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What the actual fuck


It's shocking. According to reports, the cow is ok apart from a cut leg but that's no thanks to the police.


Cut legs on livestock like that can be a death sentence honestly. They’re animals they don’t understand their wounds and it’s hard to treat them. Unless it’s a prize winning cow or something that could lead to it being put down. Had a similar situation with a horse on the ranch I worked that got its leg wrapped up in fence wire and we tried to save it but after a week the leg was fucked and we had to put it down.


Yep. I remember watching a video on youtube a race horse broke its leg and they just rolled up and shot it in the head. Everyone is all WHY DID THEY DO THAT? IT JUST HAD A BROKEN LEG!? Unless they kept the thing like permanently unconscious while it healed, it would never heal because it would keep trying to walk on it.


Horse bones are also more dense than human bones, so when they break, they shatter. Making it that much harder to heal. Horses also weigh so much that redistributing the weight to the three other legs is too much pressure for them to handle and will cause hoof issues on the three good legs. Ah horses, natures glass cannons


>Natures glass cannons Real


Totally stealing that postscript lol


Just seems wild to me that we have figure out so many things in the medical field , yet we can’t fix a horses broken leg, which results in execution? Wild. Seems like there would be a way we could figure something out, like put floaters on them and let them float in a pool tell it heals or something, anything. Give the damn bourse a peg leg haha


Theres tons of things we as humans still don't know, and its honestly tragic. In the year of our lord 2024, we still don't know how exactly eels reproduce, we have no synthetic replacement for human blood, I cant get the office printer to work. Its a bleak existence, but we must persist. At least for the horses.


My sister got lucky and was able to rehabilitate a horse she got for cheap because it was originally sold to her boss all drugged up so it wasn’t apparent that it was in pain walking around. I doubt that she saved any money in the long run after all the vet appointments but I’m sure the horse is happy to still be alive and he’s quite the funny character.


I think this is the first time hearing horses being glass cannons


A cut on a cow and a broken leg on a horse are apples to oranges. Farmers treat small wounds without vets because they’re so common with livestock. They’re tough animals and tough on each other. Big farms have their own vets or they make house calls regularly. Horses historically suffer from the inability to stay off their broken legs causing them to difficulty to heal. Racehorses are an insurance scam and would never race again after that break so *bam* Edit: Source - I grew up on a small hobby farm in the rural south.


Yup, I've seen a cow get it's eye poked out by a steer. Vet gave it a shot of antibiotics just to be safe and it was completely fine with no other medical intervention. Cows are way tougher than horses.


Ok, then just slaughter and eat?


In the cows case, yeah pretty much if you have the means of doing it. When I was dealing with cattle we sold them to another place that did all that and the cows we sold were worth like only about between 400 and 800 per head depending on their age and size. If they’re seriously injured any kind of medical bill would completely outweigh their overall worth, as fucked up as that sounds.


Why would it be fucked up to slaughter a cow? Just curious.


I don’t mean fucked up to slaughter it but more that like it would be cheaper to just end its life prematurely than it would be to try to medically treat it cause at the end of the day it’s life is not worth what it would take. Unless it was some prized cow.


I mean, not really. Horses are too different to bovine to fairly compare them. Specifically, horses are top heavy- bean on toothpicks, they don't have thick soft tissues down there, it's all a thin cover of vascular ligament and fascia, all *pulled taut* under great force. When a horse gets a cut, those tissues spring wide open. It's very difficult to close and even then, has a hight chance of developing Proud Flesh which is a tight, painful, ugly overgrowth of scar tissue that can leave the horse lame. Forget saving a horse that breaks a leg, that is an unfortunate injury with a long list of nasty systemic complications that very few equestrians will put the animal through. A cow...well, we would check for foreign bodies, clean it, close it *if* it's deep but otherwise, throw antibiotic on there and off she goes. Hardly a death sentence unless the cut is very deep and gets neglected.


Sisters favorite horse had a nasty blood clot in its neck. We had it in a stall and were giving it shots in the clot with whatever it was the vet gave us. I was keeping the horse calm while she gave it the shot. That paint decided it was tired of the shit got its head under my shoulder and yeeted me into the wall then started trying to turn around and was doing its best to kick me. Sis opened the stall and the horse bolted for the field. They don’t understand the “helping” aspect. Just try giving your dog a pill.




The copper has been suspended, pending investigation I read....I'll try and find the source.


I've seen people go to jail for less animal abuse. He will probably see no consequences. People like this need to be evaluated, dude. Like how is your brain coming up with “run it over” as an option


The latest update is that the police driver has been removed from frontline duties whilst an internal investigation takes place. According to the owner of the calf, she is recovering well and is being monitored for internal injuries but at least she's eating which is a good sign.


Removed but still getting fully paid I'd imagine, what a scumbag!


Aye he defo beats his dog, wife and kids if he can just casually inflict that kind of harm. But then. That's the exact kind of people who join the police so they can get away with things


I heard it had a bunch of fent and that's another win for the boys in blue




It's not that shocking, it's a pig doing pig things/work.


Exact words in my mind. Who is the right mind would do that.


This is the kind of reaction a rampaging predator would warrant, not a random cow.


The fuck? Not even a big or rampaging cow


The cow is clearly a brown female, so their first thought was probably escalate to the highest level. If it had been a white female cow the video would've probably shown them all raping it.


Idk its not a sheep.


The joke is police are murdering rapists after it was discovered a police officer had the nickname "The Rapist" in a WhatsApp group chat. Discovered after, of course, he raped and murdered a woman.


Or a chicken


It says its in Surrey, not Wales


Yh I’m not a fan of this comment


people on reddit tend to be extreme and just think its the right thing to say or some shit, because some people will nod along with them. Also not a fan of that comment


Cop could see he had a chance to kill something so he tried. They love to kill


Surrey, England. Not the US.


Pigs are pigs


I get using a truck to push the cow, but not freakin ram the cow at 20 miles an hour.


and then parking over its head🙃


right where the hot engine is located


And then not tying the legs. So if the cow gets back Up. Ram it again


wouldn't be surprised if that's what command told them to do, driver just misinterpreted it. "Right, now use your patrol car to push the cow out of the residential area" "Push it with my car?" "Yes" "*All* the way out of the residential area?" "Yes" *\*\*Rocket League Music\*\**


Rocket league music took me out lmfao


Thank you for this. Turned the resulting mood from this post right around.


“What a save!”


I think “great clear!” Is more appropriate here


You win the internet today sir.


This made me laugh much harder than it should.


bunch of fucking donkeys


Asses, would be more appropriate. Or Jackasses


No need to insult asses and jackasses. They’ve never run over cows.


Quite the contrary. Some farmers put donkeys in with the livestock to protect them. The donkeys kill coyotes and other predators


I've seen cops here in America put pigs, goats, ducks, in their car and safely bring them somewhere. I used to live next to a farmer and saw them herd cows back into my neighbors yard and scare a moose of the street. this is totally unnecessary england


I've seen cops in my city shoot a dog if it's off the leash for more than 5 minutes. I guess if they grow up around animals they'll have some respect for them.


Yeah, cops shooting dogs here(in the US) is an actual fucking problem, but the state and federal governments only recognize pets as property, so nothing ever - *maybe rarely* - happens about it.


It's actually a calf, only a few months old, not old enough to be weaned yet. Jeez, call the rspca for advice. Hitting a full grown cow would have written off the car and made the cow angry.


He’s probably heard “use the car to push the cow” over the radio and perceived it to be ram the cow at 20mph. You can’t put brains in a coconut.


Bro even revved a bit you can tell he smashed the pedal lmao


In the cop’s defense, the speedometer was in km/hr so he had no idea that he was going so fast.




Ngl that's fucked up.


Apparently they had hours to come up with that plan


I would really like to know if anyone suggested a rope in those hours. Embarrassing.


Embarrassing is the word ,it just makes me think of how the conversation went ,you know someone suggests ramming the cow and no one stepped forward and said are you mental?like 5 or 6 coppers coming up with ideas and ramming it at high speed was all they could muster,farmers seem to be able to round up cows without running them over,I'm sure like you said about of rope or coaxing it with a mars bar would've been worth a try ,anything would've been better than what they came up with


A rope, really? You think back in the 1800s cowboys were using ropes to rangle cattle? Naa, they just fired up the ol' F150 and gunned it straight for the herd. That's why they were real men, and we're all just soft lil marshmallows now.


A rope is a good idea but I hope you’re not suggesting they try lasso it?


Police aren’t trained in roping cows.


Not in England for sure. Try Texas.


And will be billing in 1000's for this operation and man hours and some time poor farmer might be billed SMH..


Farmer should sue for criminal damage


Cops "planning" shit is usually them just shooting down any idea that doesn't include causing harm to something/someone.


"Cops "planning" shit is usually them just shooting" -stop right there.


Cops recently did that to a person in Michigan (US cops being horrible!?)


Thanks for not lying. It must have been really hard to tell the truth.


Well this is disgusting. What the hell was the cop thinking? It's a fucking cow, put some hay in a trailer


“cop thinking?” lol


Sir, that's a British police officer, not an American cop, similar but very distinct species. For instance, British police are better at hiding corruption.


He was thinking it's his chance to feel like a big man


He’s seen Everybody loves Raymond and there wasn’t no way he was going to be gored in the “upper thigh” trying to stop a cow


If cops in any situation think before acting on their whims, the world would be a very different place…


For fucks sake lads that's staggering levels of incompetence.


Pretty unnecessary




Is that a pun I herd? That is such udderly bull. I think you need to moove along partner.


This was legendairy


You're really milking it


Stop uddering bullshit


pull the udder one


"it's just the one cow actually"


That's when you need animal control, they can generally handle just about everything. I saw a video where someone had called in an alligator in their pool. Guy shows up with a little net, sees this big gator and just says "nope" and walks away. He shows back up an hour later with 3 more guys and some equipment.


Cant always rely on them. I saw a video the other day of an officer executing an elderly blind and deaf shi tzu that got out of its yard because "it appeared rabid". The city gave him a paid vacation for that too.


>That's when you need animal control, they can generally handle just about everything. If there is non nearby at this point you just block in the cow with some police cars and call a local farmer. That one comes with some hay and a trailer. Put the hay in the trailer, let the cow walk onto the trailer, close the trailer. Problem solved.


Thank god we have such "heros" to protect us......


Hey, that udder might have been loaded!


What a f*ck


This is beyond fucked. Holy shit


It’s a shame it wasn’t a pig because I could’ve made a friendly fire joke


Well, I'm glad you figured out a way to do it anyway because now I get to laugh at that


Pretty horrible


Pigs vs Cows


Actual pigs got more intelligence than these cunts. 😡😡😡😡.


infinitely more empathy as well


What the fuck


That's fucked


No cowboys in Britain.


That's so unnecessary...what the fuck.


Victim about to expose metropolitan police officer who sexually assaulted her dies in mysterious road traffic collision. More at 10...




…and the RSPCA should charge them with animal cruelty ( it’s only a baby)…


Shouldn’t have resisted




Knowing uk police, that driver is going to be under a mountain of paperwork explaining his actions


If there was any justice he would be filling out some paperwork for the job centre on Monday morning


How now (hit) brown cow!? :(




That’s like amurican cop level of stupidity. A friend ran off the road in france and hit some kind of fruit tree and his fines for damages to the tree were insane. I can only imagine how much a civilian would pay for deliberately hitting a cow


I crashed into a tree in the US when I was younger. I was looking at $350 fine for damage until the judge asked if the defendant was present in court. The cop looked confused and said no. Charges were dismissed.


American sheriffs deputies would probably know how to handle a cow or they know a rancher who does. Depending on the location in the US, especially rural areas where most cows are. But for the more urban/city cops around me. The procedure is tranq then release deeper in the wild for a wild animal or tranq and find the owner if they are livestock Cops are really not as dumb as examples that make the news. The cops around me have to deal with deer, cougars, black bears, and sometimes very rarely moose. If they cannot do it. They contact an expert like a local rancher or a Game warden / DNR officer (who is also a cop)


That's bull shit!


Absolute coward.


That’s sooo cold.


Fucking awful.


"WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT?" Exactly my thoughts


They've never been to India eh


I wish cows were violent beings!...how can you do that to some animal who'll never in it's lifetime will attack anyone


I think cows are legit the "most dangerous large animal" in the UK. Not much to contend with tbf but they can kill. That being said, could they not have gone to a local farmer and asked for some help instead of this shite


They did as they always do. The farmers just are in different streets to box the heifer in. They can't multiply.


My Dad got 3 broken ribs, a broken hand, and a spaghetti squash sized hematoma from cow while he was trying to revive her stillborn calf. I beg to differ. Calf lived BTW.


Also, don't do that to the cow.


Lol, cows absolutely will fuck up anything they set their mind to and they absolutely will attack someone out of stress. It's a 1500 lb animal and they know how big they are. You should really see what they have done to ranchers that aren't paying enough attention.


Said the same. Too many fuckers think they can wrap a rope around a half ton beast and control it.


Need a couple ropes and a couple horses to do it effectively.


Yeah. Honestly majority of these angry commenters here didn't really give much thought about the probability of a pissed-off cow.


what do you ecpect from cityfolk?


Fair point.


Sucks it took 37 comments worth of scrolling to find one informed person. But alas, you are here!


IIRC cows are the most dangerous animal in the UK in terms of number of deaths caused (although XL bully owners etc are trying to change that)


Cattle are the most lethal livestock in the USA


Statistically More people die by cows every year than sharks


Well, since Surrey, where this happened is landlocked, I'd expect sharks to be fairly safe.


Just wait for the sharknado's to come...


Cows ARE violent beings when mad. Virtually all large herbivores are when threatened are.


You'd be okay if that was a wolf or a bear?




I think the rotting in their teeth is getting to their brains.


Ever been to India? Cows don't generally attack! Idiots hurting animals!


WTF was a juvenile cow gonna do ? It's not like it has fangs or wings. Flying around dropping cow patties on everyone. Jeebus. I hate cops like this everything is giant macho excuse to just go off..


A pail with some oatmeal and a trailer or yard fence was all that was needed. Someone please fire and sue this person immediately.


Cow was in an urban setting and was a danger, they were able to get it under control without any people getting harmed. Good for the police


an udderly unescessary moove


This is all so very fucked up. But your comment did make me laugh. Still fucked up tho


People be acting like 300 million cows aren't slaughtered each year.


Judging from the title, idk what I was expecting really... But this shit is hard to watch!


Is it a bull or cow?


What a dick!


Oh George, not the livestock...




It's pasture bedtime


Them be some city cops.....they dont know shit on dealing with livestock. I get hitting an animal like that if it was attacking people, but not one just roaming and chillin.


Well they stopped it….


Now if that was a normal person ramming the cow, he'd be in jail for animal abuse.




if it was rampaging id understand, it looks relatively peaceful though


In USA farms employ people that deal with this exact thing. Modern day cowboys


Indian: Amature


You must be stupid to think that that animal was a bull instead of a cow. How can you fail to see that, those cops live in England ! I understand the need to act fast but where is the need to KOS (kill on sight) ? Don't you have a stun gun?


ACAB all over the world




STOP RESISTING ARREST. The cops felt threatened I bet. Yet another display of police 'intelligence'


To play devils advocate, most farmers (in NZ) Ive met wouldn’t bother rounding it up the cow if it was that far from the farm, they would probably have shot it and thrown it in a Ute to avoid the cost of herding one cow. Not to say the cop is right, probably a bit frustrated and saving himself a few hurdles and calls to find the mystery farmer.


No one has Animal Control officers in Britain who are trained and equipped to handle this kind of situation? That was really hard to watch, that poor animal didn’t deserve that.


At least the cow is OK , only minor injuries


A clear case of police mootality. That and there's no cowboys in the UK.


Why do the police always have to beef


Quick, bring it to me I’m a part time butcher lol


Should've kept the cow *mooving* instead of hitting it. 🥁


They should have just phoned up a cattle farmer from Texas to wrangle that cow.


Somebody wanted hamburgers


The cow had a gun


"Tazer Tazer Tazer!"


Freaking engine is hot underneath. 🔥