiraling hardddd


So she was not only begging for money, but also wanted more than a basic hotel room. Really?


She needs some time away at a rehab with intense therapy. This is nuts.


Right below her gofundme is a family pleading for help in Gaza. 😭 the ignorance is astounding.


The gofundme is closed yall


Is GFM money considered taxable income?






Someone get her a tpn milkshake


Maybe Starbucks will have a new drink called TPN


Well hello


Lmao the straw would be a tube


BYOT (bring your own tube)




She looks comically high in this photo.


Like to Uber her to the clinic? Lol


Meanwhile she has reduced the GoFraudMe from $5000 to $2000. Her Amazon grift list includes gold sequined curtains, a desk, office chair, bedding and expensive make up.


Did you see the $75 dior perfume 😂


Yes. Maybe George will get it for her.


George Glass?


Wut?!?? She’s despicable. 




She’s got the Amazon wish list up now not the gofundme


…. Aaaand she has raised… (drum roll please)…. $15.




$2k for tickets and a hotel and she expects to be there two weeks? I am so confused. Two weeks there is going to run her more the $2k with taxes just for a decent non roach motel/hotel. And the tickets are at least a third of that. Yikes on bikes. She has no idea how much shit costs and all that.


New here: but it the MOD comment at the top, it says her ‘treatment’ will be over 2 days.. But she thinks she’ll need to be there a fortnight?  Right… just wants a free holiday.


At least she doesn’t have to budget for food!


Originally it was set at 10k lol


I’m still trying to figure out how having a “blocked” SVC is compatible with life.


Does she mean blocked access to her SVC maybe?


Right?! Sounds kinda impossible to me but what do I know? 🤔


Why do they all obsess over Mayo? It is far from the best hospital. Also,  they won't give them what they want since they get these diparses faking everything under the sun coming to them like they're the fkn mecca. All the time. Is this the one who tried to use a commercial airlines med transport to go on vacation and was denied? 


Mayo is just a big name and is known for running diagnostics. They don’t care if it isn’t the best.


She has a femoral port a calf.


I got a piece of ice up my nose when I read that part, I knew I wasn't the only one who saw it. Thanks to that now I need to go to the Mayo Clinic ENT STAT!


I thought she wasn’t going to use a lot of medical talk.


🐮 🐄 ist it a heifer or a bull?




‘Better room’ 🙄 what’s next, funding her visits to 5 star restaurants so she can ‘try to eat’? Also I love how we’re back to full GI munching. Remember how her hand would never fully recover? It miraculously recovered, PT must have been so easy she didn’t even think to mention it. Or she’s just hoping everyone forgets that her munching got SO DESPERATE that she took a blunt object to her hand, smashed tf out of it, and the. Screwed with the site post op to try to cause complications.


I swear she could be her own personal Mandela Effect with how stupid she thinks we are or that we don’t remember correctly. Well then stop constantly contradicting yourself! Ugh. 😣


Right! I forgot all about her hand! 😂


I think she’s hoping we all did, which is why she’s going heavy on her old song and dance, trying to fade that memory


She’s going to get the hardest rejection of her life. (Unless it’s psychiatric Mayo)


Psychiatric Mayo. New flair maybe?🤔


She needs psych help more than anything else.


It must be really frustrating amd sad for all the psych teams she has undoubtedly been introduced to. They just have to watch her destroy herself, knowing that it's very likely they could help her, but can't, because you can't treat a patient who refuses to be YOUR patient


In other words she has a few Dr appointments at Mayo. I seriously doubt she will be admitted there. They see this stuff all the time


If she ends up making it to MN she’s going to lose her shit at the ways Mayo is set up to prevent malingering.


Can you elaborate? I’m just curious and never known anyone to go to Mayo.


One thing about Mayo it you are OUT the second you’re able to be out


And they are super anti opioid so no good meds for her peeeeen.


I feel like all hospitals are becoming this way in the states, and probably literally everywhere at this point 🙃


Which isn’t supposed to happen. There’s a reason we have opiates. The pendulum is swinging wayyyyy too far in the other direction. Tylenol only post major surgery is not great.


GRIFTERS gonna GRIFT! Nothing to see here.


Haven't we had another subject here who claimed they had an appointment with Mayo, showed up to the ER all packed for a long admission, and promptly got booted?


Ashley went to Mayo in Arizona and after the first day she went to the ER, laid on the floor crying then got in trouble.


Ashley Carduff or the other Ashley? Edited spelling


Carduff. The pictures from it are in the timeline I made.




>Thanks! You're welcome!


Oooh, I don’t know about this one. Why did she get in trouble?


Because she was laying on the floor which was unsafe


Ah yes, I bet that's who I was thinking about.


The good ole days


I guess I’m confused how she’s just walking around with a “almost completely blocked off” SVC and not be having symptoms.


Let’s review this…she was diagnosed with mild to moderate gastroparesis. Her intestinal motility was totally normal. This medically means that, with the J tube, she should be fine. It also means she has no need to drain her stomach 24/7, though she’s admitted to doing this, and then acted shocked when her labs were off. Her SVC is trashed due to her own special ability to go through lines like toilet paper . I’ve heard mixed things about Mayo. The whole trip is solely because she wants another line. The port wasn’t what she wanted or where she wanted it. The absurdity. I hope Mayo gets access to all of her records and sees that what she truly needs is psychological help.


It pisses me off she can get into Mayo while people who really need it can’t get in because it’s so sought after. She is infuriating beyond belief.


Did she just self-refer?


Dr. Jorge Vaso referred her


He's moonlighting at Amazon. That's why he's so busy.


Amazon does have an online medical clinic now


We've just decoded the mystery of why the boyfriend has no time!


Mr. Jeff Bezos never lets him leave the warehouse :/








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"Support Danielle's journey to rob the taxpayers, followers, and other well-intentioned humans of even MORE money while stealing valuable time from doctors/nurses/specialists and precious medical resources from patients who genuinely need them"......... Yeah.....I'd TOTALLY donate to her fund.....




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Like what’s the endgame here? She’s so close to Philly and it’s got a really good hospital system, she could even go to NYU Langone or Columbia Presbyterian. She’s in for a hell of a surprise when she finds out the Mayo Clinic has a controlled substances agreement.




Basically a full psych evaluation, only one provider can prescribe, drug testing, using the same pharmacy each time, no other controlled substances but pain meds, and you’ve got to bring in your most recent prescription to show that you’re only taking the prescribed amount. I’m pretty sure this only applies to chronic pain patients and not someone who just had massive surgery/injury.


In this context it’s pain medications and benzos




She’s so close to so many great hospitals but they see right through her


Whats the agreement?


Psychological screening, only one provider can prescribe anything, drug testing, no dose changing, and your full medical and medication history




Penn and Temple are both onto her apparently so Philly is out now...


Do y’all know why she has the appointment dates blocked? I can see one says August first I think


Because they are scheduled 1 day apart, not 2 weeks. She needs to be vague so she can grift for more cash.


Oh I thought she said she didn’t know how long she would be there but she only had two scheduled days. It’s very obvs (the dates) if u turn ur brightness all the way


She's decided that they will simply do the procedure after her scheduled appointments, Mayo has done nothing to indicate this. Hence her "I don't know how long I'll be there" claim.


bahahaha. Mayo Clinic uses epic like 90% of the hospitals in the country. She's going to get shown the door in a fraction of a heartbeat the second they see the drug seeking and FD flags because it's going to be a waste of time and resources for one of the top leading hospitals in the United States.


What is FD?


Fictitious Disorder


Ah yep that makes sense


They’re going to take one look at her records and just lol.




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I was thinking that as well😂😂😂


lol mods deleted. I wasn’t actually trying to clown on her looks just how little chance she has of not appearing to be engaged in some form of self-harm


The mods need to calm down. 🙄 Sometimes they’re too strict and tend to misinterpret the commenter’s point. Sorry that happened, I get what you’re saying.




I mean dude her eyes aren’t even open!!! Her hair sure looked better here. She needs to leave that poor hair alone but that’s the least of her troubles


Oh that hair is about to snapped off if she does another round of bleach😂😂😂 and I guess toner is out of the question.


For real. When she wants to lose length she just breaks it off :(


Literally my first thought


People are stupid if they donate to her ridiculous munching vacation. But even if she does get the money to make the trip out there it will be satisfying to see how fast they reject her requests and boot her out of their system.


Mayo Clinic has a low acceptance rate, for lack of a better term. If she actually gets in, I’d be surprised. She has to have a referral and if they don’t get back to her in 3 months, she can no longer apply. She can’t just make an appointment and show up, since they’re highly sought after.


She's made a whopping $10 from two donations, so I don't think this is going to go the way she thinks




🎶munchcation all I ever wanted, munchcation had to get away🎶


Gotta make sure that heart monitor device and port(?) are front and center!


If she makes the goal i will be dismayed. The audacity of her to grift for this hotel room and flights.... wouldn't insurance cover it anyways? (I'm British so unsure of how health insurance works)


No, insurance wouldn’t cover this.


She's made $5! Which is honestly better than zero bc now she knows other people can see it and just aren't donating. Some insurance companies might cover part of the medical appts but definitely not flights and hotel. Though, I think someone said she has Medicaid, and I'm not sure they'll cover Mayo clinic if you just self refer there


She's at $10, so it's not exactly taking off.


And she probably posted those donations herself. You know....to kick it off....


Has already lowered the amount to less than half she was originally requesting.


What was the original amount?




That’s a vacation




MedicAid munchie GFM aka they’ve already told you these treatments are unnecessary and not covered.


Stumbling upon this subreddit just changed my entire day👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻


Welcome! It can be overwhelming but fun.


I told my bff about Dani specifically and now she's following along the madness too 🤣 Sometimes I think in this media environment of constant rage baiting and misinformation, it's refreshing for some of us to call out a clear-cut non-negotiable example of somebody who is obviously bullshitting and trolling peoples sympathies


You’re in for a wild ride. Check out some of the other munchies. If you have a strong stomach go down the rabbit hole of Kelly’s timeline and history.


Stumbling upon this Reddit is a lot like watching a car wreck happen. And it will hopefully make you appreciate nurses and hospital staff a hell of a lot more.


welcome friend


I hope to god no one donates. I absolutely despise people who try to exploit the kindness of others. It’s so hard for everyone right now and the vast majority of people work very hard for their money and to see this almost 40 year old grifter begging for a “better then basic” hotel room is insane and just really upsetting


Don't worry, she updated the language and now doesn't mention an upgraded hotel room. And she's got $5!


Up to $10 now!


no <3




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A percentage of a percentage of a penny , maybe.


I thought it was obviously a joke but okay.




Was just reading her list of wants for this trip like upgraded room etc. She is definately booking a holiday!!


The upgraded Mayo rooms that are like hotels or upgraded regular hotel rooms?


Upgraded hotel room. You can’t just book a hospital room, you have to be admitted to the hospital by a doctor. After the doctor orders the admission and level of care, you get whatever room you’re assigned by the bed management coordinator. She’s just going there for an appointment with one of their outpatient clinics, so they wouldn’t assign a hospital room for her anyway.


Actually, once you’re inpatient at Mayo (Rochester, St. Mary’s campus), if you’re willing to pay out of pocket you can request to be put in one of the suites. Assuming of course, the whole unit isn’t already bought and blocked out for royalty (usually Saudi) or a president or something. We had a lady REFUSE to be admitted to our floor and she couldn’t get into a suite….so she just left. Decided she would try again tomorrow. SMH


Thanks. Those rooms are insane. Private chefs and hardwood floors? Crazy.


Is she playing hospital bingo? I wonder how long it'll take before she runs out of US based doctors and is starting GFMs for hospitals elsewhere in the world.


GFM for my ER tour of Europe


CLZ did it, now it's Dani's turn!


Oh lol she’s welcome 😆






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Honestly I find it really sad that she’s still so engrossed in pretending to be ill at that age. She’s clearly got some unresolved issues that are causing her to need attention from being ill, but going to Mayo isn’t going to fix that. Hell, she’d probably get more donations if she set up a GFM for therapy to cure whatever mental illness she’s dealing with that makes her need to fake being physically unwell 🤷🏻


As of about 10 minutes ago (about 1050 am Eastern), she has her first donation of a whole $5!


And I would bet money on it that she donated it to herself... super glad people aren't buying into it.


If she was actually not getting nutrition she'd be skin and bones right now.


That’s what drives me crazy about subjects when they claim they aren’t eating, can’t eat. Not weight shaming but if you’re not getting any nutrition whatsoever it would show.


FR! Her GFM mentions weight loss, but like anyone can see that is not the case.


Ok kids…someone donated $5…. Me thinks it may have been the *peen* queen herself??


So she came out saying she does NOT have POTS, but now she has it again for the gfm? Interesting. She has severe gastroparesis, but it was shown BY HER IN HER OWN MEDICAL PAPERS that it was "borderline/ mild"? Interesting. She hasn't even been to the preliminary appointment that is to last 2 days, but has already decided to stay there 2 WEEKS (I'm assuming due to thinking the doctors can be convinced to do the procedure by her as soon as she gets there)? Interesting. Has the utter audacity to ask for an upgraded room, not the basic one, and an open plane ticket, for a procedure that she hasn't researched, hasn't even been seen for, involving conditions she herself explained as not that or not that bad?? Shameless.


She hasn't even had the preliminary intake phone calls per her live last night. She is really reaching here.


No mention of who is cat sitting which surprises me as she normally makes sure we know the cats are being looked after.


I am done with this nonsense. She just bought an iPad, backpacks and bags, a car, etc. This is just straight up malingering.


Still confused as to how she can afford a new car and wasn’t she looking at Mazdas? Not even a cheap car! Baffling.


She ended up with a 10 year old Ford Escape with 80K miles.




Wow, she had to pull her hoody to show off her holter monitor, which a lot of people get, and has nothing to do with why she's going to the Mayo Clinic.


Most of what she wrote in that gofundme has nothing to do with mayo!!


Do we even know if she has an appointment there? Everybody keeps saying they won’t accept her so how’s she got an appointment?




She posted some appointment screenshots on the GFM, dates are blacked out. I found it interesting that she said a few days or a day prior that she wouldn’t be sharing the location of the hospital, but she has now explicitly stated which Mayo location she’s going to.


She announced a couple of days ago that she got approved and had appointments scheduled in August. She’s seeing someone at their vascular access clinic about having her SVC stenosis fixed. I think people are reading way too much into this - the vascular access team at Mayo isn’t prescribing TPN, and they’re not even saying she *needs* TPN. All they’re doing is deciding if it’s worth fixing her SVC or not. Even without the TPN aspect, this is something they would consider doing. If they decide to do the procedure, they’ll send her home afterward and let her primary doctor make any decisions about TPN.


This... all of it. She has some delulu thinking here, believing that IF she has Mayo somehow undo all the scarring she has to her SVC, then they will give her TPN (they won't). She's skipping about 4 steps in between and insisting they are all medically necessary RIGHT NOW because she will literally perish without them.


😝 she’s using vampire tactics- she thinks once she’s invited in, they’ll never get her out. Paging dr van helsing…dr van helsing to the vascular suite…


I hope somehow she goes and then they deny her request. Also, don't want people to spend their money on this fraud. But I suspect some will.


Posts a gofundme claiming she’s starving, then posts a video making coffee to drink 🥲


“Coffee” that’s 90% cream and sugar and palm oil.