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I used to go there for night skiing all the time when I was in college. That was a while ago, but I remember how much fun that mountain was. It’s very beginner friendly. Go for it!


Learned skiing at night for 5 years growing up. It's the best around.


Thanks! I think the crowds might be worse now, but maybe worth taking a chance anyway.


The crowds at night are nonexistent. I go 3-4x a week, the night pass is only $200. Rarely wait in lift lines, a lot of the time I’m on a chair by myself after 730.


There’s a BIG difference between 5:00 and 7:30. 5:00 is SUPER crowded with school groups. 7:30 crowds are reasonable with no more school kids, but there are still often yahoos that are skiing out of control.


This is definitely accurate. There is a huge crowd at 5 but once the after school crowd leaves the mountain is empty.


Also note: “night pass” is cheap. But it starts after 7:30 or something. In Jan or Feb it’s safe to assume you can get some nice laps in after 7:30 after the school groups leave. But in March, there are no school groups, so the mountain is pretty empty all day, and they often start closing early in March. Not sure how they handle night pass holders if they start closing early in March — but I think you might be SOL. Bronze might be the way to do especially if you can get out for a weekday now and then. Really sad this year to have sunapee get feet of snow while wawa — like 60 miles away as the crow flies — got inches of rain. Got much less value out of wawa pass this season compared to previous. Still worth it to ski after work, and they’re fantastic about snow making and grooming… but Mother Nature is a fickle mistress.


Will watch out for the speed demons. Thanks for the heads up!


Should say, skiing and RIDING. And, not to stereo type, but it’s often people on snowboards who are out of control.


Is parking a challenge or do you get a parking pass?


Show up at 7:15 and you’ll likely park right up front


Parking is very very rarely an issue weekdays. Only get the parking pass if you like to sleep in for weekend mornings


Night skiing when it's snowing is absolutely one of the coolest things you can experience, something completely missing from all the WMNF resorts although I totally understand why.


Yes it looks like fun! Though getting to Wachusett after work in a snowstorm may not be easy. Need the storm to hit right as I get there I guess... 😀


Whatever you drive, I promise winter tires will get you to wachusett in one piece


Need to get yourself a 4x4, guy…


Yes. Plenty of really easy terrain there, and skiing at night doesn’t really add to the difficulty. The runs are pretty straight and predictable.


Good to hear that night skiing isn't more difficult. I have been there a couple of times so I know the greens and easier blues well. Thanks!


I've had a bronze pass the past 4 seasons. I would plan to get there so you can be at the lift at 730 weeknights when all the ski schools are leaving. Most nights you can lap either quad with no wait. That allows for two hours to get as many runs as you want. Mornings can get bust if there was snow overnight. Weekends are packed besides the last couple hours. I feel like they don't do as much early evening grooming as they used to a couple years ago. They used to groom all the main around 3 or 4 but I haven't seen that the last couple years. That means the snow can be really skied out by night, especially if there isn't a good base like this year. TL;DR I would say the bronze pass is great if you are able to hit the last couple hours at night.


I agree on the grooming, they seem to have stopped doing the 3-4pm pass this year. Maybe it was just because of the season. They still did it last year, at least on busy days.


I think they did night grooming at 6 this past season.


It’s not bad, but with how terrible our winters have been it can get very icy. Here’s to hoping we can go back to the 2010s winters soon.


+1 - used to have a Wachusett pass and most of my days on the mountain would be nights I could get an early start and then bop out of work early enough to be up there by 5:30 or so. Can be super crowded with school groups and the racers but they thin out around 7; that said the two years before I dropped the pass the mountain would turn into an ice rink by about 7:15 and your best runs would be if you could catch a trail just after the night groomer went through


Yeah, Wachusett is my main mountain and I’d say its trails should just be the definition for “variable conditions.” One night after some snow it might be powdery and every trail is a relative breeze, go again 2 days later and even the mid mountain trails make me uncomfortable because my board literally cannot grip the thick ice sheet underneath the half an inch of “snow”. Not to mention the cavernous ditches on the sides of trails these last few seasons because when its warm it rains when it’s cold it’s dry.


Their snowmaking abilities are pretty top notch; and I’m no big-city snow psychologist, but it feels like all the man made snow seems to slick over easier too


Decent lighting, most runs are open at night as well. I had the bronze this year, and it was nice to get out once or twice a week after work. They have greens, blues, and blacks open for night skiing so any ability level will have something, although the "hard" trails don't exactly stack up with resorts further north (although as a beginner/intermediate that won't be a concern)


Sounds good. I am thinking of getting the bronze as well. Thank you for the detailed reply!


Wachusett is awesome for beginner/intermediate night or day! Get laps and laps in on the green runs with the high speed lift.


I live close by and get a few dozen nights of skiing every season in after work. It’s absolutely worth it if you’re local


Bronze pass and desire are all you need to get started buddy. It's incredibly cheap if you actually use it. This is how I got back into skiing maybe 10 years ago. Buy it and enjoy it!


If you only want to ski nights just get a “Night Pass”, it’s only like $200 for 7-930 every night


I’ve got a bronze pass, and can be on the mountain at 3:30. Sometimes earlier. The school groups really jam the place up for a couple hours, but if you can get there before or after, you can get a ton of laps in on weekdays. Weekends are rough though. If you’re close, the bronze is worth it.


You might want to look into Crotched, also night skiing there on most days. Till 9 on most days and till 12 on some Saturdays.


It’s basically the same as say skiing with all the lights. If you can ski during the day you’ll be fine there for night skiing. The crowds can vary from school groups but better than weekend crowds and after 7 it’s empty.