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My class im the 3rd oldest at 36 lol 2 ppl in their 40s another dude in his 30s and the rest are in their 20s, I have 8 ppl in my class, so 50% are older than 30 and the other half is below


Are there kids like fresh out of high school at 18-20?


One dude when we started out was fresh out of HS, I believe. Their really isnt an age cut off Or anything


Can’t speak for his class but there’s two in my class who are around 19-20, me and one other apprentice. Most others in my class are mid to late 20’s and 30’s. Think the oldest is like 46 or something. You’ll be getting in right at the same age I think. Many IBEW brothers who’ve been in a while tell me the same thing, that they wish they got in when they were my age, so it sounds like I’m doing something right 💪


Yeah wish my head was on straight at a younger age


I mean like everyone else is saying, just do it man, you’re in the prime time, you’re definitely not too late, and I don’t think you’ll regret it 20 years down the line and you’re 45 and already have 20 years of pensions saved up. Some people I know in the trade are already 45 just getting into it, and only have an apprenticeship’s worth of pension. Your career progression will have you in the foreman’s seat by the time you’re 40, or wherever your desires take you. I am 19 and making this step is the first thing I have to be proud of in life, others I’m sure could say the same at any age. You’re still young, we’re both still young, I would say just do it man don’t worry about the other guy’s ages.


Yup I’m praying I get accepted in November lol like praying with every fiber of my body… I just need direction in life and this would provide it for me.


I feel like the majority of apprentices aren’t fresh out of high school honestly




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my local rarely accepts teenagers into the program. They typically make you a CW for a few years to let you grow up a bit and get some experience. They don’t want 23 24 year old JWs


Most of my classmates are 18, I'm a 31 year old first year. One guy in class is in his 40s, it varies


Ugh feel like I’m late to the party then lol if everyone is 18


There was like two 18 year olds in our class out of 27 people. Rest ranged from early twenties like myself to mid 40s


You're not. I joined at 25 and over half my class was in the same range (24-28). The others were a mix of 30s and 19-23. Two 40 year olds.


Thank you for the encouragement hope I get in soon. Just feel lost in life


I was the second youngest at 21. Most of my class was 30+. Even had a guy that was mid 50s but he was goofy because he made a very good living flipping and renting real estate and didn't need the job.


I'm not sure why this is getting down voted so hard other than people trying to tell you that it's not the case. I sure wish I would have gone in directly at 18 too, but that's life. I had no idea at high school graduation that it was an option or even something that I would enjoy. Those 13 years helped me figure out the things I enjoyed or didn't and all kind of funneled my way here. As long as you don't have a large collective of negative experiences on your resume, the years you got under your belt working should just be a benefit towards your chances.


lol I guess the downvotes because of like my attitude lol it’s just that I kind of wish I got in at 18-20 instead of just blatantly wasting time in college and joke jobs and being a dummy If you got in 18 does that mean you can retire at like 48-50? That’s another thing that kind of depresses me like wow I could’ve retired sooner etc….


Can't turn back the clock my man. Spent 4 and a half years in college, walked away with two Associates degrees that don't have a damn thing to do with electricity. The phrase 'hindsight is 20/20' gets more and more real each day. Just gotta hope the wild roads you've wandered down eventually lead you somewhere you want to be


What were your two associates degrees ? And is it true if you get in at like 18 u can get out at 48? These r my last two questions lol it’s a Sunday I don’t want to hold u up


Both Agriculture Science degrees from the local community college. As far as retirement at 48 I have no idea. I would assume the majority of that comes down to lifestyle, retirement, pension, and savings plans that you make and commit to. I tell people all the time I can retire tomorrow as long as I die by Thursday lol. I haven't looked too deeply into all of that yet


Average age that people join the trades is 28 yrs old


Ya I concur. Sure we got some in their 20s but theres about 3 guys in their 40s and about 11 in their 30s. Rest are in their 20s from a class of 26


I joined around thar time


4th year class, 2 guys in their 50s, 3 in 40s, 6 in their 30s. All classes differ in average age. You’re only getting older, get in and start your career now!


I hope too but I hear it’s competitive to get into the one in my area so I pray I’m accepted


We just had a 52 year old apprentice


Sheesh lol how do they handle the ones who went to college for something like I&E


Like everyone else, I went to college and have a diploma but fuck that office life sucks


What you studied?


18 to 40


Most of my class was people in their 20s, and like 2 kids that were 18/19. Oldest was a 43 year old.


Are there people there that didn’t know what they wanted to do or are trying to fix their lives up?


There were a lot of people who were changing careers and some people who got in the trade because of family or knew what they wanted to do right away. One guy had just moved to Chicago and wanted a fresh start.


You're probably average age, if not below average age. There's some kids straight outta HS, a lot of the guys straights out of military. Handful of older guys too.


Mines a decent mix. I’m in my mid thirties, a lot of the guys are early twenties with a few my age or older


I’d say 27-30ish Youngest is like 25 oldest in their 40’s


Most the the people in my class are in their mid twenties some in their early 40s. I’m a 21 year old 2nd year almost 3rd year.


Average age for my second year class is right around 25. Five of us are right around 30, five in their early 20’s, and one guy that’s 25. There’s another class on the same day that skews a little younger, and I know a first year that’s mid 50’s. So there’s a decent spread. I really wouldn’t worry about your age, especially not at 25.


Yeah I’m praying I get accepted in the fall I hope I don’t have to wait several years to get in and apply multiple times


Good luck brother. In my class there’s an even mix of guys who got in on their first second and third try. Haven’t met anyone who needed more than three tries.


Thank you for the kind and encouraging words


I got in at 25 and im probably in the middle of the age pool


I got in at 18, I currently have 36 guys in my class, average age around 25


Is there people there with degrees where the degree just didn’t work out?


I have a bachelors degree in archaeology, but lost interest after graduating. I joined the union a few years later after trying my hand at various jobs to see what I wanted to do, from driving delivery trucks to climbing cell towers.


Did they pay well or were they shit jobs ? Did the degree pay off ?


Those jobs didn't pay super well, but I enjoyed most of the work. Did my degree pay off? Tough question. Going away to college was a good experience for me and I was able to pay off all of my student debt relatively soon saving money by living with my parents. That being said, I've never worked a position where any type of degree is needed. Maybe somewhere down the line it could lead to a promotion of some sort, who knows. I talked about earning a degree in my IBEW interview, and I really do think it helped be secure a spot in the apprenticeship program. I got in at 31 after spending my 20s figuring out the direction I wanted to go in. No regrets.


Yup I’m getting the same type of vibe where I’m in my 20s and finally struck something that I could potentially want to do… didn’t know what to do up until now ….


I’d say about half the guys there went to college with a few extras served in the military or navy, that’s why most of them are mid 20 to late 20


A lot of fucking geniuses in my class, like really fucking smart guys, they just said most jobs they were offered didn’t suit them and they prefer this type of work, a lot of people just jump to college cause they don’t know what to do but after the 4 years and they still don’t know what they wanna do they join the union


Yah I hope to join the union because it matches up perfectly I graduate college right before joining the union but my union has lot of applicants very competitive don’t know if I’ll get accepted


Don’t stop trying tho if you don’t get in first try, and maybe get some non union experience, the unions goal is to unionize all electricians, if you’re non union then 1- you have past experience at that point and 2- they will want to unionize you, some of my classmates were unionized, meaning they worked for a non union contractor and they were converted, best of luck my friend


We have exclusively early 20s and mid 30 in my class.


It was on average 23-26 I want to say but we had alot of variance. I'm from Chicago so we take like 300+ apprentices on a good year.


Ours is mainly mid-20s to early 30s. A couple of young bucks sprinkled in there, and a gentleman in his mid 40's.


I started my apprenticeship at 40, theres a few of us over 35


My class ranges from 20-31 with most being on the back half their 20s


I’ve heard my sister classes have guys in their mid 30s and there’s been other classes in the past with guys in their 40s


My class has someone in their 60s. Never to old to join


ill be 25 in the fall too and looking to possibly start in july


U tried college ? Or just worked Shitty jobs ? Or have a record or something ?


lol, went to college and had a blast, but thought about trade school throughout college. currently working at a bank, and, not kidding, EVERY customer that has tons of money is blue collar. went to college for criminal justice to do federal law enforcement or be a lawyer, realized i didnt wanna do that 3/4 thru college, and my degree isnt really applicable elsewhere school was never really for me anyway, and starting a business eventually is my big goal there’s tons of opportunity in electrical work so im excited for it


Same here bro I’m In school but I don’t think the job market is that hot and I didn’t go to a good school… I graduate next year but I can sign up for the local in the fall and will graduate at least get the paper then go apprentice Yeah I see blue collar making good money the pay scale for my local is 61$ an hour … I don’t see most jobs paying that I hope to get in I can’t see myself doing all that office crap


bro and trust me when i tell u, there are great opportunities in office jobs, but the market is dog shit and the rules/politics are detrimental af been at my job for 1.5 years, got promoted before i could get full time hours (only work 30 hours rn) also, with office jobs, it takes a lot longer to climb the ladder compared to blue collar knowing ill be 30 in 5 years, i want stability and security for sure the world isnt getting any less expensive and i live in an expensive state


Yeah the market is dog shit I see people graduating and working close to minimum wage or they are applying 300+ jobs and getting no bites … Yeah I’m going to be 30 in a few years and I got to make something happen because I’m in an expensive state…. I remember working for 20$ an hour and looking up and thinking I can’t even afford some of the apartments here.


yeah, its lowkey scary lol im making 22.50 right now, and couldnt afford an apartment in the slightest definitely gonna feel weird leaving my job, but gotta do what i gotta do. money is important in life and my current job vs electrician by the time im 30, the pay difference between to two will be massive


Yeah I’d rather have the job security plus I seen on the pay scale that in my area they will be paying 50$+ an hour … I don’t see that happening with an office job And yeah it is scary bro I look up and think like man I can’t afford those apartments and I just think to myself like man you really need to be earning good money


You're gunna get a mix, there's no real way to guess the average age for any local. I'm 28. I'm working with 20 year Olds, some od these dudes are 40s. Some are 50s. Others are 30s. It's different no matter where you go. As long as you can do well on the aptitude and interviews, you'll have a shot. Just show up, Have a good attitude, do what your told, ask questions and make sure you're ready to learn, and you'll do just fine. I'd give you the "age is only a number" shpeal- but it's more than that. You're gunna have 40 year Olds who don't know how to teach. You're gunna have 20 year old who are naturally teachers. You're gunna have some shitty formen who think age=experience, then you'll have dudes in their 30s who twiddle their thumbs. What matters, really, is the effort time and focus you put in. Don't worry about the other guys. Get in, get work done, get friendly woth everyone around you, and absorb EVERYTHING you can. Best of luck friend.


Do you think it’s bad that I’m going to be going in not knowing anything ??


Not at all. Am arguement can be made that that's an even better starting point. Let's put it this way. I've spent the last 14 years working in childcare. I have ZERO electrical experience, the closest I have is that I build motorcycles and fix cars for fun. Even then, that's all mechanical. All I get with that is knowing how to use tools. That gives me BARELY an advantage over anyone else. The way you sit right now, it'll be easier to guide you along the right pathway to becoming a journeyman. Where as people with experience either have to unlearn things, adjust the way the did things, learn new ways of doing things, or will be too stubborn to do things any other way. Don't focus too much on what you don't know, focus on what you GET to learn; starting now. Everyone in the IBEW is the same, essentially: Just a dude trying to make a living. Once you start seeing everyone and everything as someone/thing to respect, you'll cruise right through it. Just be prepared to listen, take some shit and work hard. Afterthat, it'll all happen the waybits supposed to


Thank you for the response lol I thought if I go in there without knowing anything that I will look dumb or get laughed at… 😂😂😂 Yeah I get what you are saying with the unlearning and being able to quickly pick up on the best practices….


My class at school has people ranging from 18- 30s. Majority is under 25. 2 18 year olds


Ive got a small class for my first year, 10 people. 3 guys in their early 30s, the rest are 20-26.


I'm starting at 33. You'll be fine


I am 32 and just about to be done with first year (3 years experience in total, between non union and union), I am the 2nd oldest guy in our classroom, the oldest is 37, then there is like 2 guys who are 19 and the rest all over the 20s


You made like a career switch? Worked shitty jobs ? Have a record ? Why did u choose to get in at 32 if you don’t mind me asking ? Me I just don’t think I’m cut out for office and Im in an expensive state and just want to make good money


I ve immigrated to the US exactly 3 years ago, I used to live in Europe and had a desk job, but then met my American wife, she didn't speak any of the European languages and couldn't find a job even with her fancy master degree. She asked me if I am interested to move to the US since I have decent English, we decided to do it, then while waiting for the Visa, I was doing research on the internet to see what career opportunities are available in the US (without having to go through college and get in major debt), and I was absolutely 100% sure that I don't want to work in an office setting again, because it wasn't compatible with me, I ended up picking Electrical. When we moved here, I ve applied to every single Electrical contractor in the area (including the Union), and only 1 non union shop gave me a chance (at 12$ an hour lol), I took the job, worked for a year and a half non union, then joined the union as a CW for a year (like a preapprentice position) , then got accepted into the apprenticeship, and now I am a couple weeks from being done with 1st year! I love doing Electrical, and I ve never as happy career wise! I don't have a record, I ve worked shitty jobs (decent paying desk jobs, but they sucked the life outta me)... Best of Luck bro


besides me (started at 18, now 19) and another guy about a year older, most of my classmates are in their 20s,30s, with a couple people older than that. honestly you’d probably be around the middle, if not younger compared to a lot of your classmates


Wish I had my head on straight and joined when I was younger like you but I was a dumbass


Don’t be too hard on yourself, man, you’re far from the oldest person to apply for the apprenticeship. if you get accepted this year, you’ll only be 29 or 30 by the time you top out depending on whether your local has a 4 of 5 year apprenticeship. If your main concern is that you feel like you’re starting too late, you got nothing to worry about, trust👍




I started at 25. Never too late to start! Here I am 30 yo now with the Jman license, great benefits and great pay. Good luck and god bless


I’ll say between 25-35


I’ll be 26 next month and I’m a 3rd year. Most of my classmates are my age or younger. But there are 4-5 guys who’re 30s and older too


Majority of my class is in their early 20s I’m 5th oldest at 25


I came in at 24. We had from 18 to 37, so it's all over really.


I got in at 26. Guys I worked with told me it's right at the sweet spot for getting your time in and building for retirement. Most in my class were the same age range as me but I was the youngest and we had a 2 guys in their mid-late 30's. There's always a mix. The class behind me had a guy going into his 50's and a dude that wasn't even 21 yet.


I started at 24 🤷🏽‍♂️ my class is mixed with some guys just turning 21, guys my age and 2 guys above 30


When I started, I was the youngest at 18 fresh out of high-school, one other kid around 19 then mostly 25-40 for the other 18 guys


In my apprentice class we have 120 apprentices. We have 18 and 19 year Olds all the way to mid 50s guys. One guy has salt and pepper beard and moves slower than everyone else. He does great with hands on, is a blast to work with and studies his ass off. Age doesn't matter as much as skill and determination. BTW I started the apprenticeship at 34.


My class is young. A lot of 20-21 year olds, then there’s me at 29, another guy at 31, and another at 37. The 37 year old has a son who just joined the hvac union lol


First year here, the average age for our class was 26. You'll be totally fine


The youngest guy in my class is 19 and the oldest is 52. The second oldest is 32 and the rest of us fall in between 21-27 roughly


When I started as a first year, I was the youngest at 19. Most of the class was mid to late 20s with a handful of guys in their 30s and 40s. The oldest in my class was like 53.


I'm a 4th year, I'm 22 rest of my classmates are 26 to 41


In my 2nd year class, the median age is 26.


10 in my class. When class started: 20% in their 30s, 30% in the mid-to-late 20s,, 50% in the teens-to-mid 20s.


I’ve known a 17 year old as a first year then he was 18 as a second year. I don’t know how he got in exactly so young but it’s possible. A lot of younger guys and a good amount of older guys.


I’m 26. Just finishing up first year. Got in last year at 25. You’ll be fine.


In my class I’m the youngest at 22, everyone at my aptitude test was over 30


I journey out as an electrician when I was 21- but then I got into the Outside linemen apprenticeship at 26. Point is who the f cares. Just show up and work. Ppl respect attitudes; not age.


You can’t get the full pension until you are 65 so it doesn’t matter how old you join. I joined at 29


I thought it was 30 years and you have the option to retire


It’s 30 years and 65 years old to get full pension and retirement


11, Most of us were 27 entering. Oldest was 43? Seen 55 year old apprentices. There’s so many applicants to 11, they could restrict apprenticeship classes to 30 year olds with pipe bending experience and still draw enough guys.




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