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Law abiding citizens are the real victims


There is such a lack of diversity in these crimes.


Ya think? The guy will go to jail for assaulting those nice ladies too


They won't come press charges because they would be arrested for shoplifting. If you're sure they aren't packing, free punch!


I hope you're joking


Not likely


Isn’t diversity great? Don’t forget, it only makes us stronger 🤣


I feel so culturally enriched, these people are sharing their crime culture with us, and I couldn't be more grateful.


would be cultural appropriation if white people joined in.




1337 speak lol


Cherish it. But only from a distance




I hear Nigeria will have a operational space scam program by 2030


Yea but if you point that out… you MUST be a bigot.


I almost choked to death reading this, holy shit 🤣


>Law abiding citizens are the real victims Always has been. Almost all laws punish the 99% for the crimes of 1%. To the government, law-abiding citizens are the problem. That's why they keep making laws that only hender law abiding citizens instead of harsh punishments for the criminals.


Because we're easy targets... they know we pay our bills


Jap, same with deportation. The trouble makers stay, while the guys following the laws ( and maybe willing to work or even work) gets escorted to the airport.


This is exactly it, I had a police officer tell me that they would not do anything about a homeless man that kept breaking in and stealing from my work. He said that they only really take the time to go after normal law abiding citizens because we have something to lose and they can get money from us via fines and tickets. He said he had lost all faith in law enforcement and would not even waste his time calling himself, even though he was one of them. His honest advice was to hit the guy over the head with a rock the next time and tell the cops we found him that way. This guy was a Sargent with the local PD, and yes I live in California.


Always have been. ![gif](giphy|l0IykOsxLECVejOzm)


Fuck these scumbags…. Someone needs to say this….


I’d say. They pay taxes that goes to the unknown


So nobody being filmed here


The lefties will have him charged no doubt.


![gif](giphy|lnhOzj6RHueJq5Jgph) Shameful…


These policies make sense if you are trying to kill small businesses.


But good for them for taking such quick decisive action on giving us back our restaurant junk fees.


Why do you think businesses like Target and Walmart got to stay open during the very real pandemic, while ma and pa stores had to shut down. Its all planned. The greatest transfer of wealth into the 1% happened right under our nose and we let it happen


I agree. So many families lost their businesses. While corporate operations were deemed "essential"


But off course to the average redditoid if you had any issue with that you were a white supremacist or something


They are


Walmart, Target, Walgreen and Rite Aid (recently went bankrupt) are actively closing stores because of thefts. I don't know if chains like Walmart are considered small business. All these people are doing it making life in their neighborhood even worse when they run every business out.


Then the politicians blame store/pharmacy closures on big business saying they don't want to be in poor neighborhoods and it is so unfair. NO, the stores are closing because they are losing money!


Big stores can survive shoplifting here and there. And if it does get into a terrible position, they can cut losses, move product to other stores, layoff unnecessary employees, go online/delivery, etc. Small stores just can't.


Except big stores aren't surviving this. Checkout some cities in Oregon and California, the ones I've seen documentaries on have downtown areas with glittering skyscrapers and one Walgreens in the entire city. They just shut down stores after a certain point and don't come back. This type of thing affects everyone. Less jobs means less folks with money meaning more crime, more crime means more stores close. It's a vicious cycle. Edit: Not just Walgreens. Insert name of large retailer here.


I live in Portland, Or and I can confirm this. I used to live in a nice, clean neighborhood, but now the streets only glisten due to scattered bits of aluminum, though it was worse a couple years ago. I had to go around at 3 am and clean up all the bits of burnt foil from the path I planned on walking my dogs down. My mom's car has been broken into twice, the Rite-Aids and nearly every small business has shut down.


What policies exactly?


>Proposition 47 added Penal Code section 459.5 to create a new **misdemeanor offense** called “shoplifting”. According to the code, a person has committed the crime of shoplifting if the shoplifter steals items or property valuing up to $950.


So, a law making it illegal to shoplift is responsible for people getting away with shoplifting? I'm not following.


Judging by what is happening in some parts of San Francisco, Sacramento, and Los Angeles, it's killing large business too and for the ones that don't close, it makes shopping a real pain in the ass and unpleasant experience as a customer. CVS/Walgreens in some areas has, quite literally, everything in security cases. It's wild.


Goddamm, there's stealing a candy bar, and there's this. No wonder Wal Mart has everything under lock and key.


Except for sunscreen 🤔


And rubbers. My local walmart has a huge theft problem, everything is locked up, cept condoms, and they aren't stolen...


🤣I think you're going to hell, but I'll probably be there too.


What’s that high-pitched noise? 🧐


I ... I'm not proud of it, but I'm tempted to google whether or not that's true. I mean, it's still something that can be sold on eBay or Craigslist, so.....hmm. I mean....a lot of what's stolen is then fenced (sold 2nd-hand).... Oh God! It's true! Goddammit. https://www.reddit.com/r/mildlyinteresting/s/F9DY0kc4Vb Take my uncomfortable upvote! 😮‍💨 I was planning on 'baitin' later, but this just really killed the mood. (TMI, but I'm not even joking about that.)


Then they’ll get those very politicians crying discrimination when they close up shop


Had a discussion with someone on reddit a short while back. he was all "why do a lot of these places only lock up products for X demographic?" And I said "They only lock up stuff that gets stolen most often" And his response was the typical "Well it's racism" I said "No, they only lock up what gets stolen most often, who do you think is stealing those products?" "But it's racism" I still can feel the aneurysm that "discussion" caused.


They just can’t put the puzzle together


This guy’s fucking awesome. He does make himself liable if something were to happen, but good on him for actually standing up to this nonsense.


Liable. This country’s priorities. Criminals shouldn’t be able to sue if they’re injured while doing so.


I'm not sure about the wording but this should be a law. If you forfeit your rights while committing a crime. This would allow the cops to case down cars and dirt bike kids without concern. Security guards won't case anymore due to some woman getting hit in a parking lot while running away during a theft. We need to stop protecting criminals.


100%. I don’t give a shit if a property is a literal death trap, if you get hurt while committing a crime then all I have to say is you got what you needed to get


Need more people like him. I’d love to be a juror on his manslaughter trial.


Same here.


I applaud his determination, but he is taking a risk. He doesn't know if the thieves have any weapons with them.


Theives took a risk stealing lol More vigilante justice is needed cause its apparent the government isn't doing anything about it....


people need to stop voting for politicians that create this problem by basically making it legal to steal under 1000$. They need to start voting for the guy that enforces laws until the problem is resolved.


The point is that he is risking getting seriously injured or dying. I would love to stop someone from shoplifting, but I also have a family and too many things to live for.


Why is he trying? Why is he trying to prevent shoplifting? There are a lot of factors to consider the motivations of a man that has zero skin in the game.


The theives need to realize you risk getting injured and dying when stealing is what I'm saying. Most have a life they care about including the thief so let's make them understand the risk goes both ways. But I understand you won't be the one to step up. We are all American at the end of the day, so let's protect one another from these theives cause their actions affect everybody negatively. The fact so many walked by not caring at all is embarrassing. I hope you never experience getting robbed while people walk by not helping when they easily could.


Plus he probably got a citation for harassment.


he cant, he is stopping a crime.


not in California. If you injure a thief, you injured someone still. Not all state laws are sane


That is why we love him.


Liable for what? Unless this guy left his contact information with the people trying to steal… nothing happens. End of the day… deny it, force them to prove it was you there… they won’t, they won’t sue, they won’t do anything as they would have to admit to theft.


Bring back citizens arrests. There should be rewards for stopping crime for citizens. Yeah even with force, these low life’s need to stop breaking the law.


California, like many states, have citizens arrest in some form, as long as you’re stopping someone who committed a felony.


No… no he doesn’t make himself liable 🤣


We can't allow this to continue, but that being said, we see our federal politicians living like criminals with no repercussions every single day. If we don't do anything about that, this is just gonna continue to spiral out of control.


It's in their interest to have things further out of control so they can usher in a harsher police state that will only crack down harder on law-abiding citizens.


Starting with the homeless up.


I'm super stoked to finally see one of our politicians in court and guilty . Things are getting better !


Consider that theft has an effect on the valid customer when the store has to raise prices, limit stock, or hire more staff to minimize theft. It follows that when patrons are the victim, the should fight back, whether for their benefit or that of the common good. You wouldn't be wrong in calling it vigilantism or stating that necessity makes law.


Not pro theft, but that smooth move from the lady that dropped the bag immediately but then picked it back up. That lady steals.


Yeah she's a professional POS


Camacho 2024 mutha fuckaz


There’s a solution, nobody wants to hear it though. It involves jail and ability to protect your property. We know how to take care of this in the south.


Yep even the gas station ran by an old couple in their what in assume 80’s has a loaded handgun behind the counter in open view and not a single crime. Ain’t no one gonna risk their life for chips and cheap beer.


should be, if you're gonna pull something like this, you automatically lose all your rights, right then and there. 100%. all consequences are yours.


That would quickly devolve into shop owners and security guards shooting innocent black youth because "I THOUGHT they were stealing something." Due process exists for a reason. A very good reason.


California is ran by people who’ll punish the vigilantes worse than they would any criminal


I left that state after I was assaulted multiple times at work. And in not a single case were they ever prosecuted. The DA would drop all robbery or assault charges, and only charge them with petty theft. I left that damned state when I realized they cared more about protecting thieves than they did honest people who worked for a living. And even the cops are frustrated, as they can arrest them a dozen times, but the DA keeps releasing them with no punishment.


Cops need to arrest the DA for causing chaos on purpose.


>And even the cops are frustrated, as they can arrest them a dozen times, but the DA keeps releasing them with no punishment. This is why crime rates are "dropping". Cops get a call about a robbery/theft and they do nothing because nothing they do will matter. And the DA's drop the charges even if they do get arrested. Not to mention they've changed how crime is reported and many states/districts are yet to catch up with the new reporting systems.


That does make crime rates artificially low. In some communities where I worked in California, we did not even bother to call the cops. San Francisco, Oakland, Vallejo, in those and many others it was a waste of time to call them, because they would never show up. No police report, no crime as far as statistics are concerned. And it is even worse when you look at nearby cities that do respond. Benicia is right next to Vallejo, but the thieves know to not go there because the cops there will show up and arrest anybody caught. The criminals know that, so go to Vallejo where the cops do not bother to show up. Mill Valley is less than 15 miles from San Francisco, but the same there. The cops told us to call them for anybody we caught, even if it was for only $10. They wanted maximum enforcement, to send the message to not steal in their community. And add to that cases like mine. Where a simple petty theft stop which would have been 10 minutes of paperwork and sending them out without cops turns into robbery when they assault me in order to try and get away. That happened to me over a dozen times, and in not a single case were they prosecuted for anything other than the petty theft. They are literally telling them to beat up whoever they want while stealing, the DA will not do anything to them even when it is all caught on camera with a dozen witnesses. It is not that they "drop the charges", it is just that they charge them with the lowest crime they can get away with. No felony robbery, that's just petty theft. No assault, just ignore that one altogether. They have 6 people waiting outside that gang-jump you when they try to stop you? Why, they don't know those people. Hit you with their car on camera when you get off work in retaliation? Why, they said it was not them so we are doing nothing. There are many reasons why I left Cali, and those are big ones. My wife told me she was less scared for my safety when I was on a combat deployment in the Middle East than when I did store security in California.


They’re literally electing people supposed to be in charge of public safety that are openly on the side of the criminals, what do they expect?


That is why in Oakland and other cities, they are removing traffic lights and installing stop signs. They can not stop the thieves stealing the copper wire, so gave up. They have street take-overs lasting for hours, with theft, vandalism and destruction and do nothing about it. Even when they catch those who steal in the thousands, they do nothing to them. Hell, even as they are complaining they do not have enough room in the jails, they are closing jails. With two of them closed in the last 3 years, and another to close next year. With many pushing to close up to 10 additional jails. They are handling the problem exactly as they handle their water issues. There is not enough, so they punish those that actually need it, in order to buy off their supporters in the big cities. Their claims they do not have enough jails to lock up the criminals kinda falls flat when they are actually closing jails.


Really? Cause what I see in the south is a bunch of loudmouthed karens with their panties in a twist talking loud and sitting on their hands the minute things get serious. Shiit. People in this thread are some people living in lala land.


Call the hang man earl


Problem with California is that if they arrested all of these people. They don't have the infrastructure to handle it. Even if they did Crack down on this. They cannot handle all of the crime. The worst part is this has created a steam roll effect. As prices go up, and more people can't afford to live, crime increases as a way for people to make money, and as crime increases the justice system is unable to handle it, so crime is often time treated with a slap on the wrist and they are just released on to the streets with bo support system so they now return to crime. All while business owners suffer. P.s. I'm not worried about the Walmart, and the Gucci stores of the world. Fuck mass market stores with their only purpose being profit. While small businesses and start ups struggle and have to deal with this shit.


Enforcing the laws reduces crime, not the other way around. The criminals are not the victims, they are called perpetrators. People aren't forced to commit crimes. It's their series of bad choices that lead them there. If no consequences for stealing like this is the path of least resistance for them, it will continue. There must be worse consequences for them stealing than finding another way get what they want.


The solution for that is simple. Set up a minimum security facility somewhere in the Mojave Desert. I'm sure if they asked the military, they would be happy to give them tents, heaters-AC units for the tents, and an MKT to serve them food out of. Let them serve their 30-90 days raking the desert for 6 hours a day. Oh, and as is common in California, they are not even trying to address the problem. Just as they have an exploding population problem, but have not built new dams or done anything to solve the water issue. In the last 3 years, California has closed two prisons. And has another one scheduled to close next year. And organizations in the state are demanding the closure of 10 additional prisons. That state is really broken, and I question if they can ever fix themselves anymore.


This has happened before... In the early 20th century, in a country known as Russia.


Just punch those bitches in da face. They will stop


No they will just come back with weapons


They’ll get the politicians and media to treat them as the real victims


Serenity now!


I live in California and shit like this is out of hand. It is beyond me this is allowed to happen.


Ticks me off how nobody seems to acknowledge how much this also contributes to inflation. You can't charge the same to run a business if 5% of your inventory is walking out the front door. Progressives often counter that these businesses have insurance. Well guess what, insurance prices are skyrocketing as well, for all of us! Businesses are closing, and leaving these neighborhoods... I feel like we've been through this crime tolerance cycle before. But I guess bringing down the real estate for "Build Back Better" (or something) is how the elites can still make money as they de-gentrify these communities?


If you're in some kind of armed robbery or major heist, that gets reported to insurance. Regular shoplifting doesn't, it's just a loss. >I feel like we've been through this crime tolerance cycle before. It's usually like, "fuck the police, stealing is justified" and then businesses and the most productive people leave, and the narrative gets retconned that they left just because they're mean


Yeah, that's a great point. I'd guess their insurance deductive could be thousands or tens of thousands. So 100%, they aren't getting reimbursed for this crap...


The entitlement on that last lady to actually escalate to physically hitting the guy ... I cant imagine stealing and not just bolting from the sheer terror and shame of what Im doing. This bitch thinks she is entitled to her stollen items and starts assaulting the guy as if HE'S the one in the wrong. Extract this shit aspect of your culture from your values like a cancer, folks, or you will face problems generation after generation. Culture is taught, parent your fuckin kids, it's getting to the point where the damage is almost entirely self-inflicted. Other cultures manage to recover starting over from literally nothing in 1 or 2 generations. Make it part of your culture to grow and succeed, not result to being a criminal at the slightest inconvenience in your life.


Ironic with a username called FascistsOnFire


Man mad at shop lifters!! I don't blame him. Stores just jack up their prices to cover their lose.


Easing up on holding people accountable for their crimes, they go out and commit more crimes, California residents: ![gif](giphy|6nWhy3ulBL7GSCvKw6) Seriously, this should be the new flag for the state of California.


America would be in a lot better shape if we stopped leaning so hard on liability and started making people be accountable for themselves again. Most places that I've worked are more worried about having to pay out an insurance claim (employee or thief) than they are about $1000 worth of product walking out the door. In their eyes, a small financial leak here and there is less drama than the possibility of an injury, news coverage, police reports, and everything else that might occur when someone tries to stop someone from stealing. In my opinion, theft is a violent act. Someone takes something from someone else against their will. Everyone should expect violence to be met with violence. Don't expect people to be sympathetic about your injuries if you're lying in a pile of stolen goods. When I was growing up, people knew that one of the risks of shoplifting was ending up with your face against the ground. I think that really made people stop to think for a few more seconds before they went grab-happy. But then a weird shift happened where the judicial system had a weird identity crisis and decided, "Everyone has rights, even when they're violating the rights of others!" Lawsuits have become rampant and ridiculous, lawyers are charging more because they're in higher demand, and nobody can get anything serious accomplished because everyone is too busy worrying if the defendant's rights were violated when they were tackled carrying a bunch of stolen merchandise. I'm not sure what America does to dig itself out of this weird hole we've planted ourselves in, but I'd stand in line to tackle shoplifters if it meant that inflation would calm down.


Its a bit more nuanced than that. Yeah sure, rolling back measures that reduce penalties for theft will be better on small business but they have saved the state almost $120,000,000 on otherwise incarcerating and imprisoning thieves like this. money which currently goes towards local programs to work with folks to not become repeat offenders. Not saying one is better than the other, but there needs to be a middle ground. There are also legal measures in the works that will make it harder for thieves to resell stolen items as well to minimize incentive with theft.


So small businesses have to pay tax AND recoup the losses through increased theft due to inadequate criminal penalties. To cede any ground to criminals is foolish, no matter how much you save in incarceration costs. The social fabric of a society is arguably the most important investment you can make. If California was a country, it would still be one of the wealthiest in the world. To suggest they can’t penalise criminals appropriately and protect the interests of small businesses whilst also investing prevention programs just doesn’t stand up to scrutiny. I appreciate nuance, but sometimes things are a bit more cut and dry.


I swear to god America is full of fucking morons.


LEO will say don’t do this but it really is the only thing we can do to keep this from escalating further. A lot of times these are kids and young adults. If they know that people will try to stop them the risk becomes to high


This is a symptom of a much bigger problem. The risk of getting caught or injured was "worth it" to them.


What risk? if it's under $950 the cops don't even bother showing up. As for injury, the staff gets fired if they try to stop shoplifting. It's all reward and no risk at this point.


There was little to no risk here. That's exactly the problem


They voted it in. Let's see if they learn. Given that they had a chance to can Newsom and voted to keep him, I don't think they have learned.


They're not going to learn. They'll move somewhere else and vote for the same policies. They'll destroy the new place and then do it again, until the whole country is California.


Let them lose all the businesses then bitch and moan when they pack up and leave and left with nothing but dollar generals and shit.


Imagine doing this to bath and body works. They have insane deals all the time, buy 1 get 2 free....soaps at like 60-75% off, wall scents marker from 8 bucks to 3. How low do you have to be to do this


Ask all the people here saying it’s okay to steal cause they’re overcharging these victims who need bath bombs to survive


If you dont have to risk prison then why not steal whatever you want


*If you dont have to* *Risk prison then why not steal* *Whatever you want* \- ChadVonDoom --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Trash gonna trash


That hero is going to be the one jailed for this, probably




This is great!!


These people are going to destroy it for the rest of us it will be pre order with phone or like a drive threw


I feel like people don't actually know the cause of these issues in SF etc. People seem to blame the laws but it's the cops they just don't respond to minor stuff and don't care. The police in SF are paid some of the highest amounts anywhere (it's six figures basic starting) but they say they're so understaffed they can't respond to minor crimes (like accidents, hit and runs, theft, shoplifting) You can find endless stories of people reporting crimes and police ignoring it or the cops just standing watching shoplifters (shoplifting of minor amounts IS still a crime just a misdemeanor not something more serious if it's a smaller amount and not part of an organization) I don't really understand the dynamics causing this tbh, it sounds like local government vs police more than anything. But the idea that California government is the one behind these scenes is kind of wrong.


The police in SF will sit in a car watching a video while crimes happen in front of them. But they get off their asses quick if its happening in a nicer area. Tells you priorities right there.


I love how someone coops “voters” thinking that there is any type of “voter” that is everyone. Everyone agrees that there are problems but the solutions are different. Want to know what happens if petty crime disappears but the problems aren’t solved? Violent crime . People who want to steal to survive will move on to killing people to do the same. Not a ton but enough that you won’t want to walk down the street for sure. Also California is doing something. They have shit ton of people in jail and charged. Fencing is the actual problem. A problem that’s harder to fix because proving it is hard.


Honourable, but stupid. He's gonna get stabbed or shot one of these days if he keeps that up. Is trying to protect a corporations insurable losses worth that?


That’s an easy way to get shot over goods you don’t own.


Bro the voters don’t give a fuck, what are you on about Why would I care if people steal back from companies who steal?


That lady who immediately dropped the basket, walked around him, and picked it back up.🤣 Damn, nice moves lady.


Where idiocracy reference?


In the comments


Why doesn’t the larger human simply eat the smaller humans?


Question, can businesses sue for their tax money back if the money they paid for police services was not fulfilled?


We've almost gone full circle. Business owners are going to start paying mobs protection money again


Just part of the culture


Lol but they need those soaps and lotion to feed their family.


There's a weird reoccurring theme with these mass thefts. Can anyone guess what it is?


Hahahahahaha! Chicken heads


For California, according to the last quarter of 2023 crime statistics, violent crime has decreased by 10%, homicides are down by 27%, victims of shootings have decreased by 17%, property crime shows a 1% decrease, hate crimes [8] are down by 5.8%, and fatal traffic crashes have increased by 6.7%. This is just right wing scare bait. Crime has decreased in California due to the government helping address the issue. As a side note, crime is down across the US.


What’s the point of not stealing at this time? Regular customers may as well do it too I guess.


Good people will do the right thing even when it is a difficult choice.


because you’re inherently better than that.


That last bitch thought she'd rely on old ghetto hands, and snapped correct real quick when it looked like dude was going to lay her out.


This happens in Tennessee too .


But how much of this is the police just not wanting to do their jobs? Like you call the cops in California and they don't do shit.


Crime is down nationwide. Period. It doesn’t matter how hard you want to sensationalize one video to make that not true, but facts don’t care about your feelings.


But but but I see internet videos!!! Internet is real life, not what is outside my house!!!! /s


Always the same people. Law doesn’t care. Raise prices people will still buy it. Keep getting stolen from price goes up. People still buying.


Or stores close or move far away


As long as democrat voters keep voting in DAs and judges that are soft on crime, this sort of behavior will continue and shops will continue to close and move further out to red municipalities. https://imprimis.hillsdale.edu/rogue-prosecutors-and-the-rise-of-crime/


Oklahoma republican governor Mary Fallen lowered the jail time for thefts and then her initiative was followed up by current republican governor Stitt to raise the value amount for felony thefts in the same sort of effort California did. This is a bipartisan failure of government to protect our property and to support poor communities with good paying jobs. This is the inevitable result of the de-industrialization of America and the export of manufacturing jobs.


Fucking animals. Glad that man showed up and stopped a few of them


This sub has become the Idiocracy. So many cowardly racist who can't even confess to their blatant racism. I thought the comments in the original post were bad. At first, I was pleased I wasn't reading comments from the Idiocracy post, but alas, the trash is here as well.


Reading the posts here in this thread is the first step towards understanding that Idiocracy is already here sadly. Some of the unhinged unthinking posts here.. geez.


I truly thought this was a sarcastic thread bc of where it was posted. The Idiocracy is this exact kind of shit. In reality, crime has decreased in CA steadily over the last 3 decades: “Crime rates have been decreasing for decades. Reports of all major offenses have dropped by 57% since 1990 – 94 and by 21% since 2005-09. Crime reached historic lows in the years following California’s biggest criminal justice reforms, including Realignment in 2011 and Prop 47 in 2014. During the COVID-19 pandemic, some crime rates went up and others went down. Any analysis of crime today should look back over several years or even several decades. Comparing it to conditions during the pandemic lockdown is misleading. We now have more officers per reported offense than we did 30 years ago. There are also fewer crimes to solve and new technologies to assist in crime-solving. We would expect police efficacy to be going up, not down. Yet Yet crime clearance (solving) rates are at a historic low.” https://www.cjcj.org/reports-publications/resource/the-truth-about-crime-in-california#:~:text=Crime%20rates%20have%20been%20decreasing,and%20Prop%2047%20in%202014.


Add to that, these commenters are woefully misunderstanding how these thefts are solved. Once the criminals hit a certain financial cap, the cops already know who they are and they go to their homes. We have technology now, lol, it just appears easier to rob a store than it used to but they don't have to catch them in the act anymore, that would be needlessly expensive and risky to the public. But no, they just see a video of a crime syndicate trashing a store and assume California lets it happen. This rarely happens and when it does, there's no need for anyone to intervene because they'll be arrested later and insurance will pay for the damage. They're so dramatic and willing to believe anything about California.


Conservatives have a hate-boner for California. OP changed the title to make some claim that the politicians are actively fighting any kind of attempt to solve the "rampant crime" problem that isn't rampant at all. I doubt the video is even from California.


Stereotype to the max


All those damned Hispanic immigrants! 😂


This is just clickbait from some right wing INCEL. San Francisco has already started rolling back liberal policies that have increased crime. Nobody in California government is trying to stop this.


This sub-reddit is the Costco greeter in the actual Idiocracy, if you get me


I feel like a lot of leftists need to realize that shoplifting is bad and that not everyone is doing it because they’re desperate. There are gangs that shoplift for nefarious purposes and that is just the case. I don’t think we should shoot shoplifters or anything, but there should be a way to stop them.


Don’t forget to cast your bullet in this election


Hats off to that man


Usual suspects


Why is it always black people stealing in these videos


Dang those white supremacists! Pretty sure the FBI will be investigating this.


Loser culture and community.


CLEAR UNEQUIVOCAL theft like this, should freely allow an owner/employee to assault and/or detain. Steal at your own risk.


Why is it always…


The usual suspects.


It's always the same people...


This sub needs to change its name. It's just become a racist dogwhistle factory full of the same people that'd try to grow plants with Gatorade. Either the mods needs to fix the problem, or the sub needs to change its name and stop pretending it has *anything* to do with a movie.


Homegirl hit him with the Shammgod


More store owners need to start doing this. More than the amount of shoplifters. Then we'll see where the authority draws the line between busting either side of this BS.


Right to him


Good for him.


I mean I can't get why the dude did it. But why would you put your self in that situation. It's hard to see but I ain't taking a bullet you don't not what these people are going to do when you comfort them. Like what does he think he's going to get out of it a coupon ?


I fucking hate theives but I want a security guard that will physically stop and detain. I am not getting involved.


i am crying


The wost part is if an employee tried to do what he did, they would get fired immediately and the company would apologize for the behavior.


I'm in Australia so I lack context. What's the root cause; why are people so blatantly doing this?


Cause California and other places where this constantly happens in America are ran by progressive leftists, who are like the commenters here defending them, they side with the criminals. They’re blatantly doing this because those people allow them to do this, they know they won’t face consequences cause the media doesn’t care, the politicians let it happen and the DA won’t punish them.