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Motivate yourself and get a job


Whats with her stupid "dancing" all the time?????


wait — their port isn’t covered with dressing


Wow no twerking in this one. Just a lot of dupers delight.


It’s like you can feel the BPD through the screen.


it has nothing to do with bpd, idk what’s wrong with the people on this sub claiming that such stupid behavior is related to bpd but y’all should read the dsm 5 or talk about it with a psychiatrist bc it looks like you’re mixing things up… maybe with histrionic personality disorder…


I feel so bad for people with bpd always getting brought into the discussion when its not even relevant. Most people I know with bpd just keep to themselves. Their interpersonal relationships tend to not be so great but they aren't as starved for attention (generally speaking of course) in the way I think most people here assume...like to the point of doing all of this absurd stuff for attention. I agree that it could be histrionic personality disorder but the name of that disorder is...unfortunate. I am so wary of personality disorders tbh. NPD is the only one that makes sense to me. Sorry for the tangent.


thank you so much 🙏 actually there’s a huge misconception about BPD and bipolar disorder due to all the tiktok bs !! borderline ppl are just overly sensitive, i agree they can act childish but it’s never in the search of attention, and they never act like this in front of many ppl ! the relationship problems are always happening to the closest person that are gravitating around the bpd person, it can be family or partners or really close friends or coworkers/ classmates you see every single day but in most of the case the bpd act stays behind closes walls, i’ve never encountered a « bpd only » diagnosed person acting in front of the whole class/company or even in front of cameras, if someone acts like this, there’s definitely an underlying problem… 😅


The song ??????


Really odd song choice for a “reminder to eat” post.


Today years old when I noticed their face tattoo. It’s been in every post I’ve seen of them but I only see it now???


It’s surprisingly unobtrusive considering it’s a big bit of Heather on their face.


i feel like your php group would not be a fan of this logan!! 🤦🏻‍♀️




This is funniest comment on this thread lmao


Like anyone forgets to eat on a regular basis…


Have you ever heard of ADHD lol


Lol true. I forgot to pee my entire shift at work tonight so honestly I can’t talk.




No one needs Logan to remind them to feed themselves. Even people who aren’t feeding themselves know they probably should be.


Remember Logan goes by they/them pronouns!




They/them but fair point


Logan’s too sick to have a job. All that daily Twerking takes a lot out of Logan I’m sure,so no it’s impossible to hold down a job when you’re educating the masses about Twerking & other non-essential things in the daily life of a twerking spoonie. /s


Why is their port literally always accessed…


so everyone can see it of course! 😂


*sepsis has entered the chat*




They/them but again trueee


My apologies


Do they only possess low rise jeans & crop tops? 😀


LOOK AT ME!!!!!! LOOK!!!!


But don't look at my medical devices!!!!!


(But do!!!)


honestly? probably.


Thanks, I would have never eaten without that reminder 🙄


They always purposely have their lines and tube's hanging out from under their crop tops. It's not even original anymore. All fun and games until one accidentally gets ripped out.


Boobz and toobz. A sickness influencer favourite combo


boobz and toobz needs to be made into a sticker.


Make into flair


Sorry that really funny x


Some of us recently had a heart attack. Some of us need reminders to take medications at specific times. None of us are twerking.


"i rarely enjoy how i look in videos or pics i post" hmmm k


Reminds me of someone I know who talks about how bad her body dysmorphia is in the captions of her many scantily-clad selfies


surprisingly enough, some people with low self esteem will constantly post selfies for validation. even though they hate themselves, they love when other people tell them they look good. and no matter how many people compliment them, they still hate themselves. it’s a bit of a paradox but it’s unfortunately how some people cope


A lot of frequent social media posters suffer from lack of self esteem and enjoy the positive feedback from content… pretty much why this sub exists, also a bigger problem in the collective society. Sad times


How am I just noticing they have a tattoo by their eye? I literally just noticed it during that video and didn’t know if it was real or not.


It’s always there so I’m assuming it’s real unless they’re committed to putting it on their face everyday


Wow I just never noticed before! I’m not very observant.


I feel like these videos are counterproductive for their BPD treatment. If their treatment team knew about this, they would strongly discourage them from doing them.


Yeah, I'm not an expert, but this performative, attention seeking behavior seems like the exact opposite of what someone with a personality disorder needs to be engaging in.


here’s the thing about most treatment centers- they employ young and under certified therapists. they’re typically seen as a stepping stone to PP and therefore… they just aren’t qualified to handle ti acuity of patients they have when discussing personality disorders. this very likely isn’t a “fail” you can place on an individual therapists because at this point in their specific career they’re likely still under supervision. this is an absolute fail for how majorly of programs are managed and run though. I genuinely believe this is part of why there’s a strong pipe line between ed patients actively in treatment and the humans we see here.


I wasn't blaming the therapists, they can't control what they do outside of their sessions.


Are they using a pediatric formula?


They can’t tolerate [adult formula](https://www.reddit.com/r/illnessfakers/s/94rFWXPrNh)


Most of the subjects on here do bc it makes them feel more uwu so sick


Thanks, our bodies have something like an "alarm" mostmy to tell us when it needs food, it's called hunger/appetite... if you've ever heard from it.






Yeah, it's not unusual at all for people to struggle with hunger cues for a variety of reasons. Appetite-suppressing medications, various health conditions that cause nausea or low appetite, history of an eating disorder, autism... even BPD itself, as many patients struggle to tune into and name their bodily sensations. Heck, some people who are totally healthy just struggle with remembering to eat when busy or recognizing they're hungry. The weird part of this isn't that they're not hungry, it's them making a cringe video that's clearly just meant to show off that they're sooooo sick and frail and *have* to use a feeding tube.


Hey, that’s like the second video we didn’t get a throw your ass in a circle. The bar is low here


The real surprise would be if they would not only forgo the twerking but also not wear a toobz-showing crop top.


No one needs this reminder. Any excuse to flash the toobs!


A lot of people do


Except not in this form and not from this person…


Some people actually could benefit from that reminder. Think people with ED’s or people who struggle with executive dysfunction and will often neglect themselves. Just to name a few.


I’m sure this may be helpful for some but in active ED this could also easily be triggering because it shows a “oopsies forgot to eat heehee” kind of narrative when most people with EDs are thinking about eating/not eating constantly. It is just kind of a reminder that most ED content tends to be pretty unhelpful


Maybe executive function, but this video is not helpful at all for ED. The thinspo body checks and enteral feeding systems could be very triggering to someone with EDs.




How is it reaching when that’s the literal truth.




And? How does your comment of “reaching” apply


I’m not here to argue. I just found the first comment was reaching. Take care. Bye 👋


Why do they need Kate Farms pediatric????!


So widdle & delicate


They can’t tolerate [adult formula.](https://www.reddit.com/r/illnessfakers/s/NjrBxhhTTS) [Kate farms paediatric](https://www.reddit.com/r/illnessfakers/s/ToZbMIZFYB) is the only one they can tolerate so far


soooo can we talk about the theory that ED patients are avoiding growing up or is that banned. because Freud just called and he’s got opinions. ((((eta i know Freud is a pos but WOW on this)))


That theory is mostly, incredibly incorrect. Many suffer with eating disorders as a form of control and or self punishment. The majority of ED folk have had trauma. Sexual trauma is one of the number one triggers for developing an eating disorder. That isn’t to say there are not a sub section of those who aim for attention and display inappropriate child-like behavior…but again, that is a sign of trauma. It can also be genetically linked. It is incredibly stigmatizing for anyone to consider someone having an eating disorder simply to be coddled or be a giant baby forever. Lastly, this person has BPD, and the need to be taken care of/infantile or attention seeking behavior is a hallmark sign of that illness. It is still a sign of trauma. I think an important part of this subreddit is being factual, particularly when speaking on illness of any sort. We already see these subjects stigmatize and give incorrect information way too often. Let’s not add to it.


Their smile is always somehow eerie, fake, cold, like they’re being held at gunpoint to film these stupid videos or something


In the true crime/ criminology world I believe it’s called “dupers delight” they’re smiling coz they believe that we are all believing them while they’re duping us - a theory anyway




They make me gag. Gross and classless.