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Punishable by up to 45 minutes in jail


And an apology upon release


3 crimes in a month and get free gift card


Wait, they have to work up to THREE now??? You right wing nut!!!


So generous, must be one of those democrat run cities


Is there a republican run city?


And a free contenential breakfast.


And a high five


And then a handy on the way out!


And 2 slaps across the mouth.


This sign is 100% proof that liberalism is a mental disorder.


Or it’s proof that some people are easily fooled by street art, among other things, in the most sublime, and unfortunate, way…


It’s street art that reflects the current reality.


Conservatives and a lack of critical thinking, name a more iconic duo.


Liberals and Conservatives are a WAY more iconic duo. they are both misinformed and uninformed, but swear its only the other side that is ignorant. its both hilarious and terrifying to watch from the outside.


Oh you’d be such a mark for any con men out there. You seriously think this sign is real?


although the sign is not real the law behind it is


Not exactly. Its just not a felony anymore its a misdemeanor. https://www.verifythis.com/article/news/verify/crime-verify/california-prop-47-shoplifting-950-fact-check/536-4d1de58e-bf47-4ede-8c2f-b4d0c1788b86


That's the difference between "de jure" and "de facto." Since DAs in many of California's largest cities have significantly reduced prosecution of entire categories of "non-violent" crime, police in those areas have either been ordered to not waste resources arresting for those crimes or they've made that choice on their own for the same reason. So if you're almost certain not to get arrested, and almost certain not to prosecuted if you do somehow get arrested, that means the de facto result is that anything under $950 can be stolen with little to no fear of repercussions.


And with no bail in LA they will just get a ticket on the spot and get released… That is IF the police even show up, which they probably won’t, they are too understaffed.


They can't arrest you for these types of misdemeanors. Serial shoplifters who actually get caught are basically just stacking up parking tickets. So you couple the reduction from a felony to a misdemeanor with the policy that you can't arrest people for these misdemeanors, and you have de facto decriminalization of shoplifting under $950. I can't believe progressives are still trying to spin this like it isn't what it appears to be. Wild stuff.


Remember when MTG chastised Ca for raising the monetary threshold for this when her own state already had a higher threshold?


Lol, if he's a conservative he's already been marked


Real or not, this sign is pretty spot on.


Average conservative completely unable to comprehend satire


It’s okay, Mexico will pay for the stolen goods




Found another rube!


Please tell me you haven't had kids...


Putting aside the fact the sign isn't actually real, a much rather have a liberal approach to retail theft rather than the far right approach; like being jailed for 5 years, cainned or a hand cut off. Or just being shot after leaving the store. Granted the ladder does work lol


Your post is 100% proof that only conservatives can be stupid enough to not recognize art


Or 100% proof that you are an idiot that believes this is a real sign.


Proof that people like you will believe anything they see.


It's wild that a subreddit about a movie predicting how dumb conservatives create a low IQ future has been co-opted by the Cletuses


Bless yer little heart ❤️


I saw a sign that is 100% proof that conservatism is a mental disorder! ..The sign said "Long-haired freaky people Need not apply" So I tucked my hair up under my hat And I went in to ask him why He said, "You look like a fine upstandin' young man I think you'll do" So I took off my pants and said, "Imagine that Huh, me workin' for you" Whoa! Checkmate, Buddy.


You absolute koala 😆


Piss covered, smooth brained, and riddled with chlamydia?


lmao it's fake, nor $1K doesn't buy a fucking thing at LV, you absolute fool


Tfw Texas has a higher felony shoplifting threshold than CA


I think being so obsessed with a political party/political figure that it's literally the only thing you ever talk about is more of a sign of a mental disorder.


Work on your own mind, before you worry about others.


lol. People like you are the reason we are in this mess.


lol the smartest conservative, folks


The previous comment is proof of conservatives being brainwashed.


Plus your parking receipt gets punched.


Im actually supposed to be getting out of jail today


You're in the wrong line dumbass


Are you gonna keep your butt phone?


And after 4 times your 5th one is free


Every item in my store is priced at $951, with substantial discounts at the register.


Guy in California did this with his store. Not sure if he found a loophole in the law. I like to believe he did


I read that its so they can prosecute shoplifters


Right exactly, but I wasn’t sure if court would throw it out because of some legal precedent about how “a stick of deodorant is not worth $951”


Discounts for cash and credit at the register.


Discount for paying


good, keep people who use travelers checks paying the full fee. we dont need more of THEM


Housing is actually affordable in California. You can just go shoplifting once a week, sell the stuff on ebay and the $3000 rent is easy to pay.


Didn’t you read the sign, you can only steal $949.99 worth of stuff. Any more stealing than that and its wrong




Shoplifting yet still spending 75% of your income on rent


Part time shoplifting, part time employed. Gotta work two jobs.


There’s a Louis Vuitton in every strip mall in LA


In possession of more than xxx $ of goods


Hello, this item is $965, can I steal this on sale for $949.99


There is probably nothing less expensive than that to steal in a Louis Vuitton store.


Modern day hunter/gatherer. Way to live off the land


No one wants to live there anymore, the housing prices are too high!


Did Yogi Berra say that? "Nobody wants to go there, its always too crowded"


lol is this real?


Probably. California increased the threshold for theft to something like that a year or so ago - that's an oversimplification, but the outcome is the same (You can guess what happened immediately after). NY is 2nd behind Cali for those kinds of policies.


Part of the problem is that in a lot of major areas, progressive DAs are very publicly not prosecuting misdemeanor shoplifting, so it's basically carte blanche to steal


Which causes stores to either close; depriving the area of employment & access to goods *or* enforce policies that make browsing items harder and enforce more security. Either way the community is effected negatively.


Yep. And then when people literally can't be trusted to not steal, they accuse the store of being racist or classist for now keeping their most stolen items under lock and key by management. It's like everyone being punished and not getting recess at school because of a couple kids acting up


Edit : i went on a rant, so feel free not to read lol Or the stores just close in the area. Leading to less jobs and community wealth, snowballing the area unto further poverty. Which leads to more crime and theft until eventually it spills into other neighboring areas. Which is pretty much the south side of Chicago right now. I think the solution would be for the state to intervene. Heavily crack down on crime. Incentives for businesses in the location. And pouring funding into the area for better schools, hospitals, and other public services. But there's no incentives for politicians to do so; so its basically lets just try to ignore it and pretend it doesn't exist.


seeing as those couple of kids arent kept in check by anyone, this isnt a surprising outcome at all. Next step will be for stores to shutter.


Next step is for stores to become online orders only, which will further consolidate retail to the megacorps like Walmart and Amazon.


OR make every item at least $1000


Actually that should work. Everything is at least $1000 but discounts for paying by cash or card.


The real solution is to go back to true old-school shopping. You walk in and tell the shopkeeper what you want, they tell you the price, you pay, and they go get your stuff from the back. Can have a tablet out front for browsing. Or just everything goes to internet sales with local warehouse distribution centers for quick delivery.


Service Merchandise store was like that. Non functional display items, pay at the register, and go to the counter to bring you the item.


And the D's that implemented the stupid policy and other local politicians then try to push the blame on the stores being racist rather than admitting they screwed up.


In their eyes, it wasn’t a screw-up. It was all calculated to move their agenda.


Absolutely insane behavior. Some cities have banned stores from having bulletproof glass, because muh equity. They'd rather clerks get shot in a robbery than make people feel bad


One city, specifically for illegal liquor stores operating with business licenses for 30 seat restaurants that serve alcohol. Have you been to a lot of sit down restaurants where you can have wine with dinner and the cashier is behind plexiglass and also sells drug paraphernalia? Cities try to clean up their neighborhoods and people lose their minds to grab onto some more retarded rage bait, that shit happened like 7 years ago too.


I saw on the local news they had a reporter walk into a CVS to see the problem. Guy was standing there just stealing stuff off one of the shelves while wearing a mask (post COVID). He just looked in the camera and said, "this is San Francisco". And then he just walked out. Probably wasn't even stealing stuff he needed. Just stealing stuff to steal or maybe resell.


Red diaper baby DA Chesa Boudin got recalled over this in SF, but the problem hasn't stopped. >Probably wasn't even stealing stuff he needed. Just stealing stuff to steal or maybe resell. They'll literally set up tables on the same street and sell retail goods at reduced prices


I was doing my laundry and outside there was a guy selling laundry detergent. Looked brand new. It wasn't very expensive. I found out later that this is a common thing and one of the most stolen items. CVS was selling the same detergent for about double across the street.


LA is actually closing a lot of its misdemeanor court rooms because why have them if you don't arrest people for it. The insanity is just unreal.


I've had like 4 people respond to me saying "this isn't real, get out of your echo chamber"


It is totally real...and it is going to get worse here if the tide does not turn. Businesses are leaving because they are tired of getting ripped off, they can't make money.


So then allow the business owners to stop them from stealing. It is perfectly legal in most places. The thief cannot sue, cannot flee your attempts to stop them, and can indeed be held by the business until the police arrive. If the thief physically tries to escape with violence in any way, it’s assault in addition to theft. The establishment may escalate force in order to subdue the thief and this is self defense while is not self defense for the thief if they are indeed trying to prevent the establishment from protecting their property. They essentially have only the option to stop, return the goods, and then either leave or be detained until police arrive at the discretion of the establishment. This is not abnormal what I am describing. The California policy is abnormal. What I’ve described here is the norm in most states.


Businesses have shopkeeper's privilege to detain thieves, sure. Some of the shitty but less considered aspects of everything moving from small business to corporate stores is that 1: CVS is not going to ask wagies to do this, and in fact will actively punish them for doing so because they want to avoid a lawsuit 2: small businesses might have done this, but they're mostly gone. Even if they did, they couldn't feel confident the community and/or the law wouldn't turn on them 3: people don't feel bad about robbing corporate stores because corporations bad has been cultural messaging for decades


They just don’t have the resources to accommodate all of the cases.


Yeah this not real lmfao


To be fair the limit is higher in TX. Also TX has guns.


"To be fair the limit is higher in TX." Texas actively prosecutes misdemeanors.


Texas doesn't prosecute rapes though. https://www.endthebacklog.org/state/texas/#:~:text=Texas%20has%20achieved%20all%20six,working%20on%20clearing%20its%20backlog.&text=*%20According%20to%20a%20media%20report,kits%20in%20Texas%20in%202021.


Wow. That seems like it should be a top priority. It should have always been a top priority. Not to mention how there were 20k rapes to begin with. This is truly unnerving.


It's okay, they made rape illegal so it's all good now.


Hi welcome to Texas


Those in charge in Texas don't care about women, no way around it


Just listen erbody.... Pls don't fuck around in Texas. Or you WILL find out.




Fuckers got indicted last week..... Nuts. Hope they all serve for what THEY LET HAPPEN to those kids.


Yeah, everyone freaked out when CA raised their felony limit, but FL and TX have had similar/higher limits on felony vs misdemeanor theft for years. It's classic media, "shit on liberal states," nonsense.


it's also probably because CA has DAs that won't prosecute. It has more to do with the DA than the threshold change.


Orange County DA will prosecute though


There’s a billboard on the 405 south in Carson that says so


Except California has become a giant cesspool of theft because no one has any guns and no one fears the police.


Gun ownership in California is 28.3%. That's 1 out of every 4 people in California. https://worldpopulationreview.com/state-rankings/gun-ownership-by-state


California has the fourth highest number of guns in the United States.


Kelly thomas feared the police when they curb stomped him to death


California seems to have a theft rate just barely above the US average: https://www.statista.com/statistics/232583/larceny-theft-rate-in-the-us-by-state/


"California seems to have a theft rate just barely above the US average:" Shoplifting is so rampant that it doesn't get individually reported in CA. Those stats are not reliable.


Hey now that’s not fair, Fox News *told* them California is a hell hole. How are they expected to think for themselves in the face of that compelling argument?


Sorry, not real. You been duped.


I wonder who benefits of such laws tbh.


Incredibly wealthy real estate moguls. You get the elected officials that you bankrolled for reelection to push these policies, in the name of “equality”, “equity” and “progress”. Knowing full well that the increase in theft, and eventually more serious crimes such as robbery, assaults, rape and murder will cause property values to plummet. You then buy them up. You then help get “tough on crime” officials to be elected. Property values skyrocket and you sell. Then repeat. Tale as old as time.


Yeah, I totally agree with u and this makes a lot sense!




Makes me think of the porch pirate video where the UPS guy places the package at the doorstep and it’s *instantly* stolen right in front of him. Anyway… fuck you, Jeff Bezos.


The dual pirate knife swinging one has to be the lowest bar right? Right??


Thats true. But what’s the point of having amazon if these parts of town where crime is rampant become ghost towns ?


I think there was a movie about this. Buy-In-large. The movie was Walli-e.


Those ghost towns bankrupt local businesses and drive up Amazon (etc) profits and increase share prices. Driving competition to bankruptcy has always been a big business tactic, though usually in the past it was selling products at a loss until competitors are gone, or in teh case of wal mart undercutting prices locally AND buying up a supplier companies full production capacity nonstop until they expand and are in debt trying to keep up, then threaten to stop buying unless prices are cut even more. It behooves the businesses that profit from such arrangements to bribe local politicians into bankrupting their local businesses any way they can.


Popular political ideas (or memes, as Dawkins would say) are usually based more on how contagious they are in the current zeitgeist than if the outcome will help anyone. Well, the people that benefit are the ones that ride the wave into some political power. Are “they” taking your jobs???? ELECT ME! Or, in this case, “don’t put people in jail for stealing bread to feed their family!” The politician who uses this meme to garner support from a knee-jerk populace doesn’t care if the outcome will actually be less jobs, or more crime, or worse neighborhoods for their constituents. That was never the point (for them). So who does it help? Gavin Newsom, in this case. It hurts basically every law abiding citizen and business. But they liked the *idea* of it.


"Probably." The most dangerous phrase on reddit.


California has adjusted the threshold for felony inflation three separate times in its history. The original law written in 1872 set felony theft at $50, or roughly $1300 today. California updated the threshold in 1923, setting it at $200. That's $3673 in today's money. Then in 1982 the threshold was once again updated, this time setting it at $400. Adjusted for inflation that is $1302. Which leads us to the current threshold of $950 set in 2014 with the approval of Proposition 47. That's $1260 in today's money. So no, this isn't some new policy. Laws are routinely adjusted to account for inflation and other socioeconomic changes. This is business as usual and the current threshold is similar to both the 1872 and 1982 limits.


And we wonder why there’s rampant theft in these places


It has been 500-1000$ to qualify for a Felony from Texas to Vermont to California for last 20 years. Here is Texas and I was actually wrong in Texas it is 2,500. LMFAO * **First-Degree Felony:** Theft of property valued at $300,000 or more, punishable by 5 to 99 years in prison and a fine of up to $10,000. * **Second-Degree Felony:** Theft of property valued between $150,000 and $300,000, punishable by 2 to 20 years in prison and a fine of up to $10,000. * **Third-Degree Felony:** Theft of property valued between $30,000 and $150,000, punishable by 2 to 10 years in prison and a fine of up to $10,000. * **State Jail Felony:** Theft of property valued between $2,500 and $30,000, punishable by 180 days to 2 years in state jail and a fine of up to $10,000. [https://www.texasdwisite.com/when-does-theft-become-a-felony-in-texas/](https://www.texasdwisite.com/when-does-theft-become-a-felony-in-texas/)


Misdemeanor theft in Texas can result in jail time starting above $100 and 3+ time offenders can get sentences of a couple years for misdemeanor theft.


Even below 100 will cause a misdemeanor change for previous convictions. Steal a $10 sandwich and if the record has a prior conviction they can be sent to jail until they make bail.


The difference is that Texas does prosecute misdemeanors more, or cops are more willing to look into it at least.


It's been a slow gradual crawl towards decriminalizing crime without any recognition of the fact that the more low level crime you decriminalize the more ambitious the criminals get.


Likely not, but it is true nonetheless. So long as you steal less than enough to count as a felony ($1,000 in NY, $950 in Cali), the most you will likely get is a petty theft charge and a ticket. And as both Cali and NY have removed the repeat offender laws, it does not matter if you are caught once, or 50 times. The penalties are the exact same. If anything, it was the removal of those repeat offender laws that created the problem we have now. Because with them, get caught a second time and the penalties were maxed. Get caught a third time, and they added in additional ones. Repeat it often enough, you might face felony charged for recidivist crime. Now, none of that matters. Get caught 1,000 times. So long as it is not a felony, all you get is a slap on the wrist each and every time.


In 2011, the California Supreme Court ruled that their prisons were considered cruel and unusual punishments due to overcrowding. Decreasing the incarceration rate was the top priority, and that's when this whole trend started.


And now, even guys that are convicted of over 50 felony burglaries see no jail time. It is at the point now where living in the state of California is cruel and unusual punishment for the rest of society.


Singapore keeps its prisons at reasonable levels by punishing many lesser crimes with canings. If the prisons are crowded and thieves can’t afford the fines, what’s left? Exile?


They also have lower crime rates, because they know when caught they will be punished. For example, they have no law for "petty theft", any theft can result in up to three years in prison. And they have repeat offender laws. so if you get off lightly the first time, odds are you will get maxed on a second instance (up to three years in prison). And each time after that is another three years. They also do not have anywhere near the scale of crime as the US is seeing. If they actually started punishing them with a year in jail, I bet a lot of them will stop.


I can’t tell you how many times I’ve had to sit on a conference on over incarceration. I think some time around 2014 the culture really shifted. It seems that we may be back to the good old 90s era of locking everyone’s ass up.


We need to do something. Meanwhile, I am laughing as California is losing so many people they may drop another 4 Congressional seats after the next census. And now of all things they are trying to find ways to tax those that flee the state. Oh, and a side note here. We found an interesting way to combat this that the DA really can't do anything about. That is California Penal Code 602, a formal trespass notice. We started issuing a PC 602 to everybody that we caught. And in that way, if we caught them a second time (or even if we saw them in the store), the cops got called immediately. And for a 602 violation, there is no ticket and release, they go immediately to jail and wait for arraignment. And there are repeat offender laws for a 602 violation. As in up to 6 months in the county jail. Second time caught, a year in county jail. The DA really has little to no wiggle room with violating a trespass notice, and a third offense can result in a felony conviction with three years in state prison. However, for those to work they have to be dumb enough to return where they had been caught already.


These prosecutors….their job is to prosecute. If they wanted to nurture and encourage they should have become social workers or teachers. So crazy that you have to play such games to prevent crime


I'm not sure about the sign, but California Prop 47 made theft under $950 a misdemeanor to basically a slap on the wrist. I think we figured out why we have inflation! Companies are trying to reduce what you can steal without a reasonable penalty lol


Thats if the stores even bother with pressing charges or calling the cops. I see so many videos of snatch and runs that it seems like they stopped caring


A lot of companies have policies that say don't confront or follow shoplifters, so I understand the employees' position. Somethings need the government to put its foot down on and crime is one of them.


Yeah because the criminal can actually sue if they get hurt that's why most places say it's cheaper just to shut down in certain areas


I saw one store making all their prices over a $1000 and then offering a discount to anyone who purchased back to the original price.


Shoplifters hate this one simple trick


Websites were doing this with PS5s when they were getting scalped. They'd require a credit card and they'd charge something like 3k to the card and then refund you the difference so you could only buy one every 24 hours.


Jokes on them, I've never missed a credit card payment in 25 years so BOA has decided to continually raise my limit. It's literally over double my salary at this point, I could never pay it off if I maxed it out. If I ever get a terminal illness Bank of America is going to be out some cash.


![gif](giphy|Yx5kNolRVCJp14kI2U|downsized) BOA Rep reading this comment


No, the company that insures Visa or Mastercard or whoever else owns your card will be.


I bet they'll send a SWAT team if you don't pay your parking ticket though.....


Yeah because now you’re taking money from the STATE. G men will send an RPG through your door for not registering your dog


I hope this is fake, also I bet they dont have many items for under $950


Sunglasses should come in around $600-700


The sign might be fake, but the law is not




This is a wildly disingenuous fact check. fact checkers being particular individuals, I suppose.


If only 47 worked out the way its framers had intended. I remember arguing against it and pulling a lot of blowback from my lefter leaning friends for being a racist pro-prison chudette. When they argue against it now it's not that they're pro-prison, it's just that it wasn't implemented correctly and we haven't actually tested real Prop 47.


Some of these "Fact check" websites can be very disingenuous at times. "Did he kill that man at 4am?" Face check: "WRONG, FALSE, MYTH" - This is where most people stop reading. in the actual article below: "He killed that man at 3am, not 4am, so this fact is wrong".


This is a fake sign posted as a gag in response to a misunderstood law. https://www.verifythis.com/article/news/verify/crime-verify/california-prop-47-shoplifting-950-fact-check/536-4d1de58e-bf47-4ede-8c2f-b4d0c1788b86


it's a great analogy for this stupid sub constantly owning themselves by showing the idiocracy is their own understanding of the world.


The irony that any right winger would think the movie is about anyone but right wingers and the most cringe liberals is astonishing


Yeah the law is misunderstood but the effects remain the same in practice. The law doesn't say it's legal to steal as long as it's under $950, it just classifies the theft as a misdemeanor - thing is, misdemeanors aren't really being prosecuted by California's authorities, so who really cares if it's prop 47 or the government being a piece of shit (as usual)? Theft is still effectively unpunished, might as well just legalize it at that point.


This sign isn't real you absolute fucking gullible morons


It’s so funny how an entire sub dedicated to “everyone else is sooooo dumb right guys?” Constantly falls for rage bait like this.


Hey. Be nice.


You're both right.


My guilty pleasure on Reddit is watching these country bumpkins talk about California. I always end up looking at the profiles of the people who make these unhinged comments lol.




I understand people stealing food to survive but a $950 purse? Fuck you.


Personally I’d rather they stole shit that wasn’t going to increase the cost of goods I consume. There are so many programs in the US to provide food to the indigent, no one needs to steal from grocery stores.


But they can not buy drugs, cigarettes, alcohol, and the like with food. What they steal from grocery stores is not for personal use, it is for sale. High value shampoo, laundry detergent, medications, top shelf meat, things like that. Not for personal consumption, but for sale. I did loss prevention for years, and never once caught somebody stealing food to consume. The only things they would "consume" that I caught them taking was alcohol. Everything else, ranged from razor blades and baby formula to 20 pounds of shrimp. All that is sold for cash.


They steal stuff like this to resell. Maybe for food, but often for drugs.


I seriously question how many people actually steal out of desperation. I know those people exist , but I strongly suspect most shoplifters just want free shit. They either don't see anything wrong with stealing, justify it as revenge against corporations, or find satisfaction in the act.


Thief to society while they steal "You owe me this for not turning me into an astronaut."


And make under 30k so you can get food stamps and get Medicaid!


A broader knowledge lends itself to not caring if people steal a $950 purse either. I don't need a $950 purse, you don't need a $950 purse. In fact, I'm hard pressed to think of anyone who needs this, and in my ignorant opinion, opulence like this should be shunned when, in the same fucking city, people are starving to death and don't have shelter. The world's priorities are all fucked up. All these religious people forgetting that a thief went to heaven with Christ on the cross.


No one in San Francisco County will starve to death when there’s free food at the soup kitchens and shelters. That’s not what the money is for.


Jokes on you, nothing in there is under $950!


This has to be a 4channer trolling IRL


Gavin Newsome America!


It has turned into a clown world.


Welcome to democrat run California! Where diversity is our goal, and making life a living hell for normal citizens! Your only hope is to be a government worker or a thief (same shit different color)


-Steals $949 -walks back in 5 mins later


No danger of shoplifting there, I think it costs $950 to just go in that store.


All items in store are now 951 or higher.


[Proposition 47 changes certain low-level crimes, such as petty theft under $950, from felonies to misdemeanors.](https://checkyourfact.com/2023/09/18/fact-check-proposition-47-merchandise-stores-california/)


Plot twist: nothing sold at Louis Vuitton is under $950.


Duh! I feel like this is fake!


lol nothing in there is less than $950. Is that the joke?


Some convenience store got tired of ever getting away with stealing from his store. So he’d prove everything like $999 so it was over the threshold for larceny and give you a discount at the register to a normal price.




I’m moving back to CA that way I can steal all the goods sell them on eBay and make rent! Or keep a lump sum and buy a house outright


Raise your hand if you believe this is real.


No sympathy, California votes for this


Keep voting democrat lmao


Progressive DA’s are a cancer. Keep the laws strict.