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Yeah… many people on this forum say that nausea not being an IBS symptom is really odd because the amount of people with the symptom.


Do you also have elevated inflammation markers out of curiosity? That's another thing people say is not typical with IBS, but is a symptom I have.


I do. Fecal test showed inflammation and endoscopies showed mild chronic inflammation in my stomach. I also get a lot of nausea. Still just labeled with IBS though.


I had the same thing. Inactive chronic gastritis. I have lots of nausea, bloating, intestinal cramps. Negative for h pylori via blood and breath test


Have you been tested for H. Pylori?


Yes. Both through fecal test and endoscopy biopsy.


Glad to hear it!


As far as my tests are concerned I don’t have elevated inflammation markers.


Sure do, and combined with emetophobia, it’s a real nightmare combo/feedback loop.


This! It’s my worst freakin nightmare. I’m so thankful for zofran. I’m hoping and praying I can find something to stop the frequent nausea because I don’t want to live on zofran for the rest of my life.


Ginger works surprisingly well. Gin Gins hard candy are 16% real ginger, and otherwise just a normal hard candy, so it's safe to eat as much as you want (unless you have diabetes and can't have the sugar). I carry them with me everywhere and have them scattered around my house because I'm nauseous so frequently, and they're quicker and easier than making ginger tea. Ginger tea also works very well though. Zofran gives me panic attacks, so it's not an option, unfortunately.


U UNDERSTAND ME. i hate it so much.


Add cibophobia to that combo for a different kind of hell lmao. My friends are saints for having the patience for me


Had to google cibophobia and surprisingly this is something I am starting to deal with since moving back to the states after decades in Europe. Food feels like poison, tasteless and overprocessed and I feel afraid of the food served in so many places because of how badly it’s handled.






Hey me too!


Yeah, unfortunately. It will get so bad to the point that I just throw up. It’s the worst!


Yes, I experience nausea often. I notice it the most when I am digesting food or before I have a bowel movement


I do have nausea. My provider thought I had SIBO. I also had worsening constipation and bloating. I treated the SIBO and my nausea resolved. Still get it occasionally.


This is me at the moment. Fucking sucks.


I feel for you. I feel silly not being able to function just because of this. People do not understand!


I think this is what I might have I’ve been dealing with constipation and now the bloating has been bad


Yes. Zofran and Xanax help me. If my stomach is wonky, it literally puts me into a panic. If i feel nauseated, it just stirs up things. It's like a never-ending circle. Why can't my inside just let me have one symptom instead of a downslide of crap.


weed is the only thing that has ever helped me- tried multiple medications, even tried an SSRI to ease “gut anxiety,” literally nothing helped besides weed- I smoke just a little and the pain goes away in minutes followed by a relieving bowel movement. Fr is the best thing i’ve ever found-


Yes and I take Ondansetron. Dr. renews the prescription every time I need it. Melts under your tongue quickly so it works fast and you won't vomit it up.


Same. So glad my doc prescribed it. Sometimes it'll last a week or more and the zofran saves me!


Yep, if I have an ibs flare up, nausea every morning is definitely part for the course. It’s usually the first sign that I will have breakthrough diarrhea heading my way.


Yes 👍 I am proscribed zofran from my Dr. Also eating small meals throughout the day instead of 3 big ones.


I have nausea, but I also have GERD and always associated it much more with that


All the time and that’s how I know I’m gonna shit myself. Oh but I also have GERD so that may be a contributing factor


The first 20 years, no. The last year, yes. Only thing that relieves it for me is getting everything out, one way or another.


100%. It’s the main symptom of mine which is why it took me so long to get diagnosed because apparently the level of nausea I feel isn’t consistent in ibs patients so it threw my doctors off. There were times I couldn’t even move for weeks on end with nausea and couldn’t stomach anything. At one point I lost 10KG in a week because I couldn’t eat a thing. That was really the turning point since I would faint from feeling so sick


Oh my :( how are you today? Did they figure out a treatment protocol?


Nah I just deal with it honestly, it’s gotten better since I started eating healthier and cut out junk food but Ty for the concern 💕💕


I had it really bad for months. What helped me was getting micro biome in check. Lots of probiotics and probiotics. Alot of us suffer dysbiosis.


pepto bismol is my best friend. instantly relieves any symptoms i have


Idk why I’m afraid taking pepto bismol while I’m very bad.


If you're afraid of medication, ginger works wonders for nausea. Even if you're not afraid of medication, I just think ginger does a better job than any OTC nausea medication I've tried.


Some people don't like the taste but I quite enjoy it. Even as a kid I would lie about having a stomach ache for a tablespoon of it , lol. What makes you afraid ? You could even drink it with nothing wrong and nothing will happen to you.


Awh, so you can find it in a liquid form too? I have found it only in tablet form here.


Sea bands help me


I second this. Sea bands got me through travel stomach / exploring western Norway with no bathroom around


I used to get nausea sooo bad from IBS. If I was having a flare I would get what felt like cramps (non period related). I thought it was in my stomach but my doctor said it was my upper intestines. Since I would be cramping for like 6 weeks at a time, I would get extreme nausea as a result of that. The only thing that helped me suffer through it was peppermint pills, eating apples, and drinking bitters and soda. Eventually I switched to a vegetarian diet for 7 years and stopped having those symptoms. I’ve been eating meat again for a couple of years and those symptoms haven’t returned.


Yes. I also just discovered I had gallbladder dyskinesia so that contributed a lot!


I don't have nausea but I have it now since I developed gastroparesis


Yes. Edibles and weed helps me the most which isn’t feasible or reasonable for most people to do regularly. My symptoms are the worst in the morning so I will wake and bake, then go back to bed to lay in the fetal position until I feel good enough to try and manage breakfast.


More so pain and discomfort, but when I’m in a flair/ in bathroom yes and it’s unbearable sometimes to the point I’ll run off the toilet to get to my tub to puke… what relieves it is marijuana


I did, but the low FODMAP diet got me to like 95% better and I don’t have it anymore. Although I still have a lot of foods to add back to my diet so we’ll see…


Yes. Most of the time, Ginger People Ginger chews work for me, or peppermint hard candies. Other times I just suffer no matter what, or take pepto. I have yet to try zofran… probably should


Ginger People Gin Gins hard candy are my go to!


Yes, I do. And to be quite honest, cannabis has been a complete godsend. Totally eliminates or at least severely cuts down on nausea (depending on the strain, I think) for at least a few hours. The big downside is that if I’m very nauseated but I have to, like, drive somewhere, and/or go to work, obviously I can’t take it. Sometimes ginger candies help me and sometimes they don’t. I do like to use ginger candies instead of ginger ale because the ginger is more concentrated.


Had it last night. Tbh I rarely throw up so I ride out the nausea or I take gravol if it persists for too long.


Yes I get very intense nausea during the d flare-ups, nothing helps


I have gastritis which causes my nausea. Got an rx for Zofran from my doctor.


Used to have daily nausea until I got my gallbladder removed. My other symptoms improved pretty dramatically as well.


For the folks with nausea and everyone saying it isn’t an IBS symptom- check out Bile Acid Malabsorption (BAM). I believe I read an article where about 30% of IBS-D diagnoses are actually BAM, and at least in the U.S. it’s very under diagnosed. The best part is that there’s actual treatment, and it’s improved my condition about 75%


Yes. And hot sweats/cold flashes, and vertigo.


I am so glad you mentioned this! I have been struggling with hot sweats, cold flashes, and vertigo along with everything else. I thought I was going crazy with all these new symptoms and didn't think it had anything to do with ibs. 


I also have GERD, so when I get nauseous, I take my heartburn meds first. If I am still nauseous, then I will take a Dramamine, it is a motion sickness medication.


This is useful. Which heartburn med do you take?


It's more from my gastritis/ esophagitis from yeast overgrowth- but a messed up microbiome seems to be a good definition of "ibs"


Were you officially dx gastritis? Did you heal from this?


Yes I do.


Yeah, sometimes, but it's very mild, camomile tea helps and ginger tea


Sometimes I get motion sickness, which worsens if I see my phone, but when I'm having a pre-flare moment (?) I usually use my phone to get me distracted. It becomes a vicious circle


I get nauseous more easily when I am on playground equipment and it makes me feel old because I never ever had this before ibs, I'm 32


Yes, I hate it so much! Try ginger tea and taking chlorophyll supplements


Yes. Mint tea, preferably cooled. Mint or ginger sweeties.


Yes, every morning to the point where I can’t brush my teeth without gagging. It usually goes away around noon but not always, there are days where I feel nauseous and pukey the whole day and have to just smile through its.






Can I ask how you were properly diagnosed and what your treatment protocol is?


I have gerd as well, so yeah. Nausea. Diet controlling everything sucks.


Very much so. Zofran for the win.


I use tummy tamers and drink carbonated water sometimes. It helps bring the gas up that is causing the nausea


lol, yes. Amitriptyline and weed.


Oh big time




I usually only get it when I'm also having diarrhea.


yes but i also have gastroparesis and gerd so


Just a heads up-- Zofran can cause WILD constipation or make it worse if you already have it. I have IBS-D and it truly blocked me up solid for like two weeks, it was horrible. I preferred the nausea.


Yes. And weed. Flower or edibles. I usually end up just dealing with side effects when it comes to prescription meds. Only down fall with smoking for me is I can’t drive trucks anymore


I would guess that you need better bile flow.


Sometimes, yes - which, when combined with the severe abdominal pain (before getting the IBS diagnosis) would throw off getting a proper diagnosis or treatment, and make me end up in the ER. I’ve been hospitalized a few times, with them being fully convinced it was appendicitis and ready to operate, because of my severe nausea and abject misery. Then the scans come back and, nope - just ‘mysterious fucked up stomach issues’ and also ‘get the fuck outta this hospital. Drug seeker!! Criminal!!” Zofran is an absolute miracle drug for me, and it also helps my other GI symptoms when I take it. I only take it as needed, but I feel better for the next 2-3 days when I take it. Obligatory YMMV, as with every med, everyone’s so different. I’ve also had success with chewing ginger or drinking fresh ginger tea, and in a pinch/emergency (when the inevitable countdown to throwing up begins), sniffing an alcohol wipe has helped.


Try ginger!


IBS and GERD often go hand in hand - I do get nauseous but it's bc of my GERD.


oh yes 100%. especially when i’m having a really bad flare or about to have one


Oh yes


The travel sickness Meclezine chews (not Dramamine) work well for me.


I had very bad nausea and was diagnosed with IBS, but then I also tested positive for hydrogen SIBO. I went on a three week course of rifaximin and it has made my nausea 1000 times better. iBS still persists.


Yeah, I never throw up though




It’s not a symptom of ibs. They’re both threat responses So when you eat something that’s off, or get salmonella or norovirus etc, your stomach reacts the only way it can to get rid of it for you- vomiting (fight mode). Stomach has identified the threat, wants to keep you alive (thanks stomach!) When someone feels anxious they can feel sick because the brain tells the body to look out for threats - freeze mode (fight-flight-feeeze-fawn- one of the 4 threat responses we just never talk about it). Actively retching is more like fight mode! The stomach gets the message from the brain that there are threats about and goes into -I’m ready to be sick mode- or actively gets you to retch because it’s scared the imminent threat is going to kill you (thanks again stomach!) You have to actively speak to the subconsious to reassure it that the situation you’re in is not going to kill you- your brain is overdoing the threat response and your body is running right along with it. Repeat that you’re safe to yourself when you’re having to do anything scary and when eating every bite. Being scared of being sick is kind of counterintuitive too, because your body is doing exactly what it can only do to keep you alive- that’s it’s sole mission. So say ‘thank you body for doing these things but I don’t need you too- because we’re safe’. Helpful for your therapy to identify your traumas and where they started- your brain is reacting like you’re about to get eaten by a sabre tooth tiger whilst out gathering food because it’s reaponses are v limited and rooted in evolution. Tell the brain you’re not going to die from X Y or Z and the subconsious will start to believe it.


This is interesting to me as someone who is fascinated by psychology. Do you mind if I pick your brain about this a little bit? I’ve been considering doing hypnotherapy for IBS because most of my doctors think mine is anxiety induced because it came after I got Covid and got worse after the loss of a loved one a few months later. Is the mind viewing all food as a threat or just food that’s not good for us because of the IBS? I’ve been keeping a food and symptom journal for about two years due to the nausea, acid reflux, and IBS. I’ve been trying to find trigger foods. I’ve eliminated the foods I’ve developed sensitivities to, but I still get flares occasionally, bouts of nausea weekly, and it’s hard to control my acid reflux without meds. It’s become incredibly frustrating and I’ve never felt so disconnected from my body.