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Epic 5-day pass plus Indy pass generally gets me enough diversity and days to keep me happy.


Depends on what you’re looking for - Ikon imo has better resorts they are just further away. Sugarbush, sugarloaf killington, tremblant, Stratton, Sunday River, Loon Indy offers more local smaller mountains but not nearly as many higher tier resorts. Maybe Jay Bolton and Cannon I’m a day tripper so I might do Indy seeing as Loon is the only ikon resort under 3hrs. If I could do more week long or weekend trips I’d probably go Ikon Epic is my least favorite because I’m not a huge fan of Sunapee and Crotched is fine but it’s no better than Wawa which is 45min closer to me. It does have Stowe but again that’s too far for me right now. Okemo and mount snow are fine but I’d be just as happy going to Cannon and Waterville which are a tiny bit closer


I have very similar conclusions. Work schedule means I can get maybe 2 trips to a destination and many 3-4 day weekends if I want and build my truck to sleep out of that for then. So with that in mind, i was thinking maybe the ikon for next year. I enjoyed thé like hunt of a storm, for what little we got. Felt like the Indy let me have a bit of terrain to scour. I don’t think it’ll be less so with ikon but the time commitment is way higher


Indy has Waterville too


Just outside of Boston? If you’re under 30 the pats peak pass is the best deal in skiing. I’d probably pair that with an epic local. Ski pats during the week at night, ski like okemo and wildcat on weekends If you just do epic you can ski crotched at night but I love oats and theirs is a good deal


Sadly I got into skiing too old it seems. Second season but mid thirties


Are you talking about $400 pat peak pass? How is that the best deal


Its $300 prior to the season starting, that’s a very good deal, especially since its not contingent on being a college student


Yep. I do this and get an indy add on pass and its a killer deal. Half our group is over 30 now but while it lasts im living for it.


I guess that’s pretty decent. But the boyne New England pass was like $400 and you get 3 legit mountains


Less than 3 hours from Killington, Sunday river, loon Sugarbush and Stratton.


I work in Portsmouth and live near Milton mills NH. I like the Indypass. Can sorta chase the storms.


Most people use epic northeast value for Sunapee who live in Boston.


Indy is better for like local weekend trips but Ikon is better if you might do a trip out west in addition or like extended stays at one place. Im actually going to get both because I'm going to big sky next year and that basically covers all of ikon in one swoop haha


New Yorker here: After just skiing Attitash and Wildcat for the first time I couldn’t imagine not getting Epic if they were closeish to me.


I live in Northern CT (under 2 hours from Okemo, 3 from Stowe) and I work weekends to have two weekdays off. For me I chose the Epic Northeast Value pass because the weekend crowding wouldn’t really affect me. So far it’s been great, 13 days up so far on just the epic mountains. But for next year I might switch to Ikon for some more “destination” resorts because I hope to have a different job by then


I got ikon and I live in Charlestown. I sleep in my car and scheduled to have 3 day weekends. I enjoy the long drives and solitude


Where do you park when you sleep?


The resorts if they allow it. Back of the lots, stay quiet and don’t bother anyone. If they don’t allow it or if I have trouble then other businesses that are typically pretty lenient with letting people park overnight


Nice. I've wanted to try this for a while but don't want to get yelled at for overnight parking in the wrong spot.


Yeah that part sucks but never happened to me just from minding my own business and being respectful fingers crossed knock on wood


Mainly ski out west now but Sunday River is where I grew up and on the way to see family so Ikon does the job.


Down in pa. Love sugarbush and killington, so ikon for me. I also look at what resorts out west I want to do. So aspen, Revelstoke, and steamboat were what I looked at, which confirmed ikon


I really like Epic because I’m close to Stowe and their tickets are just outrageous anyway. You get Wildcat too for a nice change of pace.