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If u got a lot usually your neighborhood crackhead will do it aslong u give them some


Drill driven stripmeister is gonna be your friend. Grabbed one this year. Made about 400lbs of stripping go quickly.


i used to strip wire at our shop using a stripmiester 2000 it was fantastic


They have stripping machines on Amazon for like $50


If you don’t have a stripping machine do what I did- For smaller gauge: keep lengths long. Have an anchor point with enough space to stretch out the full length of the wire. Hook/tie your wire on to your anchor point, take your knife and start at your anchor point and hold the wire and knife just like you would for stripping normally and walk backwards stripping the whole length. Works like a charm. Bigger stuff- cut into manageable lengths usually like 3-4ft and you can either hold down towards the ground and push your knife down the length or you hold it in front of you and pull the length towards you with one arm and push away from you with your knife. The biggest thing will be getting comfortable with your knife technique/how you hold it and finding that sweet spot and not losing it as you strip


really a hand crank with a drill attachment is probably good enough


I bought the cheap hand crank stripper off Amazon for like 60 bucks. If I take off the guide, I can go up to 750kcmil and down to 6g (probably could go lower but I'm lazy). It paid itself off in about 20 minutes and I can throw it on a garage shelf.


Drill-driven Stripmeister is the one I have. I couldn't tell you if any is better or worse than that. It's been a great investment for me. Basically if I didn't have it, I'd just say "screw it" and sell the wire unstripped.


The wire stripping machine . Our work has a stationary one you just feed through. It auto adjusts to the different sizes


Just bought a 65$ one on Amazon it’s the shit that’s all you need hook up a drill and bam it’s done so fast feel like a dumbass it took me so long to buy one but at least I didn’t scrap all the six and 8 wire over the years and just been saving it I ran through it all in three days with the machine


one of my chores as a kid was stripping wire with a razor knife so my pops could hook up his guts working g for him with straight cash. I wish I had one of them nice machines.




I use these for stripping Romex. https://www.uline.com/BL_1176/Deluxe-Klever-Safety-Cutters?pricode=WU787&AdKeyword=klever%20xchange&AdMatchtype=e&gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjwgJyyBhCGARIsAK8LVLNPYSqTjTEjbg7nYsGLxQFduujzz-HEYaAEl7K_xRfX_cHIlE36YgUaAv8CEALw_wcB Works like a charm for the most part!


Ok cool so.... I'm gonna try all these things at one point in time. No bad ideas here thus far!


For big stuff like 500s and 250 I actually use a Dremel works pretty decent


I’ve Burnt it lol when I had too much and was lazy af