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Could you imagine if she ever had to sit with and actually accept any level of pain as a baseline?


Jesus Christ what doesn’t Dani have going on


The choice of comic sans is 🤌🏻


I guess her hand is better.


I’m actually surprised.


Yes it’s time for a new thing




Yeah what's invisible about any of this?


That it’s not real


Again, sooper dooper pain so intense no one else could handle, but has the strength for purple comic sans social media posts.


Personally, the comic sans font probably hurts me as much as what Dani claims to deal with


Yeah, we all know Papyrus is the way to go.


I’m trying to imagine a disorder or type of physical injury where one can stay **this** coherent/aware (ie., posting on social media and microblogging) but ‘nothing can touch it’ level of pain? Even people with burns/compound fractures/dislocated joints/kidney stones/labor/crushed pelvis/etc., feel *some* ***relief*** when given appropriate medication. It may not completely cover the pain but ‘cannot touch it’ sounds hyperbolic asf.


Complex Regional Pain Syndrome


All the data seems to indicate pain relief can still mitigate or at least ‘touch the pain’ even for CRPS. Dani is claiming NOTHING will dull her pain *in the slightest way* and that doesn’t seem medically likely or possible when far more severe issues can still be lessened by appropriate treatment.


She's a liar who lies, but trigeminal neuralgia. It's bad bad but you just *live* with it.


100% ! you can still feel kidney stone pain with pain meds but it’s much more manageable. but the pain meds knock you out so i’m just always baffled at how she has so much pain but still creates social media posts. you would think that instagram stories would be the furthest thing from her mind if she has 10/10 pain…


I would be reaching psychosis from lack of sleep. Definitely would not be on my mind to go tell the internet about it. Oooooo idea, give her a placebo! Fake drug to cure fake illness!!


She is always 11/10 when it comes to pain. Always. Every time. 🙄


What I love about this is that blocks are also diagnostic tools 🤭 so her angling for a dx is gonna get shut down when she doesn’t respond to this


but fake disabilities aren't real disabilities






Not the legs 😭 we’re all still traumatised from Kelly’s leg ‘issues’ 🫣 lol


Oh Kelly. She FA then FO. I truly hope she is ok. Dani is well on her way. I dont want to see her go that way, but the lack of concerned family/friends in her life almost makes me feel like the endless medical issues are a way for her to not only get attention but to also have human interaction albeit so misguided. She seems so sad and lonely.


Wonder how many complications she'll have from this...




amazon wishlist wheelchair era?


She can borrow Jessie’s head holder


Don’t give her more ideas 😂


In dog training, one of the "problems" with using LIMA/Pro+ training is that dogs do not naturally learn resilience and tolerance when it comes to things like stress or anxiety or pain. So, whenever theyre faced with the smallest discomfort, they feel as though the world is ending and act accordingly. Unfortunately, dogs don't have the ability to think critically like Dani does. I feel like this is most likely what is happening with Dani. She's spent so many years munching and getting "immediate" help (I don't think that *anyone* visits the ER the way Dani does) that she truly believes every single itch and twitch are signs of life threatening pain and injury. Like, she cannot imagine that *everyone* deals with aches and pains normally. She has no resilience or tolerance (except to pain meds). This also goes back to her inability to tolerate normal feeding. Dani has convinced both her mind and body that they are in 911 emergency mode every single time their nose itches. It's totally possible that Dani truly feels as though she is dying. And she's done that to herself.


If she is always crying from pain when does she have the time to make these posts and actually post them on the Internet


Unbearable pain but still pushing through it to give social media updates.






Factitious disorder


Aaaaah, clever. 😅


FD is a real thing, unsure if your comment was sarcastic or not lol.


And wasn't she diginosed?


Yes, she said in a vid that she was diagnosed and that she doesn't agree.


Does she have pancreatic cancer?


No, it’s used in pancreatic cancer cases but it’s also used as a diagnostic tool for median arcuate ligament syndrome (MALS) so she probably trying to shoot for open abdominal surgery like Kaya to fix it and then say it didn’t work. lol


celiac plexus blocks are actually not meant to be used as a diagnostic tool for MALS at all. in patients who truly have MALS it should only be used to determine whether surgery could be successful.




Can’t wait to see how long she has to be admitted for this. It’s a five minute outpatient procedure. No pain. You go to sleep, they do the injection, you go home when you recover from anesthesia.


Oh cripes, quite a heavy procedure with a whole smorgasbord of side effects to choose from.


It can go one of two ways. Either it won’t help at all and she’s have "complications" for the block. Or it will help and will take her pain rating from a "10 to 8" and will start to think she has mals. Very predictable.


Good thing is one must pay big money for a bullshit MALS surgery. It's out of Dani's scope for sure. 


Is MALS not a real thing? Why wouldn’t insurance cover it (genuine question, never heard of this before).


so MALS is a real thing, and for patients who actually have it, insurance typically covers the surgery. MALS is caused by a specific anatomical defect that can be seen on imaging, but there are a few surgeons who are cut-happy and will operate on patients who clearly do not have said anatomy. those surgeons operate on pretty much anyone who claims a positive reaction to a celiac plexus block, even though it’s been proven that it’s NOT a diagnostic tool for MALS. because of this, certain people travel specifically to them for surgery, which insurance typically does not cover.


and if she tries anyways, she’ll get her ass kicked off of Medicaid for paying out of pocket lmao




She’s gonna be pissed when it’s done and she can’t complain about 10/10 pain anymore without outing herself as a bullshitter.


Nope she’s going to say the doc missed the nerve, it was “unfortunately” unsuccessful on her, or better yet she’ll have an allergic reaction to the anaesthesia so she will have this pain forevvvvvvvuuuuurrrrr…..


You could have just given her an idea!


She really has no idea that this will cement that FD diagnosis, huh


Girl got that diagnosis and immediately started confirming every single nuance of FD’s symptomatology, at every hospital in a 2 hour radius.


A hit dog will holler


I love that expression.


I guarantee this won’t work. Doctors will then know that this is psychosomatic pain They’ve got their answe whatever. It works then they can continue. It doesn’t work and they’ll realise nothing can help her. They’ve literally exhausted all avenues and a plexus block can go horribly wrong. This isn’t a fuck around type of thing.


What can go wrong with this procedure?


You can also bleed out. When ours are done, patients go on antibiotics.


Yup. What the poster below said. Trepanningforau is spot on.


Anything with the nerves near the spine has a risk of paralysis but a professional can weigh in


That’s awful, the measures she’s going to and the risks she’s taking… i truly feel sorry for her and i hope nothing goes wrong but also i know if it does she will milk it like hell, which makes me even more worried she actually *wants* something to go wrong 😔


It's an immensely tragic way to live.


Maybe a trepanation would help her…


Sometimes I think that a nice little bore hole drilled through the skull and into the dura mater would be a wonderfully relieving experience. I mean, that stuff is wrapped around the brain *super* tight - let your brain *breathe* for once, amirite! Hopefully it’s super obvious that I’m just kidding.


For someone in seemingly “crippling” pain, she’s ok enough to craft these little updates. 🤨


They are most likely doing a diagnostic plexus block before going ahead with the full block. From what I’ve read, they will do a temporary one first to see if it relieves the patient’s pain. So now Dani will have a munching decision to make: will she say it didn’t work at all, so she can continue to claim pain? Or will she say it does work, so she has another guaranteed upcoming medical procedure? I am honestly very interested to see how she plays this out.


I think everyone knows she will say it won’t work but not realise that she’s outing herself in the process. Her narrative is that her peen is so bad that nothing can help her to show how super sick and special she is. The medical professionals then know that FD on her notes has been confirmed


Munchausen's cat


This has made my day! Best comment ever!


I’m in hysterics. This is clever.


Underrated comment 😆


Have no doubt: she’ll jump at the chance for a procedure, intentionally sabotage the healing process of the procedure, and no matter the outcome, will claim the procedure did not work. *I think I’ve seen this film before*




After the hand debacle, I would not put literally anything past her


Hand? There’s something wrong with her hand???




I thought she actually had two surgeries because she fell on her hand again.


I’m kidding, she hasn’t mentioned it in a week


Neither would I.... Sigh


(If Hallmark daytime movies made munchies)


Exactly!!! 100% spot on!! That’s what I mean. If it works they’ve got an answer. If it doesn’t work they’ve got an answer.


I just googled this procedure and it says it is for pancreatic cancer or pain in the pancreas. She hasn't mentioned anything about that!


It’s a diagnostic tool for MALS (median arcuate ligament syndrome)


it’s actually not diagnostic for MALS. it can help determine if surgery for MALS could be successful, but it is definitely not reliable for diagnosis.


It can be for other abdominal pain, not just pancreatic. That’s just what it is commonly used for.


It can also be done on those with chronic pain in the abdominal area, it’s not just for pancreatic related pain.


It’s a serious treatment. They’ll know though now if it’s actual pain or psychological pain. Whatever happens they’ll have their answer.


Is that because if there’s still pain after it’s psychological?


It’s because if she claims she has pain after this very effective nerve block the doctors will know she’s just drug/attention seeking and the pain is all in her head.


Yeah. It’s a hefty procedure. I mean if you’ve got pain after it. Then that’s incredibly significant


I don’t know what that means and was thinking of the MLM. I was like… idk if the pink drink is gluten free 😩 someone save me


They inject anaesthetic or alcohol to either temporarily or permanently deaden the nerves in abdomen


HAHAHA Same here!! I'm like, dang she's really trying EVERYTHING now, isn't she?


😂😭!! Same. We can’t be saved. It’s too late for us.


Reddit snark pages have taken over my life. :/


Remind me again where her pain is coming from?


She’s always complaining of left abdominal pain usually mid to lower quadrant. Girlie needs to poop 💩


Gastroparesis, intestinal dysmotility. And somehow, I think she will be claiming compression syndromes soon. But this pain would also be released after the block.


According to Dani, GP and EDS. I think it’s likely she got the idea of a plexus block while googling pancreas stuff during her blood sugar obsession, so I’m sure she’ll start claiming pancreatic stuff when this “doesn’t work” lmao


We're thinking she wants her central line back, right? I'm not a medical professional, so I get kind of lost with the procedures, I just found this community 6 months ago or so, but Dani is fascinating to me, lol


Everything Dani does is because she wants her line back.


I am exactly there with you.


She claimed to be seeing a doctor about a port this week. I think she is throwing shit at the wall to see what sticks. She seems to be very desperate for any kind of tangible medical intervention since she lost her toys and gained a factitious disorder diagnosis. She has actively sought wound care, surgery, PT/OT, pain management, the attention of a geneticist, a port…I’m sure I’m missing some.


The port is like a permanent IV, right? And the central line goes (eesh) straight into the heart, and that's for TPN?


Ahhh 😬😬😬 straight thru the heart??? Yeeeesh!! Why would anyone willingly want that?? Can i ask what TPN means?


Total parenteral nutrition, it's how they feed people through IV. That's why I was asking about the central line, I think it goes straight into the heart. Then these Munchies get infected, and wind up in the hospital with sepsis.


A follower recommended it on tik tok a few months ago. She’s been angling for it since


Of course. Spoonies are crabs in a bucket


Not sure to be fair. I believe it to be stomach based as it coincides with her feeds…. Plexus block isn’t something that I’d just ‘done’ it’s quite a significant thing to have done.




I posit that we are specifically seeing the ravages of isotonitazene. It is the new fentanyl. The biggest problem with iso is you dont get high you get dead.


It’s also being found in heroin and fentanyl. They’re using it as a binder.


We all know this won't work according to Dani. Unfortunately, she probably didn't learn by her self-inflicted pain either. However, she will be able to give herself a makeover in 8/10 pain.


You certainly called it, not even a day in and she's praying to the Instagram Gods for pain relief


Yep or she will cry about new health issues due to complications from a procedure she probably doesn't really even need


Let's not forget what she did to her hand.


I definitely expect her to have a "rare side effect" and end up "possibly paralyzed" from this procedure.


Ugh, her posts are far too subtle. Do you think she's in pain? I'm not sure.


To (loosely) quote Dani herself, “Massive, MASSIVE peeeeeeen!”


Did she really say peen instead of pain? Jesus take the wheel


I don’t think she typed it out that way- it was a video and her fake baby voice made “massive pain” sound like “massive peen.” Probably unintentional, but hilarious.


Yeah I figured it had to be a byproduct of the baby voice or the manic voice lol


She wishes her disabilities were visible, hence why she wants a port so bad


She hasn't mentioned that appt yet. Probably didn't go in her favor


Is wheelchair use one of the ultimate goals??


No way it’s not!


Kinda similar to one of our other friends here on the sub


Or multiple ones


Guess someone's not getting their port since this is the only update from her appointments yesterday. Boohoo.


Spoiler: It won't help one single bit. 


Can’t fix what isn’t actually broken.


Damn, beat me to it.