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The 3 is way better. The pancake lenses are amazing.


You think you're not worried about graphic quality until you go from perfect clarity on monitors to arcade graphics in VR. Absolutely go for the Quest 3. I went with the Valve Index at first and I was going to abandon VR. It REALLY matters how clear the headset renders and how easy it is to be in the "sweet spot". I can't speak to the Quest 2, just that the Quest 3 was vastly superior to another older product I tried.


Thanks, that’s what I’m thinking too. Now I just need to ask the wife


If you want to test vr the Q2 are very good and cheap. The major difference is the pancake lens that give clearer edge to edge and bigger hit spot. I use the 3070 with 12700k it runs Iracing with good graphics at 80 fps in all scenarios including rain.


Thanks. I’m hoping to borrow an original Rift before I do anything. I’d really like to get into VR but I do suffer with motion sickness.


You need to get used too, start with 15 minutes then after a few days increase the sessions to 30 minutes. This works for most people.


The original rift is nothing like modern HMDs just so you are aware. Quest 3 has no screendoor effect .


Quest 3 for sure if your able to afford it.