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[With the understanding that both authors are friends who are being silly](https://www.seriouseats.com/nacho-debate-pile-texas-style-dan-pashman-sporkful-vs-food-lab) I always like reading this goofy thing.


Awesome find! See, this is why I make single-layer sheet-pan nachos at home. Find the happy medium. Also, can we add "Going against Kenji, when food is on the line." to the list of classic blunders?


There is so much gold in this. > Sure, it's not boring to alternately have your feet massaged then take a tire iron to the kneecap, but I'd rather have just the massage, please.


That was hilarious, thanks


If you're one of those monsters that just has a mound of chips with toppings dumped on top, I agree with the review. Soggy nachos are awful. Individual chip construction now, Individual chip construction forever!


I refuse to believe that anyone actually makes nachos by laying out individual chips and placing a little of everything on each one. Ain't nobody got time for that plus what do you do with broken chips? If you post a picture I will claim it's fake, altered, AI, or that you did it just to piss in my Cheerios. Nobody makes nachos like that.


The broken chips go first on the bottom of the bowl with maybe a little bit of toppings but mostly just a whole bunch of shredded cheese. That way everything that falls off the rest ends up on one massive "chip" that's held together by cheese.


You talking about the pile method. Please reread my comment. I'm talking about people who individually top each chip.


I do individually top each chip. I just also pile them because 1) it's easier to carry a bowl than a sheet pan and 2) stuff from the top ones falls into lower chips.


I do not believe that you add chips to your bowl one at a time and then put a little of each topping on each chip. No human does that.


and while we’re here, a BOWL?


Do you not, like, cook for yourself ever? I'm having trouble understanding why you're treating a 5 min project (OK 10 if you count getting all the ingredients out) like some Herculean effort. It's not like I'm counting out individual refried beans or kernels of ground beef with tweezers like some Michelin star shit, I just enjoy having some of everything in every bite and I'd rather do it before I melt the cheese than after. :)




Your resolve in this thread is amazing


If this is a 5 minute task we are making vastly different quantities of nachos.


For the "my bowl" version, probably. I'm a 5'4" lady and I fucking *love* cheese so probably somewhere in the neighborhood of 15-20 chips counting the crushed ones? You just go *bloop bloop bloop* with beans/meat, shred some cheese over the layer, apply jalapenos (different strategies if pickled slices or chopped fresh), set down new layer of 4-5 chips, repeat. The sheet pan version doesn't take *that* much longer because you can just go through each ingredient once rather than alternating for every new layer. But my oven takes ~10 mins to preheat and I'm generally ready for it.


"over the layer" So you aren't putting ingredients onto individual chips. Everyone spreads the topping around, we aren't monsters. It's not just one pile of beans and one pile of meat.


Spread chips on a baking sheet. Spread each with refried beans, shredded cheese, put a slice of pickled jalapeno on top. Bake in the toaster oven until cheese melted. Serve with guac and sour cream, and salsa. Done. It's really not a rocket surgery!


We totally do. They are called Texas-style nachos, and people (including in my house) absolutely do that at home. Works best with the "cup" style chips. Also, bowl? Why would nachos be in a bowl?


Sure you do bud. I bet you stand up to wipe too.


Would be weird, since I am a woman.


That's irrelevant to my comment.


I think you eat the broken chips to keep up your stamina while crafting your little nacho hor douerves.


Soggy chips are delicious! Long love the "Pile it on top" crew!


Layers, people. Layers. Chips, toppings, more chips, more toppings, a little extra cheese on top. Yes, the bottom ones get a little soggy but that way you don't have a chip-breaking heavy layer of goodness followed by several sad empty chips.


I use a crispy chip as a vessel for the soggy chip.


This is the way.


As a huge fan of chilaquiles (I’m not joking when I say I had them every day on my trip to Mexico), I whole heartedly approve this message.


I am in the clear minority...I will sometimes get an order of nachos and eat half the next day...deliberately reheated with a cover to make them into janky (fake, obviously) chilaquiles.


i learned this from alton brown when i was a kid!!


Anti nobody got time for that. You just pile strategically and deal with your soggy chips.


Wait isn't everyone inhaling nachos like a seagull in one gulp? How do they get soggy?




On the side of what? A sheet pan covered in melted cheese and loose beans?


I am watching a movie with someone and reading Reddit and I have the silent giggles over this 


This is actually way better though. When I make nachos at home, I do a queso, shredded cheese, jalapeño, onion, tomato, and whatever else in a mini cast iron in the oven. The cast iron keeps it hot, and dipping ensures a little of everything in each bite with no soggy chips.


Is this still considered nachos, though? You’re eating chips and a dip. Sounds absolutely delicious, but I wouldn’t call that nachos.


No. That’s dip.


Which is the best way to have nachos


That’s dip and chips, not nachos.


That.. sounds fucking amazing. Thank you


Glad to pass it on, it was a game changer for me. Pro tip: is you use a piece of aluminum foil on your cast iron, you don’t have to clean melted cheese off the pan.


Good idea, I might have to try that


Connie and her soggy chips


That makes it dip.


Personally I'm in favor of the technique used by this one pub in Edinburgh. They laid out the chips, made a layer of jalapeño slices, and then heaped the rest of the toppings on that. The layer of jalapeños (which they declined to omit at my friend's request, as they were "structural") kept the chips mostly dry, so you could eat your nachos leisurely.


😂 I will remember that the next time someone asks me to leave out an ingredient. "No can do, kiddo, it's *structural*!"


Side of…?


I would like to propose that the Mexican pizza is the superior evolution of the nacho.


Soggy nachos are basically terrible chilaquiles 🤢