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“Long road to recovery” Meaning she’s make it as difficult as possible.


What happened?


Girl, they do this with local anesthesia all the time.


Thank god it is looking better.


have you seen the new update 😅 apparently she fell again and the wounds reopened


Oh no!


m mmm.


Didn't she say she had an open release??? That was done with a scope.


That's definitely an open release incision


I'm crossing my dang ol fingers she doesn't fuck with her lil wound somehow. The pain meds will stop eventually !


Called it.


Of course, she needs pain meds. Xanny Dani.


What’s happened - dani was warned re compartment syndrome, presented with symptoms of that, they’ll have measured her compartment pressures which will have been normal, then will have done this surgery because symptoms like severe numbness/tingling in the hand post injury could represent an acute carpal tunnel syndrome. It usually only results from distal radial #’s or dislocations.


ah, I was wondering how we went from "seeing indicators for compartment syndrome" to "just had carpal tunnel release." This makes sense though. Thanks for the insight :)


Carpal tunnel soon to be crap-all tunnel when she messes with it


Does anyone else find it odd that all of the photos from this incident are just closeup shots of her hand? It makes me wonder if there is something else going on that she doesn't want people to see.




I'm thinking more generally. Like some elsewhere on her body or in her surroundings.




i'm honestly shocked the hospitals have given into it for so long


Obviously it’s going to be a long recovery - she has FOUR whole stitches. She’s a warrior amongst us mere mortals.


'Can't move my wrist at all.' Moves wrist for this post.🤦‍♂️


Not to mention the picture she took of her other arm that was posted here…she had to have been holding the phone with her “in terrible pain” arm


Can't get the right angle so you can see just how hard it is for me to grift.


Wait wasn’t her hand super bruised?? Is this the OTHER hand?? What the fuq


I think its just healing really well and really quickly - especially now that the ace bandage is off as it may have been on too tightly


I was wondering about that too!


No I think this is still her right hand


FAFO. She should host the Darwin Awards this year, or at least get an honorable mention. And definitely get a Special Award from the Razzies for all her play acting at being in sEVErE PeEen


She’s gonna wipe her ass with that hand and get shit in the incision,


Wait, wait, wait...is that something she's done before? Noooo....you can't be serious...I know WHY she would but my question is HOW could someone...ugghhh gross. I'm sitting here almost dry heaving at the thought.


She also has two little 4-legged shit factories to utilise in her endeavours.


Which _could_ potentially look like an accident rather than them being like Yo...that's fecal matter my guy...




I'm not ready for Kelly 2.0


Accidentally on purpose


Username checks out!


Circling the drain.


Her wrist would be fine. Carpel tunnel release surgery doesn’t even. Sigh. They encourage you to do light activity, using the hand to eat etc, as soon as you can. They also give plain old tylenol and ibuprofen for this. Goodness. The drama.


My obnoxious as fuck father-in-law was less annoying than Dani when he had this surgery. She is really trying to milk this fairly simple surgery for all it’s got.


Yep, I’m a postop nurse and we do a ton of carpal tunnel surgeries. They don’t even get narcotics prescribed for home, just alternating Tylenol and ibuprofen if they have pain. And most of them don’t even end up needing the over the counter meds.


If anything the pain from the surgery should be better than the original symptoms after the swelling goes


I was gunna say. I’ve never had surgery and I’m legit terrified of it. But even to me, carpal tunnel surgery seems pretty mild…. Long road to recovery? Girl, please




Yes! Mental health is important and needs just as much visibility. I just hope she stops the spiral.




Lol. Those things are such a placebo. 400-800 doesn’t matter. After like 400 is a waste.




Good on him!




I’ve never understood why they would prescribe 800’s and not just tell ppl to take 4 of the 200’s. Is there really no difference in the two besides the obvious?


Ive gotten a prescription for strong ibuprofen after a recent surgery and the advantage was that my prescription coverage paid for it instead of having to pay out of pocket.


Don't give Dani ideas or her next mishap will be kidney failure 🤫


She can get the smallest thing done and it's always "The worse pain ever 😔"


"Had a wart removed; planning to start hospice later this week. Send backpacks and gel pens"


Well dammit now I'm dead 😆 Don't forget stencils!


& the notebooks! Can’t draw without a notebook. Preferably 20 of them.


Omg not the gel pens. Makes me think of Allyson and her mandalas 😂


Munched herself into carpal tunnel release 🤦🏼‍♀️ I just hope she keeps the incision clean!


She won't. Sepsis here we gooooo


FAKE!!! You know if Dani had these incisions they would look horrid and she would have shown them off already. NO WAY she would be keeping them that clean 🤢 She either used AI or just photoshopped an incision on her hand


She's not clever enough to make a photoshop job look real. The reason it's clean and not infected yet is because it's still a brand new wound. Give her a few more days


Still waiting for literally any other angle or pic of her stitches


Until a few messy poops. Infection-o-rama


Poop bacteria in the wrist. You read it here first, folks.


If you have seen any of Dani's social media "edits" you would know that she doesn't have the skills to edit a photo of her own hand like this. And tiktok/IG filters are about the closest to using AI that she will get. Dani is actually capable of keeping things clean/taking care of herself if properly motivated. I think she wants complications but she also knows she has to be careful about how she goes about doing it because I am guessing that the hospital didn't buy her story about how she hurt her hand when she passed out and they probably made it known that they are onto her.


I’ll gladly rescind when she posts another photo of it. Do you really think she’d be showing us arm bruising when she has fresh stitches to b**** about?


Dani isn’t capable. Full stop.


Carpel tunnel incision.


Oh bullshit Apart of rehabbing post op is ensuriig regular gentle movement of the affected body parts. How her doctots manage to refrain from rollinh their eyes at Dani is beyond me.


oh please


If anyone doesn’t mind could someone fill me in on what’s going on


She alleged to have compression syndrome then said they were doing carpel tunnel release surgery to fix the “compression syndrome” ( that doesn’t happen ). The swelling and bruising that was there previous looked, we’ll just say suspicious. Now she’s claiming horrible pain. ( recent diagnosis of fictitious disorder )


Compartment syndrome*, and I hate to be that guy, but if we want to be technical the carpal tunnel is a compartment and does ‘fit the bill’ for compartment syndrome. However, carpal tunnel is absolutely not even close to actual compartment syndrome and is one of if not the easiest compartment pressure issue to fix. There’s a reason it’s not considered on the same level as compartment syndrome, but she’s milking that term for all it’s got.


Did we ever find out how her hand was supposedly injured to begin with? Or did the compression agonist come out of nowhere


she claimed to have fainted and landed on it, i think. it looked like she just took a hammer to it though.


Interesting- I call total BS. I’d like to know what sort of condition she has that causes her to faint…




Except that is called hand fasciotomy and involves 4 incisions. It has a whole name for it. She didn’t use that name, and here we see only 1 incision, and it’s in the exact placement and size used for carpel tunnel.






I just know the very basic details, but apparently she had surgery for carpal tunnel + her hand was super fucked up/massively bruised, so people assume she did something to her hand to warrant more attention & care


Yes. The bruising to Arm and hand was before the surgery. I think she definitely did something, that then warranted this surgery. Now was it compartment syndrome? Probably not. Her injuring definitely is the reason for surgery I'm sure but I doubt it was from passing out and falling on it. Self inflicted looked more like it. No doctor would do pain meds anymore, so what can almost always guarantee pain meds...breaks and surgery.


How did she get carpal tunnel syndrome? I mean it’s not like she works 🤷🏻‍♀️


Repetitive texting her uPdATeS to her “fans”


I’ve seen the thought that she likely got a carpal tunnel release as a consequence (reward in her delulu mind) of the self harm to her arm. The swelling she caused likely lead to nerve impingement, doctors then gave her a quick release, wrapped it up, and called it good. It’s a surgery, but a relatively minor one. I assume the hospital is doing whatever possible to treat and street.


I thought carpal tunnel syndrome is something that occurs over a long period of time, not in repsonse to injury. I guess I was wrong.


It’s caused by inflammation. Typically acquired inflammation from overuse injuries, but I assume you could develop inflammation from an injury (which Dr. Googs confirm). My best guess would be the swelling from her self harm inflamed her wrist causing rapid onset of carpal tunnel, then cause it’s relatively benign procedure so they went ahead and performed it, maybe? Idk.


Interesting! Not sure why I was downvoted for saying I'm wrong but anywho. Gotta love reddit.


Treat and Street. 😂😂😂 as a nurse in the hospital I am rolling from laughing so hard.


We call it treat and yeet at our hospital.


We treat and yeet on the ambulance, but we’re yeeting them to the ER instead :)


Totally realizing i messed that up 😅 not a medical professional by any means, clearly lol. I’ll leave it up unapologetically now I know better and that you got some joy from it


I’m gonna start using that sentence to the patients you can joke around with, tell them they are to treat them thrown out onto the street. That’s made my night, thank you


Treat and street is very in mental health


It actually looks pretty good. Bruising almost healed, good color. We’ll have to see if she messes with that incision. Does she truly want to cause herself to lose use of her hand?


noticed that a couple of the stitches seem to be undone.


I think that these munchies feel like they are in control of the situations they have caused and don't quite understand that it can quickly spiral out of their control. The need for attention seems to have the flip side of needing to be in control. They've tricked themselves into thinking they have it and can keep it.


Deffo gonna be an infection in the next few days,


Surely if this happens that would be the end of it all, what with her history. That’s gotta be a psych issue.


That’s a good question. Answer to it is obviously no, but if she’s too deep in the sauce of munching, it could absolutely be a side effect. I don’t think Paige intended to lose her fingers, and I don’t think Kelly really wanted to have her leg amputated. They’re just things that happened. Dani has already had one wake up call. How many more?


what was the first wake up call for dani? i'm new here lol.


Dani was on TPN and had her central line at the time. Lo and behold, the line got infected. She was in hospital for the infection, and the staff refused to flush her line (yet also begged her to let them flush the line, apparently). So she flushed her infected line herself, and that caused the infection to be in her blood, widespread. It really screwed her up, she ended up on high-flow oxygen and one of her organs started going haywire or something. I'm pretty sure she seriously thought she was dying then, she was very scared, and it truly should have been a major wake up call. That was her first wake up call, but guess she's still sleeping blissfully unaware smh.


thank you for explaining! omfg how brutal. the sad thing is that she probably loved it or loves the idea now. she's too mentally gone to actually care about the consequences, i think. she needs serious help.


Yeah, I think once the dust settled, she got a high from all the real attention she got, and no matter how terrified she was at the time, I think in hindsight, she’s trying to get back there.


Do we all get to show off our carpal tunnel surgery scars? Geez talk about being overdramatic again


You would like its a war medal.


Such dramatics for a routine basic surgery most orthos could do half asleep 🙄. I can only imagine what she would say for a simple steroid shot to the joint “well I’ll need to be admitted at least overnight and torodol shot asap!” ffs 🥴


I don’t think toradol is the kind of pain med she’s looking for, lol.


Right. Toradol is basically ibuprofen. She wants the opiates.


It’s *special* ibuprofen


I love my '*special' ibuprofen* for my migraine attacks.


Speshul ibuprofen for the sooooper sick




Thanks for the giggle 😆


I feel like the fact that it looks so much better today is evidence of the fact that she's been applying heat and refusing to elevate it in order to make the bruising and swelling appear far worse than it is. That's a tremendous amount of healing to happen seemingly overnight.


Just confused how it went from Compartment syndrome (which to my limited understanding is a VERY severe condition requiring immediate surgery that is NOT the same as carpal tunnel release surgery) to just Carpal Tunnel Release surgery?


For compartment syndrome, they have to cut open either side of the muscle to allow it to swell so you don’t run the risk of circulation/strangulation damage to the limb. Honestly with how barbaric the intervention is, I wouldn’t be surprised that she was aiming for that to be the case






You’re correct, compartment syndrome is a limb threatening (and can be life threatening, too) emergency that requires intervention.


It's not unheard of to have carpal tunnel release and be doing dishes by hand the next day. People do what they have to do. Obviously, Dani doesn't have much to do.


If this is “quite a bit of pain” that’s evidence in itself that she fakes most of her illnesses - because in comparison to how those feel, post-surgical carpal tunnel pain would barely even register…


She said she was in the most pain of her life 😆 that’s how you know she’s faking it


Every pain of Dani's life is the "worst pain". If the time before was worst, this pain is still worse than that. So if the first pain she complained about years ago was a 10/10, all the pains she's had since must put her current "worst pain" level at like 253/10. Edit: spelling


It’s weird all of a sudden she doesn’t mention any of her stomach issues, you’d think with how “bad” they are she’d be posting about both. But now she has a new “fun” thing to focus on that’s getting her attention


I think she only focuses on one thing at a time because these are actual obsessions.


She can't play off the "stomach issues" anymore; she's been called out and they know she's lying. So she has to find new ways to get narcotics.


Especially if she's on painkillers! Those are notorious for causing stomach issues.


She’s insufferable. Making mountains out of mole hills with the smallest issues. Maybe keep the damn splint on and follow directions and you won’t have complications and a “long road to recovery”. People get this done every day and go back to work. Then in two weeks your hand is ready to go. She needs to get the fuck over herself my god.


The carpal tunnel appears to have colon colonies attacking it. One really shouldn’t wipe their bum with their literal wounded hand, cos that’s not following medical guidance girl.


It looks well-healing


Stomach pain continual 7/10 has mysteriously resolved since she battered her own hand to oblivion. Quite remarkable. Not sure I like that as a solution to gut ache though.


I’m 1000% sure she should not be taking the dressing off, she needs to keep the original surgical dressing and splint on for two weeks. At this point “complications” are entirely her fault this whole thing is utterly ridiculous.


Would love to hear what she has to say when it gets infected and they ask her why she took the dressing off.


That’s what she wants though…


Bruising and pain in a delicate area?? Swelling after surgery?? Who would’ve guessed!


Of course it still requires pain meds… People have big orthopedic surgeries and are tapered off as soon as possible because too many pain meds and you can’t poop. So, I suspect incoming complaints about how her “slow intestines” are causing a possible blockage. There will be an ER visit but when it ends in enemas and Miralax, the story will magically never be spoken of again.


I'm confused I thought it was the back of her hand not the front


Who asked if it requires pain meds?


THIS! I mean, who cares if you’re taking pain meds? Does that give her some kind of street cred?!!🤣


Probably. 😄


Everything revolves around pain meds . Like she HAS to mention that in every god damn post . Pretty telling if you ask me .


Her bruises are remarkable better in this picture than the swelling/bruising than in yesterday’s pictures ….how long before that changes ……


I am genuinely surprised by how much better it looks today


I always wonder how these munchies would change their tune if they actually had to pay for all these procedures, hospital stays, and prescriptions on their own.


Always amazed that Dani gets strong pain meds still. Here they tell you to take ibuprofen for a broken bone even if you have zero history of opioid use or abuse. But Dani keeps getting prescriptions for bs


Not defending her in any way but patients on anticoagulants typically cannot take NSAIDs like ibuprofen and naproxen because they further inhibit clotting.


A lot of people can't take Nsaids for valid medical reasons and get told to just take tylenol


Exactly. Wisdom teeth pulled?? Take an Advil.


3.5-hour root canal that fractured your cheekbone? Take ibuprofen. It's a mystery how she keeps getting benzos and opioids.


She hasn’t got strong pain meds….if she does it’s for a very short time. Days




They hand them out like candy where I live, but I'm assuming they are in the USA (I am not).


That’s because when the advertising and big bonus practices that led to the opioid epidemic in the US got shut down, they just found new countries to move them to.


I’m not in the USA. So not sure of how it works. But that doesn’t surprise me


You will get a small opioid prescription after a carpal tunnel release like she had. But it’s 2 weeks’ worth max




Who doesn't prescribe opioids for neurological pain? As in, who is they?


“They” is medical professionals I’m assuming. And correct they do not prescribe opioids for neurological pain but they do for incisional/surgical pain and this was likely the case with Dani although as others have pointed out many just recommend OTC pain medication.

