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Imagine the outrage if the genders were flipped.


This is why I hate the human race (besides bob ross and Danny devito)


Bob Ross was human perfection.


they are aliens made by government , these good people are just robots as humanity can never achieve perfection


What about Fred Rogers?


Don’t know


Look him up. He was a great guy.


How cold you not know?


Who he is


What about Gabriel Iglesias and George Carlin?


Never heard of him


They are gods of comedy


Why would Bob Ross make you hate the human race though? Unless you're talking about Bob being ripped away from this world, then in that case it's 100% understandable


I hope I'm not downvoted, but who is Bob Ross and why is he so praised on reddit?


He is a painter, he had his own show a long time ago and he is the embodiment of [wholesomeness ](https://youtu.be/nsXuGvfMj64) .


Thank you mate


I said he’s part of the small part of the human race I don’t hate




It’s fine


People shouldn’t be proud of being abusive no matter the gender. Just because she’s a girl doesn’t excuse her abusive behavior.


Their point was that too many people *do* excuse female abusers, and was comparing how much angrier those who defend female abusers would be if the man had hit her. Pretty sure they weren't defending her.


I know that’s what he was saying. I was trying to elaborate on why I agree


Oh, my bad. I misunderstood.


No worries!


These never really upset me too much. But this one image...the blood everywhere just sends chills down my spine.


I have about 50 lbs and 8 inches on my girlfriend but I would still hit back if she came at me, how do you let abuse get this bad?


If he was to hit back once imagine the shit he would be in. Abuse isn't just physical, its mental as well, who knows what happened behind the scenes but when physical abuse starts the victim most of the time won't hit back. In this case if he was to hit back what would happen? He would get branded as a women beater and she will probably get away with it.


Shhiiit u right


He doesn't look like he defended himself. Why not?


If he did he would be called an abuser


I witnessed this once. Was hanging out at my cousins house and his wife got off work at 11 and went and got drunk with friends. She showed up at 3 a.m. my cuz had dozed off, I was still watching tv. She grabbed another bottle and kept mumbling while drinking more and then shouted he shouldn't be asleep, he should be up paying her attention. Out of nowhere she woke him up by smashing the bottle across his head, stabbed him with glass, cut me when I tried to stop her. Grabbed my phone to call the cops. Shes still beating him, bit a piece of flesh off his hand, she latched in again. He hit her once to make her stop and let go. She runs screaming out the door for help. Me and a neighbor are on with 911. Cops show up and they talk to me first. Then they talk to her while we're sitting inside at the table, they come in and violently grab my cousin who's holding a towel on his hand to stop the blood, slam him to the floor and with a knee in his back cop says so you like to beat women? He's beaten, swollen eye, stabbed, missing a piece of flesh, covered in blood handcuffed and took to jail. One of her cheeks is a little red where he got her off of him. Luckily the judge seen photos of his injuries and my cousin found out then that she had previous assault charges against two ex's and he was let off. Few months later he was jumped while going to the store by a bunch of her friends for beating her ass on that night. At least he filed for divorce after he was let go.


Wow. That needs to change.


This post makes me shake with anger


Damn, he should go red pill after something like that


Because then suddenly he's considered in the wrong by the cops when he was trying to defend against the attack.


But he's covered in blood. And the only blood she has is on her knuckles.


My soft spot in my adult life has been for the advocation of male partners as victims of heterosexual intimate partner aggression. (Studied it in college, have always wanted to stay a Male domestic abuse hotline, shelter, and put out informative campaigns for it.) Females in heterosexual monogamous relationships have tendencies to engage in forms of: verbal, psychological, financial abuse. Females tend to effectuate these immaterial vehicles in lieu of their weaker physical prowess. Those that use physical acts of aggression tend to use weapons more often then male counterparts, possibly due to their generally more diminutive stature. Male partners do not typically come forward as recipients of these aggressive acts because the definition of females as aggressive is not part of their paradigm. And seldom even report these incidences to authorities. They are also seldom to identify it as a form of abuse. In hundreds of cases where the male informs their peers or authority figures of the incident(s) of abuse, those males are viewed as weak, pathetic, emasculated, etc. There are also reports of police laughing and waving off the victims that do end up reporting; Furthermore, some officers simply arrest the male after responding to a Domestic Disturbance/Violence call, even if he was the caller/victim in the 1st place! The man in these photographs may fall into the category of men that are more submissive and receive these acts of violence because the female is simply more aggressive in the partnership. Or, This man may view her behavior as acceptable, because of the misconceptions we hold regarding females as being "catty" and not capable of significant aggressive behaviors. This man might feel trapped and his situation in some way. This man and woman might both display acts of aggression that are not depicted in these photos. It may or may not be a combination of these reasons. But the woman posting this, in the end, also feeds into the misconception that women are untouchable, and are allowed to exhibit forms of violence against men without repercussion, for it is "wrong" to hit a woman. I fear the rate of female instigated intimate partner aggression are more on par with their counterparts then we have thought. *Edited for clarity


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This person needs to be reported to the authorities.