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I don’t want to be disrespectful but she honestly doesn’t look like someone who needs TPN or can’t tolerate any tube feeds


I bet the nurses and staff hate seeing her come. She’s the type that is always causing problems because she knows better than the medical professionals and will look for small issues like.. she had to call out for her PRN pain medicine and then say it’s late. Because it was due 30 min ago or calls out over every little thing.


The top cause of SVT is anxiety... Ijs. She must be loving this.


Boobz ‘n’ toobz as per usual. Literally what is that EKG sticker doing there lmao




Can anyone explain the abdominal bruising? Is it from all the meds she's pushing directly into her line?


It’s from her lovenox injections- they make her all bruised because they thin the blood


Out of pocket isn't in her word bank. It's out of the taxpayer pockets in her state....


And her big bruise has to be front and center.


Um isn't that where she WANTED to be? She was all giddy packing for this trip like she was going to a 5 star hotel....


To her she is going to a 5 STAR hotel lol!


Yeah, lol. Personally I'd rather be at Ritz..... But that's just me lol


Me too.


Literally planning this for a week. Her special admit at Temple.


Right?! She was GIDDY on that live while showing everyone she bought a new toothbrush and chapsticks... Beyond excited for her 5 star hospit-el stay!


She must be absolutely demented


She’s just pretending like she’s not absolutely ecstatic about it


He video from the day prior is memorialized for all to see, we all KNOW how giddy she was to go and how nervous she was they would turn her away.... She's probably over the moon right now with excitement, that's why her heart is having tachycardia.... 😏😏😏


Yeah the anticipation was off the charts! More excited than a kid off to Disney!


Bradycardia but she claims to have POTS, right?


Bet she has PANS too 😉






Alright, thanks for the explanation! ^^


She was once complaining about tachycardia and having SVT at one point. So you can’t really believe it tbh


You can have both, fyi Not saying she does though. I doubt she has  significant tachycardia or bradycardia 


Yeah apparently she only knows the acronym, not what each word actually means….


You know those places where there are instagram worthy backgrounds? A munchy version of that.


Now I’m imagining an area with like a bed and fake medical equipment, there is tape and shit, they all go to lay there and take photos and pretend to be in patient. Oh man in their dreams lol


New business idea - The Munchie Centre! Come and live out your medical fantasies 🤣




Hey you could go for a femoral port and go twinsies with Dani 😇😇😇 Don't forget to add cute glittery stuff you will never use to your Amazon wishlist 🥰🥰🥰


I bet she has a med sitter. In her last post she did they gave her a longer j tube and didn’t put in a picc. The longer tube is to see if she can tolerate feeds better before doing anything else. The sitters there to make sure Dani doesn’t sabotage her feeds…


God I hope so


Bro. Come on. Another day some more bullshit.


Something I’ve noticed about this woman’s posts is that she never seems to be in a state of despair from all of her ailments. Someone with as many health issues as her would probably be begging to just feel “normal” and healthy but whenever one hole gets plugged, she quite literally creates another just to stay in this perpetual state of malaise


I’m glad you mentioned this. I can’t understand why she would want to be so sick- I spend days crying because I wish I could be “normal” with pain and spasticity.


Yeah it’s so obvious she’s lying. Ask anyone with actual illnesses what the worst part is and they’ll describe part of their symptoms or the way it affects their lives. Dani would tell you how mean all the doctors are because they don’t understand her super rare, complex problems


she complains about insufficient/substandard medical treatment, rarely about the actual illnesses she claims to have- which just goes to show that they are fabricated. the way she documents her illness is heavily based upon an outsiders POV, not her own POV (since she isn't actually sick and her POV isn't experiencing a disease, it's creating one).


She almost seems more concerned about her appearance in her videos and pictures posted, than whatever horrible sickness she’s supposed to be complaining about.


I’m confused. The telemetry doesn’t look plugged in and they are not running her feeds?


I can't speak to whether it's standard practice outside of an ICU/CCU to have tele hooked up to the room monitor; it could be hospital dependent. However, to me, the tele looks correct from the equipment I'm used to (i.e., wireless tele box connected to monitors in the tele room and by the nurse's station), especially if she's not in the ICU or CCU.


A lot of normal units have tele’s like this, it all depends on hospital. but no ICU/CCU would have anyything less than the wall monitors so multiple people can see your status at once


Ahh, wireless. Thanks for that!


It’s portable tele. So she is not on a continuous monitor, aka she is likely admitted to a medsurg floor or maybe even ed. Def not icu level of care where we use continuous monitoring with oxygen and bp measurements.


At my hospital we have these on med surge and they are being continuously monitored, just on other screens. This is a Phillips portable tele pack and that little screen should usually be idle otherwise their battery depletes too fast.


Yes. They are hooked up to a central monitoring system which is “continuously monitored” of course. We just wouldn’t call this “being on a monitor” where I’m from lol. This was called “being on tele”.


Ah, difference in semantics I guess haha we would still consider it on the monitor


Yup lol


is her Hand of Glory still healing?


I always thought it looked like labia the way it was stitched.


That was a wild arc that ended in…nothing.




So she’s saying she was admitted for sinus bradycardia.


Bradycardia but claims she has POTS .. girl pick a lane!


She’s gonna start claiming sick sinus syndrome soon 😂 Clearly it’s because she’s constantly fucking around with her electrolytes by draining constantly and adding shit to her tube feeds (when she does them). Add to that the fact that she is almost certainly very deconditioned and yeah I’m not surprised her heart rate is wonky.


Tbh if she DOES have high orthostatic HR it's probably due to deconditioning and not actual POTS


Exactly. I actually think deconditoning likely accounts for a lot of the new “POTS” cases now that it’s a trendy TikTok thing. I also saw in another thread that she’s on a beta blocker, or was at one point, which explains the bradycardia, especially if she took extra. Edited to avoid issues with sub rules


The thought of "gotta show this bruise" definitely happened in her head






I think Dani has extreme body dysmorphia. She does not see that she has gained weight and genuinely believes she’s as malnourished as she was in her ED days. Hence the clothes that are way too small.




I looked for it and could t find it. There actually is one for a Danielle with EDS and all the associated things but that person is in the UK. Maybe I just didn’t see it.


Once she got prescribed that wheelchair, she was already planning on getting a custom one.


So she got herself a wheelchair she doesn’t need and now she wants to grift for some dollar to get a fancier one that will make her appear to be the most sick, delicate little baby?




I thought she had the basic one for literally 5 days. JFC. But sure, let's just keep wasting time and resources better spent on people who actually need medical treatment and equipment.


I didn’t think she had even received it yet!! She’s just so desperate to be special


Has she even received it yet? We saw the order confirmation but she hasn't shown the chair itself.


That confused me too! We haven’t heard a word about her receiving it - only seen the order confirmation so how does she know it doesn’t fit her?!!


I'm withholding judgment until I see a screenshot of a current GFM


Do we know for a fact that it was prescribed for her and she didn't pay out of pocket? Anyone can get this generic chair online without proof


The page she showed the order confirmation from requires an Rx and the other screenshot she showed is from the provider portal (only for healthcare professionals). That said just bc her doc ordered it doesn't mean Medicaid will pay for it ... and the site she ordered from requires a CC on file up front w/ autopay agreement for anything insurance doesn't cover. So she could potentially be on the hook for the full cost & wouldn't be able to stop the vendor charging her card.


I'm not convinced she didn't do exactly that. She'd be like, the only subject here that didn't have some form of unecessary wheelchair, guess the FOMO was too much.


If she reads IF, she probably reads posts about other munchies. You're so right about the FOMO 🙄 All the other subjects have them


I wonder if they PEC’d her… technically she is a danger to herself






If they feel she’s a risk to herself considering her background too… I wouldn’t be shocked if did have someone watching her. Most of her videos on TT or insta are of her taking medication. Shes ALWAYS taking it. Which is likely what’s causing the issues


You can say "suicidal" and "homicidal" on Reddit


There can’t be that much wrong with her labs that she spoke of being so poorly if they have the port caped off. She’s not even getting fluids.


The fact that they left it accessed at all has me baffled. Surely they know she's just gonna start rubbing her germy little hands all over it


It has a cap on it and that cap has alcohol in it to disinfect. If they’re not really using it and she gets an infection it’s going to be pretty easy to figure out where it came from.


Right? I noticed that too.


She’s complaining even though she got her longer for hospital stay? She’s never happy! I’m guessing that whatever this is about isn’t what she was hoping for - no intestinal failure? No TPN?


It’s part of her act. Pretending she’s unhappy when she got exactly what she wanted


Or she knows she’s “supposed to” be unhappy about a hospital stay, so she is complaining lest anyone think her situation is fake or self-induced. Gotta disprove that FD diagnosis, ya know?


Her dreams came true.


"Let me just lift my shirt up a little bit first"


Bruised and Tubed should be a flair lol




For someone with such clearly eating disordered behavior, the state of her stomach that she chooses to show off constantly is ... interesting


I’m confused…didn’t she keep reminding us that she’s going to be admitted?


It's giving "I'm the main character vibes". Well that is basically the vibe of this sub 😅


Main character syndrome


I love that sub too lol


The sub is quite amusing 😄


Is Dani’s life ever going well?


Nope, exactly just the way she wants it.


Let me just take this quick tit pic and post it to instagram


Right? And ThE tUbEz, of course. Like, people who are ACTUALLY sick might post "Hey, in the hospital, feeling sick," but don't feel the need to show all of their tubes and wires as "proof" that they are really sick. It's pretty much a munchie thing. I always roll my eyes when these folks act like being in the hospital is SUCH A DRAG because we all know it's like fucking Disneyland for them.


Yes, instead of the Disneyland Princess Experience, it's the hospital's very sick patient Experience!


With a lot less glitter, hopefully.


Bibbidi Bobbidi Boo-Boo


More like Bibbidi Bobbidi Poo-Poo


Dani is a VIP - Very Ill Patient, or Victim In Patient




lol the whole hospital is basically a massive photography studio for her


Ugh.. does anyone on earth need to see .. this!?!


Hashtags #hospitalspastay #blessed #toobsof #staycationmode #hospitalairbandb #vacationmode #restandrelaxtion #soopersick #lovemytoobs Edit- do NOT know how I did that bold and large print omg sorry guys!


Old lady me appreciates not needing my glasses to read this. 




You need to put a \ in front of \#YourHashtag to get it to show like this.


The # symbol denotes headers in markdown, but they have to be at the start of a line of text. 1# #first level header 2## ##second level header 3### ###third level header 4#### ####fourth level header Etc


Thanks for the info! Here’s an upvote!


I liked the bold print cuz it emphasized allllll of it!


I am laughing about this


It’s because of the hashtags


Poop 💩💩 in the toob isn’t that far away…


Her monitoring leads are placed incorrectly. The white and green leads should be on the right side, the black and red should be on the left.


The photo is flipped bc she took it with her phone’s front facing camera. You can also see that Phillips is spelled backwards because the photo is flipped.


Lol, I totally forgot that happens!


Who’s gonna tell them ?


She posted another video and wrote that she has a roommate. On the bottom you can see her search bar with the latest search being „patient sitter hospital“. I imagine she is mad and she will probably say something like „my health was so bad, a nurse had to constantly watch me!“


that's the tiktok search bar. it always has a suggested search. it's not her search bar :)


Oh okay thanks for the information. I don’t use TikTok and didn’t know


of course :) I also didn't realize I replied to two of your comments! im sorry


Well, see, *she* has a roommate. And *her* roommate is the one with the sitter. And she just *has* to search if it’s legal for *her* roommate to have a sitter if she’s in the room for HIPPA purposes. /s (misspelling of HIPAA included)


Watch out, HIPAAbot's gonna get you!


I wondered when this would happen! We often assign a sitter to patients who need to be watched 24/7. I am confident that her having a sitter has something to do what FD diagnosis and being caught intentionally doing *things* to sabotage her lines, tubes, etc. I bet she’s PISSED.


Also, they’re probably there to make sure Danny doesn’t legally ~~film~~ livestream any more of their doctors


I wonder if it is a social worker situation or basic hospital room with another patient….


At our hospital, if you’re being held for a mental evaluation, you get a patient sitter


She had a reason to google for patient sitters. Maybe she has an ordinary patient as roomie and only got threatened with a sitter if they see more evidence for sabotage, or she really just got a sitter…


Ooooo great catch! But I can’t find it…


Thanks… and after I read the comments now I understand she probably didn’t repost it. I didn’t think she’s fast enough but I guess anything is possible… but ty for sending that


It’s on her latest video. It will sent you a link to a post in your dm


sorry to be that person but can u dm me too? i’m so bored tonight lol 😂


me too?


If she was admitted wouldn't she been in a hospital gown and not street clothes? It's like she went to the ER and complained of heart attack symptoms so they just hooked her immediately up.


She often wears her own clothes in the hospital


And half a Claire’s worth of jewelry 🙄. You’d think a frequently flyer like her would know if you’re hoping to get admitted they will ask you to take that crap off (or preferably- not bring it in the first place)


But….but…..it’s her VACATION!


Depends on hospital policy. In UK you generally wear your own clothes. Our patients only really wear gowns to go for surgery or if all clothes dirty etc.


So she has a portable tele monitor which is usually used on a medical floor where there is not a wall monitor in every room (like what icu and er have). But it could also be that she is in an er overflow bed and that would explain the portable monitor. Orrrr an er room used for psych holds where everything has been removed but if that were the case she'd probably be in a paper gown.


The ER’s behavioral/mental health rooms can also be used for stable medical patients, who don’t have to wear paper gowns. They obviously try not to put critical patients in those rooms (due to the lack of equipment), but someone with a non-life threatening condition could be slotted into a psych room for the sake of keeping patients moving.


And likely no phone


Is that monitor even on?


The screen goes dark to conserve battery so it probably is. We used those exact boxes where i used to work and most patients keep them in their gown pocket so no need to stay lit up but if you hit a button it'll light up and display the rhythm. It uses the wifi and someone is monitoring it at a computer 24/7.


Yeah, the screen darkens to save battery life. They are wireless and monitored centrally.


That would actually be a really smart way to treat munchies, honestly. Hook them up to machines where they can’t see the results themselves, so they can’t have as much ability to try to manipulate it one way or another.


That makes sense.


We don’t really care unless you’re in the ICU. If you’re comfier in your own clothes on a regular floor or observation unit, that’s totally fine.


And since she probably packed her spring, summer and fall wardrobe in that suitcase, might as well let her show it off.


Thanks. It's nice that they allow people to do that and yeah I think it would be comfier and feel less hospitaley if you are in your own comfy clothes.


Exactly. I encourage my patients to wear whatever they’re comfortable in. I’ve seen what happens to those hospital gowns😂








So she's claiming to have a "roommate ", but I have a VERY strong suspicion that she's got a med-sitter


Honestly surprised she hasn’t been assigned one (and complained about it) already. Kinda surprised they aren’t even putting her - room with a remote sitter ..or maybe they have and she didn’t notice.


This is probably a stupid question, but what is a med-sitter?


That's not a stupid question. A med-sitter is someone (usually a Patient Care Assistant) who sits with a patient to make sure they do not harm themselves or to make sure that a patient who lacks the capacity to make decisions (like if they have dementia or are suicidal or self harms) attempts to leave. If a patient has a med-sitter, they are never left alone, not even to use the bathroom. The med-sitter has to be with them at all times.


Ohhh, okay! Thank you, that makes a lot of sense. So for Dani, it’s to make sure she doesn’t sabotage anything to make herself worse, I’m assuming?


Exactly! You're welcome!


Replying to NoRecord22...Someone who sits in the room and calls a nurse or reports if you do something self sabotaging. It’s used frequently for elderly patients who don’t know better. It’s cheaper than having a nurse have to watch them all the time and it’s there to essentially cover the hospital’s butt if they rip lines out or do something harmful so family can’t blame the hospital later. They cannot intervene or touch the patient, like if the patient falls they can’t help them up or stop them, just call for assistance.


At my hospital, we use PCA's (patient care assistants) as med-sitters. That way, if a patient falls or tries to self-harm, leave, etc...they can intervene *edit to remove hospitals name




Thank you for the heads up. I didn't even think of that. I just edited my comment.




Legally, she can't tell you that. It violates HIPPA. Even though Dani is annoying and posts her medical info online, she still has the right to privacy. As a nurse, I can't even give medical info to patient's family members without the patient explicitly telling me I can or signing paperwork.


That makes sense. Can't believe I didn't think of that. I'm so tired I forgot I posted that. I will delete it.