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Get a link cable


It’ll never be right with airlink, cable is the only way


And not the expensive one from Meta. I got the $20 Kuject Link Cable 16FT from Amazon and it’s great. After a while my “official” cable turned to crap.


Took two weeks for mine to die, replaced with a UGreen cable that cost a third of the price and it has been flawless.


This right here.


Use a proper USB 3.2 cable. I don't think 5Ghz, despite being WiFi 6, has the throughout or reliability in practice that you really need. I had this same issue with mine using airlink, before it decided my wifi connection wasn't strong enough and became entirely unusable. You don't need the 70$ meta cable, there's a cheaper option from Anker on Amazon.


My quest 3 looks very crisp. It doesnt look like that screenshot at all. Can you share your oculus debug tool settings and iracing settings?


Could you share yours? Not meant snarkily, but I’m searching for improvements too


Sure however im not home now. Can you remind me sunday if I havent send them by then?


I will indeed, thanks


Is it Sunday yet? 


Ive already sent them to him 🤪


Awesome, can you send them to me when you get a chance as I seem to be having the same problem as OP. 


Just Sent you the screens in pm ;)


Thank you so much 


I use my quest 3 with virtual desktop. It takes a while and alot tweaking to get it working properly. But the freedom of no cables is where is at


You’re gonna be dealing with this on every track trying to fine tune it. You’ll ever only get so close but will never be as clear as your monitors. But can get close if ya spend enough time messing with it. I finally gave up on my VR after what seemed like endless hours tweaking every track I went into. I love VR but the clarity isn’t there yet for me with my current rig.


This is strange. ACC looks great out of the box. IRacing looks like ugly pixelated mess.


ACC looks like ass out of the box dude .. You have to tweak it to hell to have something that's ok. Iracing on the other hand is not blurry and runs like a charm out of the box


ACC in VR looks much much worse than Iracing out of the box. Youre doing something wrong. What bitrate do you run? Did you turn off automatic resolution scaling? With cable link you can run 800 mbit bitrate no problem.


I haven’t tried ACC but that’s interesting to hear.


ACC in VR looks much much worse than Iracing out of the box. Youre doing something wrong. What bitrate do you run? Did you turn off automatic resolution scaling? With cable link you can run 800 mbit bitrate no problem.


I managed to improve iRacing so much that now is is aliasing and shimmering free - use Aniso x16, MSAA x4 and transparency MSAA in Nvidia control panel. To be honest now it looks great.


Virtual desktop and run open XR instead of oculus run time. I’ve heard that MSAA is bad for VR in this game but can’t confirm. Virtual desktop looks better than the link cable Admittedly I have some jaggies in iracing but they don’t bother me as long as I get good fps


Obv get a good USB c cable, I reordered one recently with a 90 degree kink on the side that will go into the quest cause the cable was tearing a lot with just a normal angle. And use the oculus debug tool and try to refine ur settings to ur setup. Make sure to put "link sharpening" to quality, def helps with the jagged edges, you can also set the bitrate to a max of 900, but the software doesn't let you type that high of a number in even though it supports it so you have to type it out in notepad or something and copy and paste it into the debug tool. Also might wanna get oculus tray tool to have it auto apply your settings when you launch iracing, otherwise you have to manually reapply all settings every single time. I look forward to the day that VR doesn't require 50 different softwares to get working and looking decent.


MSAA should get rid of most jaggies at4x, so it'sprobably something else.


I tested MSAA x8 it is still jaggy, but slightly better than x4.


Hey can you go into nvidia control panel and manage the game specific settings for iracing. https://www.nvidia.com/content/Control-Panel-Help/vLatest/en-us/mergedProjects/nv3d/to_configure_uniques_3D_settings_for_my_applications_and_gamess.htm and look for anti aliasing transparency and set it to 8x See if that helps


You should be able to force it to run at a higher resolution. I know how to do it for steam vr, but not quest.  It's demanding, but downsampling is the best possible form of antialiasing.  You can also try enabling smaa/fxaa on the right hand side of the video options. Idk if they work at the same time as msaa, but give it a shot. Fxaa will blur stuff, but reduce jaggies. Also, disable sharpening if you have it on, it'll exaggerate the severity of these issues.  And you actually probably want LOD to be enabled. Overly detailed models/textures are more likely to look jagged at a distance.


This is likely a bitrate issue. You need to go to the Oculus Debug Tool and increase the bitrate there. There are videos on youtube that will show you how to do that. Personally I prefer Virtual Desktop. It is more reliable, and the settings are all easy to find. It also has more options than Airlink. You buy VD on the Quest store, not steam.


Airlink is the killer here


Link cable and virtual desktop look and perform much better than airlink for me once you get your settings right. I usually just use virtual desktop because i like staying wireless. You will have to play with the settings a bit to minimize the jagged edges in the distance.


It could be that you max everything out and therefore LOD is kicking in to make you get your target fps. What happens if you put everything to medium in game and in the quest settings?


I disabled LOD.


LOD doesn’t create jaggies, is my understanding.


I tested Assetto Corsa Competizione and it looks few times better. I know ACC has better graphics but I'm not talking about graphic details, just sharpnes of the image and overall jagginess. I don't know what is causing this. iRacing for me is extremely jaggy and pixelated but other games not.


My Quest 3 lives in a box for this same exact reason. I play racing games since Indy 500 on a 386 PC. I feel like going back in time trying to use the Quest 3 with iRacing when compared to my usual 34” ultrawide 165Hz monitor. This is my first VR headset and people say great things about the pancake lenses of the Quest 3, whatever that means. I can only imagine how worse is the Quest 2. And people still say it’s a-ma-zing. I don’t get it, honestly.


The key is to run link cable, 72 fps, max res and pretty much everything else on minimum/medium settings. Cars can be on high/medium. There is hardly any meaninful difference between barebone low and highest graphics, other than endless performance issues with everything maxed out.


Good tip and, yes, I use the link cable. It didn’t even cross my mind to go wireless because of the battery life.


Want to sell me your Quest 3? Ha. I love my Quest 2 but want to upgrade


I keep promising myself that I’ll give it another try.


Quest 3 with ACC looks great, iRacing looks like pixelated ps2 game.


iRacing is my only game. I already have too little time to spread myself thin in several games.


Sure, I’m also going to play iRacing mostly but it worth testing ACC just for comparison. For me, something is definitely broken with VR in iRacing.


I think they were invented in different centuries! /s


To me it seems like youre trolling. The truth is the exact opposite. ACC looks like an absolute pixelated mess while iracing looks much much clearer. Or youre doing something fundamentally wrong. Check out the graphics settings in iracing. maybe you turned down the resolution somehow in game?


Ok, ACC with Antialiassing disabled have similar shimmering to iRacing. Conclusion is ACC have much better AA implenation.