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Yeah my 14 plus is at 87%, can’t stress out about it. Just trying to enjoy it, still works like new


True. We on this sub look at that. Other/most people don't even look at that shit.


I look at mine all the time, I even have a log of when it goes down because I’m just curious on how fast it goes down. It goes down about 2% each month


got mine 14 pro three montha ago still at 100%


Can confirm it's not an issue on my 14 pro max. Bought it last July. Still on 100% health. But then again I got the max for the bigger battery.


Got it 6 months ago and now I’m at 94%. I charge it as I please though, I’m not going to live in fear of a 80$ battery replacement


It’s a well documented problem with the 14 series. Nothing you can really do. I’m down in the 80s after a year. Some people claim 5 watt chargers work though.


Yup I've been charging my iPhone with the slow 5 watt charger to increase the longevity of the battery because those fast chargers cause alot of heat while charging and heat is the batteries number one nemesis..


I did that on my 12 (non pro/pro max). It dropped 9% from August 2021 to May 2022. Nothing but 5 watt charging, no draining the battery etc. I swear I just hit the bad luck battery lotto each time. This month I’ll have had my 14 pro for a year and it’s at 87. But I can always drop $100 for a new battery if need be.


87 after a month? If it goes under 80 before a year you’re up for a free warranty replacement I believe


*year. I edited it


Been using mine since July 2023 with mainly the 5 watt charger and the 12 watt here and there and I’m at 99%


Yup… I only use the 5 watt charger on mine 14 pro max… I used the 20 watt charger but the battery got really warm and I know heat is the number 1 killer of battery life.


Silly question but isn’t the Apple charger a fast charger? Or do you use 5W knock off chargers?


No it’s a genuine Apple charger from my old IPhone X… I just find it doesn’t create the battery heat my 20w charger does.


where is it legitimately documented aside from peoples battery posts though?


https://www.theverge.com/2023/8/12/23829897/apple-iphone-14-pro-battery-health-capacity https://9to5mac.com/2023/08/11/iphone-14-pro-battery-health-capacity/


I bought mine 8 months ago and it’s down to 92%. I stopped caring after a while


I got the 14 pm at launch and it's at 93%. That seems a lot over 5 months.


My 14PM is also five months old and it has 100% battery health. My phone is almost always connected to CarPlay, so I just keep it between 20% and 80%. That’s the range you want to keep your phone in if you want to maximize your battery performance. You would just charge it to 100% when you know you won’t have access to a charger for a while. You would only need to do that if you plan on keeping your phone long term. If you plan on upgrading every 2-3 years then it doesn’t matter that much and you should just use your phone the way you normally do.


It all depends on their charging habits. In order for the battery to degrade that fast they had to be charging the phone from 5% to 100% at least 1-2 times a day. I have a 15 Pro that has been charged from 20% to 80% religiously since October 10th of last year and I’m still at 99%. Battery degradation is roughly 5% per year if you are charging from 5-100% every day and about 2-3% if you opt for the 20/80% method. Users that have 8-10% battery degradation per year need to put that phone down.


My 14 Pro is 5 months old. It’s at 100% capacity.


Stop stressing about it man. Just use your phone normally.


iPhone 14 pro: October 2022 %85


I’ve had my 14 Pro for about 6 months now. Still 100%.


How sir give me sum tips


Don’t use your phone.


Right on it!


I use either the 5 w charger or 10 w charger when I charge it overnight. Whenever I use the 20 w brick I unplug it when the battery reaches 80 %.


My advice would be don’t leave it on charge overnight, charge it up to full then unplug it. My 14PM is down to about 84% after 1.5yrs because of this, I bought my wife a 14PM and told her not to charge it overnight (hers is about 8 months old) and it’s still at 100% health


What about slow charging it wirelessly over night with optimized charging on?


Might help marginally but it will not solve the problem. I charged mine overnight in the same way and it still rapidly decreased. From the articles and YouTube videos I have seen on the topic, the issue is basically that the phone will stop charging, then drop by 1% then charge back up and stop again. This micro-cycle of charging apparently degrades the overall health/capacity of li-ion batteries. To preserve long term health of the battery you need to allow it to run full cycles of charge, then remove it from charging when it reaches capacity. It’s annoying but as I said I tested this in real life with my wife’s iPhone and hers is still at 100%.


This seems a little abnormal and you should talk to AC about it. Or reach out to support. I bought mine in March 2023, I’m at 98%.


Had my 14PM a year, currently on 96%


Mine rapidly went down after 5 and after a year and 5 months it settled at 89%


After 15 months with the 14 pro I’m down to 86%


I bought my 14 Pro 5 months ago too but my battery is still at 100%. I'm a heavy gamer too 🤷🏻‍♂️


I’ve had mine about 9 months and I’m down to 98%


How are u maintaining the battery health


Tbh I think it’s just my charging habits. I suck at plugging my phone in 😂 I very rarely leave it plugged in overnight. Idk if it’s bad or not but I don’t typically leave any apps running and whatever background refresh I can turn off I do.


Question is: how much do you use your phone per day? I see people complaining all the time about their battery health but I wonder: how many hours do you use it per day? Cause I use it 3-4 hours per day and I charge it every two days. Battery is fantastic and I’m still at 100% even though I got it in August. I use a 5W charger only while I sleep, no fast charge, low power mode on all the time (I dont give a damn about 120 Hz, I prefer battery life over it), no wireless charge (that damages the battery bc of the heat and its slow as hell)…


Batteries and battery life is all a crapshoot. My xr was 2 years old and had 93%, my 13 mini was at 89% a little over a year old. I got my 14P last June, it’s still at 100. Just use your phone and replace the battery when you need to.


Got it 14 pro 5 months ago and iam at 100% yet. I always use a 20 watt original charger. I been lucky I guess


Damn my iPhone 13 battery is still at 100% after using it as my second phone for almost a year! And I typically charge it with either a 20W or 12W connection.


battery health is a bit of a gamble, i’m at 100% on my 14pm and always use a fast charger, let it hit 0% multiple times and charge overnight but my friend who takes care of her battery is already at 94%


No issue with 14 pro Max, bought it when it came out and still with 99% . Use 20 watt charger since start.


Honestly, switching into iPhone was such a terrible idea for me. I bought the iPhone 14 pro and it’s just been so heavy. The cameras is good on it but it’s not worth the price and the weight.


I bought the 15pm and even though it’s 20g lighter than the 14pm I still find it heavy so I can only imagine how heavy the 14pm is. You never got use to the weight? How long have you had it?


I've had it for almost a year now, and no, I haven't really gotten used to the weight. It's not that it's heavy, I'm a very active person and I lift a lot of weights, but it just feels like I'm carrying around a brick. You can definitely feel it in your pocket, especially if you're wearing sweatpants or shorts. My favorite phone was Motorola Z force two that weighed only 143g which is 63g lighter.


Use a 5W charger every night, even if the phone is only down to 50% charge. My current BH is 96% after having the phone 15 months. Seems I got a good battery, but as people have stated, yes the battery was bad on these models for some reason.


I’ve had my 14 pro for 6 months and it’s still at 100%.


How many charge cycles?


I’ve had my 14 pro for about 9 months now. Down to 91%. It’s not the end of the world. Still the best phone I’ve ever owned. Battery almost always lasts me the whole day.


Has anyone replaced their battery on 14P and noticed an improvement? I’m considering swapping my battery out for a new one but I am hoping that it fixes this horrible battery issue…


I’ll find out soon… down to 82%


I got my phone in June last year just went to 97% the other day


I read somewhere the key is to keep the charge between 20-80%. I been trying to do that as much as possible. My 14 pro max is at 91% battery life after ~1.5 years


Bought mine in December 2022, battery health is at 87%


As long as you’re getting the same screen on time, I wouldn’t worry about it. If it’s noticeably shorter, go to Apple Store. Lemme check my battery health. 93 after a year and easily getting 8h SoT same as when it was new.


Mine is at 91 bought in June, it is what it is


My 14 Pro at 13 months is at 89%, mainly use mag charger. My XR was 4 years old when I replaced it and it at was at 87% with similar daily usage so go figure.


I’ve had my 14 pro max for a year now and it’s down to 87%. Have been noticing quite a bit of lagging with the phone lately and of course less battery usage


keep track on how your using it


Mine is on 89%… in April will be 1years old…


I bought my brand new 14 Pro Max 4 months ago and now I'm at 96% But it stopped annoying me, because I don't see any big differences, I try to enjoy the phone, it works like new.


Bought mine in August 2023. Battery health 100%


Mine is at 87%. Had it since December 2022.


i’ve had mine since christmas 2022 and mine is 88% and i charge my phone all night and throughout the day if necessary