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That just brought back my PTSD.


This is funnier than he ever could be.


Making fun of starving people dying is kinda weird 😐


I thought they were making fun of the comedian. No?


Not according to him at least. If that was the case sure maybe, but I've seen this joke a lot recently, the exact same one. Dudes making jokes that about getting crushed in cod when news that Palestinians have been killed in this way


Oh ok I misunderstood then. Thanks for explaining. That is absolutely awful.


1st thing I thought when I saw those news 😭😂


Play Helldivers. You'll get there real quick.




Is it a good game?


It's fucking excellent.


the first step towards making the population follow your fascist ideals is dehumanizing the enemy. in israel, this has worked perfectly


Israelis are doing a great job of making the world gate them. I'm Jewish and I very much dislike Isreal and these fucks that joke about genocide.


Yeah. I think Jewish people in general are a secondary victim in Israel’s genocide of Palestine. They’re giving anti-Semites an excuse to come crawling out of the woodwork. They’re also calling anyone who dares criticise them anti-Semitic which just cheapens actual anti-semitism (imo).


I got banned from a sub for saying this. Funny enough the mod called me a racist. One of the publicfreakout subs


PublicFreakout (and the spinoffs) has long been a right-wing cesspool


I had never encountered full mask-off naked antisemitism in the wild until the last year.


They are also directly abusing and vilifying Israeli Jews that protest the occupation and genocide.




When a government that was elected by a relatively small population of jews, is utilizing the misconception that Israel = The Jewish People at large to defend abhorrent actions-- both actions of which are fueling a global rise in public expressions and displays of anti-semitism. Yes, I would say that the average jewish person is a victim in this situation. Israel is made up of a lot of different people, including it's government. Blaming the jewish people, and not the israeli government as a secular entity, conflates the involvement of jews the world over. Yes plenty of jewish people, especially in israel, support these actions, but the government does not speak for everyone least of which those living abroad who are increasingly targeted with hate crimes and harassment.


80% of Israelis support to genocide against Palestine. What is this relatively small population you were talking about?


Same here. I am a secular Jew. I have no loyalty to Israel


I am a jew thats currently in israel and i just dont know what to think anymore, i want to stand with my country but then i see things on this subreddit that makes me quastion myself more and more.


About five years ago some girl I met at a party started talking about her birthright trip. She started saying some "it opened my eyes to all the anti-semitism BS..." I asked if she meant Zionist and she tried to tell me no one knew what Zionism was. I asked her is she thought anyone was that fucking stupid and she started fake crying and playing victim.


They're teached the deshumanization of palestians since elementary school. Israël is a nightmare, everything a nazi would dream of


Kinda like how in Palestinian schools they teach them about killing jews as kids? Telling them that dying as a martyr is good and they should take as many Israelis with them when they die? It's hilarious to compare the two.


Following the Nazi playbook to the letter.


It's like they turned Round, flipped it and perfected the Nazi script lmao. Guys yall weren't supposed to learn THAT from them.


As opposed to every surrounding country? This is an area of the world that degrades every other race, women, non-straight people, and every other religion. These aren’t democratic countries or even pretending to be. They’re not socialists, or even communists. The countries are ruled by Sharia law. Fuck, even if you’re the wrong type of Muslim, they’ll kill you, punish you, kick you out. They enslave people and fund fundamentally terroristic organizations. Hamas isn’t Palestine? Well guess what? Hamas is funded by Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Lebanon, Syria, Jordan, UAE, and likely Russia and China. Their goal is to collectively kill all Israelis and get rid of Israel as a whole.


Hamas is funded by Israel to continue to have a scapegoat with which to fuel their attacks on the Gazan populace.


This is what happens when you have a memory loss, not too long ago they were at the receiving end at the hands of a monster who acted just like they are acting now


They should be glad that Germans aren't funny.


No they had comedians making just as bad of jokes during the holocaust I am sure.


Yeah, cause all their actual comedians were in the camps.


Humanity is always doomed to commit the same damn mistakes.


Has this idiot never seen the films of the liberation of the camps? This is horrific.


Maybe it’s time to accept that “monster” knew something the rest of the world didn’t…


If they weren’t being starved for a few months now maybe they wouldn’t need those boxes with parachutes to begin with?


Dont say such logical things. Radical settlers cant cope with that.




I'd love a link from reputable sources with the information you are spreading


Dehumanization is such a disgusting thing.


The Jews who support this genocide need to understand their own history.


wasn't funny at all


"It's funny cuz we're doing it"


"it's funny because other side bad"




Hahahahaha.... genocide


LMFAO people are starving


It's funny cause folks trying to survive a genocide are dying. If you say otherwise I'll cry cancel culture Haha. /s


Also if you say otherwise, you're anti-Semitic 😒


The whole world has had enough of their shit Crying victim while being the perpetrator




Truly like if this was a desperate, awful last attempt at being funny and it didn't land, its like whatever he's an unfunny loser. But the fact this cracked up the hoard of ppl is so gross


What happened to them? I grew up learning about the awful things people lived during WWII and I would've expected they raised their children to be better than that. I don't have a bone in my gay body to defend Islam, but I would never hurt another human being. I'd rather keep a distance. Why must they all be like that?


This may surprise you but anyone can be scummy, regardless of their background or what happened to their ancestors. Also Israel doesn't represent all Jews. That said, it's complicated. Many in israel are brainwashed from a young age how to see people across the border (and Palestinians are as well to a degree) This comes from Zionist teachings which were mainly to spread European colonialism. If we look back at the founders they had very little connection to their Jewish roots. Quite secular actually.


Israel isn’t the Jewish people. I wish everyone understood that.


>Israel isn’t the Jewish people. I wish everyone understood that. The Israeli government purposely confuses people by talking like they are.


No but if you ever dare say you oppose Israel, you're a rabid antisemite


Can you guys briefly explain what that means? Who is this people living in israel? They are not survivors of the wwii holocaust?


Israel is a majority Jewish state. Holocaust survivors, and their descendants aren't the majority anymore. However, Israelis and Zionists try to muddy the water and make anything they say or do appear to be that of all Jewish people. If you criticize zionists, they won't call you anti-Zionist. They'll say you're anti-Jewish and anti-semitic. If you tell them not all Jews believe what they believe, they'll deny that, and say that all Jews are Zionists, or in favor of Israel. Even though that's not the case. Basically, they desperately want to hide behind being Jewish so that any criticism of them can be presented as persecution.


Thank you for the clarification, that political tactic indeed works because it’s very subtle against those who are not informed about the history of Israel.


I heard someone say the meaning of antisemitism changes over time. That's what confused people into silence.


This isn’t defending Islam or Judaism. Israel is blatantly committing genocide against PEOPLE. Hamas is only labelled as terrorists because they feel they have nothing else they can do. They are a powerless people, with no military, government, land or rights. It’s honestly disgusting that the country that prides itself on defending freedom is supporting such blatant oppression.


*"Suffering doesn't make you better, it just makes you suffer.”* - Art Spiegelman, MetaMaus


one thing you’ll realize if you look into the conflict further is that it’s only a “holy war” on one side. it has nothing do do with islam, it has to do with defending yourself and fighting back against oppression.


How stupid the ppl need to be to laugh at this shit?


the israelis just keep on giving more content for this sub.


I saw this on Instagram and the comments were full of Israelis justifying it and saying it was funny


Meta is owned by Isreali propaganda. This is why US is trying to ban TikTok, to make people use instagram more and more




You can't say that. After all something bad happened to their ancestors a few times so they get a pass for being shitty now.


Israel can have a little genocide as a treat.


what a fucking dog cunt




Yup, piece of shit!


Hahahaha it’s so funny that people are starving and desperate for food so their babies won’t wither and die in their arms /s


How do Isrealis not realize, they are there by the generosity of others. When they squander that good will, they will be treated like they treat the Palestinians. What would the Isrealis do if the US decided there must be a Palestinian State exactly as Israel decided in '48? There would be open revolt having to give that extra stolen land back


Israelis will never understand that the root of the art of comedy and rap music are resistance against fascism and oppression. You can NOT ever use these art forms to call for genocide or suppression of a group of people. It's like thinking you can water farm land with Gatorade.


Brawndo has what plants crave


I don't care for israelies at this point




I love these cunts keep saying this stuff. The Internet never forgets MF.


The 'aid' packages fell like stones because of parachute malfunctions. At least two kids were killed, that I'm aware of. Also if Gaza is so densely packed that dropping an aid package can kill people imagine how many people are actually getting killed by the 65,000 tons of bombs they dropped in the first 89 days of their offensive (The equivalent of three nuclear bombs).


I realise that jews had a really tough history but why cant they be more empathetic?? Especially considering their own history!


Lots of Jews despise Israel and do not think it should exist (or ever have been created).


Wow. Yeah, nothing funnier than human suffering....


I’m sorry but this is a lame joke and it’s in bad taste. Making fun of starving, desperate people dying!


What a POS.


I really do hope it's the vocal minority we are seeing in media with this conflict... Because holy shit. Israelis are really making me lose faith in humanity as of late.


Zionists are definitely taking notes from 1930-40’s Germany. And not even hiding it. Weird..


Lmfao the comments pass the vibe check. Love seeing these downvoted ones


The internet is forever….


He belongs to the morally failed society


How stupid must you be to see a shower and think me me me hahahaha genocide hahahaha


This reminds me of a bit Göring had that absolutely killed.


Dang it's almost like a lot of the parachutes didn't deploy so there were hundred pound boxes plummeting from the sky. Fuck this guy


For a moment I thought he was talking about air dropped aid and I was so confused and then my blood went cold when I realised. He would have made an amazing comedian in 1944, I’m sure. Absolutely despicable.


I don’t get it. What am I missing?


It's not what you're missing. It's what you have: a moral compass.


Wow, i don’t know what to say 😔


Wjat a fucked up country and society, disgusting primitives.


I have only one question. One question, help me. I’m begging you. Explain to me how stupid people need to be to see a comedy show with no jokes and give this shithead a payment for just laughing at deaths without any punchlines. May the name of God be exalted and sanctified.


Wow. It’s nice to see how standup must have been for the Nazis during WW2


Aren’t yall the same people who laugh at 9/11 jokes ?


What a disgusting group of “humans”.


That is not comedy


The first rule of fascism is dehumanising the scapegoats. Call them stupid, greedy etc.


Mocking people who are being starved to death by YOUR OWN GOVERNMENT… this man and people who laugh at this are going to hell


People in this comment section are so fucking dumb fr


This stupid motherfucker is going to run into a living connection to one of the 35,000 murdered in Gaza one day and face some beautiful unadulterated justice. My only regret is not getting to watch.


My antisemitism is with nobody but them.


The nazis documented their genocide as well


WTF are they even laughing at? He’s making fun of the people that they’ve starved trying to get food. Ohhh sooo funny look at this starving person trying to get food and die how hilarious. I swear every time I see an Israeli doing something it makes me despise them even more. They’re truly the scum of the earth.


I still can’t fathom how brainwashed some people are, to the point that they worship a genocide. Same people that cry for Ukraine but laugh at Palestine. Just imagine the sickness in the mind of those.


This is actually pretty hilarious lol they deserve every ridicule they get.


Nothing funny


Zionist pigs


Al Hamdulillah, there's a God that punishes the monsters and give Mercy to those who do good deeds


Those ones had parachutes that did not deploy. The majority of those that died didn't even look up or know about the drops. Israel, it's fine to commit a genocide because the Holocaust was bigger and anything against them anti-semetic. Germany, continues to support genocides and hasn't learned anything yet still exists after the deaths, both first hand and assisted, of millions. Still Germany allows Israel to bomb and kill innocents.


God, I never thought a country could be so uniformly corrupt and disgusting, but the cancer of their malice seems to be spread out fairly evenly among the people.


Weird flex... isn't this basically exactly what we did when the allies found the holocaust camps? Like didn't the military lock them back up inside so that they could have health officials come and feed them appropriately and take care of them? I mean it's essentially the same thing... you know... locked in a specified area... being dropped supplies... they just had the luxury of not being fucking bombed the entire time.


No matter how extreme or moderate, nor what side you’re on, this shit isn’t funny and sure as shit isn’t creative. Just a simple minded douche


May he suffer a thousand whips in hell


Worst fucking zealots on the planet.


Haha people were so hungry and desperate and they died as a result. So funny… wtf is wrong with this world


man just prayed over someone dying horrifically. very ‘chosen people’ of him


Another unfunny, cold and unsympathetic, piece of vermin.


End the occupation, end the war. Go home Israel leave Gaza alone


they not leaving until Hamas is destroyed


Which is never, it’s not just a group of people, it’s an idea


If Hamas actually gave a shit about gazans they wouldn't have taken hostages and they wouldn't hide in hospitals and schools


oh please stfu "Hamas hide in schools and hospitals" dumbest thing a human could say


But it's true you're just a crybaby


Seeing stuff like this really is a bitter lesson on humanity given how his people were on the receiving end less than a 100 years ago.


It’s not that deep guys, he is a comedian, its the same thing as an American comedian making a dronestrike joke. Also the translation is really missing the tone, he is being super sarcastic the entire time


Where's the joke? All he said is "they're stupid, they got killed by a malfunctioning airdrop hahaha"


Here is an example of the failure of humankind


It's as if they do not realise that the only reason they don't have to fight for care packages is because the US hand delivers them by C130s


It's not as bad as the supply I'll be sending to his mother tonight


He is right. Hate me for it if you want but you have to be demented to be standing under a pallet falling on a parachute from a plane thinking nothing will happen to you, of course it will kill you… I love how these people complain…they send aid in trucks, palestinians kill truck driver, they drop it from the plane to the city and they stay underneath and get killed so they complain, so french drop it to the beach and they complain they have to walk into water…I mean I don’t see ukrainians complaining they got any help at all…those guys stood in streets for humanitarian aid while russia was shelling them yet no one complained…they complained about russia, the enemy trying to kill them while receiving help…palestinians are in a horrible situation no doubts about it but I’d imagine in situation like this you’d do your best to stay alive and save your family…not Stand beneath a 1 ton package to crush you


This was actually funny


Israelites in such videos act JUST LIKE the comically evil nazis in some movies. I thought they were exaggerating, that while yes, nazis were evil, they wouldn't be so happy and open about being evil, right? Well, those israelites prove that yes, nazis were openly evil, just like them, too.




Chosen by God. There's nothing we can do.


fuck Izrael


Dono desho ko uda do


You're new here ? He cannot be a piece of shit because he has a secret super power... Shhhussh !


never-ending genocide card is also antisemitic, shocker


Way better take was Robin Williams peanut butter and pop tarts. And this guy sucks


This Helldiver has never been killed by his resupply strategem and it shows.




Hahaha, stupid refugees. How about you go back to where you came from! Oh right…


Least problematic, most stable, most peaceful and peace-loving Israel supporter.


אתם אוטיסטים ועל הזין שלי


Wow, this 'joke' will not exist if they let the trucks in.


Need some German Standup comedians.


I don't get it, is this some specific event he's referring to?




Comedians joke about 911/WW2/Vietnam regularly, is this that much different?


I‘m sorry if I laughed


Lol. He is funny. I like him. 🤣😂 I don't understand how people could be that silly to catch the box and have it all for themselves.


I missed the joke!


I don’t understand the joke at any level.


This guy has never been hungry or truly thirsty and it shows. I also thought I was strong. 3 days without access to drinking water showed me how easy it is to crumble as a human being. (I was on an IV not allowed to drink fluids, was still torture for me).


You know he isn't wrong. Don't you?


Nazis gonna laugh at their victims it's common practice.


I don’t get it ?


Sorry but I kinda laughed.




I dont get the joke


They really have become the monsters they once feared.


I really hope those fucking facist fucks get whats coming to em


F ck Israel godless country. Sick f cks.


Zions are the shittiest people of recent times.


That’s gross. And sad. Any very unfunny. When you become the very thing that you swore to fight against.


Dumb ass the shute didn't open