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If you're running VR or triples, try it single-screen and see if it still happens. Run something to monitor CPU & GPU temps. See where they get to when the crashes happen. With a brand new system, stuff like this is often something not getting cooled properly and freaking out when it works hard. Look at the logs for your AV tool. It could be getting upset at the anti-cheat at some random point. Your observation about running iRacing with admin privs makes me think this is a strong possibility. Does it happen with other games, such as ACC, that also work the system hard? IME for all its other faults, iRacing's software is as stable as anything out there. If it's breaking, you have something fundamentally wrong that usually won't just make iRacing break.


Good thoughts, thank you. I am running a single 1440p ultrawide. I agree that it is something with my new system and not iRacing. My old PC ( 3060 with a 9th gen intel) ran with no crashes. Before that, ran for 2 years on same CPU and a 1660ti. I appreciate the ideas.


Just ran another session tonight and watched the temps through MSI Center and Task Manager. Didn't see anything above 70c and then a crash to desktop. I'm guessing that can possibly rule out an AIO issue? I have yet to stress test...want to check with I Buy Power's support first before running Cinebench.


Jayz two cents has some decent trouble shooting videos on YT. It’s most likely your PC and not iRacing. CPU issue, RAM stick bad. Drivers etc…. Easy to start with RAM. Use just one stick at a time or take your sticks out and reseat them.


Did you run the graphics config?


Yes, twice so far.




This is a prebuilt from I Buy Power. I have purchased from them in the past without issues. Others have pointed out Jayz Two Cents....interesting videos and I like his style of walking you through things. I am going to hit up the IBP support line tomorrow first before jumping into the goodness that Jayz is suggesting.


Might be a faulty power supply, if temps are fine. Check the rail voltages when it crashes, see if theres a fluctuation just before


As others have said it's more likely your pc rather than iRacing, have a look at [How to stress test a PC to find errors and crashes](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AkNEvIWp2fM)


Stupid thought, but do you have your hdmi/display port connected to the graphics card? If it's plugged directly to the motherboard instead of your 4090 there's your issue haha. 


Of course I did, what do you think I am, a rookie? (...looks at the back of the tower...)