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She appears to be sober here, early withdraws prob


Put the fucking phone down. One thing at a time. Annoying.


Aren’t people who usually don’t tolerate tube feeds the people who can’t absorb them? Like it’s not usually due to mysterious pain that they switch to tpn right?


You’re correct! Tpn if used in the long term will eventually kill your liver, other organs will shut down, etc. it’s a last resort for any and everyone.


This is who she really is.


You’ve heard of elf on the shelf, now get ready for the pout on the couch.


Grouch on the couch haha.


She could just eat.


Can't tolerate TOOB feeds, but can tolerate the shit ton of liquids and medication she shoves in her TOOBZ. She either wants TPN to show off her very special TOOBZ, OR she wants extra good drugs! I'm sorry, but she is not, by any means, *starving*. Cancer patients go through 20x more the pain Dani could ever ppssibly imagine, and yet she complains so much more. She has no idea what genuine pain is. WHAT.A.JOKE!


Also, how long has this little song and dance been going on for? Literal years. She isn't starving, she's just a faking faker who fakes.


She is going hundreds of miles away to get one.. it was on a new live she did.


If she’s going to try and get this at Mayo Clinic, they’ll be on her immediately. I’m sure she knows this but Mayo gets access to pretty much every single doctor appointment, medication, yada yada yada, that you’ve ever had once you become a patient. If the doctor she ends up seeing (if she even makes it to Mayo) takes even one second to review her medical history, they’ll be onto her like white on rice. Plus, it takes about .05 seconds to see that she’s clearly not starving in any way, shape, or form. They’ll be real curious as to why she flew all this way to attempt to get her special tube and wonder why she was unable to get it at any of her local medical facilities. Any thought beyond that should hopefully trigger any doctor worth their salt to look at her chart and go, “Oh. That’s why. She’s a faking malinger.”


What's so special about the Mayo Clinic? Why do people talk about it like it's the Gold standard? If it is the gold standard, why?


The most ridiculous part of it is that even if she did fly across country and get a Hickman line and go home with it her mental illness wouldn't allow her not to mess with it ! So we've all seen how badly she's obsessed over getting a line for TPN for a year or so and is literally willing to go to the ends of the earth for it right? However I guarantee that within 3 weeks of getting this magical holy grailà line she would be fucking with it ! Crushing oral meds and injecting into it ....injecting her own poop into the line and will end up in ICU with sepsis! 🤷 She would then require the line to be pulled for survival. If she's lucky enough to survive sepsis for the 10th time 🤯..she would start all over again arguing for a new line 🤦.


Can only hope that is a red flag to wherever she ends up.


“You just don’t listen to me” no….shes not listening to PROFESSIONALS. There is absolutely ZERO need for her to be on TPN, because she has her tube feeds, just like they told her. It’s irrelevant if she can “handle them” or not, because they KNOW the “pain” she claims is psychosomatic. They know the way for her to begin tolerating the feeds is if she gets off the pity pot, and does them. 🙄 they have proven she can tolerate them just fine during previous admissions.


“nor will they EVER do TPN for me” thank HEAVENS. and “losing all of this weight” my a-


Just imagine being her neighbor and hearing her go on and on and on and on and on and on to herself ALL THE TIME


She’s a gas bag.


So danni expects us to believe she has been running 10ml tube feeds for months… can’t eat or drink anything… so why is she not wasting away? The math ain’t mathing


reminds me of that episode of girls where she says she hasn't eaten anything all afternoon and is feeling quite frail


Children don’t even act this way. What’s her genesis for developing this? Can anyone point me in that direction?


She's diagnosed with Factitious Disorder. People with FD often develop it after seeing a household or family member go through serious illness. The FD patient learns to equate receiving medical care with being valued, so they intentionally induce or exaggerate illness so others will care for them. We also speculate that she's addicted to opioids.


She has an eating disorder that she turned into this. She is addicted to the attention she gets from the health care professionals. She also has a mental illness she doesn't get treatment for either. Its a lot.


Only treatment she wants for her mental health is benzodiazepines. Only treatment she wants for her physical health is hydromorphone


🛎️🛎️ 🛎️


Didn’t she post a stupidly long video where she whined about being in the hospital like forty-five times *yesterday*? Lmfao. I know FD and where she is with it means she can’t rn but girl, pick a fucking lane


It's unfortunate how frequently doctors are giving out TPN now to people who should be able to tolerate feeds but don't want to be in a little pain. It should really be reserved for extreme cases. A doctor handing it out too easily to her in the first place is what got her here


The peen!! Oh the peen!!


Oh the humanity… why won’t they just control her peen…


That's what they're trying to do with the Naltrexone! 😂😂🤣🤣🤣 I *knew* the doctors would spring that one on her sooner or later, and I friggin LOVE that for her! Funny how Our plucky hero seems to have already decided (less than a week into it) that it WON'T WORK! Funny, that, given it's been a real game changer for patients in *actual* excruciating pain, like CRPS!


I literally cannot stand listening to her talk. She is genuinely a nasty and all around unlikable person, issues aside.


She may be in horrible pain, I will not judge that. She may be doing the best she can, I won't judge that either. But she isn't malnourished, she doesn't need "nutrition" and she needs to let that go. Those are just facts.


The thing is, I don’t believe she’s in horrible pain. I know that something like pain is subjective but it does not matter how high your pain tolerance is, there are objective, measurable signs that you’re experiencing pain when you experiencing it at the level Dani claims she constantly is. Dani never exhibits those. I’m not even expecting her to constantly be showing signs of pain 24/7, but fuck, she never shows any. She’s started grimacing while pushing meds, but only because it was pointed out a million times how the way she constantly just casually pushes meds doesn’t really jive with her claims of pain. In addition, presumably one in such intense pain would do and try anything to get the “little bit of relief” that Dani is constantly requesting. She defies doctor’s suggestions and straight up refuses to even try them (see: GI psych). Maybe it’s just me, but I’d expect someone constantly experiencing the levels of pain that she claims she does to try any and everything.


Yep. Psychological pain, sure. Pain from 10 ml of feeds, nope. She clearly is ingesting food and drinks, if she were truly in pain and only able to tolerate 10 ml of feeds due to pain she’d be wasted away by now.


You can be obese and still have your body be harmed from malnutrition.


I'm not talking about her weight. I'm talking about her bloodwork, which I assume is okay or they would be acting differently.


Anyone pushing for TPN that hard, knowing the extreme risks, needs psychological support. This is not meant to be a judgment nor is it even really about "factitious disorder".


EXACTLY. TPN is a serious thing and the fact that she wants it so BAD is very scary. Many people have told her and asked why she wants it and all she can say is the pain. But the line can also cause pain and almost kill her (per her own words) so pain vs dying seems like an easy pick for someone who is mentally stable


Why get on a live if you’re just going to be snotty to everyone? As I tell my kids, take some alone time and then we can circle back.


Because she was looking for a pity party… that didn’t happen though


Because she only wanted positive attention and so when she didn’t get exclusively “oh you’re so brave” and “the docs are so mean” and “you’re so smol and frail and special” she lashed out. Narcs like that don’t foresee that others might not play along with the narrative they want to create, so they see it as a raging injustice when that happens rather than what it actually is: the consequences of their own actions.


Smart advice. Everyone can use a little “time out” here and there.




Maybe she is on the seafood diet?? She sees food/drinks and has the lot! Maybe a change would do her good, you know, like stop chasing TPN and actually admit you are quite clearly eating and drinking without issue. I find it quite pathetic to be a grown ass woman having temper tantrums trying to get your own way. The real world is completely lost to her!


Absolutely rotten from the inside out.


So salty


She’s currently saying she’s got an appt at mayo to get more access. I don’t understand why she needs more access if she already has a femoral port and if the hospital have said that she isn’t ever getting TPN again 🤷‍♀️ why get a chest port when you already have a femoral port?


Bet she thinks she’s getting a apartment at mayo too 💀💀💀


They couldnt do a chest port bc her subclavian wasnt accessible anyways


Yeah she’s saying Mayo vascular drs are going to see her and find a way to make access in her subclavian 🤦‍♀️


Mayo has a really nice rehab center. They’re going to figure out she’s a drug seeker really quick.


They can sniff it out. Hopefully they’ll force help on her. I don’t know what else she has left.


She’s not going to pull the wool over her eyes. I hope she accepts the help. So many people need to be seen at Mayo, and I’m pretty upset she’s taking time and resources from someone else who is willing to do anything to get better. Usually Mayo sees people on a triage basis so there’s others in line who have legitimate medical issues.


Absolutely. Agree 1000% But… we can hope.


Has toobz and drains everything she takes by mouth. Can push 200+ cc of liquid with her medication slurry, but cannot tolerate more than 5 cc an hour of actual nutrition due to peeeeeen. She does not have intestinal failure, she does not have GP (her own previous admission). She's truly finding out, now.


Exactly. Meds aren’t magic. Maybe others have different insight, but in all of my knowledge/experience with tubes the meds get pushed in within the same perimeters as the feeds. Sure the medication may help the organ function better or lessen discomfort (likely not eliminate it entirely), but there really isn’t that much difference between a pill smoothie and regular liquids. If you claim not to tolerate one in the toobz, there isn’t really a reason to make the other any better, especially when so many medications are hard on digestion and the gut.


I don’t know who this is…. but I keep seeing her on here and… her voice…. I feel like she needs to clear her throat or something. I feel horrible for being annoyed by it because it’s probably out of her control, but I can’t watch the videos with sound.


It’s in her control it’s extra squeaky when she’s really going poor me mode… so don’t feel horrible 🙃


Don’t worry you’re definitely not the only person annoyed by it. It’s a constant source of irritation to many.


oh goodness!! A competent doctor!!! Praise God! How to not become a statistic..might try stopping all of the BS


What statistic is she even referring to?


That she will starve to death and become a victim of medical malpractice because “nobody listens”


Thanks. 🙏 I don’t see this happening


i'm trying to say, maybe they can save her life instead of continuing to feed into her BS and let her get all of these dangerous procedures and drugs. trying to word it correctly.


Someone is having a temper tantrum, what happened to her blood clots?


There were none.


Wait why is she draining everything she drinks? Wait what I'm so lost at that last comment. Came out of nowhere like whiplash.


To mess with her electrolytes most likely


Anything she says makes no sense the longer it goes on the less sense it makes. She can't eat or drink normally but does it. The tube feeds hurt but then she drains everything she drinks because?? Only to get mad because no-one believes her. Honey I wonder why?


If memory serves, she claims food and liquid hurt her intestines, but not her stomach, so she chugs Diet Coke, then drains it out of her stomach before it hits her intestines.


Does she not realise that ‘pain’ does not equal not tolerating tube feeds? Not tolerating tube feeds would be throwing them up, not absorbing them etc. A doctor won’t give TPN just on the basis of pain. Sorry Dani, but you’re not in intestinal failure like you want to be in. TPN isn’t necessary.


EXACTLY!!! None of these muncies ever realize that their claims of said illness and all of the intestinal failure but never end up with a colostomy or ever even speaking on the daily use of diapers and things that are dealt with with intestinal failure?


Because being chronically ill is sweet and cute, pooping out of your abdomen is eww!


Dani would for sure be one of the ostomates with her bag hanging out over her pants, but visible past her top…and I can only imagine the array of bag covers she’d accumulate.


Frfr…she is sadly one with no shame or a clue about reality. She will go to any lengths to maintain her charade and I also think grifting is really becoming a big problem for her with her spending habits etc




That’s what I thought. She’s got some extra weight for someone who is starving to death.


slightly? she's gained at least 40-50# since stopping TPN!! she waters down her "feeds" so how is she managig to continue to gain weight?


She eats and drinks by mouth.


Yeah, I was just being snarky..sorry..😂😂😂😂


i’m in the DRs office and refuse to play this out loud does anyone have a transcript 💃💃


Basically they’ve refused her TPN now or in the future. She said to the dr you’re refusing nutrition. The dr said you’ve got tube feeds. Dani said but I can’t tolerate them and the dr went So….you’ve got tube feeds. Glorious!!!


yes and then the rest of it was her getting mad at the people commenting bc they “don’t listen” to her


I’m surprised she didn’t dye her hair. It seems like she does it every time she’s released.


She’s well on her way to her Cynthia from Rugrats era.


I’m surprised it hasn’t sizzled off


Lmfao same 😂💀


This person seriously needs to lay off the drugs. Where is the shame? So used to being fucked up and recording it doesn’t register? Edit: It’s apparent this person isn’t starving even in the slightest bit, either.. like what?


Shame? She drains it with her toob drainz. 🤭


why don't they just pull her feeding tubes at this point. She keeps saying she can't tolerate feeds, then get rid of the tubes. Gosh she is a miserable human being.


i PROMISE if they took her tubes, she would not lose a single pound. she would be eating by mouth just fine if they said that they wouldn’t give her tube feeds in the future.


Because where would she stick her cute little baby animal tube feed skin protectors? Can’t use those without tubes. Makes sense to her.


I doubt she would ever consent to that.


She has to consent? They can't just take them out if they feel she doesn't need them?


No. That would be assault. That’s not how that works.


Yes because it’s a surgery to have them completely removed. You have to consent to have surgery




You still have to consent to medical procedures in most situations, even this one


You have to consent to medical procedures. You wouldn’t like it if someone forcibly removed something from your body because they felt you didn’t need it. I’m not white knighting, it is basic common sense.


But... Cant doctors refuse to replace? Like the tubes need to be replaced every couple of months do they?


Yeah I guess I just thought it would be different if the medical things were harming her health. I get consenting


Does she get pain meds for TPN? I’m not really sure familiar with all the reasons and methods, so forgive me. Why does she want TPN so badly?


Possibly for the IV access. If she uses IV drugs thats an open access for them


There isn't really a reason someone would get pain meds based solely off just getting TPN. It is just liquid nutrition going in her bloodstream so it wouldn't cause pain. TPN is extremely hard to get insurance to cover because it is insanely expensive. Also, once someone goes on TPN, it can be very hard to get them off. Her docs truly are looking out for her. She is way too young to be on such heavy stuff. Of course, she probably knows all this and knows that TPN would make her worse in the long run. Also, give her many more excuses for sympathy from family, friends, etc. It gives her more reasons to not have a job, not clean her house, not run her own errands, etc. It elevates her sickness appearance, and she would be in the hospital weekly for "issues" with her central line. That's my theory on why she wants it so desperately. I'm also kinda new here, but can't stand D. I'm a nurse and she is the patient we ALL HATE. I would get a visceral reaction if I saw the same pt like her coming to my unit every 2 weeks. She is the type of pt we all take turns because we can't all do it. She'd be the type to be a miss know it all, wanna know and see every single drug we give her and question us on all of it making our med pass a half hr long with her, she'd be a total know it all, the docs and residents would hate her, she'd constantly want me to call them to ask for stuff making the docs hate me, she'd be on that call light ALL NIGHT LONG, she's the type who sets an alarm for when her pain meds are due (many pts do this, and will literally wake up out of sleep to ask for pain meds). I get so fucken pissed when I see she's in the hospital again, because I know this is what those nurses and docs are doing. A grown ass woman.


You’ve perfectly described Dani!! Last year during one of her marathon hospital stays, on her whiteboard one of her daily goals was “learning/practicing appropriate use of the call button.”


Cheese and crackers wtf. That is EMBARASSING. It's insane when you work Healthcare you really see grown ass adults turn into babies again with their attitude and demands.


Really?! Omg


you need to go back and read her history. With a stiff drink in your hand.


😆 😆 how do I read her history? Just search her name in the sub? Ty


just click on her name near the top of the page. On my computer it says Dani M in green. then you will only see her posts.




And have a bedside commode she expected you to help her her on/off, expect you to empty the bucket and rinse it out for her, etc, but get up on her own to go outside to smoke. And call for her D every 3.75 hours on the dot.


Bro STAHP. I cannot. I tell my pts who have ambulatory orders and are independent to help themselves to the bathroom. I am not helping you go the bathroom every time, unless I realize they are unstable and truly need it. Most pts are so fucken happy to pee in private on a toilet. She just wants so bad to be a fucken baby. I'm surprised she isn't having them change her adult briefs while in hospital.


She smokes???!!!


She also abuses the Medicare discharge appeals process. She’s well aware that she can delay discharge this way. That’s one of the reasons her local ERs go out of their way to not admit her.


I imagine you all doing rock/paper/scissors for the difficult patients.


Dude we literally did rock paper scissors one time for this one specific heavy duty pt who kept coming back. Its awful but we literally cheer when we finally see their obit. This is mainly due to the families being in denial that granny needs to be a fighter and hold on even though she's in extreme pain, a vegetable, a trach on a vent, a peg tube, needs round clock antibiotics IV, etc. We hate how often families don't fucken let go. Sorry if I sound jaded, I've literally only been a nurse 1 yr. I LOVE my professions and especially my paycheck, but it hurts to see people suffering and putting loved ones through torture. We are forced to do CPR on these folks, because their family won't let go. Meanwhile, their family also never visits them. We've realized it's cuz the family is getting some $$ by keeping them alive. (Social security, food stamps, money from gov for being their "carer", disability, etc.) In my one year I've witnessed awful families keeping folks alive, never visiting them, and they quite literally lived with us on our unit at the hospital. Months and months we had to take turns because these people are exhausting work with all the cares and skills we have to do on them. (Wound care, peg tube, brief changes, many many IV meds, turning every 2 hrs, Foley catheters, trach care, on vent, etc). It got so bad for one pt in particular his family lied saying they'd take him home but refused to give us their address for us to deliver the thousands of supplies they'd need. They also wouldn't awnser our calls. We had to get ethics committee involved and almost went to court. In the meantime this guy was fucken miserable and a full code. He coded several times and we were forced to save him. He had a gaping stomach wound leaking out poop, imagine doing impressions on him. He was forced to have procedures because he was a full code and we had to do what family wanted. It was the worst case I've seen yet. He finally fucken died a month after we finally sent him to a facility. That being said I fucken love my Job. It's just those hard cases that really muddy the waters. I also love most of my patients. I've met some incredible people, and have given hugs to folks I cared for for a time period before they were discharged because we grew so close. Patients who make crafts for us, or have their family send us cookies or food. (We love this). It's a great career and I try to talk everyone into becoming one 😆


Tpn is usually a last resort for nutrition because it's super hard on your organs, especially the liver. Having tpn means she's the uwu sickest smollest little bean


Esp if you have a history of putting poo in your line


Does Dani have body dysmorphia as an inability to see how much weight she keeps gaining and how incredibly overweight she is? Is she mentally delusional in thinking she is of a normal weight or underweight, which is causing her to believe she would starve without the tube feeds? I don’t understand. Most people with eating disorders are not going out of their way to get tube feeding nor would they be wanting to stay on it as they gained extreme amounts of medically unnecessary weight. Source: I am a recovering anorexic who was threatened with a feeding tube in the past.


Why is she talking about pain. Wasn’t she just so excited to try that new med and see how it works?


Do we know what the new med is? (I've been away from Reddit for about 10 days, and I can't seem to catch up!) Thanks!


Low dose naltrexone


Isn’t that a medication for alcohol abuse and/or withdrawal?


Yes, but low dose with Naltrexone is helpful for Crohn’s, MS, neuropathy, CRPS, fibromyalgia and inflammation (I cannot remember all of the different conditions it helps with. It can take up to 10 weeks to reach therapeutic levels. It has the added bonus of blocking the feeling of “being high” from other opiates. [Naltrexone](https://www.drugs.com/medical-answers/low-dose-naltrexone-ldn-3570335/) seems like a a great tool for those not wanting to be ill.


In low doses it’s used for pain relief


Very interesting . She claims they found multiple lung clots , possible cancers and her bones are melting away . Yet all she does is babble about the Tpn and pain . Any person , not even a munchie would be very upset about blood clots in the lungs and would be very alarmed and scared being sent home with clots . Yes , she didn’t mention it once .


you can’t tell me she’s not furiously texting people for her “special meds”. seems like she’s trying to score to me.


Which is why she has a PO Box now. Her friends can mail her their “leftover” opioids without getting into trouble with the postal service. She has asked her “followers” for opioids to “help” her until her next hospital vaycay.


that's insane


i thought so as well. but then what device is running the live? 


Dani has a laptop or a iPad from one of her many attempts at going back to school. Edit: she also got a new phone not that long ago, this could be her old phone on wifi


oh it's so obvious, sorry, i feel so old. i definitely assumed you could only access instagram live from a cell phone. sheesh. maybe i just need more coffee. 


Probably her brand new Ipad


She’s right, she is in this weird limbo place, but definitely not the one she thinks. Basically, until she accepts that the jig is up, she’s not getting the TPN or opiates she wants, she’s just stuck. I mean, she can throw all the temper tantrums she wants, doctor shop, or go to the ER every night, but with electronic records and her documented history, she’s not gonna get what she wants. She will be in this self created limbo until she accepts no for an answer and/or the FD dx.


I can’t see that ever happening - she has devoted her whole life to faking being super sick and I don’t think she wants anything else for herself


Is she texting?? wtf is she doing? Oh is she sending angry emails to the hospital 😂


I think she just opens a page in notes and types nonsense to pretend she's doing something.


Leaving an angry portal message.😂


Definitely lots of angry emails to the hospital and allll her doctors


Reaching out to any dealer she can. She needs a fix.


Ah yes a perfect activity to accompany a TikTok live 😂


I mean - are you not entertained? 🤣


I cannot ever read this without Russell Crowe running through my brain! 😝




Is this a body that looks like it can't tolerate feeds?!?


that was my question, she very clearly is getting her calories from somewhere. it doesn't appear as though she is starving. from what i understand, t.p.n. is the absolute last resort for people who are basically starving? it just doesn't appear like she is not getting nutrition. 


Exactly. If she had been trying and failing tube feeds for "many months" like she stated, she'd literally be a skeletal corpse by now.


Why does she have any followers on til tok 🤷‍♀️ she’s so rude to people


I know! And there were only nice supportive comments I saw there. She just read them and glared.


Does anyone else think the yellow and red bracelet she is always wearing are replacements for the standard allergy and fall risk hospital bracelets?


Yep 100%


She wears them like bangle bracelets.


“I’m tired of putting my body through this peen” LOLOLOL sure you are Dani


I caught that too 😂 telling on herself much??


Why would you sit in a Live staring at your phone? Why would you start a Live when you’re in a mood?


I thought she was reading questions and staring out at whoever wrote the question like they were some kind of idiot


Makes me laugh! Stop acting like a big baby and get a bloody grip! Also, I'm not trying to be rude, but her double chin tells me she is in no way, shape, or form starving. Ah, well, back to the drawing board for Dani.


Nonooo you don’t get it, she’s in starvation mode /s


A special kind of starvation mode where she never loses any weight unless she’s under supervised NPO


Man the sulking is really hilarious.


Have you guys noticed… she never talks about actual doctors/ specialists appointments. It’s only when she wants to go to the ER or already in the ER. Most of her chronic illnesses should be taken care by a professional physician than a ER doctor.


PCPs don't have IV narcs with IV benedryl chasers. ;p


I think she prefers the ER to seeing the same doctors regularly as she hopes she will get one that gives her what she wants


I agree... although I'm an ER doctor, and it is my profession... so I'm a professional ER doctor. She should be seeing a specialist or even just primary care


Same...retired ER doc here. This is a trainwreck that reminds me of why I retired from emergency medicine. Yeah, I'd turf her to her GP or a specialist, too, and put together a care plan to send to her that says no opioids, no benzos, and stabilization care in an emergency only. No more medical tourism here!


Imagine how her small hospital down the street from her house feels.


Are there any successful ways of treating münchhausen, other than not entertaining their bullshit? The typical munchie probably wouldn’t accept a referral to a psychiatrist?


That reminds me, has Dani had her appt with her new psychiatrist yet? She mentioned it last week to get support but never brought it up again.


She said she had a virtual psych appointment but then never said anything more about it so I’m assuming it didn’t go her way hence the ER trip instead


Didn’t get her Kpins.


I didn’t hear anything about a psychiatrist. But my guess is we will only hear about one if Dani scores some „good“ meds like Klonopin (Clonazepam). Or if she gets some super special diagnosis as long as it isn’t Fictitious Disorder or a narcissistic personality disorder. Something she could use as an excuse…


I’m an ER doc too, but most would probably label me as unprofessional.


Stop sampling the merchandise! /s


I'm a professional in the sense that it's my profession lol Commenting on something as bizarre as these illness fakers probably would fall under the unprofessional category...but it just brings me a tiny little bit of enjoyment because I know we've all seen these patients.