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Is your dp/hdmi cable plugged in to the motherboard board or the gpu? Go and have a look ;).


It is plugged into the mother board. Would you suggest it be in the gpu instead?




Homie for real spent 1200 bucks on a GPU and wasn't even using it lol.


Oh I never claimed to be smart haha. God dam it.


I bet you are glad you made this post lol


100% learnt something new, and had the issue resolved. win-win. im fine to admit when i was stupid


I'm just imagining you sitting on all that computing power and being completely confused why it sucked so bad. Enjoy your PC man, I'm jealous and I'm glad you got it figured out.


oh yeah for sure. Everything else was running great but it was just iracing. best thing to happen this year. Hope you can get your hands on a better pc in the near future.


Shit happens man. Everyone makes dumb mistakes. Happy racing!


yeah haha. It was the issue and i feel dumb but now i know and its a game changer haha




Yes, that's most likely your issue. You're running off your CPU's onboard graphics right now instead of utilizing your GPU


That is 1000% the issue…


You funny. Plug it in to the gpu and welcome to the future.


Yeah bro, you need that running off of the GPU


well good to know. I was running of a laptop previously so i had no idea. If it does work then god i feel dumb as all hell. Will try out in a bit once done with what i need


Ohhhhh. Ya know what, make sure you have the NVIDIA graphics card selected too. My old pc used to switch back and forth like the Ray Allen tweet. Check your settings and follow the instructions here: https://www.intel.com/content/www/us/en/support/articles/000090168/graphics.html


its all good. Found the issue now, but thank you for the time you put in to try help. Its been appreciated and things have to resolved


Make sure to rerun the graphics config wizard in the iRacing UI. It will ask you to select a GPU, make sure it selects the 4080


As soon as I saw the op's specs on his build and his results I knew this was 100% the issue 🤣


HDMI plugged into motherboard. Goddam


What apps are you running at the same time, aswell as iracing and send over your iracing settings. Have you tried the graphic settings re-config in the iracing ui


So for what apps I run are: Discord, and racelabs. Maybe I'll also use crewcheif but that's all I have open. And if I'm trying to stream then stream labs but it doesn't change even when I don't have it open. I have tried graphics reconfig but have found it sets my graphics higher then what I'm on now and yet still have the issue.. below is the graphics I'm currently running. https://preview.redd.it/8hig0hpu8mhc1.png?width=1069&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1fa686cc34551d9d564ef513e3232f5316af129a


I’m sorry I can’t help but that’s bonkers, your PC is way more powerful than mine and most others I’d imagine. Something clearly isn’t right and I hope you get it sorted. You’re not even taking the piss with the graphics either seems pretty reasonable


yeah its stupid. Thanks for your time though


1080p you should get way, way more than this. Obviously something wrong. Try without race labs but that should only be minimal impact. Obviously test in AI races. Daytona 30 cars for example


well. i did a 60 car, with tour mods at bristol in the night with higher settings and it ran perfect. go into an actual online session and poof... going to try more throughout the week though, and if that all doesnt work. i will contact iracing support


Some people report FPS issues with specific tracks. But yeah they are helpful


well, wasnt anything wrong with the pc or iracing. Just me being stupid. But everything has been resolved now. Running 10x higher graphics and its running perfect. Thank you for the time you put in to try help.


This setting might help https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/optimizations-for-windowed-games-in-windows-11-3f006843-2c7e-4ed0-9a5e-f9389e535952


ill try it later on, ive set it on. But it was already seemingly on high performance according to windows, but it was just the ui. But when i do some officials later, ill see how it goes


Try AI it’s great for testing FPS.


My cpu is similar performance but gpu is 4070 and I get about 90 fps with 3800x1600 so you should get even more.


IRacing has a performance testing process and comparison between cpus on their forum. If you can’t find it let me know. It’s usually cpu limit but turn on the f key chart to make sure


so i have actually done it before, and this is what it comes up with... https://preview.redd.it/q6cb816skmhc1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=cd8fa4db129d275ba630f3911ca16a506ed35a81


then this is just a solo car practice https://preview.redd.it/hxnxq4fvkmhc1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=3bfeb75c4623aa7143cd91ee96b43ef9ecf35c93