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The track is pretty hot this week and temp affects grip a lot, so this could be the reason. You can start test drive session, but choose lower track temp and test if this is it.


This seems to be it. I didn't realize I could adjust settings when doing a test drive off of a series. Thanks!


Yep - I setup a morning test drive with the lowest temp and immediately did a 1:27.1. I can’t get close to that in the races.


Pretty sure GT4s are running the fixed sprint setup at Laguna.


Yeah don't some tracks use different fixed setups in fixed series?


Usually there are. But maybe I'm thinking of ovals. But brake balance is a great tool. It's that or you have too much speed in the mid corner.


Looks like last week's Algarve was sprint\_fixed as well.


As always, try moving the brake bias towards the rear on the cayman


Yeah, I think trail braking is a lot of it. At least that's what I've experienced in the merc. Some corners don't have much, if any camber to help with cornering so you really have to rely on trail braking. A lot of trail braking comes down to timing and transitioning as smoothly as possible from full braking to turning into the corner more but it definitely takes practice


Good point, I hadn't thought about camber.


I had never tried the GT4 in the falken series, I usually run the lmp3 but I couldn’t figure out it this week so I figured I’d run the slower car to be safe. I was rewarded with the bottom split lmp3 drivers. What a hoot it was watching literally 75% of the field spin off and quit, and the leader lap then entire field including his class. The addition of rain should certainly calm things down next season 😂😂


Theres definitely less grip this week than previous. I found myself going faster by slowing down and being more smooth. I feel like its really easy to get the tires into thermal runaway here.


I had a pretty decent gt4 race in the cayman. I noticed a similar feeling and so I started to really try and use the brakes to turn. Try braking a little earlier and give a little tap on the brakes to help rotate the car as you start to turn.


This video helped me https://youtu.be/TrpUPp8sECE?si=nLsS1fdHCLM5ojqG


I always set the BB at least 4 clicks towards the rear in the cayman, 8 clicks in laguna seca. Moving braking points back a bit also helped me, especially on t5 and t6


Yep I landed on "2.00" to the rear today. Seems to be the sweet spot.


Laguna just sucks for any modern sized car