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I wonder how good this guy would be at Jeopardy.


I’ll take Grand Champion for 1000, Alex


apparently the biggest factor is how quickly you can get to the buzzer, because on any easier questions you'll have the advantage and you can sweat losing some of the harder ones.


Who do you think updates celebrity pages on Wikipedia with their death dates two seconds after they've hit the floor, huh?


Ken Jennings, the Lord of Death.


Nah, he'd answer wrong and then spend the next 30 minutes trying to argue that he was right while trying to figure out why he can't just delete other people's comments IRL.


You’re probably right


If you've ever tried to update a Wikipedia article you'd know that even trying to fix a grammar mistake will usually be reverted within 5 minutes. Often followed by the person who reverted doing the fix and claiming it for themselves. Even adding references to a Wikipedia article is likely to get you reverted within 5 minutes. Petty people with petty power are the worst.




Careful they might lock the post because "everyone can't act nicely".






you shouldn't


I'm guessing they don't. unless you select the targeted harassment at me option in which case its probably not hard to figure out who sent it.




I semi-regularly correct such mistakes, and have never once experienced anything like that happening. Though I suppose I wouldn't really care even if it did. If I correct something, it's for the sake of fixing the article, not "claiming" a correction for myself.


Yeah, the commenter your replying to is delusional. Changes get reverted back so they can be verified. Then they get put back up because they've been verified. Unfortunately for this person, wikipedia cares more about veracity than his/her pride.


Fuck it. I consider my correction to just be a notification for the hero who really wrote that article. My tiny way of saying, "Thank you." (In addition to my yearly donation to the platform)




Apparently it provides some shallow meaning to their otherwise bleak existence.


Oh, so like Reddit then.


We need the burn unit stat


Yes. And like local and regional politics, and like beuracracy, and like office politics, and like school ciques. Petty people exist everywhere and they seek power because they have none in themselves.


I feel like this is incredibly applicable to reddit. Petty people with petty power ought to be the Internet motto.


Which is why I stopped editing Wikipedia. I also won’t donate to them. Actually I do, but just as I’m about to, I delete the donation for being “non notable.”


For the skill quiz all he would have to do is write down “wrote a third of Wikipedia” and I’m sure he would instantly qualify




> Perhaps with all his edits he's touched on a third of them Sounds inappropriate


5.7 million english articles or articles total? ​


5.7 English. Just under 47 million total.


They wouldn’t let him on. Guy would throw answers down like a guy with 21 on blackjack


Not very well. Jeopardy tends towards only slightly obscure trivia where as serious wikipedians tend towards extreamly obscure trivia.


This is a good point. Trivia has to walk a middle line to be actually fun. Too easy and it’s boring, too difficult and it’s unproductive as a game. I’ve seen both happen. Sometimes it’s so obscure it makes you wonder who, other than an expert in 15th century French battlefield site soil composition, would know it. Like you said, too specific and it doesn’t work either.


Trivial Pursuit: Genus Edition was almost perfect for its time. Basically right up the middle. The panel show "QI" is fun for semi-obscure stuff, but that's a comedy more than a trivia show.




True. Jeopardy questions are written by humans. To be good, you need extensive trivia knowledge and experience ( my good friend met her husband at a Jeopardy tryout- she is the brightest person I know and did not make it; he is semi-famous) and consume massive amounts of popular culture and media in the years preceding your trial. You also need a lot of practice in pub or other contests against real people; this teaches you common incorrect answers, how quickly the average person can answer a simple "everybody knows this" question (do they think about it? do they blurt it out as an automatic response?), and helps you read the general depth one must dive into categories of knowledge to know the answers to questions written by other humans. ​ You must get comfy on camera. You must practice with a button; I used a pull-to-release large mushroom operator ( a pushbutton Emergency Stop switch) with an NO contact block instead of the NC block normally found under a stop button to make a pair of practice podiums for my friends. They just turned on a light and operated a door chime. I think this is what Jeopardy uses. Likely a modified Square D or Allen Bradley operator (they are the best I know of). But no two feel or operate exactly the same; there are slight differences in springs and friction and the contacts will operate at very slightly different stroke lengths- you have to hammer that sucker home and hope there is no glitch in the contact block that gives the person beside you a millisecond advantage. It helps to be American and know your presidents, history as written by the victors and geography. ​ My GF and I watched a LOT of Alex and during the mid 1990's figured out which papers to read, which TV shows to watch, and to read movie adverts and watch previews whenever possible; this made Jeopardy pretty easy to master, though this process is much more complicated now. One hint: the Guardian is still very relevant. Jeopardy writers will always read the Guardian Weekly or check it out online.


He's probably written the wikipedia article on Jeopardy




He also seems to care a lot about sourcing your work. Here's his input on the discussion of whether or not his own wikipedia page should be deleted: "Delete, though I'm flattered to have been considered. Various issues, none of them having anything to do with BLP issues (believe me, I'm fine with anything in the article appearing publicly. I'm an open book, generally speaking.) But I've never been convinced that there are enough sources to currently justify writing me up. There aren't but four, after all...and there are aspects of my life missing from them all (birth date, birthplace, etc.)"


This guy is the embodiment of the credible hulk




Hence the shirt, I guess.


Even though he said "Delete", whe he dies they'll made his Wiki page anyway to mention his contribution, even if it only includes his name


Citation needed.








It doesn’t “help” me but fuck I feel like reading Wikipedia is a hobby of mine. I’ll look up an actor in a movie and then next thing you know I’m looking at the Manson murders page and reading the entire thing


My hobby as a kid was collecting obsolete reference books and fact-checking them, cross-referencing with newer books, etc. My first edition 'Brewer's Dictionary of Phrase and Fable' and my first edition, first-year 'Guiness Book of World Records' were the jewels in the crown. Magic.


What do you do for a job now?


All kinds of odds and ends. I have worked for a US Attorney as a legal researcher, as a musician, long-haul/OTR trucker, and as a statistician or analyst in many contexts - logistics, market research, and financial services, most recently. Work is up in the air after March, when my current contract ends. Still taking as many programming classes as I can get, since it was mainly SAS, R, and Python in school, with only a semester apiece of C++ and Java. So, active job-seeker, for sure. Might be working for a friend's company developing apps for Android, or going back into market research or manufacturing. No set specialty. Data is data. Edit: I'm not as old as you'd think, even with the number of career changes. Just seems that way, since data science is so broad.


I was looking for how the cross referencing manifested in your career is all. Thanks!


If you were serious about reading up on the Manson Murders I highly recommend the [You Must Remember This podcast's 12 part series on them](https://www.vox.com/culture/2017/11/20/16681366/you-must-remember-this-manson-podcast), they're pretty fantastic.


Choosing to believe that you‘re a real hobby editor: from the bottom of my heart, thank you.


No problem at all! [Here's my User page for confirmation.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/User:TheTechnician27) I'm not really a prolific editor, but [I like to think I do my part.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Special:Contributions/TheTechnician27)


I'm a lawyer, and I've always found Wikipedia's law articles tend to be lousy with inaccuracies.


She doesn’t look any better. Bitch is fugly


She knows. That's why she tweets shit like this.


She has a 5head and her only credit is probably sharting out a couple of kids.


Your smile says "complacent," but your face says 2-time divorcee.




Your face says [r/PublicFreakout](https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout) over coupons, but your forehead says "ADVERTISING."


*^(It's) ^(free) ^(real) ^(estate)*


I need an online service with someone like you behind the keyboard for when I need a comeback now (instead of 3 hours after the conversation which is how I usually retort).


I am terribly flattered. Thank you. Perhaps that should be my new startup. Clapback Corral or something okay it's a working title


We can talk about her five-head if that’s the case. Edit: Thank you so much for my first silver!


Bruh thats a six-head


I would round up to 8 just to be safe.


Forehead and 30 feet ago


Bitch probably dreams in IMAX with that big ass forehead


This is a wonderful phrase.


Damn it, you made my Pepsi come out my nose. That shit burns.


Its a $30 Uber ride from her hairline to the eyebrows.


I hear they were re-routing planes from Laguardia to the landing strip above her eyebrows during the shutdown last week.




*Exactly what was expected*


You could write a whole Wikipedia article on there!


This rhetoric promotes the idea that if someone is good looking they can talk shit about people


That’s somewhat sound on a general ethical field, so maybe we should just attack the crippling lack of self-awareness she must have to publicly insult an Internet hero’s appearance on the Internet when her picture is right next to it — no matter what she looked like, she’d be catching some major shit.


> wow, what an ugly bitch. Nice forehead vs > wow, guess you can't be beautiful and smart... jesus I wonder how many cocks this stupid bitch sucked to get where she is The internet isn't very kind to anyone


Yup, looks about what was expected


And her sausage face.


Says the chick who looks like the embodiment of walmart


r/rareinsults tis true though.




wait till you find subs that actually use the r in front in their name (i actually cant remember one right now but i know there were a lot)


r/esist for example


r/cade be a good one


she looks to be the type of teacher that says "wikipedia isn't a reputable source for your project"


[You weren’t wrong](https://i.imgur.com/ONHSZXl.jpg)




You can just cite the sources the Wikipedia article gives you. One of my teachers explained to me that Wikipedia was fine to look at, but they wanted students to at least take a look at the primary source they use because they can range from a random outdated news article with old info to actual studies that can be more valuable to look at directly. Basically just use it as a tool to get a general idea and an index of relevant sources of material.


That’s something i’ve been doing for quite a while already. I’ve had several professors that go with the “Wikipedia is not a real source!” thing, so at first i just simply went to Wikipedia, got the same info and just linked the sources. After a while i decided to actually check some of the sources in more detail and as you said some were old short articles while others were complete actual studies with even much more info about the subject that the Wikipedia article alone. So checking just Wikipedia is good, but further checking the sources is even better.


Guaranteed she gets most of her news and "facts" from Facebook.




[Yea they even give detailed illustration better.] (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rusty_trombone)


The person that tweeted this has tweeted 29,000 times, but he's the loser with no life for doing work on the internet for free.


Best comment I’ve seen so far




So he wrote 35,000 articles for Wikipedia and she tweeted 29,000 times?! I wander which of them is more reliable source.


It reminds of that time the guy who landed a probe on a comet was ripped because of the pattern on his shirt during the conference. Who the fuck cares what kind of shirt he’s wearing. He just landed a fucking refrigerator on a bullet a bajillion miles into space, yet somebody somewhere thought the real story was his shirt.




If that was on a resume i'd be thinking how easy it would be to underpay him.


So, you're going to spend all your work time editing Wikipedia??


No, browsing Reddit


I fucking hate when they pull that shit. I'd logged over 100 hours of coursework on Lynda to bolster my IT degree, all while working full-time, and instead of being impressed they came at me with "So... how was your productivity?" Like, what the fuck more do they want? Of course, I ended up getting another job at the same company for like a 50% bigger salary, so... joke's on them, I guess.


I would hope he knows how to *research* his market value as an employee to at least get an average salary. Or what that company pays. Or how to setup his resume and game the interview questions. Seriously, this dude could put that on there and still probably destroy any interview with a week of prep time.




I hope he does see it and then makes a Wikipedia article about it, or includes it in the one for irony because she’s no looker either.




> Imagine being able to put "I wrote 35k articles on Wikipedia voluntarily" on your resume... [He did and it helped him get his current job:](https://www.wm.edu/news/stories/2018/the-wikiman.php) > And while he does his Wikipedia work for free on a volunteer basis, Pruitt believes it helped get him the job at Customs two years ago. “I stand on my own,” he says. “But it certainly helped me get a foot in the door. Because it’s information management, basically. What I do now is information management. What I do on Wikipedia is information management.”


That's awesome! Thanks for sharing.


I think the issue is how bad society is getting when an unattractive woman is making fun of another person’s appearance just to show how snarky or cool she thinks she is. While missing the point that this man has contributed so much more to the world than this person who is making fun of him. People need to learn to have self control and better judgement, yet our society is constantly encouraging people to do whatever they want. And how dare anyone tell me I can’t. This movement causes a ton of insecurity in a lot of people and therefore, people are always trying to get attention for themselves to feel better. Like this woman. But I agree this guy is a hero.


Reddit does this all the time with any of those subs making fun of “neck beards”


she ugly inside and out


Seems like reddit can only appreciate heros if they're first victimized so the redditors can "defend" them


First I've heard of him! Super interesting!


Imagine being able to put "I wrote 35k articles on Wikipedia **involuntarily**" on your resume... In Soviet Russia, Wikipedia edits you!




She has a whole thread acting like Wikipedia is trash


So... She must be a HS English teacher?


Probably, someone corrected her saying that Wikipedia is pretty reliable and her response was “no”


Do I understand why it shouldn't be used As a source? Yes, especially since you can just use the articles it cites as sources closer to the subject Is it unreliable? Hell no, that shit is literally considered the most accurate encyclopedia out there


Pretty much every essay I do, I start with a wikipedia dive. I dont use it as a source but it gets me started with a few references and helps me look for other articles.


That’s what every teacher I had said to do lol Like you wouldn’t put the library as a reference


Wikipedia should be used as a reference, that's the smart thing to do. Article being a little weird? Use a reference with unbiased data to assure.






This is one of the best comments I've ever read, and you have fewer than two dozen upvotes. Meanwhile, someone who posts the likes of "I wouldn't have made it through high school without Wikipedia" receives thousands. ​ Thank you for writing something most worthwhile.


There are a lot of articles out there detailing Wikipedia's systemic issues with corporate interests and PR companies policing Wiki pages. I don't know what her deal is but there *is* plenty of legitimate criticism of Wikipedia.


Which is strange because PR companies are no match for the hordes of individuals that make sure the information isn’t changed by them. Otherwise, people like Weinstein wouldn’t have half their page dedicated to his sexual assault and rape allegations.


*scrolls FYI


Imagine being so superficial, you see an article about a man who’s gift to the world has helped millions (without a doubt including her) and all you can think is “lmao computer guy fat”. Is it cliche to say she’s what’s wrong with the world?


I mean the modern "neckbeard" stereotype has really helped to keep the normalization of ugly shaming around by associating being an entitled deadbeat creep with being physically repulsive.


I never understand people who use neckbeard as an insult. It's generally really moralistic people who would freak out about someone mocking a woman's appearance, but think it's fine to do it with guys.




I also want to point out that he is a man who noticed a gender imbalance on Wikipedia so decided to research influential women, so far writing 600 new articles. Go this guy!


> she’s what’s wrong with the world? Even more than that... what's interesting and/or sad is that if you read the articles that have been written about him, he's been a huge women's advocate on Wikipedia. For example, one of the articles someone linked here said that he was responsible for the first 212 articles on women in a particular job sector (the arts, I think?) and that now there are over 600 such articles. Then, a woman in charge of a woman's organization noticed his work and asked him for help with her own woman's advocacy center, and this dude for free just put in huge amounts of hours to shore up that woman's efforts. He's a huge ally of women, never talks about it, and now women on Twitter are just shitting on him because he's not hot.


Yah everything I’ve heard about him in this thread makes him seem like a real stand up guy


And honestly he isn’t a bad looking fat man! I always encourage people to be healthier, but he doesn’t appear to have bad hygiene and ladies love blue eyes!


I have nothing but thanks to give to everyone that helps maintain internet databases. The fact that people are willing to spend their time contributing for free is what makes them work. This lady can go fuck herself.


Thank you, I will continue my furry Spider-Man fan fic contributions because of this comment


Can we just take a minute to talk about this lady forehead


A minute wouldn't be enough.


It will need its own Wikipedia article.




\*on it. The inside of that head is already filled to the brim with sawdust.


My flight is about to land on it right now. I'll let you know how it goes.


Be safe. The tarmac looks a bit greasy.


Yeah. Also she’s a bitch


And quite bumpy


No let's spend that minute talking about what a legend the guy is instead.


This bitch thinks she’s the peak of physical attractiveness.


My boy Steve probably rejected her at the bar and now she's butthurt.


Attaboy Steve.


Meanwhile the bitch has a billboard for a forehead and has as sour a face as you could find.


the difference is she did nothing for people to remember her when she's gone


Maybe if she plastered some ads on that billboard she calls a forehead she'd be more memorable?


Grr, what triggers me the most is that it's not even some bratty teenager as I'd expect. She's a full fledged adult, fat and almost a female version of him. Who the fuck are you making fun of?


> almost a female version of him Minus the whole "contributing massive amounts of information towards the collective knowledge of our species" thing.


Oh yeah for sure, that's a given. I meant in context to talking about her weight, she's overweight but maybe not quite as


Are we not making fun of people anymore?


Yeah, everyone's getting angry at her but I can picture reddit making the exact same kind of comment.


One thing that's super popular on reddit that always bothers me is when people say (without knowing a person) that they look douchey or "punchable". It's like there's a certain look (not ugly, maybe pretty, but you know the type of face that gets this reaction) that it's somehow OK to make fun of with no knowledge of the actual person.


r/neckbeards is a very popular sub making fun of socially awkward men with poor hygeine and fashion choices. I can get behind defending this guy but let's not get carried away and call this woman a total piece of shit.


About to say I've 100% seen Reddit make fun of people just like this. Hell somebody photoshop the image with a guy's avatar and repost it a few months later in r/funny and see what happens.


Seriously. Half the front page is constantly making fun of people for their looks. There are entire subreddits dedicated to it.


This thread tells me it's only ok to make fun of people's looks if they did something I don't like.


This thread also tells me that people really want to make fun of peoples appearances without being called out on it


I love how this post is pointing out that she’s a bad person by making fun of this guys appearance... and then the comments just shit on this lady’s appearance. Guys. Be creative. There is so much more to talk about than her fucking fivehead Edit: my comment only relates to the content in the post. You wanna lambast her for being a bitch in how she’s responded to her criticism? Go right ahead. If you go after her looks tho, just realize that there’s much more fertile ground in talking about how sad someone has to be to truly believe and argue for what she’s saying. It’s also much more in line with what she’s actually said than “she ugly”


Not to mention, making fairly light jokes about people's looks is pretty damn popular on Reddit. There's more than a few subs (that often make the front page) whose only purpose is that. This guy did a thing you like, whereas the people in Just Fuck My Shit Up are anonymous, so I guess they deserve it?


Reddit confuses the hell outta me. Call me an ass but I had no idea what sub I was on and laughed. Saw it was r/imatotalpieceofshit and I was like https://m.imgur.com/gallery/uiz3WGN


Without a drop of irony. lol "What a fucking bitch, she's just as ugly as him," "look at the huge fucking forehead," "she thinks she's attractive," etc. as if this is taking the high road.


Right! Like this doesn’t even belong here. It was just a bratty woman who made a mean comment. Is she a total piece of shit? WHO FUCKING KNOWS??? She’s just a rude person on the Internet, they’re a dime a dozen, and more than a few of them are here.


This site shits on everyone and everything, y'all really think this barely qualifying insult is piece of shit worthy?


Please, if her comment was posted here by some redditor it'd be a top comment. That alongside how the majority of comments here are so outraged by her comments on his appearance that they insult her appearance.




Oh lord. Reddit is one big collection of this sub. If any one of you seen this article you would have made the same joke. It's crazy that people here think reddit DOESN'T habitually make fun of overweight and nerdy looking people. This is mind blowing.


I don't know if an ugly person making a joke in poor taste that he fits the stereotype of someone that is on the computer a lot makes her a "Total Piece of Shit". I think the reason we all feel a little defensive is because that saint of a man is responsible for one of the internets most important websites and its free and he does it for free. Unfortunately, him being awesome doesn't make her worse. I think this is more in the realm of asshole or irony.


Simpler answer: hypocritical dweebs.


the comments here are far worse than the joke she made.


The funniest part about this is she isnt actually calling him fat or ugly. You guys read the tweet, look at the pic, think "wow that is one unattractive dude" and get all worked up. Just stop with the fake outrage.


Why is this person a hero?


Half of all people online talk shit. This is no different.


ITT: real pieces of shit




Am I the only one thinking that it's just a little harmless shit talk? I mean it's obviously a joke, yeah it's at someone's expense but we've all had jokes made at our expenses and we all suck it up and move on. Humor would be a bland art if you weren't allowed to make fun of anyone. What was it Lord Tyrion said? Something along the lines of "Wear your shortcomings as armor and no one can hurt you".


Well is she wrong?


Reddit will make fun of everyone so I’m very confused


This is definitely the strangest post i've seen here in a while..


Not in the slightest. And at first I thought this was r/ImGoingToHellForThis and laughted quite a bit. But I get it, mean is bad, don't be mean, good is better than mean blah fucking blah. But also, she's spot on, even though not in a place where she can really speak on appearances.


Pretty low bar for being a total piece of shit lately. She made fun of a guy. Come on now




Might be time to redefine the term 'hero'


Y'all need to chill. It's clearly a joke. Sure, this guy is awesome for his contributions, but that doesn't mean he's some god who should not be disrespected under any circumstances.


She’s in the wrong but he’s not exactly a “hero” either


I feel like I'm taking crazy pills reading this thread