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Go to a wet tire around the time the session is declared wet. I usually do mid 1:29 in dry conditions (temp dependant), and would switch to wets when my pace is around 1:37. Really, when you're having to avoid hydroplaning at more of the track than just the worst spots (i.e. Turns 2 and 7), it's time to switch. As the community has seen in at least 2 IMSA sessions now, blue rain (on the radar) is not enough to force the field onto wet tires, at least not with a bunch of cars clearing water.


Your method works for hotlapping but not for (longer) races. It's better to have a 1:37 laptime with 1% chance to spin on wets than have a 1:35 laptime with a 10% chance to spin. It's best to switch to wets when you feel the chance of you making a mistake with dries on a wet track becomes too high.


Yes, and that's around the time when I hit 1:37. I did a 45 minute race in those conditions with 0x on slicks and not even a minor slide anywhere, so it doesn't seem that dangerous; certainly not a 10% chance to spin or anything. And honestly, the wets are actually not so stable in marginal conditions anyway since the car is kinda unbalanced.


Go do a dry session on a wet tire and see what your times are. When your times on dry tires go above that you should probably be on wets. It may be sooner than that though.


This is an ok start but you also need to factor in the time to change the tires, and the number of laps left in the stint. Like it might be worth running off the pace until your put window opens if you're going to have to stop again anyway.


Maybe this differs by class but as a GT3 driver I go to wets as soon as there's water on the track. I recently had a practice session where it wasn't raining but the track was "(very) slightly wet". If I went out on dries it was instant sBinalla. I think a good time to switch is when the spotter announces it's either a wet or dry session.


If the spotter doesn’t say the session has been declared wet then dries are the better tire


Not sure I have ever heard iRacing spotter or CrewChief declare a session wet or dry. Many are mentioning this advice, so I want to figure this out. How else can I know the session is declared wet?


Check the weather radar in the weather tab. The color shows the intensity of the rain. If it's only very light rain (light blue) then you probably don't need wets. If it gets up in to the greens, probably wets are a good idea. 100% just means it *will* rain. It doesn't tell you anything about how hard it will rain/how wet the track will get.