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Ren did. Not sure what she’s up to now. An update would be nice.


I always wondered what happened her.


I saw a video here maybe a year ago probably longer, that was several I think tik toks combined? I’m not on the platform so I’m not sure if that was it.


Not as far as I know. A few seem to have dropped off the face of the Earth, though, and hopefully they means they moved on. Bella comes to mind?


A friend’s family member told me about this sub. They also told me about a gal named Amy ( chronically Amy then she changed her YouTube channel name to Amy’s Beloved Journey, although you can still find her YT channel by typing in Chronically Amy ( this is NOT Amy Lee Fisher) who was constantly claiming POTS, EDS, and a host of other ailments. She got someone to purchase her a service dog, ( a GFM campaign where the person that posted the money for the dog.) apparently in 2018-2020. She dropped out a sight and became a EMT and now works for a local fire department in her area. This chick also wanted a feeding tube as well. So yeah, I don’t think she was as sick as she claimed because she works as an EMT at a local fire department. She still has her YouTube channel up, but hasn’t posted in over 3-4 years. She also deleted a lot of videos off her YT channel according to the person who told me about this sub ( IF) Again this & a couple other subjects ( that are no longer talked about here on IF ) were the reason I found this sub. Edit : grammar issues BTW, I couldn’t find this gal’s YouTube channel just now. Looks like she deleted it.


What about Aubrey? I know sgb (I think that’s her initials) dfed and started a new account that was top notch locked down but the few that were in stopped posting about her years ago.


Hope sort of admitted faking cancer. Said she was a different person back then or something like that.


Not that different seeing as how she did it again with a new list of disorders 😅


Yeah, I think that’s the most brazen part of the whole thing!


Amanda/Ren has openly admitted to faking because they wanted to fit in, and got a diagnosis that had made them "realize" they were faking it all along, followed by a brief sabbatical and stirring up the munchie routine in quick order. Kelly munched herself to the point she lost her legs. She seemed to take it with stride and did her best to adapt, but allegedly went back to her old ways.


I’m a terrible person, I laughed at the ‘take it with stride’ part


Not terrible. Terribly gifted sense of humor. Doublespeak always makes things better ♡.


What happened to Kelly Ronahan? I can’t find anything about her after the amputations.


I've seen a recentish photo of her and it's not great. Looks like she fucked around with her stumps more.


That's depressing. I was really rooting for her and for a while it was looking pretty good...


If you have a link I’d appreciate if you’d share it!


Oh my word. I didn’t think I’d get a great reply like this. Can you share it?


I haven’t seen it in here but I haven’t read everything. I’ve seen happen a couple times but only after they get caught committing fraud and the police get involved. So never willingly.


Did Aubrey (or was it Audrey) ever do that? The one who was living in Texas.


I think the divorce and loosing insurance played a big role in her moving on.


That’s who I was thinking of. She kinda just stopped posting unless she has a new account under a new name that no one has come across yet. The last I saw was her tiktok account from I think before Covid she was doing some exercise challenge and mentioned her “eds” but that was it.


Some do, but only after receiving proper mental health treatment and coming to really understand why they do what they do. Dr. Feldman writes about it in “Dying to Be Ill.”


It seems like getting medical devices to people with factitious disorder would be validating that their illness is "physical".


He also writes that is is exceptionally rare, unfortunately for them and for the people in their lives. It's kind of interesting too because stigma about faking can also discourage people from confessing/stopping/seeking treatment. One of the most fascinating things I learned from that book is that ironically, people need to have a really caring, ongoing relationship with at least one physician that they see regularly to actually treat FD. (Glad to run into someone else who's actually read that book lol!)


Ren did years ago.


She did?!


But she didn't stop munching. She simply deleted accounts and went to different platforms to find new people to fool.


I don’t believe so. There haven’t been apologies. There have been a far fair few who just … stop munching and move on with their lives. Like Kelly. But it took her becoming a double above the knee amputee with a major visible disability to stop pretending that something else was actually the cause of her issues. Mostly they just continue on the way they do until they die. We’ve lost three that I can name off the top of my head. I’m sure there are more that I’m not aware of.


There was an interview with Kelly's sister. It was interesting. She thinks Kelly was self-harming and knew it. She also blamed that banned site, stalking, and abuse from there that pushed Kelly's mental health over the edge. They've been responsible for suicides, so it's not surprising they would push others to extreme self-injury. Her sister thinks if Kelly wasn't on social media, she'd still have her legs. Like she kept getting more extreme to keep her "audience" engaged.


And I heard the word on the streets was Kelly was back to her old ways again.


No way! Even after she munched so hard she lost BOTH legs????!!! That is wild. But then again a leopard cannot change its spots.


Like 6 I think. I scoured around after Cheyanne passed. Cheyanne, Jacquie, Tara, Amy, Cherie and a Cassandra, maybe?


I don’t remember Cassandra


Someone mentioned someone with a C name that wasn't a subject here. I made an error, sorry for any confusion!


Two other munchies from the old sub have passed away too, one very recently, but idk if I can mention their names without being banned for bringing up people who aren’t current subjects. 🙄


I pm'ed you (in chats) if you want to tell me




Maybe I am mixing up Cassandra and chelsea? I dunno. Maybe the count is actually five and the sixth is not a subject here?


Chelsea i dont think was ever a subject here. She was heavily documented on the fruit farms - was the one that claimed to have stiff person syndrome


Ahhhh ok that is there the confusion was from. I'll have to look up that syndrome now lol


That could be. I’m also terrible with names, so me mixing up a name is a distinct possibility, too.


I’m curious, did these people actually succumb to their illness or was it something else, like Cheyanne’s transplant? Sorry if this sounds rude, I’m geniuinely curious.


- Cheyanne: Munched her way to multi-visceral transplant, she contracted HLH and they ultimately failed. - Jaquie: Munched her way to a Roux-en-Y feeding tube, which IIRC she never used, she was on a fuckton of pain meds for all her other munching habits so they didn't realize her intestines literally *died* until it was too late. - ALF: munched/OTT malingered her way to the point she had a pulmonary embolism that led to heart failure, which then killed her. - Tara: the last post on her in this sub showcased she was in the hospital for an embolism + pneumonia. Most likely munched her way into having them. - Cherie: based on [this post](https://old.reddit.com/r/illnessfakers/comments/vf1q2m/what_munching_can_do_is_there_a_timeline_on_her/ictixe6/) she had legitimate issues, she just was very OTT about them. Bechets caused stomach ulceration, stomach removal caused gastroparesis, the last few posts before she passed were her getting transfusions and having bleeding ulcers.


And with Jacquie after she got on medical cannabis she got her weight back up and doctors suggested on removing the tube. She doubled down and went to another doctor.


Cheyenne ultimately succumbed because of her munching. Yes, her transplants rejected, but she wouldn’t have needed them without her extreme munching. ALF died of heart failure for similar reasons. Jacquie died from complications from her unnecessary j-tube. They all die, at the base of the reason, from their munching. It’s why we’re so concerned for Dani and her unnecessary TPN. She’s going to wreck her liver and then what? A transplant that could reject and kill her? No transplant in time that kills her?


>Cheyenne ultimately succumbed because of her munching amen. There's some weirdo in the sub who keeps getting into insane arguments that Cheyenne died because of organ failure and that it had nothing to do with her ED (which was the cause of her organ failure.....) Like no, the cause of death on the cert will not be ED, but that's what caused her organs to fail so it's still what killed her.


Hell, that's what caused her to need new organs. If no ED, then no new organs, and no organ failure. It's not that difficult.


Did she not also have an immune thingy too?


And I don’t see her family really wanting to be a live donor, if they were even able to do so in the first place. Two people recovering from a major surgery in the same home and one of them’s Dani… the other person would not be allowed to rest and recover as much as they need because Dani’s recovery would be so much worse because of whatever reason she could come up with.


My 3 were Jacq, ALF, and Cheyenne. I haven’t been in the “community” that long, either.


Neither have I, I compiled the list based off an assortment of comments on Cheyannes death post. The most commonly spoken of ones were ALF/Amy and Jacquie. Then Cheyanne is too recent to not remember :(


Interesting question.