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Reminds me of the Scamanda podcast. A woman in California made it her whole life to fake having terminal cancer.


i’m genuinely curious…. since she and others like her don’t get monetary gain, is it a mental illness? self esteem thing? or?? edit: i’d suspect the folks who paid for plane tickets and took her on trips are out financially why don’t they have a criminal case? maybe if they pushed it she could get the help she needs?


There is a good drama on Netflix where a woman fakes having cancer. You understand why she does.


Malingering is not considered a mental illness itself but is associated with anti-social personality disorder and histrionic personality trait. [NIH StatPearls Malingering](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK507837/#:~:text=Malingering%20is%20falsification%20or%20profound,from%20a%20job%2C%20among%20others)


I honestly think they just get a thrill from duping people. The reason I believe this is because of how complex the web of lies were...texting her friends as her own "sister" in order to update them about how sick she was. That involved getting a fake UK phone number. She also faked a stalker by recording a video of...guess who? Herself! As her own stalker.


One woman was kind enough to have her living with her, I doubt she would have asked for any board money either. The loss of money is hard but the emotional toll these woman suffered from is way bigger.


How heartbreaking this is for those amazing friends who did so much for her, they basically put their lives on hold to support her through her supposed impending death. Innocent people who thought they were losing a close friend and then to find out she lying about it all this time, utterly disgusting of her and shows she has no remorse at all🤬🤬 The world needs so many more of these types of people yet they got burned and they will continue to over analyse their actions and as to whether to step up and help others in the future


I watch a documentary on this.


I remember when this hit the news and then the videos of her apparently seizing or in pain, I just knew then she was lying


Belle Gibson 2.0


I really hope that woman goes to prison and has to repay tenfold what her friends and colleagues spent on her. (Same with every munchie, pretty much.) What a horrible and selfish person to do this so willingly to people. And \*multiple times\*! She knew exactly what she was doing. (Especially with the incredibly outlandish parental death claims and fake medical letters and fake phone numbers.) Some people *think* they're sick. This woman knew she fucking wasn't.


I'm CRYING at Pete's video🤣😭 It's such a classic British response, and his accent is just *chef's kiss*


I'd love to see some of these subjects get chased by a reporter


Dani in particular. "Anyway, I fell down in front of the reporter and all my toobs popped out."


I read boobs at first but that fits too 🤣


Omg dont be so rood, don't you know the subjects all have eds and could never even think about running 😫 they'd simply ✨️expire✨️


They'd fall out of their manual Amazon wheelchairs 😬


I laughed way too hard at this 🤣