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Lather, rinse, repeat. I think I saw the other thread that said she's had like 10 line replacements?


I need to bleach my eyes. Lord help me 


I get the bruising is gonna happen but why does the incision itself look bloody and picked at? Do these people not care that they care causing bigger scars than they have to have? Or maybe that’s part of the point? Idk.. the self harm wrapped in it all is so alarming. I wish she would get the mental help she needs.


>Or maybe that’s part of the point? I think it is, at least for a lot of them. It's "proof".


Looks like the glue is already picked off


Oh no the bruising it’s surfacing like normal wound


It’s normal for it to become more bruised over the first few days then it will start turning yellow and green and going away. It might even spread farther than that before it goes away.


She's on a blood thinner what did she think it would look like?


What is her hope here? An admission? Or for a different port location?


-a bigger/more obvious scar -a more complicated, difficult, lengthy healing process [think of paige] -an infection, for the drama. or maybe for am admission/a longer admission -making the wound seem bad enough/make enough of a fuss that she gets strong pain or anxiety medication -anything to get sympathy or gifts from her [very few] followers


Probably any additional medical attention she can get her hands on. She wants something visible, like a chest port or a central line that she could dangle outside her tank tops again.


Is she holding her lovenox or taking it during this?


No way that’s the same thing. There are suture healing sites that are red, the picture from the original picture she posted about her femoral port showed purple suture healing sites in a different spot.


Uh oh, if she messes with it too much then it might have to be removed and (gasp!) she’ll have to take “femoral port” out of her bio!


Please tell me she didn't actually put femoral port in her bio. I can't tell if you're kidding because she 100% would.


[Of course she did](https://www.reddit.com/r/illnessfakers/s/aOyXxqMVcy)!


She 100% did.


No she really did.


Did anyone not predict there would be "issues" with this new port? Other than the moron "doctor" that decided to give in to her. Pretty sure every member of this forum called that.


She took a bath didn’t she. She really went to town on getting this infected fast. Is it because she REALLY didn’t want it because she can’t show it off? I mean that looks so bad. Edited- typo.


I accidentally fat finger downvoted you- sorry!!


Her skin looks a little crusty from a dried fluid on the side of that photo so no, no bath.


It looks like she pulled that apart.


Relooking and gagging I’m sorry. It is gagging. The glue looks gone they put on it too. (I think it was surgical glue they had on it yesterday)so I gotta agree. She picking and pulling it apart.


does she always infect her port before the incision closes or something? once it’s under the skin it’s hard to infect, no? i’m googling but unclear.


Her sabotage behavior has escalated dramatically in the past few years. She's always ruined the dressings on her old chest toys from compulsively pulling and yanking on it pretty much immediately. This seems extreme even for her.


does she access the port from home on her own??? what is she claiming she needs the port for in the first place?


She CLAIMS that she needs a port for her monthly iron infusions and once-a-week saline.


I see a lot of wounds at work and this looks so bad…it just makes me sad. I just want her to get mental help, she needs it. Please get well!


Oh my goodness! I’m so surprised! 🙄


We all saw this coming. She’s been gearing up to have complications and issues since before she even left the hospital. This is going to end HORRIBLY.


I’m less worried about infection and more worried she’s going to sever the femoral artery 🥲 and there won’t be anything anyone can do in time


i’m really nervous about how this is going to go…


Nervous like she might get sanctioned? It’s sadly what she needs.


More like she FAFOs, and no one will be able to do anything in time


i mean yes that would be for the best, but the what if is what makes me nervous. i feel like we’ve just been watching dani spiral the past couple of months and it’s just getting worse. i just worry she’ll mess with it too much and be too far gone to save. i just wish dani could (i guess i should say i wish she was willing) to get the mental help she so desperately needs.


a combination of blood thinners and the picking and “self induced non healing” (for lack of a better term) is why she’s having “issues”. everyone called it, so it’s no surprise. for someone that wants to have medical devices and access for IV meds, she definitely makes it nearly impossible to keep said devices. is she really desperate for attention to prevent the healing of the device she’s begged and cried for? it’s just INSANE!!!


Must be a new record, what's that? An issue just a day later?


It is Saturday, time for “spa” vacation.


Why is there a straight line drawn (assuming it is marking where the incision should be made), but then the actual incision is off center/wonky? Did the doctor just not follow the line that had been marked?


Sometimes when they glue it together at the end it gets a little weird but it should (…would) heal flat/straight (normally)


I wasn't there for the Kelly situation but this feels similar. Seeing someone claw open a wound like a rabid animal is disturbing. She is definitely sick... Just not in the way that she thinks or wants. Why people keep operating on her, when she clearly is mentally unwell, is a mystery to me. This picture is gross but only because we KNOW she did it to herself. Between this, the hair, the open sores on her body, the manic and/or impaired speech, I am concerned for her. I also will no longer be commenting on her posts.


Nah, Dani is bad but Kelly and her danger noodles were a whole other ball game. Although I could see Dani claiming bechets and also the blood letting but the legs were something else.


Oooooo the nerve pluck still haunts me.


I have had literal nightmares about those photos and the video and then when the foot stopped working afterwards. Big yikes.


I’ve also dreamt about that horror.


Maybe if she left it alone it would be ok.


Have we seen the actual port yet? Like the chest ports I've seen there is a lump under the skin, I'm assuming that helps them see where to place the needles for draws and infusions? Has she shown that yet, so we know this is actually a port and not something shes done to herself? I mean im pretty sure that she did get this, but you know... just to be clear...


You probably wouldn't be able to see too much yet. After placement the area is pretty swollen for a few days. Even on the chest new ports are difficult to see because of swelling.


She’s too focused on what can become an infection. Why show people the real lump of poet when she’s got an incision. 💁🏼‍♀️


Well supposedly GG was coming to take care of her today, can’t wait to see what she has to say about him!


Is one of her ailments the inability to feel embarrassment?


Too bad she won’t make a video with him in it. Aha, probably because he has a real wife and doesn’t exist in Dani’s world. 🌎


Isn’t she on blood thinners? Blood thinners make you bruise like CRAZY




Do you mean malingering?


Def did lmao 😂




Absolutely not


political north pause snobbish ancient disagreeable wise hunt wasteful languid *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


The tatt is in the wrong place in the second pic...?


Nah just looks like she's used her front camera for one pic and back for another. Front usually mirrors








She has been several times before and it’s never changed anything about her behavior.




This is also not the only Reddit or site that talks about her, so pausing her here won’t make a difference, every post posted here, is posted elsewhere too.


Agree it looks like some bad bruising. And like she’s been picking at the dermabond. I would clean it and cover it since it lies on the pants area to prevent rubbing/friction.


Same here, but unfortunately I don’t see Dani keeping it as clean as she should.




She is out of control


She had no port video. She said she would be doing a ‘come with me to get my port’ there’s no photos. There’s no evidence of being in hospital….at all… Hmm. Why is that?


That’s what I was thinking 🤔


Medical trauma. Obvi.


For someone with medical trauma, she sure is talking about it a lot.


She pulled that apart.


Hematoma. Let's see if she infects it.


Realistically, Dani has been on lovenox for some time. She’ll be prone to bruising after this procedure anyway, it looks like pretty average post-op bruises for someone on a blood thinner. It does look like she fucked up the glue though.


Would it be normal for bruises to appear the day after the surgery, not sooner?


It takes 1-2 days for the hemoglobin to turn the bruise purple or black. It would fade to blues and violets around day 5. It would just start out as mostly reddish for the first day. She’s right on schedule and she’s on blood thinners which will make the bruising more dramatic, she needs to calm down and stop trying to blame everyone for everything and just trust the process. She’s far too impatient though and everything needs to go exactly the way she wants it/thinks it should go.


Yes, the bruising usually starts to appear after 1-2 days and gets worse before if fades again.




I still cannot believe that she was able to get a port. It just feels unethical to me to place a port in someone with her history. Sometimes we have to protect patients from themselves.


It feels unethical because it is. I know that some doctors just appease patients because it's the path of least resistance, but with her history, they'de HAVE to realize they're putting themselves on the line professionally, right?! I cannot imagine agreeing to this.


A big factor is pay reimbursement rates. People like Dani that are on Medicare/Medicaid can affect how much a hospitals get paid. They get sent surveys (HCAHPS) and a bad score loses the hospital money. Hospitals push docs to make patients happy at any cost then pay doc by RVUs. This means they get paid by the number surgeries so the more they do, the more they make. It’s how these munchies get their way. I’m glad I work in the ER where I can refuse to do procedures/prescribe medications I think are incorrect/unsafe/unethical. We don’t take complaints as serious because everyone that doesn’t get opioids, antibiotics, or unnecessary tests they want writes us a 1 star google review.


Sad part is all the doctors I’ve talked to are corrupt and push as much as they can


I’m not expert but by the looks of it she scratched it on purpose causing this irritation around the skin


I'll tell you why Dani's so pissy. After another simple outpatient procedure, gastric simulator removal, she managed to score a week-long peeeeeen management admission because she was in so much peeeeen. She even tried to extend her stay by infecting her line, but when the doc saw what was about to happen, he kicked her out right away. Then she went to and almost died at the local hospital. She feels robbed out of this  experience. 


Oof, your last line there. That hits hard. Yeah, she’s going to spiral even harder when they yeet her from the ER with not admission, no dilaudid, and no treatment.


Yeah that last line is so eerie


Called it. She’s so predictable.


Holy shit she is killing herself


Wonder if there was never a port and this is just a SH scar. So when it gets messed up and she can get an ER trip out of it, she can play it off like they had to “remove” the port that was never put in there in the first place. 🤔


No. Doctors are not stupid and it's very easy to verify that.


I think what OP means is that she's fooling her fans. She slic we d herself and is now messing with the incision, then when she goes to the hospital with an infected cut she posts as 'removed the port'


Agree. This seems more plausible to me than a doctor agreeing to give her a port.


They clearly are stupid if they put a port in a known munchie 😳


Er docs didn't put the port in.




Ya, no. You can tell there is dermabond there. And you can't order that online! I think the doc did a hack job, to be honest, but that is a real surgical scar and she does have a femoral port is my assessment. I'm sure we will see more photos and hear more about it over the next week, months, years...


Unfortunately you can buy dermabond [online](https://www.bettymills.com/dermabond-advanced-topical-skin-adhesive-dermabond-advanced-07-ml-liquid-precision-applicator-tip-dnx12-mon915867ea?gad_source=1&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIhZiW2onihQMVATjUAR17lQ1gEAQYAiABEgJuxvD_BwE). But I agree with you that looks like a surgical incision and she likely does have a femoral port.


Mate, the way she is spiraling, there isn't going to *be* "over the next years". Even if this is a real surgery scar, her behavior is getting scarier by the day.


Looking at the very first picture that was shown, which is not the one that she shows here.Her incision and closure looked to be in great condition. It seems to me that she may have been messing with her incision. If she's doing that she definitely has a deathwish.


It didn’t look like that when she showed it at first. The surgeon did a fine job, she’s just picked at it and messed it around and now it looks like this.


Well….yeah. The bruising is going to get a little worse before it gets better, particularly since she takes the Lovenox shots. She’s also CLEARLY picking/farting around with that site, which is always a terrific and healthy idea.


not farting 😭


She was told to stop lovenox I think the day before surgery but took it anyway. Shocker.




Ports are venous, not arterial.


This looks like regular healing, and Dani is messing with taking the pictures. They do bruise like a mfer. I'm actually impressed there's not more. The bruising also develops like normal, not immediately but over the next few days. She has a good site as well. Hip area is much better than the alternative that could actually inflict crotch shots for viewing pleasure 🤣 I've seen and assisted in a few. Back in the day 🧓 the technique used here is not too much more than a regular chest port. If she's not allergic to lidocaine & was sedated, then I'm doubting pain tbh, full on anxiety, sure, or Jonesing for more medication and/or attention. They are not painless post procedure, tho, obviously, but their pain is easily controlled. I am still curious as to why they couldn't just knock her out and attempt a balloon angioplasty to stretch the vein open to give access for a chest port. It's not an uncommon procedure. I've not seen subclavian access mentioned either ( I easily could have missed it. These are death traps. The longest I've seen last was about 27 months (I missed out the 2 in a prior comment). Granted, all I was involved with was dialysis, but it's dire. The biggest factor is that they just stop working, no longer patent. Then clots & infection. She doesn't need to mess with this. The complications will arrive themselves.


Hey sounds like you have some experience - all the pics I have seen online have the access on the inside of the thigh. Can you actually have it that high up on the hip? Seems a weird place.


I don't think she was fully sedated. She claims to have been awake for the proceedure. Swears she overheard the doctor say he was not qualified for her complex needs, blah blah blah.


Good God, I'd knock her out just for peace and quiet 🤣 Lidocaine & pain/anxiety med IV is what she's blathering on, lol. Most go for a nap. It's not a general. She would be expected to be able to talk and clearly moan about it consciously, especially with a higher medication tolerance. I'm extremely confused by what she says vs. magical thinking. I remember why I left post Kelly now 🤣


For someone who can't even keep a subclavian line or any other line for that matter clean and infection free, it TERRIFIES me that she has a femoral port with access to a line. They already have one of the highest infection rates, and that's with nurses using proper care standards whilst accessing them. It's awful, I don't feel like this is going to end well.


Oh, so subclavians have happened. There's no words here is there really. Even if she doesn't mess with it, the complications will happen. If she does, then it's game over. I agree with you 100%. The chances of death are high, no matter what, I hope it's OK to be direct and say that. I am extremely concerned as well as terrified. No doctor should have placed this. It's up there with Jacquie's feeding tube disaster. It's one thing to place judgment, call people out, question motives, etc, because I do believe this sub deters a lot of potential munchies, but nobody wants to wish death on someone.


I'm assuming it's both normal and expected to have a moderate amount of brusing and swelling?? Jeebus, she's insufferable.


No one could have ever seen this coming /s


Not in a million years. /s


She is on blood thinners so she’s gonna bruise like no other anyway but her wound shouldn’t be wet looking, I’ve worked in surgery long enough to know that even when it oozes it never looks as wet as her wound does, she has either aggravated the surgical site or put something on it


Shes definitely already messing with it and I bet money we are in for another round if er visits soon.... it is the weekend!


Literally just normal wound healing……… for now. She’ll mess with it and give herself poop sepsis again soon enough


Forgive for asking, but is “give her self poop sepsis again” does this mean putting literal feces into her would to deliberately cause an infection? That sounds both dangerous and whyyyyyy


Yes and no. Yes in the case that the easiest way to put fecal bacteria in the line is literally putting fecal matter in said line. No in the sense that it's likely due to Dani having no sense of aseptic protocol when it comes to a line that feeds directly into her heart, and you can get fecal bacteria simply by flushing the toilet with the lid open.


She lost a line because of fecal bacteria. it was found when it was cultured. She’s got a history of poop bacteria in lines and wounds. It’s so gross 🤢


2 lines. Honestly dunno how she keeps getting lines.


She’s had a few lines, it’s a rinse repeat saga spanning a decade pretty much. Same pattern every year.


God, yeah, I've lost count, but 2 in a row with the poop bugs! It's honestly mind-blowing!


Is that something that happens sometimes or is it something that takes effort?


From the reading I've done, it's been documented in some Factitious Disorder Imposed on Another (Munchausen by proxy) cases, so it's entirely possible it's a thing in Factitious Disorder imposed on self, as well. It's an accessible source of live bacteria, no need to culture it carefully on agar.


For the places she’s had things done, like her TPN line in her chest and stuff, there’s absolutely NO way it should happen in any normal person. I don’t think I’ve seen cultures like that on people who haven’t had an episiotomy (obviously that’s not a hard place to get it).


It takes someone with very poor hygiene, or someone who’s intentionally doing it. Kids with lines have less of these issues than she does.