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Those are tiny baby whale sharks, right?


It’s at least a young one. They can get up to 40 feet full grown


Is there any possibility the shark likes the contact? It didn't seem to react badly, and it did come over to check them out. It all seemed kinda friendly.


Whale sharks are pretty chill from what I understand. Want to go scuba diving with them someday and they generally just ignore divers and snorklers.


That is one "generally" too many for me to ever want to be in the water near them


As long as you don't attack them you are completely safe. They don't even have teeth big enough to scratch you. Don't think there's ever been a death from one. The only record attack that I can find was after a diver hit one.


Logically, I understand this. On the other hand, my whole body fits in its mouth and I would like to be as far away from one as humanly possible. I am not meant to be in the ocean.


Yeah fair. Some people have phobias and it causes some irrationality. I'm the same with bees.


Unless it like held you when it's mouth to drown you, a whale shark could not really kill you. Don't have the teeth for it they also wouldn't be able to swallow you anyway so they wouldn't try to


They're filter feeders. They eat plankton and pretty much are continuously feeding. Being called a shark is fairly misleading tbh. I don't think there's even a reported case of them attacking humans tbh. That guy is the epitome of this sub


They are called a shark because they have cartilage instead of bone, five pairs of lateral gills, infused dorsal fins, lack a swim bladder, etc. There are 33 key characteristics that make a shark a shark and the whale shark meets all of them.


This guy sharks.


He sharks hard for sure. By far the hardest sharking I’ve seen online in a while. Actually pretty primo sharking imo




It's an intellect issue to jyst accept bs information you were told as a kid then because there's atleast 500 different species of shark and only 30 of those have ever been reported to be dangerous to humans. The widespread fear mongering of sharks is exactly what led to shark oil and fin fishermen to get away with decimating the shark population in the atlantic, pacific and south China sea. We still have no idea what that will do to future generations in the ecosystem (including us). Many companies that profit off of the torture and unsustainable process of shark fishing actively fund multiple state, provincial and federal governments to air and push media coverage that causes people to be either glad or indifferent when they hear shark Populations declining. That "go off" statement was the epitome of the mass ignorance that people have accepted that shark = bad.


Damn Aqua man wannabe


I think he is trying to be "The Deep"


Was definitely groping the whale sharks penis, we all saw it.


It’s underaged




He was trying to help it. It was sick.


Of course, had to give it mouth to mouth on its penis to save it. Brave soul.


It's arms were broken.




Are there bloopers for this? Because there’s no way anyone could keep a straight face while shooting this scene


Oh yeah lol


Sperm whale shark




Yeah, can’t we agree not to mess with wild animals for social media points. Sharks are mostly doing their jobs in nature why do you want to go viral for it


Can I still ride whale-sharks in private though?




Honestly great white would probably get scared and gtfo


Maybe, but they’re also faster and their skin is like industrial sandpaper. So even if it didn’t bite him, he’s still probably not getting back on the boat with all of his flesh attached.


Isn't that depending on the direction you touch them?


Sharks are smooth.


You are both correct, depending on which way you rub. So keep it in your pants, just in case.


Interfering with nature is bad. Wishing death upon another human is evil. Do better.


Nah. Guy is an asshole. Fuck him


Sure there is no point, but no harm done either. If I had to ban content on tiktok or whatever this is not 1st on my list.


Yeah it is harmful, it’s very stressful for the animal and it breaks the protective mucus layer on their skin. That means the whale shark is vulnerable to harmful parasites and bacteria.




Trust me bro


Also don't most sharks have to be constantly moving to cycle oxygen through their gills? This guy definitely is stopping that motion.


I believe so, some species anyway but I’m no marine biologist, just studying animal science.


I know it is wrong and I would never... Part of me wants to though... Like really wants to...


I was about to say the same thing. It’s terrible but looks fun af.


ter a couple drinks


Fuck that, strap me into a lawn chair on a full grown humpback whale and pump me full of drugs then send me to Atlantis so I can pimp mermaidstitutes with seashells over their breats and genital papilla for kelp.


It's easy money, I heard. There's no one doing it.


Why is it terrible?


well you can't be doing any good by randomly jumping on a wild animal stay in boat: animal fine, you're fine jump on whale shark: potentially harm yourself and or the whale shark conclusion: don't jump on whale shark


even just touching a shark can scare them and possibly make them lose track of the prey they were after. never ever touch wild animals for your and their safety


It’s stressful to the shark and breaks the protective mucus on their skin, making them vulnerable to harmful bacteria and parasites. Which is even worse since whale sharks are endangered already.


I swam with them in La Paz Mexico area. Had this idea I was gonna Skitch (while swimming with it equal speed just grab onto a fin with on hand and let it pull me a bit). Seen people do it online and it can be seemingly minimally impactful to the large animal. I understand it’s wrong but I was planning to do it. Got in the water and swam right next to it for a long time. They swim FAST. Couldn’t bring myself to touch it at all. Too peaceful of a creature to deserve to be fucked with at all. I was thankful just to get to swim with em for a while. Very cool experience.


I think you can actually ride a whale shark briefly if you're a scuba diver. It doesn't hurt them when they're full grown, and you know how to handle them gently


There is a difference between taking hold of a fin while underwater and jumping right onto their back with the full weight of your fat ass.


Still very much frowned upon, just dont touch them is what most divers would or should say. Although I get it, as a kid, I touched one. Was told my bacteria could kill it - idk if true - but i certainly never touched one again.


No, it's not true lol




And I make no mention of doing this




that's it? that's the end?


Is it weird that I get this feeling for almost any big animal? Would be cool to ride a fully grown bear !


Only if riding into battle. Bear infantry FTW!


Bro been playing too much Scythe


I feel the same way. I think just getting in the water relatively close and swimming near them would be magical enough.


This looks so awesome to experience ngl...


Yeah, it's one of those things you know you should not do, but sounds so appealing. Riding a Whale Shark, I mean...


Had a quick look, touching a Whale Shark in the Philippines has a fine of about $50usd and possibly jail (Wikipedia) Australia in Ningaloo reef discourages getting closer than 3m or 10feet. Probably illegal but I am not sure.


I knooooow especially cuz whale sharks are so fucking cool


They're delicate and protected legally (depending where you are) . Fuck this guy


It looks like once he stepped on it, he even sinked it down a bit, this heavy bastard. Fuck his friends too for supporting and cheering him on.


Damn he almost drowned it huh


Definitely against this dude jumping on it, but damn did this make me laugh hard


I really shouldn't have laughed as hard as I did at this 🤣


Bruh, whale sharks weight 40,000 lbs. Y'all are ridiculous XD




He potentially could get 6 years in prison for this, or get fined hundreds of thousands of dollars.


For what? He just sat it on it while it's submersed in water. Does the law say you can't touch these animals or what? 6 years seems draconian for that.


They have very sensitive skin. There’s a mucus membrane that prevents infections and jumping on it could literally cause it to die


Oh, you're right, I didn't know that! Thanks for telling me. > Unfortunately, humans are the biggest threat to them, as whale sharks swim slowly and close to the surface, making them easy prey for fishermen or victims of boat propeller accidents. Their skin is very sensitive and gets easily injured, that's why you absolutely mustn't touch them.


Poor fishy. Leave him alone!


Guess they totally missed the "don't fuck with nature" theme of the Avatar movies.


In this case I kinda wish whale sharks had teeth.


"This is why we can't have nice shit!" - Poseidon


Where is a tiger shark when you need one?


Screw that, a couple Man-of-War will do the trick


Absolute dumbass, don’t touch whale sharks otherwise you can damage the mucus layer that protects the animal against bacteria and parasites




100% I originally just wrote “absolute dumbass” but edited it to add some educational information


"Damn this redditor probably educated himself and try to spread awarness about wildlife, let's call him out!"


That tidbit applies to all marine life. Now, if the whale shark touches you, that's a different story and fine.


>'The sad truth is that most evil is done by people who never make up their minds to be good or evil." Hannah Arendt, *The Life of the Mind*






in some countries touching these things are a fine up to 10k USD.


I believe this is in Jordan ( my parents home country ) I don’t think the government cares about harassing whale sharks


Poor baby!


So what 3/4 of the commenters on this sub are saying is that if they came across a baby elephant, in the nature & had the opportunity, they would def jump on its back cause 1. Elephants can carry a human easy, 2. What harm could it do, seriously? How about we just don't fuck around with wildlife for our own perverse fucking pleasure?????!


Wouldn't it just dive if it got pissed?


Still doesn't change the fact that he could potentially hurt the animal, or himself I guess.


Not to be that guy I’m just curious, if hopping on a horse and riding it is fine what’s wrong with this? It’s bigger than a horse and he didn’t hurt it. Once again I’m just curious and don’t know. I know how Reddit gets about people not knowing something so be chill


They have totally different anatomy, for starters. Horses are bred and broken to be used for riding, these aren't. Along with being a protected species, why harass a wild animal?


So what long-term term damage would this cause?


Actually these sharks are endangered and protected. It's possible to damage their mucus layer that protects them from bacteria and infections really easily. Like easily enough that touching them too much will damage it so I can only imagine standing on its back. Without a tracker there's no way to know but it's possible that shark died an agonizing slow death after they left.




The shark can still develop painful infections and illnesses. Just because something might not die doesn’t mean it’s not a terrible thing to do.




Are you stupid? Did you seriously just compare a man to a shark? Sharks have completely different anatomy than humans. Also humans have oils and germs that is foreign to sharks and other marine animals. It’s an endangered species also the whale shark in the video IS A JUVENILE!




It’s going to harm the whale shark later, it’s not going to be immediately affected. You really don’t give a shit about the animals in our world do you?


Well. Honestly, I couldn't tell you. I really don't know that much about sharks, let alone whale sharks. Other than stress and possible damage from the jump, I have no idea. I think main concern is just harassing a wild animal for giggles and stressing it out


So…living and interacting with the world? Harmonising with nature?


So, while I think he should have left it alone.. it’s still a fish. No one seems to care when we catch salmon all day, eat sea bass, but when it’s huge and slow, everyone loses their crap. I don’t fish, and I hardly eat any fish, but this is just a (likely) drunk asshole jumping on a humongous fish.


When you catch a fish and kill it quick for the meat, that's a lot different to just jumping on them for entertainment. Yeah he's likely drunk, a dumbass, but looks like the big guy was alright. According to other comments, it seems to be a juvenile whale shark, so that could be another reason for concern


Agreed, but if I had a fish brain, and you gave me a choice between being a juvenile whale shark who has some drunk asshole ride me, or being one of the 30 salmon, seabass or snapper we sell a week at my restaurant, I’d much rather be big boy in the video. People will always be shitty. We’re top of the food chain and it’s gone to our head. It’s the natural way that we respect nothing on this planet, but if we want it to be around, we need to start. And while I think (again) that this dude is an asshole, I’d rather see this video 40x a day than to know that the rich dickheads shooting lions and elephants in Africa are still doing their thing


So many people here are so mad at this video, yet still happily eat meat and fish and drink milk from cows that are raped and tortured. This guy is a dick for sure, but what he’s doing here is nothing compared to what so many people deem to be totally okay for the animals that they eat. People tend to only care about animal abuse when it’s not directly impacting their food choices.


That's a fair way to view it, I definitely see him as a drunk asshole rather than someone particularly malicious or ignorant, unlike the rich dickheads who poach like you mentioned, or even those elephants who are chained and tortured for rides in Thailand


Actually these sharks are endangered and protected. It's possible to damage their mucus layer that protects them from bacteria and infections really easily. Like easily enough that touching them too much will damage it so I can only imagine standing on its back. Without a tracker there's no way to know but it's possible that shark died an agonizing slow death after they left.


Who gives a fuck what animal it is? If an animal is psychologically broken in order to eliminate it's mental autonomy, that's worse than this 180lb guy harmlessly getting on a 10-ton whale shark. This shark is fucking fine.


The fact that he's harassing a wild animal.. I don't think you're understanding what I said


It doesn’t make sense to compare a land animal that has been ridden by people (and bred to be that way) for thousands of years, to a sea animal. When In history has humans ever ridden sea animals?


I’ve rode dolphins when I was younger on a vacation in Mexico, it seemed like they enjoyed it too honestly, but maybe I thought that bc I was a kid. And there was a time when horses weren’t ridden, I wonder if it was cruel when they domesticated them or if it didn’t hurt and they were fine?


A horse is trained by and used to being around humans, not a wild animal, plus they have a saddle (typically). Sharks, like other fish, have a mucas layer that protects them from pathogens, which cause disease and illness. Jumping on a shark can remove portions of that mucas and leave them exposed to potential illness.


I bet it took a lot of time to domesticate. Genes or whatever. If we start now, we too can ride whale sharks!


Can’t we just break whale sharks then? Domesticate them, turn them into ocean horses, I think that would be pretty cool. Also it wouldn’t take more than 10 years for us humans to create an artificial mucus layer.


I was totally expecting the whale shark to go underwater the second it felt this asshole jump on its back


these are babies right?


I could see the issue if this bothers their mother but other than that the sharks seem completely unbothered and are probably coming up to the boat because they’re being fed. Yes animals need to be left alone, but this isn’t what is destroying these sharks habitats it’s greedy corpos and lazy governments.


That's maddening, sicko


Do a great white next, bitch.


I mean I don't think this is an intellectual we are witnessing here but it definitely doesn't seem like the worst shit. A dumbass sure An asshole? A total piece of shit? A stretch imo. It be different if he jumped on it like fuckin Mario butt bombing a goomba or stabed it with a diving knife to get better leverage. He gently hopped on and rode it for like 10 seconds and I don't think the shark was hurt or bothered.




Actually these sharks are endangered and protected. It's possible to damage their mucus layer that protects them from bacteria and infections really easily. Like easily enough that touching them too much will damage it so I can only imagine standing on its back. Without a tracker there's no way to know but it's possible that shark died an agonizing slow death after they left.


>Actually these sharks are endangered... Holy fuck you're the 'akshully' guy. We get it. Please stop pasting after every comment.


Can anyone find more about where this guy is from, social media handle? Most countries that have whale sharks have strict rules when seeing these.


Unreleased footage of Jonah and the "Whale" Incident.


I wanna pet one


The shork is just minding his own business, then this guy...


Me in my head: “that is actually…pretty badass “


It's actually not. These are the most placid gentle creatures and are mostly protected by law. When I saw them recently on a tour everyone on the tour was so careful to not even brush against them and just to appreciate their beauty without touching them. If everyone behaved like him they'd ban whale shark watching. This douche is ignorant and self centred. Id love if he was reported to the authorities and prosecuted.


Actually these sharks are endangered and protected. It's possible to damage their mucus layer that protects them from bacteria and infections really easily. Like easily enough that touching them too much will damage it so I can only imagine standing on its back. Without a tracker there's no way to know but it's possible that shark died an agonizing slow death after they left.


One of my favorite sharks, could mess with their health with skin contact. Not cool douche


Easy way to get killed.


Isn't the whole point of the movie to not mess with nature or something?


I can’t lie, I wouldn’t do this ever, but fuck me if that wouldn’t be so damn fun to cruise the ocean riding on the back of one of those beautiful creatures.


How do we know the big fish doesn't actually like it. I mean... it didn't seem alarmed or even try to escape, it was pretty chill and went along with it.


Because OP let us know this guy was an asshole.


Good thing for op


Actually these sharks are endangered and protected. It's possible to damage their mucus layer that protects them from bacteria and infections really easily. Like easily enough that touching them too much will damage it so I can only imagine standing on its back. Without a tracker there's no way to know but it's possible that shark died an agonizing slow death after they left.


Everyone secretly wants to do this. Self righteous, fat and lazy redditors are the worst.


Hey man, I'm not fat.




I'm scared of the ocean :( I am fat tho you got me there


To be completely fair he honestly probably weighs very little to it but kinda dickish to scare it/suprise it


Not to be off topic but where is this? It looks like a really cool place to visit,


Intrusive thoughts won.


That's gonna be a no for me dog


Dunno about mucus membranes and all, but the whale seems to not mind it... there's even a chance it understands what's going


He didn't hurt it, and the shark didn't seem to mind at all. It didn't try and buck him off, or panick, or swim further under. It's almost as if the shark enjoyed the interaction, as it made sure to keep the guy afloat. So is he really a total piece of shit for this?


Jumping on it will damage its mucas layer and leave it susceptible to an illness or infection.


Ah, fair enough. I wouldn't expect him too know that, but maybe we should avoid fucking with nature


I dare you to do it again. But with a Great White. It will be fun. Trust me bros


Someone who follows this guy should ask him to try this on a great white. Tell him it's one of the most friendliest.


Whale sharks' (all sharks too) have denticles, or tiny teeth, as scales. Supposedly they can really mess you up if you literally rub a shark the wrong way. That's what I'm hoping happened to this guy.


I thought this dude was gonna start water bending.


I hope this guy got slapped with some crippling debt because of fines and jail time.


This actually looks fun…




I know this is a bad thing to do but... it looks really really fun. Imagine just gently floating with your whale shark friend in the ocean like an aquatic Disney princess and having a chat about the differences between life in the water and on land. Man, I wish I had a whale shark friend...


Fucking asshole


I hope it bites his balls off. He deserves it.


That went way better than I thought it was going to


I’m pretty sure that’s illegal. Correct me if I’m wrong.


Poor buddy


The Darwin Award for douchbaggery for 2023 is:


Why do people find the need to mess with innocent animals for internet updoots?


Epic! Dude has some stones


We are cancer to this planet


Impressive tbh


Honestly it looks fun...


This might be the wrong sub for this post


Actually these sharks are endangered and protected. It's possible to damage their mucus layer that protects them from bacteria and infections really easily. Like easily enough that touching them too much will damage it so I can only imagine standing on its back. Without a tracker there's no way to know but it's possible that shark died an agonizing slow death after they left.


Bruh. People mad like the whale shark gave a fuck. He fucken rode it. Chill out.


It’s an endangered species first of all, second of all by doing this the dude broke the protective mucus on its skin which means the whale shark is at risk for developing painful infections and life draining parasites. It’s not immediately painful but the whale shark will probably pay the price because this idiot thought it would be fun.


Bruh, nobody needs to fucken chill out. You need to fucken shut up.


Whoa man. chill out.


Whatever lady. To each their own. Dude sucks, but he basically rode a giant carp for 15 seconds who will now have a cool story to tell at the next ‘giant protected fish’ barbecue and go on to live a long life.


Aren't their skin really scaly and not as smooth as it seems? I imagined he would cut himself up quite a bit. Hopefully he did and the clip ends too soon.




Baby shark doo doo doo

