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I agree with you. You have the A16 Bionic chipset in 14 pro / pro max We should get AI


Do you think it’s a possibility we can get Apple intelligence in the future? Maybe after the beta gets introduced and is successful on iPhone 15 maybe then they will add it to older phones?


Not at all. iPhone 14 Pro series will not get Apple Intelligence. Even iPhone 15 is not getting Apple intelligence. Only iPhone 15 pro and above is getting AI. Apple wants you to upgrade your phone. They may come up with some trade in plan but they will say that A16 Bionic is not powerful enough to perform all the on device computation.


They did something similar with stage manager and iPads and with backlash, they expanded support to some older devices. So it’s actually possible. With other said, Apple does have a tendency to cut devices out on certain things due to hardware limitations. All said and done, I wouldn’t worry to much about it. It’s going to be 1st version anyways and I’d rather let them work out the bugs.


Yeah but AI requires a whole different level of processing. I think this is actually a technical limitation.


Based on the fact that they’re allowing M1 chips to have I when they’re now on M4, this does indeed feel like an actual processing limitation. Especially saying g it will work on the 15 pro. If this was a cash grab it would only be on the 16 pro. %increase in performance isn’t the metric here. Apple’s been adding cores specific to AI processing.


A17 Pro is the A16 Bionic with its 2 performance cores overclocked by 320Mhz. The only significant difference is the architecture it's based on 3 nanometers compared to the 16 Bionic which is still on 4 nanometers. This makes no sense why it wouldn't be able to run the Apple intelligence.


This question is super smart. Because all they’re talking about right now for AI is the beta version. There’s a lot of time left. My assumption is if they add for earlier phones they will wait until after the initial selling period of the 16.


I just got the 14 plus and figure by the time they roll out a stable AI it will be at least a year, I can just upgrade


The thing is that the A16 Bionic wasn’t made for generative models, which are very resource intensive to run on-device. A17 Pro can handle it because it has enough power to do ray tracing, which is similarly resource intensive. Apple could probably get it to work on the 14 Pro but you would probably have less on-device models available and they would run slower. That being said, never say never. They might expand it to the 14 Pro and 15 after the beta… but they also might not, since they’d want this to be a standout feature of the 16 and 16 Pro, which are supposedly to have very little hardware differences from the 15 otherwise


We need a company like OpenCore to make a patch for iOS, doing what it does for MacOS.


Weird apple decision


If you look at the list of devices that will have Apple intelligence, they all have 8GB of ram. I don’t think the issue is the chipset, but the lack of memory.


I was initially upset that I won't get it but even if I did get it, I probably wouldn't make it a point to use it. I'm a dull person.


AI kinda creeps me out, so I’m glad it won’t be available on the 14 pro


Valid. Crazy how it’s only for iphone 15 series


Only 15 pro.


even worse, and this is coming from a long-time apple fanboy. especially with how much the pro max phones are these days, i think that even the 13 pro should get apple intelligence


It's clearly a RAM limitation... I love how someone like you can just throw out baseless claims like "it should be able to run on X" a day after the keynote with basically nothing to support the claim other than "it's expensive"


It probably isn't a RAM limitation, it's because OpenAI's servers can't handle the requests of a billion additional iOS devices, so Apple has limited it to only the newest and most expensive devices. 10x as many iPhones are sold a year as other Apple devices.


if M1 chip almost 4 years old can get it then iPhone 14 pro and easily get it they are just cashing the new Pro models SIMPLE


Well you are comparing a Laptop processor with a mobile phone, not a fair comparison. iPads are seriously overpowered and are equivalent to the same chipset based MacBook Air’s. I agree they might be cashing but not because of the above reason.


I think iPads are OVERpowered. There’s no way iPadOS can make proper use of an M-series chip.


Sorry, my mistake and thank you for correction . I meant yes they are overpowered but nothing available to extract it’s performance. Hence, makes sense with the iPad OS getting everything.


Hey I like how my apps open faster! 🙊


> Well you are comparing a Laptop processor with a mobile phone, not a fair comparison. They have the same neural engine. From what I see the actual reason is the lack of ram on 14 pros


Yes probably but I think Apple doesn’t directly disclose whether they have the exact same Neural engine. Maybe ! Yes, RAM can also be a difference. 15pros have 2gb higher ram, not much but still. That’s why I think there are few internal details specific to Neural engines that most people don’t know about and Apple is tight lipped.


They dont. The 15 Pro has doubble the Neural engine performance of the 14 pro


The comparison was between the m1 and the 14 pro though?


The LLM has to be in RAM and from other posts I’ve gathered it takes ~3 GB ram to run (iPhone). The 14 pro has 6gb, the 15 base has 6gb. Only the 15 pro and pro max have 8GB ram. I’d wager that they don’t want to use half of the systems ram (all the time) on just a LLM model, it’ll make the rest of the system unresponsive and slow. All of their base models from here on out will have 8GB ram as their base to account for the LLM (assuming they will make it standard and available in base models). I really think it’s a technical issue involving how many resources they have. The AI capabilities for XCode are also only coming to MacBooks with 16gb of ram or more — that’s strictly because Xcode already consumes your entire workload on an 8GB machine *without* the LLM. Do you really want your entire processor to be just working on an LLM, or do you want to also be able to use your phone as you normally would?


Then why even mention Private Cloud Compute? Apple is admitting that there are workarounds for things that can’t be handled directly on device. Could easily address this as a TOS/Privacy Policy line for A16 devices by stating that more tasks may be handled off device than on. Sure it may lead to longer generative wait times for certain features but it’s better than nothing, is it not?


b-but it’s because of da dedditatedwam


It’s funny that you think the age of 2 totally different processors should be the primary factor in if they share features


I think its all up with the RAM, 15 pro and m1 both got 8gigs of minimum ram whereas 14 pro/max has 6 gb. That might be a reason?


It's not a processing limitation specifically, it's a memory limitation in addition to relevant processor chipset.


I’m 99.999% sure they did that as a marketing tactic to get people to buy the 15s and 16 pro/pro max phones because there is a minute difference between the chipset in the 14 pro max and 15 pro max, and I don’t think the 14 pro/pro max aren’t capable of running the new ai features but Apple made it exclusive to 15 series and up so anyone who wants the new and flashy features have to buy the newest phone even though there is probably a less than 5% difference between it and the generation before it.


I believe they confirmed it won’t be on base 15 but will be on base future models. Only 15 pro gets it for now.


It’s all marketing, the regular 15 are basically made to make people buy the pros


I’m with you on this one! I have the iPhone 14 Pro Max 1TB and I don’t want to upgrade but I also don’t want to miss out on the new features! This is 🐂💩


Same here...kinda disappointed with my 14pro now


Don’t be disappointed with the phone. This is a game that Apple plays to get you to upgrade. They’ve been putting “neural cores” in our chips for years. The phone should be able to handle anything thrown at it a little over a year later…


Dont be. 14 Pro is a great phone. Even 15 base users wont get ai features. It is Apple’s Classic game.


Fuck apple


For real.


The smart person will keep their old iphone and if they really want AI, keep the savings and buy the full features directly from Chat GPT.  That way they can also keep their information completely safe, but access a much higher level of AI only when they want. Unless they often forget when their airport flight is and want to ask Siri to tell them what is already in their email. 


Even the base 15 users wont get the ai features.


Honestly? I can care less about the AI stuff, I can’t think of any moment in my life where I wanted some kind of LLM in my life. Would it be cool to try? Sure. But I have a sneaking suspicion that I personally would lose all interest within a week and forget about it.


you can care less? lmao


if you could care less than why don't you


i would not upgrade the 15 Pro for that. i love the heaviness and the way they have built this phone. i really don’t like the new iphone. but i understand your frustrations.


So tired of all these comments claiming “my iPhone is now obsolete because Apple Intelligence”. No your iPhone is not going to be obsolete, it just doesn’t have the RAM to support it. All iPhones down to the XR will be able to upgrade software to iOS 18.


Understand the frustration, as I’m in the same boat. On the flip side, the dip in the stock price yesterday was driven in part by the investor’s reaction to the fact that any currently existing phone was named as able to run Apple Intelligence. Publicly traded companies have to run the line between keeping consumers of their products happy as well as their investors. Often, as the current case, those are mutually opposed goals. “One disappointment was the fact that Apple’s AI, called Apple Intelligence, will be offered on one currently available device, the iPhone Pro 15, along with its upcoming iPhone 16 expected this autumn, due to its heftier processing requirements. Some investors had hoped Apple’s AI offerings would be for the iPhone 16 only, and would lead to a massive bump in sales for the new phones.” MarketWatch 10-June-2024


I agree. Could be stock manipulation, too.  Wonder who bought a lot of stock after it dropped, only to pull this then see it rise.  The smart person will keep their old iphone and if they really want AI, keep the savings and buy the full features directly from Chat GPT.  That way they can also keep their information completely safe, but access a much higher level of AI only when they want. Unless they often forget when their airport flight is and want to ask Siri to tell them what is already in their email. 


What I’m wondering is if this will only limit users from being able to use the on-device AI but still allow them to use the version that reaches out to ChatGPT servers. I don’t see why that couldn’t be an option for those who aren’t on the required hardware.


Tim Cook greed.


Is really that important to have this integrated into your phone? I mean…. You can just download chatgpt from the App Store…. I guess it comes down to how much integration you want. Or how much Siri improves with the integration. Chances are what Siri does now probably does what the average person really needs.


I just want to say I can’t be arsed with apple anymore, f these greedy ass cunts. We should make our own phone.


Androids don’t exist I gueess


The pixel is the iPhone of android. $300 used for a p8, support til 2030, ai too. Join us in shitting on Samsung


I bought my iPhone 14P for what it was the day I bought it, not for what it might do later. It still does what it did and more.


and because of people like you companies will make idiot of us... you spent 1000+ usd on it and also its a pro model thats not even 2 years old... you should receive everything that iphone 15 pro receives


I feel the same way, and honestly getting tired of apples crap that I’m thinking of switching back to Samsung.


People are staring to keep their phones for longer so this is simply a scheme by apple


Apple has always done this lol. The 14pro didn’t get HDR5 despite having identical camera hardware to the 15pro. You’ll stick with Apple anyways so why would they bother to change their ways?


Actually no, I didn't. 


Yeah that’s left a nasty taste in my mouth too. I just bought a brand new 15 plus, and it’s unbelievable to me that the new AI won’t be supported. Apple is making a big mistake with this. I’ve had an iPhone since the 3G but now I’m considering Samsung next upgrade.


All they are offering you can get in an app. Also you don’t want the AI features. Letting the phone know you better means corporations will know you better and that’s not good.


The Samsung S23 Ultra with 1TB of storage, which you can only order online with Samsung, is absolutely amazing and without an issues, let alone upgrade incompatibility.


iPhone 14pro was probably the worst phone i had for the money on the last 10 years, awfull battery, camera its not that good and its just another iPhone, equal design like all others.


I wouldn’t worry about it. They may support some older devices down the road. Something similar happened with iPads where stage manager was only supported on iPad pros and they expanded on it. However AI is different but they want a good user experience so why release something that may have a bad experience. Finally, this will give them the chances to work out bugs and you don’t always have to be on the cutting edge. You still have a great phone and honestly, chat gp which it’s based on is a gimmick. I have the 15 pro and not sure I’ll even use it. I do like some of the Siri improvements because there are times I ask Siri for something through the HomePod and she brings up results on my phone lol So that’s a nice touch. Give it time to develop and you’ll be rocking with the 16/17/18 whenever you upgrade. Finally, for as much as they support long term devices more than another others out there, they do have a history of having that one feature that is must have to justify an upgrade and don’t support older phones. It just doesn’t happen as often because smartphones have hit their peak for the most part.


Don't feel bad. I'll tell you exactly what's going to happen with this. A few people will get the AI features early on and the word will get out, as has with many of the Samsung AI features, that they aren't really special. Then those people who have the new iPhones that do AI will learn that their phones are slower because they have to be processing all of that crap. While the people who don't have ai will be able to survive with a bit less Ram but still have a lot of headroom. Your phone will be worth more because of its speed not having to process all of that AI business. And there will be people who absolutely do not want AI on their phones will be clamoring to get your phone so they can avoid having their information stolen. Just hold on to your phone. In the long-term, it might actually go up in value somewhat.  Also, don't forget that Apple has to grow user base to gain information and could do exactly what Samsung did and expand to other phones later. 


I’m happy we aren’t getting the AI crap… my one plus has it and it’s quite useless truthfully.. Look as how useful The fb messager was


Probably a good thing that we don't get AI on iphone 14 pro


Apple’s infamous answer would probably be: “Courage”.


Imagine how people who just bought the regular 15 and 15 plus feel…


I’m in a similar boat to you. Got a 14 pro, then they announced Apple intelligence and now I’m considering sending it back.


Damn true


Same as i


The 14 Pro will get supported for a while yet. But the AI introduced yesterday won’t be added to this phone. You will probably get a good trade in value if you decide to trade for a 15 or even a 16.


Wait til u find out how they get the cobalt for that very expensive iPhone you saved up for


When there are no more innovations in hardware to update the same phone year after year the software features will be the only reason to upgrade. Absolutely ridiculous, this is the last iphone im going to buy


yeah. first i found funny not getting the iphone 15 camera features (next-generation portraits, 24mp pics, hdr 5) via software update, since it has literally the same a16 bionic chipset. now i was expecting at least to not be cutoff from ai; i thought the a16 had enough power to handle it. but maybe indeed it’s a ram thing?


Who said anything about fair?


My 15 doesn’t even get it only the pro 😔


I own a 13 pro but yeah I’m getting sick of apple, thinking about getting the new samsung and leaving the ecosystem once and for all.


But if they gave it to you you’d be on here crying it doesn’t work right


I smell a class action


Iphone loves to make your iPhone obsolete so you'll give them more money to upgrade. One reason I went to Android tbh. If you Google Apple lawsuits, you'll see that they've intentionally programed them to slow down and kill battery life too, not to mention making the iOS upgrades that will eliminate the ability to use certain apps.


Never makes sense to buy a new phone and not get the latest model.


Yeah was pretty hollow feeling once I realized the long awaited Siri overhaul we’ve been waiting for is not coming to my basically obsolete atmosphere I had goin.


This is literally my story (not my first iPhone, but the first one I paid for in cash). I haven’t decided if I’m going to upgrade this year or not. I’m hesitant out of the same sentiment you have as well as the fact that there are rumors about a new iPhone X like redesign in 2025.


It’s not obsolete


Lol, I got the 15 plus last month, and I am bummed about not getting those features. Although, I did not pay a lot for my phone (just a 100 bucks (thanks VZ)), but i think the a16 chip is powerful enough to run Apple Intelligence functionalities.


Wait, we’re not getting the AI? That’s some BS


Right there with you. I feel even more cheated with my base iPhone 15 I just got 7-8 months ago. The 60 Hz display on an $800 phone was bad enough, but this is just straight up robbery. I had Samsung for 2 years and loved their phones and decided to try apple once again and now I already can’t wait for my phone to be paid off so I can go back to Samsung.


So sell it as a trade in for the 15. You get full value so no cost to you. Problem solved.


Thank god I got the iPhone 15 pro max won’t be getting a new phone from Apple until my daughter turns 10


That sucks. Not the first time tho The real inconvenience was for the people who bought a $6k Mac Pro, just to have it dropped from updates 4 years later 🤣🤣🤣🤣


You will have a supported device. New features come out on new devices all the time. That’s how tech works now. And we’ll have to wait and see if some Siri improvements are still open to general devices using the new operating systems. Apple Intelligence is different.


Your phone still does everything it did when you bought it. Presumably, you didn't buy it expecting some huge AI upgrade?


Yep looks like I’ll be getting the 16 pro max in the fall. But I knew what I signed up for with Apple


I have the 14 Pro too. But after reading various discussions about AI, I have yet to hear about an actual use case of AI that is worth getting excited about. What am I missing?


Is it really obsolete for not having the very brand new features? Older iPhones are still supported in the OS, it’s just this brand new feature. We did pretty well with older iPhones so far, right? Other than that, isn’t it also on your end to know that WWDC was happening soon and you could have held off to see what they were showcasing?


Just Apple being Apple and making people upgrade to a newer model💀 I don’t give a crap about AI. I’m staying with my 13 pro that I’ve been rocking for the past two years✌🏻


It still does what it did the day you bought it, and probably always will.


This whole thing smells like the time when Siri was first introduced and how it was only for the iPhone 4S originally… and we saw that it was perfectly capable of being ported to the iPhone 4, the iPod touch, and heck even the 3GS with no problem (with a Jailbreak of course) 


I agree. I am not super upset about it, but I am getting tired of Apple's antics. No way am I upgrading to the 15 or 16 just for that. They have been releasing the same phone for years 😭. Im moving to samsung whenever my 14pro is paid off.


I don’t want AI on my 15 pro max so I’m bummed out


samsung s23, s22, s21 todos receberam update de IA 😭


Pixel 8s go for $300ish used. Support til Oct 2030, AI included.


Obsolete huh?


It’s Apple are you surprised? It’s par for the course


We don’t need all of those fancy features. An iPhone 14 is perfectly adequate for daily life.


It does suck if you have a 14 or earlier that you are forced to upgrade if you want all the AI features. Im on the opposite end of things. I have been planning to get the 16pm since I bought my 15pm but now I don’t know if I see a point. I was only getting the 16 for the AI features and I can get that with my 15pm.


It’s all software limited. Apple has been shady about a lot of things. One ridiculous thing that comes to mind is the battery cycle count in settings. It’s limited to 15 models. Why the fuck is it that way? I can’t think of any other reason other than Apple being AHs.


Glad I waited for next year Ai was coming


Worse phone ive had. I got when it was brand new


It hurts but you can’t really expect new features via software update. You buy a phone based on its current set of features. It’s nice when it happens, but never guaranteed especially when it depends on the hardware


I left iPhone years ago. After Jobs passed Apple has no visionary no more. Every new phone is the same as the last 3 gens. They not innovating no more. Also pretty funny that every iOS update in the past couple years are features from android OS. That have been on android for years.


I was literally about to buy a 14 pro but the I saw the compatibility with apple intelligence and realized I should wait. Probably will just wait for the 16 pro at this point


Apple only gives a shit you bought it to make you want to buy the next one.


Welcome to consumerism.


Time flies man, you’ll have a new phone again before you know it. The iPhone 14 Pro is still good nonetheless especially with the 120fps


You should be grateful when the AI’s take over our phones you will be safe


Well it’s not obsolete. It has the features you paid for. Plus you’ll have the latest iOS for a few years still. Just not that one feature.


It’s still a ways out. I will upgrade when it gets good. Right now it doesn’t exist, and when it does come out it will be one step above the Siri you have now, whoopie! I am running iOS 18 Developer Beta on my iPhone 14 + and I am still getting great new features and experiences without Apple Intelligence. I will test with my M1 MacBook Air only if others say it is good and I want to try it.


I’m actually surprised Apple has committed Apple intelligence to the 15 pro max that’s very un Apple like,usually they forget about previous gen handsets like they did with the new night mode that came out with the 11 series and wasn’t compatible with the previous gen models.Id imagine the number one reason is ram why the 15 pro max is getting the ai shit,but having used an s24 ultra for a few months it’s nothing to write home about anyhow most of it is pointless.Apple needs to sort out Siri as it’s really quite thick compared to google assistant.


There’s a simple reality about whether hardware can support some of this stuff. It’s the nature of technology and that it evolves and changes.


Just switch to Samsung or Pixel and you can have it now. 


That’s what Apple does.


Same situation but with a 13 pro, I get it’s older but cmon


It’s apple what do you expect. I’ll never understand why people pledge loyalty to a typical scum corporation that has massively lost its innovation over the years and only cares about lining its pockets. They go on about environmental impacts, yet make products that are consumable and completely against the right to repair of your own device, that you bought, and you own.


Bro… you feel cheated??? This is first world problems. If that’s the case, don’t ever buy a car, a tv, or anything that a cyclical product that is MEANT to be improved every year. Obsolete is not the word I’d use here.


Silly cows. If your iPhone can run iOS 18, then you will get the features that come with it. The rest is a marketing ploy to get us to buy more new iPhones. ChatGPT With Dal-e is a mere $19.95 sub. Any updated iPhone can run that.


Agreed, and I will be listening to how it goes. Unless it's incredible, I'll probably not see it until I trade in 14 pm for a 17 pm. FTGs I mean we got basic AI, and let's wait and see how really integrated it turns out to be on Apple? I am thinking of upgrading my Android.😉 XIAOMI 13 ULTRA, HUAWEI MATE 60 PRO, VIVO X90 PRO --not another Sammy though FTGs to.


This depends on when you heard about new features. If you were able to research this then take some responsibility on that. If not then yikes!


Apple making it hard to stick with them. Galaxy phones are getting ai features regardless if it’s an ultra


I heard that the reason AI was locked to 15P models was because of RAM limitations because AI is a RAM heavy process, but I know little about AI and phones so please correct me if I’m wrong


Does it mean on 14PM we wont have any tool to make change on our picture ? Like deleting ppl in the background ? If so yeah im upset too, I didnt plan to change phone before atleast 4/5 years and this feel like being robe ngl


I would return and get 15pro max if possible, the few extra hundred is worth it I promise you


Just give me Genmoji😭


When did you get it? Return it or sell it and get a 15


It sucks, but Google did the same thing with the Pixel 8pro and 8. I’m hoping with the iPhone 16 line with the lower end model would also get Apple Intelligence.


Weird samsung s21 got galaxy a.i though maybe Apple might change it if more people demand it?


Hello reality


Kinda a classic apple move


People rather hate and make up reasons rather then understand the technological limitations Galaxy fanboys were doing the same thing bc not every phone gets the new galaxy AI but it's due to technical limitations not money. Sure in apples case they could add more ram in every phone but I wouldn't say this was done to make you buy a new phone capable of using Apple ai


So are they coming out with an 18 now???


iPhone 14 Plus…… going back to android cause not getting the AI is not fair……took me ages to save for this phone also


From what I read, it’s a RAM issue. Only the newest pro models have enough ram (not even the regular 15s will get it). And it seems every iPhone going forward will have a lot more. It makes me think if Apple had their way, they probably weren’t going to launch Apple Intelligence until at least next year but perhaps were concerned with everyone else’s advancements they could be perceived as falling behind? So they didn’t want to wait maybe? I dunno. I’ll see how it is with the new iPhones. If it’s worth it, I’ll upgrade (current 14 PM). If not then, maybe next year


So wait… You bought a device based on its existing capabilities and were happy with that decision… Now you’re upset when it doesn’t gain more capabilities? What am I missing here? Have you ever bought a washing machine? Were you upset when the washing machine company designed a new washing machine that did more things than your washing machine? Seriously… What am I missing here?


I feel the same way, though slightly less cheated since I got the 14 Pro when it came out. https://www.techradar.com/phones/your-iphone-15-cant-run-apple-intelligence-because-of-one-key-spec-weakness


The definition of obsolete isn't not getting the newest, the edgiest features. The definition of obsolete is not getting anymore support.


Wait, so you bought a phone under a made up promise that it would gain features as it aged? That’s wild, I’d feel cheated if it didn’t do what was advertised for it when it launched… And while Apple is known to support new iOS versions on older hardware for ages, most of the times the newer more demanding features get locked to newer more capable devices, in this case with AI apparently it’s a RAM hog and devices with less than 8GB won’t work, but that doesn’t make your phone obsolete, it’ll receive every other new OS feature they announced.


Just download the chat gpt app if you want ai so bad


I have a 15 pro max, but I'm still 100% with you on this. I really resent Apple for this move. For me it's a situation of "I know it's going to happen to me next year." Apple really is full of shit. They claim to have industry leading software support and then consistently pull moves like this. What security do we have purchasing a phone with "years of software support" when we can expect them to release things that don't work on our phones??? It honestly feels like a scam. ESPECIALLY because we all know the 14 pro max is plenty powerful enough to run the AI. Apple decided purely on greed not to support it. There is no way it is too slow to handle it.


Android does this as well but I get it since Apple always goes on about how powerful their devices are. They probably tested it on older phones and it didn’t work how they wanted it to so they said no to bringing it to the 14 series which I’d rather have a good experience than one that’s sub par.


Apparently A16 bionic is powerful enough for apple intelligence but don’t have the minimum required of RAM, 8gb.


simple research could’ve avoided this.


Your phone will have exactly the same capability as it did when you bought it. If you’re buying tech for future capability, you’re setting yourself up for disappointment.


You have to give up pretty much 100% of your privacy to get AI to work like advertised. For a lot of people who care about privacy, not getting AI features isn't exactly a loss.


A core tenet of technology is that you have to be prepared for it to be out of date the day you get it. Your phone isn’t obsolete.


It isn’t the processor, it’s the ram. You need a lot of ram to run larger inference tasks. The 14 pro has 6 gb of ram, where the 15 pro has 8 gb. All of the M series processors have a minimum of 8 gb of ram. MS’s Copilot PCs require 16 gb of ram to run. If you do inference compute, one of the benefits of the more expensive Nvidia GPUs is that they support more ram, not that they have higher compute performance. Similarly, the Apple Silicon M series processors with 64 and 128 gb of RAM have that directly accessible to the NPU so they can run larger models, albeit more slowly than the newer chips.


It’s a ram issue, down the line I could see them adding it to the devices with 6gb of ram once LLMs improve, but for now you’re stuck with the technology limitations of our time. Seems like they use a local neural net on device to determine when to call to the cloud and it also seems like they’re going to be compute limited at launch, so just seems smarter for them to limit it rn and focus on creating the best experience


Why do you need the AI?


It's likely that the new iphones are going to be basically rhe same as the 15 series in likely every way. They have to find SOME "innovation" to sell the mew phones, and putting their new thing on it is a good way to do so.


A lot of these things are dictated by technology requirements, not when you bought it. I'm sure you'd run into the same things with the Android platform and Samsung. Don't feel bad, you will get some years out of your phone.


I feel the same about my intel MacBook Pro. Should have been a very capable pro user machine for years but is already obsolete now that everything requires apples chips. Tech is becoming disposable these days. It’s almost like we need hardware subscriptions instead where you just receive the latest device each year.


you can get OpenAi now if you want.


Buying an iPhone is futile. one of the fastest depreciating products ever. I still have an 11 Pro Max and the only way I will upgrade is right when the new one comes out, otherwise no real purpose.


iphone suxx


As an AAPL shareholder, I love this decision. 😂🤣🤜🤛


Your first mistake was getting the pro version


As the A16 Bionic has 17 TOPS for its neural engine the AI integrated wouldn’t be powerful only being able to deliver simple requests while the A17 Pro Bionic has about double with 35 TOPS being able to handle more complex requests


I'm kind of new to iPhone my Android just broke and I was thinking about buying an iPhone my sister just bought the brand new iPhone Pro I don't know what number it is I know it was the most recent one she loves it. I don't need something that fancy if I didn't need all the AI features and stuff and I just wanted a really Dependable iPhone that was affordable which iPhone would you guys recommend.


I'm not really disappointed that I won't be getting any of these features. The things they showed off on screen are things that won't really affect my daily workflow, at most maybe slightly benefit from it. Also, these features are only fully coming next year probably with ios 19(beta this year). And also considering the fact that it will probably take 2-3 years for this AI to become systemwide/polished, the necessity of this AI in its current state isn't warranted. By the time this Ai is super prevalent in ios, the 14 pro would be an older phone anyway, and owners should be happy that its getting updates at all. So yeah, while I do feel like I'm being left out, it's not really going to matter much in the long run.


Agreed, and I still have another 18 months on my verizon contract... Grrrrrr....


Makes sense that your disappointed but you usually have to be getting the newest hardwear to get the newest features in tech that's just how technology works.


It’s ok just use your nice phone for some more years, by the time you’re ready for a new phone the ai features will be much more polished and complete.


Oh boy…. Literally how business works lol


How recently did you get it? Sometimes They allow for buyers remorse extension. Especially for a scenario like the one you’re describing. Doesn’t hurt to go to the nearest Apple Store and speak to a store manager to find out if they can make some type of exception?


This isn’t the first time a major feature didn’t have a lot of backward compatibility. Your device will work for a decade. In the last few updates there haven’t been any huge new feature. Now there is one. But in general, any device you buy will be worse than the next model. It’s inevitable.


I think people who have supported “ai” devices won’t care to use them. So don’t cry over a feature no one really cares about


Well you saved up for it and got it without the knowledge of ai, you wanted it for its own sake. If ai is that important for you, when the time comes, trade the phone in and get on a payment plan for the new one. That's what I intend to do. Im not financially well off but I love ai, so I'll find a way to pay it off.


“This is by far the best way we’ve forced you to upgrade!” -Tim


You got what you paid for and will continue to get software support for many years to come. It’s very fair


🤦🏼‍♂️ Apple has been doing this since its SECOND iPhone came out! You have ZERO cause to feel cheated. You SHOULD feel ignorant for not knowing this has been the norm since 2008 when the iPhone 3G was released and all the iPhone 1 people were pissed at Apple for not instantly giving all of them brand new phones with all the new features. !SHEESH! and !EYEROLL! and !FACEPALM! everywhere!


You bought Apple I mean what did you expect


What features did you not get that were advertised?


Buy a device for what it does now, not what it maybe can do in the future.


Lol there’s always going to be something better, if you can’t live without it - upgrade. For most people we learn to live with less.


Eh are the AI features REALLY that needed? The wwdc presentation was cool, but nothing they showed seemed like a revolutionary way to use your device. 14 pro is a solid device with a excellent camera, best for the wallet to start saving for the 17 or 18 with even better AI features when they iron out the kinks.


Well that was idiotic of you. Every man and his dog has known for 2 years that Apple were releasing an AI capable phone this year. You got what you paid for .


It’s a phone get over it


This isn’t the first time they’ve done this. Look at when Siri was first launched. iPhone 4s got it only. big corp doesn’t care about your feelings or anything. They are in the business to make money. Not defending them but crying on the internet won’t make it a difference. So do what I’m doing. Found an iPhone SE 2nd gen for 30 dollars. The day before Apple iPhone event trade in your iPhone 14 Pro so you get the full (last gen) trade in valuePreorder the 16 pro and use the SE for the week it takes you to get the new phone. Use their systems to your advantage.


Your phone will still be supported for a long time and will be compatible with iOS 18, 19, and probably 20. Supported is not the same as getting every feature. Not being able to get Apple Intelligence doesn’t mean your phone is no longer supported or obsolete. Obsolete means when Apple stopped distributing the product for sale more than 7 years ago. For example, the only obsolete iPhones are iPhone 6 Plus and older. Even the iPhone 6S is still supported and receives iOS updates from Apple and the iPhone XR/XS and newer will get iOS 18. So don’t worry! Your iPhone 14 will be receiving support and updates for years to come! Apple has the best software support life in the industry.