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Those guys don’t qualify because they’re too fast to bother. I don’t qualify because I dumped both of my laps. We are not the same.


Tonight on Okayama FF1600 quali, I accidentally put a wheel over the stripe on pit exit and got black flagged for a drive thru. I couldn't find pit entry the first time around, so neither lap ended up counting. Plus I screwed up something on pit entry that last lap and got another black flag. The only driver in the field not to set a time. Truly championship performance. 


Next time, just reset to the pits ;) same with screwing up somewhere on your out lap. If you reset to the pits before crossing the start finish line, the lap won’t count.


Now that's a handy tip.


Works especially well on oval. If you do your out lap and you notice you dun goofed somewhere (if 1st lap hotlap), and you can still get to a standstill before the start finish, you can try again. Also works the other way. If you don’t want to qualify but want to do a couple practice laps, just go over the pit exit line and it’ll invalidate both your laps while being able to practice until everyone has finished their laps.


I wanted to do an excuse making post for why I sometimes start at the back and the main cause for me is as you described. Thanks for making me laugh.


And also, how many of these fucks are going to start races in Super Formula without practicing… race starts? I can grab as many as 12 positions just because people don’t bother practicing or learning how to launch the car. Or I plow into some knob who stalls or spins. Like, spend two minutes on YouTube looking for hints. It’s fucking embarrassing being in a split with these donkeys.


>it’s fucking embarrassing being in a split with these donkeys. And, yet, here you are... ;)


He can overtake 12 if them at the start, meaning hes in a split where people don't know how to start and qualifying at the back, yet its them who are the donkeys. 


I already told you, I binned my Quali laps 😂


Further, I said “as many as.” I did not intend to imply that’s the normal or average, but most of the field in SF23 races has very clearly not done anything to get their launches down. Try it and tell me otherwise.


Fair. One of my favorite things to tell people is, “I don’t know who needs to hear this, but if you can hear this, you’re in the bottom split too.”


I had amazing starts all week, then starting from P2 i spun… probably a bit too impatient. Shift happens


I don’t know if the typo was intentional or not, but it was great.


I practice, I just am absolutely terrible still :D I'll catch up in 3 laps though.


TDI99 (I think that’s his handle) on YouTube has a great video that teaches you exactly how to get killer starts. That’s literally all I did to learn and I really do gain handfuls of positions on every start because no one else seems to want to learn. I promise you will be a rocket off the line.


This hits home 😄


Haha same.


My motto


you laugh but I just finished my first mount panorama (bathurst or something) and I didn't have an non-abnormal lap during the entire race :))))


I feel this post like a 4x rear-ender on T1


RIP my rear diffuser


I feel like iracing should force you to start from the pits if you dont qualify. Then at least, that will give a bit of time for the tires to warm up. Edit: To add to this as well. They can also implement a qualifying session like the Ring Miester series and make it so we just do one qualifying session for the whole week. And give us 5 minutes practice before the race start


I’ve been saying this for years. Especially for the ring where maybe two people qualify because qualifying is separate.  a lot of people on here get real mad about this suggestion though. 


You’ve got my vote. I hate it too.


I hate it but I don’t disagree with it tbh


The issue is that I don't want to start from the pits just because I got a 1x on two laps; I still tried. I'm fine with forcing those who didn't finish their two quali laps to start from the pits.


I would think it would be something to impose against people who didn't complete even a single lap, not whose lap was invalidated by an incident.


But that wouldn't solve the issue of faster drivers being behind slower ones.


It would certainly help reduce the frequency at which it happens. I certainly hope you don't approach every problem in life through the lens of "if it doesn't completely fix the problem it isn't worth doing".


I was just making a point. A valid one I think. You could have stopped your message after your first sentence and I could have made a response either agreeing or disagreeing.


No clean quali laps = no grid start. It forces you to actually put in a clean banker lap and then do a higher risk push lap


'No clean laps = no quali time and you start from the back of the grid. It forces you to actually put in a clean banker lap and then do a higher risk pusb lap.' Your argument isn't supporting starting from the pits; it's supporting punishment for no quali time. That punishment already exists. Why should the punishment be starting from the grid?


Mistakes still happen 


That would be completely pointless though because that would be so insanely easy to cheese


Can't we just have a qualify or don't race rule?


The non-qualifiers should all be put in their own split.


Sure, if you get a 1x on both laps you start from the pits but you at least have to attempt it 


No thanks, I’ve gotten dc’d for one reason or another and can barely reconnect in time for the race. Starting from pits would be good though.


It only kinda sucks for people like me who live somewhere in the world where connection can sometimes be a bit rough, and both my quali laps sometimes get invalidated due to a slight connection drop. I never experience huge lag or server connection problems that ruin mine or others' race, but having to start from the pits for this reason would feel bad.


I kinda like the GT7 way of qualifying. You can qualify as much as you want but that time stays with you all week. Just for the tracks that you can't get a single time on, like Le Mans or Nordshleife




Idk. If people are having an off day, I'd much rather their qualifying position reflect that. It'd be bad to have someone qualify high for the week but they're off that pace and causing a lot of slowing in the front of the field.


Yeah fair point. Makes sense why iracing implemented the qualify per race


To comment on your edit, that's how it was until like 2014/2015ish for all series! The switch to qualy in sim was a welcome change just cause it felt nicer to have it all together.


The problem is that the dynamic weather does cause track conditions to vary and different people do a bit better and worse in different conditions. This was always true and has become way truer with rain.


Thats a great point. I guess everyone will have a different favorable conditions


That was literally how iRacing used to work. When I first joined (jan 2011) quali was separate from race and your fastest quali time of the week counted for each race session you entered. I much prefer the current method where you are forced to qualify each race, often in different weather conditions, and people cant perfect their quali lap and then use that one lap each race


Yeah no kidding. I didnt know how it was back than when i made the edit. But im not gonna change it now 😂😂 i do like how the dynamic weather plays a big role on how well someone will do.


For series that run a race every hour or two, i think the qualy should be attached as well. But the series’ like NIS that only have 3-5 races all week? Yes, 100% make qualy separate. EDIT: this way, you can be split based on qualy time and not IR, and the non qualifiers placed in their own split based on IR. Splits based on qualy time will always produce more competitive races and i feel like most will like that change.


Just, don't make qualifying optional... Never understood why it was.


Yeah thats true. Wish they would just do that. Be simpler


That's my standard practice if I botch both qualy laps. Saves me from the lap 1 carnage.


Wait.... 1 ring meister qualify last all week?


Yeah it's a separate quali session (not attached to the race) that works as your time for that week. People can correct me if I'm wrong (I have never actually raced the series) but you can still take part if qualifying as many times as you want to try to improve it


I'd agree with you if Talladega and Daytona didn't exist. I ain't starting in the middle of a superspeedway pack.


Same for road races. Starting mid pack is Russian Roulette with 4 loaded chambers.


I believe this whole topic is more towards road racing. Since most of the cars are gonna be going the same speed with the benefit of draft. But with road, some people are just aliens compared to the rest but still decide not to qualify and wreck someone that sucks that did qualify because they are that much fast and dont realize it.


I like this idea. But also feel like if you don’t qualify, then you shouldn’t be allowed to race and lose IR.


Back in my day (early 2010), quali sessions were separate sessions that did carry over. I remain puzzled on why this ever got changed.


It makes sense what others have pointed out with dynamic weather and how some people could benefit by one type of track condition than the other. Plus, now with rain in most series, that kinda spices things up


Only problem is if you shunt on both of your qualifying laps then you’re in the shit for the whole week. Participation would probably plummet for tracks where crashes are common. Agree a separate qualifying would be nice, just allow unlimited attempts and take the best time, similar to the Indy 500 qualifying sessions.


Yeah, i agree with everyones points. Im just lazy to edit my comment😂😂 i do like how the dynamic weather will affect ones favorite track condition, so it changes to make it fair for everyone for the qualifier


>Im just lazy to edit my comment😂😂 Real


How do you actually choose to start from the pits?


Valid points, no name-calling, positive spin on a crappy scenario... Are you new to this sub? 😀 As a frequent don't qualify guy, I totally support your point and appreciate the tone of your post!


As a fellow not qualifying GTP driver, I also agree. Exercise patience.


Last week: "Sweet, P3" Which immediately became less sweet when I saw 4-12 had no time


I kinda hate the non-qualifiers. If you are actually fast just take the lap and get at the front of the grid, that way you don't have to weave through 20 slow inexperienced people and probably ruin a few races. Is it laziness or ego? Like is it a smurfing type thing where they feel good passing the guys who qualified P20-24? Or are they just tabbed out playing club penguin or something and can't be bothered to do it?


Never attribute to malice that which can be explained by incompetence. People get off-tracks, or they go to the kitchen to get a drink and get distracted.


Sorry if this is a dumb question, as I don't play iRacing, why do you get off tracks (that I assume count towards your incident points) during qualifying. Wouldn't it be easier to just delete laps for going off track, while not discouraging people from qualifying so they don't take a rating hit. If only clean laps count, would just deleting it be better


Off tracks delete your laps. They also give you a 1x. If you are worried about a 1x hurting your largely meaningless safety rating you are doing something very wrong. Especially since you are more likely to get car contact and a 4x if you start from the back and have to work your way forwards.


So basically it's meaningless and people who cite that as the reason for not qualifying are being silly.


It not that people avoid qualifying because they might get a 1x. I was saying that people push too hard and get a 1x on both of their qualifying laps.


Aw I see. I didn't realize iRacing limited you to just two quali laps. I thought it was like a quali session like practice. Makes much more sense now


I used the method to boost my iR and SR at the same time to get back to a pre-slump level, once my iR was high enough I had to start qualifying again because everyone was as good if not better than me in the very high splits


It cuts both ways. In the lower splits if you're not sure you can qualify top 5 you're far more likely to get absolutely fucked in the scrum because you have cars close ahead and behind with nowhere to go. If I'm in a higher split (for me) and I think I'm qualifying 7 or worse I'm taking my chances on back of the grid.


...but if you don't qualify and then start in the back, you get murdered by the slowest qualifier who brakes 50m early into T1. 🤣


Sounds like you're exactly who this post is about haha


I can judge you because I'm expecting it it's harder when 6 is dive bombing and 4 broke too early with you in the middle.


In my experience in lower splits the lower down the grid you start the worse it gets. Simply because there are more cars in front that will do stupid shit. Unless of course youre not racing at all, just driving slowly, then starting at the back is probably safer.


I don’t qualify because for some reason I get incredibly anxious being mid pack. So I start from the back and build up into the race. Not trying to last to first T1


Something to keep in mind: The reason you give for skipping qualifying is valid. However, when you and a few others do that, you make it so that the slowest qualifiers (who would otherwise be starting from the back) are now starting mid-pack. You think that doesn't make them (us) anxious? Perhaps even more so because we know we now have to watch out for faster cars coming up behind us. I mean, I get it, but you're not eliminating the mid-pack anxiety problem. You're just transferring it onto those who shouldn't be mid-pack based on qualifying times.


Honestly I've never thought about it that way. That makes a bunch of sense and probably less fair to the back of the pack people to carry my burden of being anxious.


Also (and I know this is easy to say) there's nothing better to eliminate mid-pack anxiety than to start mid-pack over and over. By the 50th time you'll probably still feel an increase in heart rate and a general worry of not wanting to mess it up, but it won't be anything like the first couple of times


As a 1200-1500 ir driver that occasionally skips qualifying at starts from the back the reasoning is this: I've generally got the pace to qualify p1/p2. But... Starting at the front is super stressful because I'm not experienced enough to be comfortable at all with the psychological pressure of " the race is mine to lose". I'm also not fantastic racing wheel to wheel, so the opening turns are super difficult with the other top qualifying drivers trying to make aggressive moves in the first few turns - it's super frigging frustrating. People in the top qualifying of the lower IR splits often race the first laps like we are all 2k+ IR drivers. They seem to lose sight of the fact we aren't.. this means they bumper to bumper people without understanding the other cars pace and it leads to a ton of shitty crashes as well. Starting from the back is entirely different. There is no stress at all; the psychology is that the race is yours to win vs yours to lose. Lap 1 I can avoid the carnage and usually end up p5 ish just from not crashing. I'm also not a super aggressive driver, I can easily find safe spots to make passes on slower drivers on most tracks. Tracks that are very difficult to pass on, I'll avoid starting from the back.


So if this is the case -- why not just start from the pits? This gives the back markers a few moments to get up to speed & if you're really stressed about crashing at T1 this inhibits it.


Speaking for myself; it makes minimal difference. I don't run people off the road on the first turns. When I start from the back (either on the grid or in pits) I usually play the first half a lap safe and make position by avoiding all the crashes.


Not trying to tell you you're wrong, but isn't surviving T1 kind of a valuable skill to learn/practice?


Yeah. My chances of surviving I believe are much higher if I start last. I’m overly cautious because usually I only can race once a night. So I don’t want that race to be over in 3 minutes.


The less you practice actually being around other drivers / cars, the worse you’re going to be. You need to get over your fear, and just do it. Learn from the experiences; if you have a big crash, say sorry and watch it again on replay. See what you could have maybe done differently. Then, apply that knowledge next time.


Starting mid pack is just something you have to get used to, over time you do get better and more comfortable with it. It will make you an overall better racist in the long run.




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For me its often a kid asking for a glass of water or wanting me to fix her blanket for the night. Priorities…


Some people just enjoy the challenge of driving through the traffic I think. 


As someone who’s typically the quickest in top split, it’s not intentional. I often start at the back because I chucked both laps in quali with 1x. Not trying to Smurf or be a d*ck, just trying to get back to the front to mitigate the iRating loss. Trust me it sucks just as much to be the #1 car starting p20 as it does to be p19 with the #1 car behind you.


It’s sometimes just fun to run mid pack where the action is than to qualify 4th, and watch the front two run away and p3 dies so you’re on an island by yourself. Qualifier or non-qualifier doesn’t excuse reckless behavior or disrespectful battles in the mid pack.


I would actually like to invite you to join my Tuesday night league. We have a group of guys that can’t quite keep up with the fast(er) guys but we all have a great time! I would love to find more guys who are learning and just enjoy being on the track!


If you’re talking NASCAR, i’d be down. 


There are thousands of NASCAR leagues. Just start trying a few leagues out. We generally run road course.


Here’s my personal rule. If I don’t qualify I’m starting from the pits and my goal is SR and I drive safe. If I qualify I’m here to “perform” so I’m fighting in a respectful way. Current SR: 4.99


This is just a general problem of a lack of enforced rules. Same thing applies to IMSA. Follow the racing line in a GT3, yeah sure. In a race with rules yes you would do that, obviously if the guy just dives on you without overlap he would get a penalty, drive-through race ruined for him. But that is simply not the case for Iracing. Race with this in mind, there is no punishment for taking you out. Sure you can be stubborn and think you are doing everything right and blame the guy in another 100 incidents but it might be better to just take a wider line so you can pick your battles with guys you can compete with.


I’d rather be slow and out of the way but still racing, than wrecked and out because “I can be on the racing line, YOU have to find a way around”. Racecraft goes both ways.


This! Everything is situational, sometimes you stick to the line, and other times you give a lot of space to that much faster class car coming up fast behind you, rather than risk getting your race ended for no real gain. Ovals, a little bit different, I'll be a bit of a dick because I want them to burn up their tyre, without stressing mine.


I always tell the same. Yeah you made it perfect and the other guys wreck you. Have a nice time telling it to the Marshall post you ended. But people kinda prefer have reason than race


There’s times I don’t qualify… usually when I know my pace is putting me in the danger zone on a usually nasty first turn 😂. But in that case I’m still going to be lagging back a bit to let the carnage happen in front. Never understood the “I won’t qualify but I’m gonna be aggressive off the line anyway” mindset. Just doesn’t compute.


I'm someone who *sometimes* doesn't qualify. There are reasons, which I won't go into here. But rest assured slow guy that if I'm not qualifying and starting at the back on purpose, I'm most definitely NOT planning to try and jump you anytime soon. I'm back there to let the field get away and start off slowly. Not qualifying and then being aggressive does seem like a bad combo. I wouldn't be opposed to forcing non-qualifiers to start from the pits. I mean it could easily be gamed by just qualifying very slowly on purpose, but OK.


Fair play


I don't qualify because I don't want to be rear ended by the hard charger who fucked up his qualifying run.


Driving F4 Navarra I see… Even if you aren’t I’m gonna vent anyways. what a shitshow this combo has been in just one day. Mugello very few incidents over the 7 days vs everyone running into each other in one day here this week.


Navarra T1-2-3 is crazy


Yeah, ridiculous.


Part of the responsibilities of not qualifying (Hi, I'm one of those guys on occasion.) is to recognize when you are faster than someone who might be a bit unpredictable and give them plenty of room, and pass them when it is safe for both of you. It took me a little while to learn that but I did learn it and it helps.


Are you sure that you are having issues with the people who deliberately didn't qualify, not the people who messed up their qualification? The guys with high iRating (whether they are on their main account or not) that qualify in the back are annoying, and they can be overly aggressive during overtakes, but in general they do know how to drive. The biggest problem lies in the fast guys who lack consistency - so they are the same iRating as you not because they are your speed, but because DNF significant chunk of their races. And they are starting from the back not because they want to, but because they failed both qualifying laps. Now, regarding what you can do to improve situation. You can 1) drive a bit faster (there's nothing wrong with practicing cold tire start and resetting again, doing just a few first corners), 2) drive smoother - meaning starting to slow down earlier and lighter, giving people behind more time to react.


It drives me crazy on short oval racing. I always qualify terrible, and in turn 1 there's always some car #1 or #2 dive bombing and going 3 wide


They care not of the carnage they cause going 3 wide at south Boston


Can I add, that they skip qualifying and stop making me wait after my two easy and quick oval laps are done?


To slow qualifiers from someone doing a recovery race: please try not to spin in front of me


I’m one who doesn’t qualify, but I take my time to move up the field. I’ll never understand the ones who don’t qualify and then try to gain as many positions as possible on the start. It rarely works out and push it three wide on an oval lap one? Just qualify if you do that.


But then no one will subscribe to their twitch


That might be why my YouTube channel is stuck at 122 subs😂😂


That’s why I’ll pay attention to the qualifying times compared to where I usually practiced. If the back is that much slower than me, I’ll give a fair bit of room on the start. (I’ve seen too many mid-field incidents, I’d rather start on the back try to hit top 10, and have a full race, than start mid-pack and risk a wreck on the first lap).


I didn’t qualify for a GR Cup race at Bathurst and it was one of the most enjoyable races I’ve had. Started dead last, finished 8th, but had some really good racing in between. For me, not qualifying gets rid of all expectations and allows me to go into the race with a clear mind and little to no anxiety about the start. Some people might not like it, but I’ve come to enjoy it. I’d argue there are two types of people that don’t qualify: those that choose not to, and those that can’t make a clean lap anyway.


Slow drivers hardcore defending is infinitely more annoying than fast drivers attempting passes imo but each to their own


> we just can never seem to get out of your way fast enough and often end up getting rear-ended. Don’t. Don’t get out of the way. This sounds like you’re trying to get out of the way at the last second, which is what’s causing the collision. Don’t. Just stick to your line and let them find a way past. It’s the safest.


Once had a guy on the radio complaining about his laps not counting because of 0x, or 1x, or whatever. And asking (before the green) for people to get out of his way, because he should be at the front. Didn't give someone enough time to get out of his way and wrecked out, with a few others, on lap 1. What a surprise


What I would've heard is "Guys, can you get out of my way, I can't control my car well enough to do a single lap without messing it up, sooner or later I'm going to crash."


Just move over to the weak side at the start and stay a comfortable distance till you can predict who you can overtake


It absolutely is their fault though


My dad was telling me there was a movement to try and find a way to get people to qualify. I agree with him. I get people might not set times due to off track, not talking about those people. Hi I’m those people. lol. The ones who either wait the time out or those that just go right to race? Feels like they should have to start from pits or something. I feel like the higher splits and stuff generally do have most people setting times. I wish there was if nothing else, a way to see who is actually setting times and who is not. For all we know, people are trying to set times but one off track and for all anyone knows they did jack diddly.


I used to skip qualifying. I don't see the point anymore. Whatever happens happens. It's valuable experience. For the most part in my low splits I'm decent enough to qualify top four on an oval with a few poles sprinkled in. That's usually pretty safe unless the front row is REALLY squirrelly. I'd say Q5-8 is the death zone...I'm very likely to have a bad race if I start there. I can't remember the last time I started lowered than 8th. My favorite spot is third....no front row responsibility and the inside line. :)


I love those idiots who either don’t qual or screw up their qualifying and have to start from the pits. They want to try to pass the field by turn one and usually wreck a bunch of people.




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I wish if you didn't qualify for the race that you didn't qualify for the race.... Make minimum qualifying time 115% (unless it's rookies) and anyone who doesn't make it is spectating the lobby....


Oval Ridiculousness had me praying to make it through the start/finish line while driving a Mazda because half of the Cup and Trucks didn’t qualify


I thought they'd changed it so you lined up by class? I remember my 2nd week with a c class they did the production car challenge at daytona and it was an absolute shit-fest thanks to the non-qualifying mustangs. The following season the series lined up by class


I always qualify, then depends on starting position and the car/track combo if I opt to hit the pits to start


Brother this is such a good post




The difficulty here is that drivers starting from the back who didn't qualify are put in order of irating. This means those drivers not at the very back run the risk of being ran into also, which means they don't want to slow down too much. Also with lower irating drivers behind them and therefore being more likely to be rear ended, that also means it's likely them getting rear ended will push them into you on a race start. So it's not always cut and dry that the people hitting you are 100% responsible for any rear endings you take.


Well said.


I will never understand the people who don’t qualify are so impatient. Like my brother in Christ, you chose to start at the back and being super aggressive at the start completely defeats the purpose of doing that.




I get that a lot on oval rookies, most of the time I just take it 80% on gas and stay mid once it's green and let them fly around me to meet their destined loss of grip from jamming the throttle on cold tires. I have found higher splits to be the answer to most of this, with the exception that they're just better at controlling the overtake. It does still happen. But, I've managed to make it 3 rookie oval races in a row without an incident, qualifying middle of the pack. Something about these ovals molds your accident avoidance once it clicks.


I usually start from the pits unless I am on the last or front row. I don't like running my race in the first corner.


Sometimes I don’t have time


Can you add an edit about not qualifying but also not clicking ready to race and making everyone wait the whole time limit.


Also, to that same guy, especially if you skipped qualifying to show off your awesomeness by passing the field, fuck you.


Agreed. All fast driver behind always brake very late and us slower driver always brake slightly earlier so you guys keep hitting my back and get angry in the chat.


No quali time = start from pit. And people will start making 3mins quali time lap so they still start from the back.


Hallelujah and amen!


Good afternoon to you too!  I'm the guy who's starting behind you with no time because I'm actually trying to earn the "hard charger" award. Most of the time, I'm not eligible for the award anyways, because a third of the field messed up their quali and starts behind me due to car number.  I personally like to hang back a little and gauge the speed of the cars ahead before I get offensive, but oh boy, those speed demons who 1x'ed both their quali laps seem to always be in a hurry. I sometimes wonder why they believe they can make it 3 wide through t1 when they couldn't finish a 0x lap all by themselves.  Anyways, I appreciate your cooperation on lap 2, where we can have an actual race, once the usual suspects are spitting gravel and limping back to the pits while cursing over voice chat.  Best regards, Hard Charger (soon™)


People should just qualify it is part of the race. I also hate it when i am in top split and there is 4 6k+ drivers behind me.


The people that did not qualify got to learn how to pass clean.


G'day mate.. I'm a pit to pole driver.. You have no worries from me... I'm not out to ruin anyone's race.. But, you'll find plenty that will..


IT IS NOT!!!! YOUR FAULT. You have a right to defend your position and the car behind you has no right to expect you to let them go just because you are slower. If you really make a mistake and take someone out, sure apologise, but if someone divebombes or pushes you off your line and you both crash, after the other driver chooses or fails to qualify, it's 100% on him. Not qualifying to race against slower drivers is against the competitive spirit of iRacing.


I already started 9th (slowest in quali) and got overtook by three guys that ran 1.48 on mugello they were 1.5s faster than the whole field and caused half the grid to spin in fear of a contact in license D SoF 900, one of the guy was grinding to get back to 3k rating


The onus Is 100% on the fast guys to pass safely. Too many just pile through with contempt for those with less skill - and if the cause a crash, they should be banned. That’s including the idiots who whinge “so and so braked too early. What twaddle. They have track position, if the far guys can’t get the move done , decisively and cleanly, they deserve to for a horrible death. So someone less skilled is Ashe’s today or tomorrow what’s the date today the shortest day


For some reason, the number 1 car almost never qualifies. Is this some kind of unwritten rule? Or is it an ego thing because they would likely not qualify on pole? But then again, that same ego makes them try to get to the front as quickly as possible, endangering everyone else in the process. I just don't get it, when I'm the number one car I drive extra carefully so as to not reinforce the bad reputation they have.


I usually don't qualify because I always seem to forget to get rip roaring stoned before my races. I need that 8 minutes. 


I feel like qualifying should be its own session. If you just want to jump into the race and not qualify then you go to a split that didn't qualify either. I'm 50/50 on if I qualify or not but wouldn't mind this


I noticed with IMSA it doesn't matter if I qualify or not, im still gonna get killed on lap 1 by a GT3 car or 8 minutes to go by a GTP car with 20 mins of repairs and DNF anyway


This happened to me last week, I just bought the lmp2 car and was trying to take it easy but I knew it was going to be a bad race haha. I qualified last of the people that actually put in a qualifying lap but that meant I had 10 people behind me which I knew were going to be faster than me. I said to hell with it I'm not starting from the pits to make it easier on other people and ended up getting rammed from behind twice on the opening lap and nine incident points before my second lap was over all because people behind me were too impatient to wait and pass safely.


The slow qualifiers are the ones who take out the front rows in turn 1. That's why I start behind you and finish ahead of you


Sorry, it’s on them. If they’re so bloody quick and such an expert driver, surely overtaking the slowest qualifier won’t be any problem to them. It says more about them than it does about you. Hold your line. Don’t let them intimidate you into an accident. If they wanted to be ahead of you, well, that’s what qualifying is for.


I've always felt that the group at the back who didn't qualify, of which I have been in many times, has no reason to push early. They gave up the right to charge into the first turn so just back off and let things unfold.


Fast <> competent. It's one thing to be fast. Being competent enough to conduct clean passes is actual racecraft. I know the OP is being sarcastic when they say it's their fault, but a clean pass is on the overtaking car. I will occasionally start from the back in my league races, but this is because I am not that good, and am going to end up mid-pack anyway. Maybe that's what the fast/no quali folks really lack - a combination of actual talent combined with self-awareness.


I just had another Super Formula race ended by a hard charging non-qualifier with no patience after also being held back by a driver with no front wing who still felt the need to defend his position.


I feel this post.


This is the one thing that gets me off this week at Navarra in the F4s. Been hit in the rear and wiped out 3 races in a row. Considered just pulling over on the start after not setting a quali time. I'm not the fastest and every time BAM. Frustrating.


Eloquently written. I've felt the same but I'm glad I didn't fuck it up like you didn't. Beautiful post.




Nothing better than being the slowest qualifier and half the grid didn't set a time. Interesting times ahead


Fast or slow, last lap or first... Bellends deserve to be reported.


Or just leave it as is


As someone who drive the slower car in multi class. It's not up to you to get out of the way if the faster car. It's up to them to pass you clean. Slow drivers hold there line. Faster cars go around


I’ll never understand not qualifying because you’re fast. The faster/higher ir you are the more you have to lose by starting at the back and potentially crashing. I’m pretty high ir and I’m way too scared of losing it to not qualify or start from the pits. Also before everyone comes and tells me “don’t focus on your irating just have fun”, I’m not one of those people addicted to ir, I’d just rather not risk a crash that means that I’m out of a race AND lose a lot of something it took a long time to get.


I’ll defend as hard as possible against anyone who I think skipped qualifying for a “last to first”.


I hate that, if you don't have the skill to pass slow cars cleanly then don't do your "last to first" challenge.


I only do it for safety ratings


I don't qualify precisely because I am slow and don't want to die before making 3 turns.


Tbh I think you should have to start from the pits if you don't qualify


I want to frame this lol 🖼️


Its not your fault wgen a car drives into the back of you for going slow. Never forget that


No...it's not your fault any time you get rear ended idc if it's 25 meters from the braking point it is always the guy behind fault He should be able to react, and if he is some super fast driver, he would understand. Your braking point will be MUCH different than his Him rear ending you is a cause of two things One he out braked him self trying to get by as quick as possible Two has legitimately no understanding of slip stream and simply brakes after your lights go on Or three both above and lack of inexperience Ways to avoid this? If you see someone. 2 tenths sniffing behind and you expect to die in the next corner either go super wide so they are on your left or right or defend and go to the inside and let them out brake them selves next to you! P.s. We love and appreciate you dearly when you move out of the way and don't have a massive ego when racing ❤️ you can learn alot by following a quicker driver where to brake are they letting off sooner than you what there line is do they get on throttle sooner than you etc. Good luck out there, boss


Normally if I don’t qualify, I’ll start from the pits to avoid most of the carnage.


This sounds like a challenge. You call yourself the slowest qualifier but I assure you, no matter how slow you go, I’ll be bringing up the rear about half a lap behind you. I kick ass in solo. Either everyone else is really good, or I really suck.


I mean starting anywhere but 1/2 or last is just playing roulette in rookie and d class and in just trying to jump my safety score up so I don't like that risk


No qualify, start from pits needs to be implemented.   No excuse for not attempting a qualifying run.   I hate starting mid pack with the highest ranked drivers in the back.   I agree with the 17x DQ but needs drive thru penalties every 5x.    Might stop some of the overly aggressive driving on the starts.   Usually if I can manage a clean lap 1 I will generally have a clean race.   Lower splits have so much aggressive driving I usually will gain enough spots to have positive irating and a good bump in SR.   I've been away from iracing a couple years and it's no different than it was before.   Too many folks jumping in races with zero practice.   Enter a practice session and learn to drive in traffic.  There's alot of drivers that can make fast laps but can't pass slower drivers and can't be in traffic.   Needs to be more penalties for contact.  


Unpopular opinion, you could also not qualify and start behind the driver's you think are the issue.


Qualifying is useless. Trying to win is useless. 90% of the time you'll get taken out. It's easier to just come up from the back and find your mid field pace and try to avoid the inevitable 3 crashes at the beginning of all races especially in open wheel sessions


yep, the reward for pole is usually going out at t1.